occlusion 的翻譯. 中文(簡體). 阻塞, 栓塞(医学术语,血管或体内开口处的阻塞), 牙齿…
#2occlusion - 咬合;閉口 - 國家教育研究院雙語詞彙
occlusion. 以occlusion 進行詞彙精確檢索結果. 出處/學術領域, 英文詞彙, 中文 ...
#3occlusions 中文 - 查查在線詞典
occlusions中文 :(occlusion 的復數) n. 閉塞, 咬合, 包藏…,點擊查查權威綫上辭典詳細解釋occlusions的中文翻譯,occlusions的發音,音標,用法和例句等。
使用Reverso Context: occlusion device, coronary occlusion,在英语-中文情境中翻译"occlusion"
#5occlusion 的中文翻譯 | 英漢字典
occlusion 閉塞,吸收,吸藏. ... Occlusion \Oc*clu"sion\, n. [See {Occlude}.] 1. The act of occluding, or the state of being occluded.
#6occlusion 的中文翻釋|影音字典- VoiceTube 看影片學英語
超過400 萬人愛用的線上英語學習平台!上萬部YouTube 影片教材,搭配中英文翻譯字幕與英漢字典,輕鬆掌握日常對話、瞭解單字的發音與用法。是最適合華人提升英文聽力和 ...
#7英文期刊查詢- 數位典藏 - 交通部運輸研究所
篇名, Interactions between autonomous vehicles and pedestrians at unsignalized mid-block crosswalks considering occlusions by opposing ...
#824 醫學新知(II) Transradial Coronary Interventions for ...
treat complex chronic total occlusion (CTO) and to determine the predictors of transradial percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) failure.
#9occlusions-material impurities 英文中文翻譯- 英漢汽車辭典
辭典搜尋- occlusions-material impurities. 英文: occlusions-material impurities. 中文: 材質不純. 常見於汽車系統 > 901 其它 > 90102 故障損壞敘述malfunction ...
#10Antiphospholipid syndrome and retinal vein occlusion in adults
Antiphospholipid antibodies may play and important role in the pathogenesis of retinal vascular occlusions; investigated the prevalence among 33 patients ...
#11occlusion"的中文翻译 - 医学词典
医学辞典. ①闭塞,闭合,封闭,阻塞,隔断;②封存:将一种物质,液体或气体,密封于一种固体的空腔内;③ ,咬合:下颌骨活动时,上牙和下牙发生功能性接触时的相互关系.
【occlusion】在计算机信息专业领域怎么翻译,它的中文翻译,汉语表达,以及相关专业术语翻译,来自SCIdict计算机信息词典的解释和翻译,SCIdict是专为学术研究人员以及技术 ...
#13occlusions 中文- 法文词典
在中文里面,我们如何解释occlusions这个英文词呢? occlusions这个英文词,中文意思如下:plural of occlusion.。 Meaning of occlusions for the defined word.
#14视网膜中央动脉阻塞 - 维基百科
视网膜中央动脉阻塞(英語:central retinal artery occlusion, 簡稱:CRAO),是一种严重的眼科 ... 您现在使用的中文变体可能会影响一些词语繁简转换的效果。
#15occlusions 中文- 英文词典
在中文里面,我们如何解释occlusions这个英文词呢? occlusions这个英文词,中文意思如下:闭塞。 Meaning of occlusions for the defined word.
#16The 30 Day Journal for Raw Vegan Plant-Based Detoxification ...
書名:Reversing Your Retinal Vascular Occlusions: The 30 Day Journal for Raw Vegan Plant-Based Detoxification & Regeneration with Information & Tips (Update ...
#17Occlusions: 中文翻译, 含义、同义词、反义词、发音 - 在线英语 ...
Occlusions : 中文翻译, 含义、同义词、反义词、发音、例句、转录、定义、短语 · 发音和转录 · 图片 · 带字的句子«occlusions» · 短语.
(basilar artery occlusion, BAO)的案例回溯性研. 究,大部分為動脈內血栓溶解治療(intra-arterial thrombolysis with rt-PA or urokinase),治療執行.
