

在 okay發音產品中有18篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過2萬的網紅曼蒂英文,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 好好好~我會處理ok👌🏽 Okay okay, I’ll see to it🤯 - see to 某人/ 某事 = 處理、辦理、 應付 . 情境1 💁🏼‍♂️These letters need posting. 這些信需要寄出去。 🙋🏻‍♀️I'll see to them later. 我...

 同時也有3部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過49萬的網紅哥倫布 Columbus,也在其Youtube影片中提到,我的文法課程 ▶ https://grammar.cool/ 我的發音課程 ▶ https://columbus.cool/ ✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨ 我的免費講義 ▶ https://columbus.english.cool/ 我的英語教學部落格 ▶ https://english.cool/ ...

okay發音 在 ishun Instagram 的最讚貼文

2021-06-16 11:38:25

某次在巴黎一場派對裡,認識了一個男生,Frank。 典型好看的亞洲面孔,冷酷俊挺的鼻樑上是一對偏細窄但炯炯有神、睫毛濃密的鳳眼,那是以單眼皮來說,恰如其分的飽滿而且怎樣都不會說是小眼睛的那種好看的單眼皮眼睛,在濃密且弧度平緩的眉毛和菱角分明的顴骨之間閃閃發光的和我對望。 他的眼神,即便在東亞人特...

okay發音 在 瘋查某尬英文 Instagram 的最讚貼文

2021-02-03 16:56:45

#開聲音聽發音  #記得收藏分享標記朋友❤️  除了大老闆 Santa Claus 以外,你還知道什麼經典的聖誕節人物呢?  可以對照著圖片上的中文翻譯來讀懂以下的英文介紹喔😊😊  🎄 聖誕精靈 Legend has it that the elves live with Santa...

okay發音 在 Kim✖️獨立小店✖️翻譯日常 Instagram 的最佳解答

2021-07-11 10:06:23

常常有人問我,平平都是台灣人、在台灣受教育,你為什麼英文這麼溜?有什麼撇步?  《本文由 @citytalknyc 邀約合作》  ℹ️City Talk是個來自紐約的專業英語教師團隊,打造適合台灣人的情境式、全英語線上即時真人英語課程,更多課程資訊與特別優惠在文末。  我覺得,真正要內化...

  • okay發音 在 曼蒂英文 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-07-15 18:49:26
    有 71 人按讚

    Okay okay, I’ll see to it🤯
    see to 某人/ 某事
    = 處理、辦理、 應付
    💁🏼‍♂️These letters need posting.

    🙋🏻‍♀️I'll see to them later.
    💁🏼‍♂️ Mrs Chapman asked for some help with the orders.

    💁🏻‍♀️Could you see to it?


  • okay發音 在 曼蒂英文 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-01-27 22:46:58
    有 31 人按讚

    There’re lots of ways to be successful but some people are just born rich.
    It’s okay to be dumped, your next partner will be worse.
    Sometimes if you don't try, you won't know how hopeless you can feel.

  • okay發音 在 Winnie Loves Yoga Facebook 的精選貼文

    2020-05-10 14:03:48
    有 254 人按讚

    💬 學習瑜珈就像學習語言一樣,從單字、發音、文法等基本練習開始。想當初,我們是花了多少時間從ㄅㄆㄇㄈ、ABCD開始建立記憶,才有辦法開始不費力的聽說讀寫 ·
    或許因為社群媒體的影響,越來越多人開始找尋「速成」的瑜珈練習方式。chaturanga還沒穩但只想練烏鴉、學三堂拜日式就想手倒立、或不知道下犬是什麼然後出現在高難度動作的工作坊⋯😶 所以我必須誠實說,做很難的動作或選強度最高的課不會把你變成更厲害的練習者 (!!!),反而令人憂心的是受傷的風險。想想看,如果小學生單字(基本體位法)都還不熟,有辦法上高中的寫作或理論課嗎?·
    身為老師兼教室的管理者,當然希望能把自己最精華的練習帶給大家。因為不希望大家走上自己以前的冤枉路,還是會苦口婆心的勸初學者把基礎的練習建立好再循序漸進地改變練習的強度。基礎不是boring,體位法美照也不是end goal,超越隔壁同學更不是練習的重點。固定、持之以恆的練習才是瑜珈真正能帶給我們的改變 ·
    教學進入到第五個年頭,自己的心態和對體位法的要求也和以前有所不同。或許現階段的我不是適合每一個人的老師,and that’s really okay! 能夠付出真心保護身邊的人、在對的時候給予適當的調整,這才是比招生、賺錢來得更重要的職業道德😌 ·
    Confession done

