

在 obsolete中文產品中有3篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過2萬的網紅程人富,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, //佛朗士在《諸神渴了》中寫道:「當政府違反人民權利時,反抗乃為人民責任中最神聖、最不可缺少的。」// 【百戰沙場碎鐵衣 獨領殘兵千騎歸】— 大專學界就港共政權清算抗爭者告全港市民書 香港市民: 二零一六年農曆新年,政府一改慣例,將小販趕盡殺絕。港人因而聲援旺角新年小販,支持本土文化。豈...

 同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過2萬的網紅好男人模型工作室,也在其Youtube影片中提到,如果以後工地都是這種機甲,我也要轉行當工人!! 這次製作了一件真實風格的機甲,簡單上色後 嘗試用水性漆補色跟做舊化,跟各位分享~ 【好男人模型開箱】寫實風機甲,MODEROID 1/35 美國海軍隊 EXOFRAME https://youtu.be/LyAqpTkA2cY #obsolet...

obsolete中文 在 Kenneth’s Team ✎ Instagram 的最佳解答

2020-05-10 00:31:58

/ March 10, 2019 World’s Last Blockbuster . Summary: There was a time when Blockbuster was the go-to place for people from all walks of life to rent m...

  • obsolete中文 在 程人富 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2018-06-17 11:14:42
    有 15 人按讚


    【百戰沙場碎鐵衣 獨領殘兵千騎歸】— 大專學界就港共政權清算抗爭者告全港市民書





    — 李白《從軍行》



    A Lost Battle Is A Battle One Thinks One Has Lost - A Letter to All Citizens of Hong Kong from Students’ Unions of Higher Institutions

    Dear Hong Kong Citizens,

    During the Lunar New Year of 2016, the government changed its usual practice and forbidden the hawkers to make their own living ruthlessly. Thus, in order to defend the local culture, Hong Kong people stood up and supported the hawkers in Mong Kok. Yet, the police suddenly arrived at the scene and evicted the protesters in violence. Worst still, they even fired bullets amidst the crowd. The clampdown eventually led to a large-scale conflict between police and protesters. In the past two years, there have been protesters prosecuted by the government and sent to prison for crimes such as riots. The Students’ Unions of Higher Education Institutions in Hong Kong would like to express our utter sadness towards the hardship suffered by the convicted and accused protesters in the Mong Kok Cases. Moreover, we hereby condemn the shameful act of the regime.

    Apart from the seven-year and six-year imprisonments suffered by Lo Kin-man and Edward Leung, several protesters have also been sent to jail for years. The Students’ Union of Higher Education Institutions in Hong Kong would like to express our concern and discontent towards the oppressive and unreasonable sentences recently. In fact, the laws in Hong Kong have already become obsolete. In "Public Security Ordinance”, the meaning of "leading to a breach of the peace" is not clearly defined. Moreover, there is no clear distinction between the definitions of “Unlawful assembly" and "Riot”, but the criterions for imposing penalty are completely different for these two crimes. Such loopholes allow the regime to use laws as means to suppress the protesters. The United Nations has twice criticised that the current “Public Security Ordinance” does not provide citizens with sufficient protection to enjoy their freedom of assembly. However, the Hong Kong government evades reviewing the current "Public Security Ordinance”. We then urge for a review of the current laws to ensure that the rights of Hong Kong people are safeguarded while maintaining social order. We also believe that the current situation in the society, as well as the intention of the protesters, are public policy factors that cannot be ignored. Such intention should also be considered If the defendant strives to pursue social interests instead of self interests.

    Today, protesters were imprisoned as they were prosecuted by the regime. We shall keep our faith despite the adversities, engraving the protesters’ spirit of sacrificing themselves for our city on our mind. Under the dictatorial regime, the Students’ Union of Higher Education Institutions in Hong Kong pledge to walk along with all citizens throughout the journey of pursuing freedom. We shall bear in mind the sacrifices of the predecessors and ponder over the future of our city. In “The Gods Are Athirst”, Anatole France wrote: “When the Government violates the Rights of the people, insurrection is for the people the most sacred and the most indispensable of duties.” Hong Kong has never escaped from the increasing control of the communist party, and its future is disconcerting as human rights and rule of law are being devastated. When various crises such as the co-location arrangement together with legislations of national anthem law and Article 23 come around incessantly, we shall never let our voice die down nor allow the regime to trample on us. It is only the Hong Kong people who bear the responsibility of saving our city. We shall never lose hope of the future of Hong Kong, as only through perseverance and assertiveness can we take control of the destiny of our home.

    Jean-Paul Sartre once said, “a lost battle is a battle one thinks one has lost.” Shall we fight and struggle with persistence, Justice will return gloriously.