#19occlusions中文 :: 合法醫療器材資訊網
#20肺牽張反射 - 內科醫學會
發現此種生理現象,且目前為止並沒有中文文 ... 閉塞(end-inspiratory occlusion)5,充氣法(inflation method)22及吐氣末閉塞(end-expiratory occlusion)5。
#21缺血性中風| 醫學影像學習園地 - 中國醫藥大學
MRA: Occlusion in basilar artery. Case 2: Right thalamus infarction. DWI: hyperintense restriction suggesting right thalamus infarction
#22occlusion翻譯及用法- 英漢詞典 - 漢語網
occlusion中文 的意思、翻譯及用法:n. 閉塞;吸收;錮囚鋒。英漢詞典提供【occlusion】的詳盡中文翻譯、用法、例句等.
#23Endovascular Therapy for Stroke Due to Basilar-Artery ...
Chinese Translation 中文翻译 ... Among patients with stroke from basilar-artery occlusion, endovascular therapy and medical therapy did not ...
#24Balloon Occlusion Test Procedure Information | Cedars-Sinai
The balloon occlusion test is a way to see whether one artery can be temporarily or permanently blocked without ... English; عربى; 简体中文; 繁體中文; فارسي ...
#25Multiple-target tracking on mixed images with reflections and ...
Measurements arose from strong reflections combined with occlusions significantly degrade accuracy of multi-target tracking. Few methods have addressed this ...
#26醫學教育- 對於ST 段上升之急性心肌梗塞,緊急心導管手術 ...
為chronic total occlusion ( 因為PCI 的成功率. 低)、沒有同意書。 Primary outcomes 主要是看:心因性死. 亡、非致命性心肌梗塞、及頑固性心絞痛。
出國進修的目的是希望能夠進一步增加處理複雜冠狀動脈疾病(complex coronary artery disease)及慢性全阻塞(chronic total occlusion)的能力。 冠狀動脈慢性全阻塞(CTO)是 ...
occlusion due to: Lipohyalinosis. Atherosclerosis ... •80-85% ischemic strokes (most are secondary to thromboembolic arterial occlusions).
#29英语-汉语occlusion翻译 - bab.la在线词典
Vessel occlusion tends to be a positive feedback system; an occluded vessel creates eddies in the normally laminar flow or plug flow blood currents.
#30Intoduction to Chronic Total | 学术写作例句辞典 - Academic Accelerator
This is a case of endovascular rescue of chronic total occlusion of an aortic stent graft in a patient at high risk of open surgery and lysis.
#31Treatment of macular edema due to retinal vein occlusions
Abstract: Retinal vein occlusion (RVO) is a prevalent retinal vascular disease, second only to diabetic retinopathy.
#32知覺桌球正拍攻擊落點方向之關鍵時間、空間訊息- 月旦知識庫
中文 摘要. 目的:本研究以時間/空間遮蔽典範,探討精熟之桌球運動員在預期判斷桌球技術 ... The first set (40 trials) included four types of temporal occlusions, ...
#33Cilioretinal+Artery+Occlusion+Combined+with+Non-Ischemic ...
Cilioretinal Artery Occlusion Combined with Non-Ischemic Central Retinal Vein Occlusion in a Young Man with Hyperhomocysteinemia.
#34闭塞, 锢囚锋…《抓鸟》英语词典
occlusion 的解释是:闭塞, 锢囚锋… 同时,该页为英语学习者提供:occlusion的中文翻译、英英详解、单词音标、在线发音、例句等。
本研究分三階段;階段一目的為找出最適合之中文字遮蔽比例與斜置時最適合之 ... 論文名稱(外文):, Recognizing Chinese Characters with Different Occlusion Patterns.
#36包藏;閉鎖英文,occlusion中文,電機工程 - 三度漢語網
包藏;閉鎖英文怎麼說,包藏;闭锁中文是什麼意思? ... occluded resin, 【化學工程名詞】. 包藏共沈澱, occlusion coprecipitation, 【化學名詞-兩岸化學名詞】.
#37Advanced Search - MeSH | Cochrane Library
Synonyms: Irving Method; Nonchemical Tubal Occlusions; Occlusion, ... Sterilization, Pomeroy; Pomeroy Method; Tubal Occlusion; Tubal Occlusions; ...
2021年12月17日 — We performed this study to examine whether occlusion site modifies the effect of intravenous alteplase before thrombectomy.