  • okay發音 在 哥倫布 Columbus Youtube 的精選貼文

    2019-08-12 21:12:37

    我的文法課程 ▶ https://grammar.cool/
    我的發音課程 ▶ https://columbus.cool/


    我的免費講義 ▶ https://columbus.english.cool/
    我的英語教學部落格 ▶ https://english.cool/
    我的 FB ▶ https://www.facebook.com/littlecolumbus
    我的 IG ▶ @littlecolumbus


    課程相關問題請聯絡 ▶ courses@english.cool
    合作邀約請聯絡 ▶ columbus@english.cool


    我是哥倫布!我是在加拿大長大的香港人!現在喜歡在 YouTube 做出有趣好懂的英文教學內容。
    YouTube 頻道外,我在 2020 年創立了 English.Cool 英文庫,目前已成為台灣/香港地區 No.1 英文教學資訊網站!


    1. Here's Johnny
    2. Greetings (過時了)
    3. Salutations (過時了)
    4. Greetings and Salutations (過時了)
    5. What's the good word? (過時了)
    6. Good day
    7. Good morning
    8. mornin'
    9. Good afternoon
    10. Good evening
    11. How do you do?
    12. It's nice to see you
    13. It's good to see you
    14. It's a pleasure to meet you
    15. Pleased to meet you
    16. Yo
    17. Hi
    18. Hi there
    19. Hello
    20. Hello there
    21. Hey
    22. Hey there
    23. What's up
    24. Sup
    25. Whazzup
    26. Whaddup
    27. How are you?
    28. How are you doing?
    29. How you doin'?
    30. How you doin'? (猥瑣版)
    31. How's it goin'?
    32. How goes it?
    33. What's goin' on?
    34. What's new?
    35. What's happenin'?
    36. How's your day?
    37. How's your day going?
    38. Good to see you
    39. Look who it is
    40. Look what the cat dragged in!
    41. There he is!
    42. Ayyy
    43. Holla
    44. Hiya
    45. Heya
    46. Yello
    47. Howdy
    48. Howdy-doo?
    49. Howdy, partner? (牛仔愛用)
    50. How's tricks?
    51. How's it rollin'?
    52. How's it hangin'? (有點帶黃)
    53. What's up, homeslice?
    54. What's up, doc?
    55. Whaddup, buttercup!
    56. What's good?
    57. What's good in the hood?
    58. What's the dilly?
    59. What's the dizzle?
    60. What's trippin'?
    61. What's poppin'?
    62. What's crackin'?
    63. What's crackalackin'?
    64. What's cookin'?
    65. What's cookin' good lookin'?
    66. What's kickin', chicken?
    67. What's shakin', bacon?
    68. Long time no see
    69. It's been such a long time!
    70. How long has it been?
    71. It's been too long!
    72. It's been ages!
    73. It's been a while!
    74. It's been a minute
    75. Where have you been hiding?
    76. How have you been?
    77. What have you been up to?
    78. Whatcha been up to?
    79. How are things?
    80. How are things comin' along?
    81. How are you getting on?
    82. How are you holding up?
    83. How's life?
    84. How's life been treating you?
    85. How's everything?
    86. How's everything with you?
    87. How's everything going?
    88. Oi (英國/澳洲)
    89. What's the craic? (愛爾蘭)
    90. You okay? (英國)
    91. You alright? (英國)
    92. Alright? (英國)
    93. G'day, mate (澳洲)
    94. How are you going? (澳洲)
    95. Ahoy, matey (海盜用的)
    96. Aloha (夏威夷語)
    97. Hola (西班牙文)
    98. Ciao (義大利語)
    99. Namaste (印度教)
    100. Nihao (中文)

  • okay發音 在 與芬尼學英語 Finnie's Language Arts Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2019-04-05 00:45:04

    Question: What is your job?
    Response: My job is a full-time English teacher. I work as an English private tutor. I offer Internet...I offer language lessons both over the Internet as well as in person.

    Question: Where do you work?
    Response: I work mostly in my office, which is in Mongkok, an area in Hong Kong. At the same time I also go out to shoot videos of me speaking in English outside and anywhere, basically.

    Question: Why did you choose this job?
    Response: I choose (chose) this job because I really love English. I love speaking it. I love using it. And I love learning it as well as a learner. So that’s why I’ve chosen this job.

    Question: Is it a popular job in your country?
    Response: I wouldn’t say it’s very popular with locals, but I might say it could be popular with foreigners, expats and native speakers.

