

在 office序號查詢產品中有4篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過18萬的網紅原價屋coolpc,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 【重要消息】合不合法,一查就知道!微軟金鑰查詢服務上線囉! http://www.coolpc.com.tw/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?f=52&t=271156 您可能是盜版軟體的受害者。 只要你能輕易在網路上Google到的,抑或國外線上平台找到超便宜的Windows/Offi...

  • office序號查詢 在 原價屋coolpc Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2020-07-30 15:05:51
    有 561 人按讚


    只要你能輕易在網路上Google到的,抑或國外線上平台找到超便宜的Windows/Office授權金鑰,有九成九都是MSDN開發人員or企業大量授權被外流的不合法序號,且銷售時連一張授權憑證都沒有,只給你序號讓你不斷嘗試到可以開通為止,價格只要正常的1/10,能用時看似賺到,何必要花錢買一個不合法的東西?甚至還有業者打著正版作業系統的名號,實際卻從大量授權序號隨便拉一組給你,沒被查到就沒事的苟且行為實在不可取...#原價屋 #coolpc #Microsoft #Windows #Office #合法 #授權

  • office序號查詢 在 Handerson_yau Photography Facebook 的最佳解答

    2019-08-31 10:51:14
    有 21 人按讚

    See you tonight !!


    原定於2019年8月31日在大臺北都會公園舉辦之「MIKE SHINODA OF LINKIN PARK Post Traumatic Tour 2019 in Taipei」
    演出地點將由「大臺北都會公園」更改為—「ATT SHOW BOX 大直館」,特此緊急公告,演出時間不變。
    演出地址: 台北市中山區敬業三路123號8F
    演出日期: 8/31(六)
    演出時間: 19:00
    1、現場可獲得免費Monster Energy 能量飲料
    2、現場有機會抽選到 Mike Shinoda 簽名海報
    1、凡已購買2019年8月31日場次演唱會門票的觀眾,可持完整的紙質原票,於8月31日當晚到「ATT SHOW BOX 大直館」進場觀看演出,無需更換/重新購買門票。
    2、需要退票之觀眾,請按照 ibon 公告內容辦理:

    1. 退票收件時間:即日—2019/8/30(五),以郵戳為準。
    2. 退票辦理方式:
    C.以郵寄方式掛號或快遞寄至「114台北市內湖區洲子街81號9樓,安源資訊 退票小組收」。
    A.『已經取得票券者』(1)票券正本(2)退票申請書以郵寄方式掛號或快遞寄至「114台北市內湖區洲子街81號9樓,安源資訊 退票小組收」。

    範例:退票補件(節目名稱 14碼交易序號:19XXXXXXXXXXX)

    Urgent notification - Mike Shinoda Taipei Concert Venue Change
    The venue for "MIKE SHINODA OF LINKIN PARK Post
    Traumatic Tour 2019 in Taipei" has now been changed from
    Taipei Metropolitan Park to ATT SHOW BOX.
    Address: 8F, No.123 Jingye 3rd Road, Zhongshan District, Taipei
    Date: Saturday , August 31st 2019
    Time: 19:00

    Additional benefits:
    1) Tickets can be exchanged for a bottle of Monster energy drink.
    2) The ticket is on the scene can win Mike's signature posters.

    Please present the original tickets upon arrival. Replacing or repurchasing tickets will not be needed.
    For further information of refund, please refer to ibon refund instructions and our refund policy.
    The ticket refund arrangements are as follows:
    1. For those who have purchased tickets to the concert on August 31, 2019, please present the original print out of the tickets while arriving "ATT SHOW BOX " on the evening of August 31. Replacing/repurchasing tickets will not be needed.
    2. For those who request a refund, please check out the ibon announcement and follow the instructions.
    Note: Postage and ibon ticket collection fees cannot be
    refunded. Amount will be refunded in full ticket price.
    1. Deadline for refund: Until 2019/8/30 (Fri), subject to
    2. How to request a refund:
    [Ticket purchased by cash:]
    A. (1) Original ticket (2) Request form (3) Copy of account passbook together with the name and contact number.
    B. Photo of Remittance bank passbook cover (including bank name, branch name, account name and account number - please make sure all information provided is readable) of any local Taiwanese bank or Post Office. Each account can only request a maximum of 4 transactions of refund.
    C. Please send all information above to “9th Floor, No. 81, Chazi Street, Neihu District, Taipei City, 114, Anyuan Information Refund Group” by post or express delivery.
    D. Full amount of ticket price will be refunded to the provided account passbook, within 20 working days (process time might vary in case of a large number of refunds during the period or force majeure such as weather conditions).
    [Ticket purchased by credit card]
    A. For people who have already collected physical tickets, please provide: (1) The original ticket (2) Request Form and send them to “9th floor, No. 81, Chauzi Street, Neihu District, Taipei City, 114, Anyuan Information Refund Group" by post or express delivery.
    B. Full amount of ticket price will be refunded to the credit card used for the ticket purchase. It cannot be returned in cash or any other specified method. Process time is subject to the operation time of the issuing bank.
    C. For people who have not collected the tickets, you can call the ibon customer service center and provide your order number, cardholder's full name and contact information to request your refund. Full amount of ticket price will be refunded to the original credit card you purchased with.

  • office序號查詢 在 3C 達人廖阿輝 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2017-02-01 10:36:00
    有 151 人按讚

    查詢自己電腦上 Windows / Office 序號的免費軟體推薦這個『Windows Key Finder 』,而且是 OpenSource 也相對安全可以信賴