#39Rodent NIBP CODA® Occlusions Cuffs | ADInstruments
Occlusion cuffs designed for use with the ADInstruments CODA® Monitor for recording non-invasive blood pressure in rodents. Quote Request. Book a Demo.
#40編制中文版ICD-10-CM 初稿
英/中文名稱. Cholera. 霍亂. Cholera due to Vibrio cholerae 01, ... Transient retinal artery occlusion, unspecified eye. 未特定側性短暫性視網膜動脈阻塞.
#41Chan, Pei-Ying、Cheng, Chia-Hsiung:Cortical and subcortical ...
... Chia-Hsiung:Cortical and subcortical neural correlates for respiratory sensation in response to transient inspiratory occlusions in humans.
#42Determine occlusion status by surface - MathWorks
This MATLAB function determines if the line-of-sight between two points is occluded by the ground surface.
#43視網膜的大小事- 視網膜血管阻塞( Retinal vein occlusion...
視網膜血管阻塞( Retinal vein occlusion (RVO),俗稱眼中風的ㄧ種: 是導致視力中老年人喪失相當重要的病因,僅次於糖尿病視網膜病變(Diabetic...
#44Visibility Maximization Controller for Robotic Manipulation,arXiv
Occlusions caused by a robot's own body is a common problem for closed-loop control methods employed in eye-to-hand camera ... 中文翻译: ...
#45occlusion 中文 - TRSL
occlusion noun (WEATHER) [ C ] environment (also occluded front) a situation in the weather when two masses of air meet, especially when a mass of cold air ...
#46Fetoscopic Endotracheal Occlusion (FETO) - Johns Hopkins ...
The Johns Hopkins Center for Fetal Therapy ... Language Assistance Available: Español · American Sign Language · עִברִי · אידיש · አማርኛ · 繁體中文 · Français ...
#47Too Much-Occlusions-KKBOX
繁體中文, English. 繁體中文. 繁體中文. English. 台灣, 香港 · 日本 · 新加坡 · 馬來西亞. 台灣. 台灣. 香港日本新加坡馬來西亞. Copyright © 2022 KKBOX All Rights ...
#48Occlusion Map - Unity - Manual
Occlusion texture maps are normally calculated by 3D applications directly from the 3D model using the modeller or third party software. An occlusion map is a ...
#49Hepatic Artery Occlusion - MSD Manual Professional Edition
Hepatic Artery Occlusion - Etiology, pathophysiology, symptoms, signs, diagnosis & prognosis from the MSD Manuals - Medical Professional Version.
#50Hierarchical Template Matching for Robust Visual Tracking ...
To tackle the problem of severe occlusions in visual tracking, we propose a hierarchical template-matching method based on a layered ...
#51成果報告資料顯示 - 工程科技推展中心
中文 計劃名稱, 部份遮蔽下之人臉修復與辨識系統之研製. 執行期限, 2011-08-01~2012-07-31 ... illumination variations or partial occlusions appear on faces.
#52Multiple objects tracking in the presence of long-term occlusions ...
以下内容是CSDN社区关于Multiple objects tracking in the presence of long-term occlusions 中文翻译下载相关内容,如果想了解更多关于下载资源悬赏专区社区其他内容 ...
#53Central Retinal Vein Occlusion - Prevent Blindness
The second eye will develop vein occlusion in 6-17% of cases. What are the signs and symptoms of CRVO? CRVO causes sudden, painless vision loss in one ...
#54Visibility and Occlusion Culling Reference - Unreal Engine 5 ...
A reference for available visiblity and occlusino culling methods' settings in Unreal Engine.
#55Hierarchical Template Matching for Robust Visual Tracking with ...
Hierarchical Template Matching for Robust Visual Tracking with Severe Occlusions. Lizuo Jin 1, Tirui Wu 2, Feng Liu 3, and Gang Zeng 3.
#56視網膜靜脈阻塞(Retinal vein occlusion)_眼科_成人常見疾病
視網膜靜脈阻塞會導致視網膜的動脈血液無法經由靜脈回流,造成動脈血液及靜脈血液的壓力上升,以致於視網膜出血、動靜脈血液無法流動,血液循環不佳造成視神經缺血以及 ...