    Question: Do you get on well with your colleagues?
    Response: I don’t have many colleagues but when I have them, I get along okay with them. I get along alright with them, I would say.

    Question: What responsibilities do you have at work?
    Response: Sometimes I have to mark my students’ assignments. Somtimes I have to shoot videos of me to promote my busness, which is a teaching, a language teaching, tutoring business. At the same time I have to spend most of my time in a day to give lessons.

    Question: Do you plan to continue to continue this job in the future?
    Response: I do, as a matter of fact. I do plan to continue my teaching career in the future.

    Okay, thank you.
    Thank you.

    ● 課程資料 & 報名表格 ► http://bit.ly/成人英語再起步
    26/4 開班;逢星期五 7:15 pm - 8:30 pm(已滿)
    30/5 開班;逢星期四 7:15 pm - 8:30 pm

    18/4 開班;逢星期四 7:15 pm - 8:30 pm
    31/5 開班;逢星期五 7:15 pm - 8:30 pm

    26/4 開班;逢星期五 8:45 pm - 10:00 pm
    30/5 開班;逢星期四 8:45 pm - 10:00 pm

    18/4 開班;逢星期四 8:45 pm - 10:00 pm
    31/5 開班;逢星期五 8:45 pm - 10:00 pm

    ● 成人英語再起步、One-day course、說話/寫作實戰班 詳情 ► http://bit.ly/fla-adult-infosheet

    課程資料、時間表 ► http://bit.ly/fla-courses

    訂閱與芬尼學英語 ► http://bit.ly/flayt-sub

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    歡迎提供字幕 :)

    今天只學一個字 ► http://bit.ly/2DRQPgE
    名人英語 ► http://bit.ly/2EUc8QO
    語文知識 ► http://bit.ly/2GzuW8b
    Word Pairs 怎樣分 ► http://bit.ly/2hS1MCF
    時事英語 ► http://bit.ly/2RqrMok
    品牌名學英語 ► http://bit.ly/2qd3mUq
    朗誦節特訓 ► http://bit.ly/2PBqZno

    ● 加入 Finnie's Facebook 群組:bit.ly/flafbgp
    ● 訂閱電子報:http://bit.ly/fla-nl
    ● 下載免費學習資源:http://bit.ly/36VhrYS

    ▍Follow 芬尼:
    ● Blog: http://bit.ly/fla-blog
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    ● Instagram: http://bit.ly/fla-instagram
    ● Pinterest: http://bit.ly/fla-pinterest

    Free stuff!!! :)
    ● Use my iHerb Discount Code: ASC7218
    ● Sign up at AirBnb and get HKD$290 in travel credit: https://www.airbnb.com/c/tiffanys213
    ● Get a FREE first Uber ride (up to HK$50): https://www.uber.com/invite/tiffanys2213ue
    ● Get TWO months of free SkillShare premium with this link:

  • okay發音 在 吉娜英文 Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2018-12-17 20:26:02

    加入吉娜英文FB 粉絲頁


    probably adv. 可能;或許

    A: Are you going to eat dinner with us?
    B: Yes, probably.
    A: 你要和我們吃晚餐嗎?
    B: 是的,有可能。

    A: Is he going to tell the truth?
    B: Probably not, no.
    A: 他會說實話嗎?
    B: 可能不會,不會。

    A: Are you going to the picnic tomorrow?
    B: I'm probably going-it depends on the weather.
    A: 你明天要去野餐嗎?
    B: 我可能會去,視天氣而定。

    A: Your package is ready to be shipped. It'll probably take about three days to arrive. Is that okay for you?
    B: What are the delivery options? Could you deliver it faster?
    A: 你的包裹已經準備好可以運送了。可能要大概三天才會到達。這樣你可以嗎?
    B: 遞送的選項有什麼?你們可以加快運送時間嗎?

    Don't be afraid of that noise. It's probably just an animal.

    It's probably going to rain later. You should bring an umbrella.

    I'll probably be home late tonight. I'm going to go have dinner with my friends.

    I'll prolly go with you if you don't mind.

    句子連音課程:is he (is she) 口說發音變化

    selfie 自拍照

    order 點餐;訂貨;命令


    actually 事實上;實際上;的確


    K音標[p]停頓音:pumpkin 南瓜;napkin 餐巾紙


    chocolate 巧克力

    confirm (確認;確定)

    important (重要的) | 美式口語發音

    exactly (完全準確地;正好;沒錯)



