

在 occur三態產品中有15篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過29萬的網紅CheckCheckCin,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 【還我白滑肌】長期依靠遮瑕膏不是辦法 ⭐由活血化瘀著手 ⭐增強氣血推走討厭痘印 #星期三CheckCheckMail KO討厭暗瘡印 KK:「最近經常生暗瘡,頻密擠暗瘡想令它加速凋謝,但往後的暗瘡印卻久久不散。」 CheckCheckCin:無可否認擠暗瘡的一刻很治癒,但擠壓發炎的毛囊及皮脂腺...

occur三態 在 承瑞 楊 Instagram 的最佳解答

2021-07-11 10:02:45

肩膀痛的三個種類 無痛訓練-肩膀 3 type of shoulder pain. Pain free training - shoulder 一.肌肉問題 因為肩膀肌肉太緊造成的問題,像駝背、圓肩造成胸前、脖子的肌肉太緊,背部的肌肉無力。 肌肉問題的特色是因為肌肉太緊姿勢不良造成手抬不高、正...

occur三態 在 CheckCheckCin Instagram 的最讚貼文

2020-11-19 02:33:37

【指甲健康】有一手靚指甲人特別醒神 ⭐指甲不健康不建議美甲加重負荷 ⭐調理好身體指甲自然有光澤 #星期二提升正能量 指甲煩惱排行榜 指甲的作用是保護指腹避免受傷,所謂「十指痛歸心」,指甲本身的健康亦很影響我們的生活,想一想指甲煩惱原來也有不少,你試過以下哪一種? 第三位 容易折斷 指甲又軟又薄...

occur三態 在 CheckCheckCin Instagram 的最佳解答

2020-05-09 02:16:22

【愈忙愈嚴重】再忙也要停下來喘口氣  #一緊張又起 #一繁忙又起 #星期三CheckCheckMail  身痕也因壓力起 緊張小姐:「最近社會氣氛緊張,精神壓力大,突然頸及背部還長滿紅疹,又腫又痕,該怎麼辦?」  CheckCheckCin:中醫認為,健康之道在於身心平衡,精神狀態...

  • occur三態 在 CheckCheckCin Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-06-30 18:19:25
    有 349 人按讚






    ✔ CheckCheckCin美茶推介:黑眼圈


    留言或按讚👍🏻支持一下我們吧!❤️ 歡迎 Follow 我們獲得更多養生資訊。

    KO the annoying acne scars
    “I have an acne outbreak recently, and I always squeeze the pimples out to get rid of them. Yet, these acne always leave scars on the skin.”

    CheckCheckCin: No doubt squeezing the acne can be quite satisfying, but we are squeezing the inflamed hair follicles and sebaceous glands at the same time. This is how acne scars occur, and we will have a hard time getting rid of them.

    Individuals with the qi-stagnation and blood stasis constitutions will experience blood stagnation beneath the skin, forming marks that are red or brown. Hence, it is important to invigorate the blood and clear the stasis.

    To do so, we can consume ingredients such as common peony root, salvia root, safflower, motherwort, rose flower, and Chinese hawthorn. Other ingredients that can invigorate the blood and clear blood stasis are lotus root, Chinese hawthorn, black fungus, and chives. These ingredients can improve the circulation of qi and blood, which can reduce appearance of acne scars.

    Avoid eating raw, cold, and spicy food as they can affect the circulation of the qi and blood. Last but not least, resist the urge of squeezing the acne if you experience another outbreak in the future!

    Tea remedy for pimple marks
    Effects: clears heat, activates and cools blood and reduces dark pimple marks
    Ingredients: 9g peony root, 9g red peony root, 9g salvia root
    Preparation: rinse all ingredients thoroughly and place into thermos, rinse with hot water once. Then add in hot water again and steep for 30 minutes. You can re-brew until its flavor weakens. For best results, drink consecutively for 2-3 days. Two weeks for a treatment.
    Note: not suitable for pregnant women.

    ✔CheckCheckCin Beauty Tea Recommendation: Dark Circles
    Ingredients: Fried black bean, raisin, peppermint
    Effects: Promotes blood circulation to eliminate blood stasis. Suitable for dark circles, dull complexion and lip colour and pimple marks

    Welcome to order through our website: www.checkcheckcin.com

    Comment below or like 👍🏻 this post to support us. ❤️ Follow us for more healthy living tips.

    #男 #女 #我狀態OK

  • occur三態 在 筆記 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-04-26 07:58:51
    有 1 人按讚

    We always overestimate the change that will occur in the next two years and underestimate the change that will occur in the next ten. Don’t let yourself be lulled into inaction.