#57Chronic Total Occlusion Percutaneous Coronary Intervention
Massachusetts General Hospital offers chronic total occlusion percutaneous coronary intervention (CTO PCI) as a treatment option for patients with chronic ...
#58Fogarty ® occlusion catheters - Edwards Lifesciences
Fogarty occlusion catheters are indicated for temporary vessel occlusion. When you are seeking time-tested solutions for temporary occlusion, ...
#5921747-Review - F6Publishing
小提示:只搜索中文简体结果,可在学术搜索设置指定搜索语言. [HTML] Intentional internal iliac artery occlusion to facilitate endovascular repair of aortoiliac.
#60Central retinal artery occlusion associated with cocaine - Eco ...
Retinal vascular occlusion is uncommon in young patients. It is usually caused by systemic diseases or in people with a genetic predisposition [1, 8, 9].
occlusion 的中文意思:闭塞,锢囚锋;咬合;,点击查看详细解释:occlusion的中文翻译、occlusion的发音、音标、用法和双语例句等,让你有效掌握occlusion这个单词。
#62淺談視網膜靜脈阻塞(1) - 一週全球藥聞
依據阻塞之視網膜靜脈分布區域的不同,RVO又可分為中心性視網膜靜脈阻塞(central retinal vein occlusion, CRVO)及分支性視網膜靜脈阻塞(branch retinal vein occlusion ...
#63Study supports increased risk of ischemic stroke in the peri ...
Research supports that there is an increased risk of stroke around the time of central retinal artery occlusion (CRAO), especially if an ...
#64Retinal Vein Occlusion - Macula Retina Vitreous Center
What is a retinal vein occlusion? Your retina has veins and other blood vessels that carry blood. When a vein in your retina is blocked (occluded), ...
#65Human pose tracking using online latent structured support ...
To solve the occlusion problem, we formulate a Prize-Collecting Steiner tree (PCST) problem and use a branch-and-cut algorithm to refine the detection of ...
#66Occlusion definition and meaning | Collins English Dictionary
Occlusion definition: the act or process of occluding or the state of being occluded | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples.
#67New Program Targets Coronary Artery Chronic Total Occlusions
The use of novel technology in the newly established coronary artery chronic total occlusion (CTO) program at Englewood Hospital and Medical Center is ...
#68High rates of pulmonary artery occlusions in COVID-19. A ...
العربية; 中文 (中国); english; français; Русский; español; português. News/Update/Help ... High rates of pulmonary artery occlusions in COVID-19.
#69Cerebrovascular Occlusions Clinic - Henry Ford Health
Cerebrovascular Occlusions Clinic. Advanced treatment for brain and neck artery blockages. At the Henry Ford Cerebrovascular Occlusion Clinics, ...
#70Chronic Total Occlusions (CTO) - UCLA Health
Outcomes for Chronic Total Occlusions Improve · What is meant by a chronic total occlusion of the coronary arteries, and how do CTOs develop? · How commonly are ...
#71Pathogenesis, prevention, diagnosis and management of ...
Its main characteristic is the (partial) occlusion of the central retinal vein (CRVO) or of a branch retinal vein (BRVO) followed by the ...
#72Vein & Artery Occlusion Treatment - Vitreoretinal Consultants ...
Retinal Vein Occlusions & Artery Occlusions. The retina is a thin layer of photosensitive tissue that lines the back of the eye and plays a vital role in ...
#73Chronic Total Occlusion (CTO) | Michigan Medicine
Chronic total occlusion (CTO) is a complete or nearly complete blockage of one or more coronary arteries. Michigan Medicine's interventional cardiologists ...
#74視網膜血管疾病2 靜脈性血管疾病I @ JF 之eye 的部落格 - 隨意窩
視網膜靜脈阻塞是常見的視網膜血管疾病,主要包括視網膜中央靜脈阻塞(CRVO, central retinal vein occlusion)以及視網膜分支靜脈阻塞(BRVO, branch retinal vein ...
#75Vein Occlusion | Retina Institute of Virginia | Richmond VA
Vein Occlusion. Arteries enter the back of the eye through the optic nerve and bring oxygenated blood to the retina. Veins carry deoxygenated blood from the ...
#76香港中文大學學術研究文庫- Converis标准配置 - CUHK ...
... Artery Stenoses and Occlusions in China The Chinese Intracranial Atherosclerosis (CICAS) Study. Publication in refereed journal. 香港中文大學研究人員.
#77Retinal Artery Occlusions Eye Care Treatment
Learn about retinal artery occlusions symptoms, tests, diagnosis and the best treatment techniques, including medication or surgery, from Aurora Health Care ...
#78Multimedia Laboratory - MMLab, CUHK
Download. CUHK occlusion data set is for research on activity analysis and crowded scenes. This dataset contains 1063 images with occluded pedestrians from ...
#79occlusions的双语例句- 英汉词典 - hYH6b
英语词典免费为您提供occlusions在线翻译,包括occlusions是什么意思,occlusions的翻译,occlusions的读音,occlusions的用法,occlusions的同/反义词,occlusions的含义 ...
#80The incidence of postoperative myocardial infarction and the left ...
... myocardial infarction and the left ventricular function in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus after recanalization of chronic coronary occlusions.
Occlusion ; Teeth Whitening. Are you looking for an onboarding consultation?*. BFC Dental is pleased to contact you directly by the E-mail that you provided.
#82Ovid - Chronic Total Occlusions: A Guide to Recanalization | Wolters ...
Secondary Navigation · Ovid · Ovid中文 · OvidEspañol · OvidFrançais · LWW Health Library · Visible Body.
宋修广,songxiuguang,山东大学主页平台管理系统, Augmented Multiple Vehicles' Trajectories Extraction under Occlusions with Roadside LiDAR Data宋修广,
#84Lateral occlusion schemes in natural and minimally restored ...
Lateral occlusion schemes in natural and minimally restored permanent dentition: a systematic review. J Oral Rehabil. 2013 Oct;40(10):788-802. doi: 10.1111/ ...
#85cerebral artery中文 - Ronia
(文藝等)觸動理智的; “artery” 中文翻譯: n. 1.【解剖學】動脈。. 2.干線,要道;中樞。. 短語“middle cerebral artery artery occlusion” 中文翻譯: 大腦中動脈 ...
#86occlusion - 同義字、 反義詞和發音
瞭解更多關於英語單詞: occlusion,包括定義、 同義字、 反義詞、 發音。 ... 英語到中文的翻譯. 英語中的定義 ... 包含occlusion,超過七個字母的英語單詞: 沒有結果 ...
#87心血管中心- Vascular Duplex Lab
Ultrasound duplex scanning is a non-invasive exam and can identify the location and severity of arterial narrowings/occlusions, deep vein thrombosis, ...
#88Occlusions在線翻譯- 英語 - 海词词典
Occlusions 的相關資料:. 臨近單詞. occlusion occlusion water occlusion model occlusion table occlusion index occlusion ratio occlusion stroke occlusion ...
#89Pointpillars paper. co. We investigate a variety of global and ...
您最多选择25个标签标签必须以中文、字母或数字开头,可以包含连字符(-),并且长度不得 ... that uses Doppler radar to detect and track NLOS, occluded objects.
#90Retinal Artery Occlusion - EyeWiki
A symptomatic retinal artery occlusion is an ophthalmic emergency that requires immediate evaluation and transfer to a stroke center.
#91occlusion - Yahoo奇摩字典搜尋結果
occlusion · 查看更多. KK[əˋkluʒən]; DJ[ɔˋklu:ʒən]. 美式. n. 閉塞;吸收. Dr.eye 譯典通. occlusion. 閉塞,吸收,吸藏. PyDict. Traverse City Grand Traverse更新 ...
#92Intended Use of Imaging Software for Intracranial Large ...
... use of imaging software for intracranial large vessel occlusion or LVO. ... Large Vessel Occlusion - Letter to Health Care Providers.
#93Incidence and predictors of radial artery occlusion after ...
Radial artery occlusion (RAO) is considered the most common and devastating complication of transradial approach (TRA).
#94Radial artery occlusion after transradial coronary catheterization
Abstract: The transradial approach (TRA) for coronary angiography and interventions is increasingly utilized around the world. Radial artery occlusion (RAO) is ...
#95Self-Supervised Scene De-occlusion - Xiaohang Zhan
Abstract. Natural scene understanding is a challenging task, particularly when encountering images of multiple objects that are partially occluded.
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