    比爾·蓋茲 (Bill Gates) 13歲開始電腦程式設計,並在大三那年離開哈佛創辦舉世聞名的微軟,1970年以及具爭議的商業手法,從西雅圖電腦公司買下作業系統,再授權IBM作為個人電腦的PC-DOS標準配備,建立了微軟的霸業。1995年到2007年的《富比士》全球富豪榜中,比爾·蓋茲連續13年蟬聯世界首富,目前仍以淨資產1067億美元,排名第2位


  • occur三態 在 李木生醫師 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-04-11 12:43:45
    有 384 人按讚


    在台灣,AZ疫苗已經開打幾週了,在這段期間有很多病人問我能不能去接種AZ 疫苗,我想從一位婦產科醫師的角度出發,跟大家分享自己的觀點,讓大家在跟醫師們討論需不需要接種時,能先有初步的觀念。


    目前國際上接種AZ 疫苗後出現嚴重不良反應的案例有兩種最受矚目:一種是嚴重的過敏反應;另外一種則是凝血過多或不足的反應。


    以嚴重過敏反應來說,任何疫苗都可能因為載體的關係產生嚴重的過敏反應,所以病人在施打疫苗過後的30分鐘內,一定要留在施打的醫療院所接受觀察。AZ疫苗中使用的為Polysorbate80 或類似的分子,如果你之前曾經因為接種疫苗而有過敏反應,應該要在接種前詢問醫師AZ疫苗的載體與該次引起過敏的疫苗載體是否相同,以利避免風險。

    另外一種不良反應與與血液相關,這一點比較受爭議。在2500多萬個施打的個案中,出現86 個血液異常的不良反應,大部份的這些個案都是女性而且發生在施打的頭2個禮拜。德國、法國和義大利等20幾個國家因此一度暫停施打AZ疫苗,雖然機率不大,但誰都不想冒這個險。但有些歐洲國家和澳洲最近又恢復施打,但建議50歲以下接種其他疫苗 (也有國家說30歲以下) 原因是不同專家對於這些異常凝血的不良反應與AZ疫苗的相關性有不同的見解。


    對於目前正在服用避孕藥或女性荷爾蒙的女性來說,施打AZ疫苗會不會增加血栓的風險呢? 坦白說,目前資訊還不是非常完整,所以我暫時無法評論,但後續會密切注意最新的研究報告,有進一步消息,會再跟大家分享。





    研究顯示有高血壓、糖尿病或BMI >30的病患在感染新冠肺炎病毒後,更容易而產生嚴重的呼吸道疾病,因為健康上的風險高,上述慢性病的病患也可以考慮接種疫苗。若有上述問題但懷孕的婦女,則應與婦產科醫師討論其利弊。



    The global “COVID-vaccinated” population has reached 100 million. In the process of reaching herd immunity via mass vaccination, more rare but serious adverse effects from these vaccines are being reported in the mass media. Discussions about the safety of vaccines arevigorous at both government and the community levels.

    The AstraZeneca (AZ) vaccine has been used for COVID vaccination in Taiwan for a few weeks now. Many of my patients asked me if they are suitable for vaccination. So here I would like to share my thoughts with you as an obstetrician and gynaecologist.

    Adverse reactions associated with the AZ vaccine

    There are two types of adverse reactions being discussed the most in the international community: severe allergic reactions and blood-clotting problems. Both of these adverse reactions occur in the order of one in ten thousand, which were difficult to discover during the clinical trial stage. Therefore most of the data we see now are an accumulation of real-time data as we proceed with global vaccination.

    The severe allergic reaction (such as anaphylaxis) can occur with any medication being administered to the human body. For vaccines it is usually the vehicle or the excipients molecule with which it is used to carry the active vaccine that incites the allergic reactions. Polysorbate 80 is a suspected culprit excipient used in the AZ vaccine. So if one has had severe allergic reaction in other vaccines that uses polysorbate 80 as its vehicles then it is possible the person can also be allergic to the AZ vaccine.

    The abnormal blood-clotting reactions associated with the AZ vaccines are being discussed vigorously in both the scientific community and the media. In about 25 million recipients of the AZ vaccine, 86 cases of serious abnormal blood-clotting cases were reported by March 2021. Most cases occur within first 2 weeks of vaccination and most are women. Although the AZ vaccination was temporarily stopped in some European countries earlier in March, it has resumed since with some countries recommend vaccination in those 50 yo or above (some say 30 or above). Currently there is no international consensus amongst the experts.

    Many professional bodies of obstetrics and gynaecology around the world have issued statements regarding vaccination against COVID19 in women planning pregnancy or breast feeding. Thus far most have only cautioned against the vaccination if there is serious concurrent comorbidities such as those who are immunocompromised or organ transplant. There does not seem to have report of additional risks of the vaccination during pregnancy. There is insufficient evidence to conclude if oral contraceptives and hormone replacement therapy are risk factors for developing vaccine-related blood clotting events. More time and data are required to tell.

    So should women receive the AZ vaccine? These factors should be considered and discussed with your doctors.

    Risk of contracting COVID
    Contracting COVID during pregnancy is associated with 3-fold risk of serious complications. So immunisation against COVID should be prioritised if the area you live in carries high risk of infection.

    Underlying chronic conditions
    For those with hypertension, diabetes or high BMI, because higher risk of COVID related complications are expected, vaccination might offer risk-reducing benefits. but in women with diabetes or high BMI where high risk pregnancy is expected, one should discuss the risks and benefits with your own obstetrician.

    More than half of recipients will get injection site pain and about 10% will develop a fever. To avoid fever during early pregnancy one can avoid getting vaccination during this period. If one has become pregnant after the first dose, there is evidence that receiving a second dose after pregnancy still offers protection against COVID. for those who need flu or whooping cough vaccination during pregnancy, one should consider taking the COVID vaccine 2 weeks apart from the other vaccines.

    Like all medicines/procedures, decision to receive the AZ vaccination is individualised based on the benefits and risks associated. It is important to review government updates on vaccination and this article hopefully provides some framework on which women can consult their physicians when considering the AZ vaccination.