    City University of Hong Kong Students’ Union
    Hang Seng Management College Students’ Union
    Interim Executive Committee of The Student Union of Hong Kong Shue Yan University
    Student Union of Chu Hai College of Higher Education
    The Education University of Hong Kong Students’ Union
    The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Students' Union
    The Hong Kong University Students’ Union
    The Student Union of the Chinese University of Hong Kong

    12th June 2018

  • obsolete中文 在 盧斯達 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2018-06-12 22:22:18
    有 45 人按讚


    【百戰沙場碎鐵衣 獨領殘兵千騎歸】— 大專學界就港共政權清算抗爭者告全港市民書





    — 李白《從軍行》



    A Lost Battle Is A Battle One Thinks One Has Lost - A Letter to All Citizens of Hong Kong from Students’ Unions of Higher Institutions

    Dear Hong Kong Citizens,

    During the Lunar New Year of 2016, the government changed its usual practice and forbidden the hawkers to make their own living ruthlessly. Thus, in order to defend the local culture, Hong Kong people stood up and supported the hawkers in Mong Kok. Yet, the police suddenly arrived at the scene and evicted the protesters in violence. Worst still, they even fired bullets amidst the crowd. The clampdown eventually led to a large-scale conflict between police and protesters. In the past two years, there have been protesters prosecuted by the government and sent to prison for crimes such as riots. The Students’ Unions of Higher Education Institutions in Hong Kong would like to express our utter sadness towards the hardship suffered by the convicted and accused protesters in the Mong Kok Cases. Moreover, we hereby condemn the shameful act of the regime.

    Apart from the seven-year and six-year imprisonments suffered by Lo Kin-man and Edward Leung, several protesters have also been sent to jail for years. The Students’ Union of Higher Education Institutions in Hong Kong would like to express our concern and discontent towards the oppressive and unreasonable sentences recently. In fact, the laws in Hong Kong have already become obsolete. In "Public Security Ordinance”, the meaning of "leading to a breach of the peace" is not clearly defined. Moreover, there is no clear distinction between the definitions of “Unlawful assembly" and "Riot”, but the criterions for imposing penalty are completely different for these two crimes. Such loopholes allow the regime to use laws as means to suppress the protesters. The United Nations has twice criticised that the current “Public Security Ordinance” does not provide citizens with sufficient protection to enjoy their freedom of assembly. However, the Hong Kong government evades reviewing the current "Public Security Ordinance”. We then urge for a review of the current laws to ensure that the rights of Hong Kong people are safeguarded while maintaining social order. We also believe that the current situation in the society, as well as the intention of the protesters, are public policy factors that cannot be ignored. Such intention should also be considered If the defendant strives to pursue social interests instead of self interests.

    Today, protesters were imprisoned as they were prosecuted by the regime. We shall keep our faith despite the adversities, engraving the protesters’ spirit of sacrificing themselves for our city on our mind. Under the dictatorial regime, the Students’ Union of Higher Education Institutions in Hong Kong pledge to walk along with all citizens throughout the journey of pursuing freedom. We shall bear in mind the sacrifices of the predecessors and ponder over the future of our city. In “The Gods Are Athirst”, Anatole France wrote: “When the Government violates the Rights of the people, insurrection is for the people the most sacred and the most indispensable of duties.” Hong Kong has never escaped from the increasing control of the communist party, and its future is disconcerting as human rights and rule of law are being devastated. When various crises such as the co-location arrangement together with legislations of national anthem law and Article 23 come around incessantly, we shall never let our voice die down nor allow the regime to trample on us. It is only the Hong Kong people who bear the responsibility of saving our city. We shall never lose hope of the future of Hong Kong, as only through perseverance and assertiveness can we take control of the destiny of our home.

    Jean-Paul Sartre once said, “a lost battle is a battle one thinks one has lost.” Shall we fight and struggle with persistence, Justice will return gloriously.

    City University of Hong Kong Students’ Union
    Hang Seng Management College Students’ Union
    Interim Executive Committee of The Student Union of Hong Kong Shue Yan University
    Student Union of Chu Hai College of Higher Education
    The Education University of Hong Kong Students’ Union
    The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Students' Union
    The Hong Kong University Students’ Union
    The Student Union of the Chinese University of Hong Kong

    12th June 2018

  • obsolete中文 在 Alexander Wang 王梓沅英文 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2013-07-29 08:50:41
    有 195 人按讚

    無論是在改變一生文法班、還是在托福口說班,我都一再強調熟悉和不斷學習英文collocations 的重要性 (這一塊嚴重被台灣英文教育忽視)。要寫好TOEFL/GMAT/GRE 寫作? 想要talk in English 而非 in Chinglish? 最大的關鍵就在Collocations.
    舉例而言,今天在口說班上分享 "inclement" 一個字,意思是殘酷無情的。因為台灣學生習慣從中文至英文轉換的學習方法,所以不意外的會造出 inclement teachers / inclement approaches 這種文法正確但確非常滷肉飯的英文。對於美國人來說,因為長期在abundant English input 的情況下,用直覺就會知道跟 inclement 最常連用的就是weather (inclement weather) (美國每當下大雪商店要提早關門的告示都是這樣寫 並不是什麼高深用法)。

    有時為了考試不得已要一個字一個字背誦單字 (不管是用什麼方法背),但最終要將英文看成一輩子的資產時,一個Chunk (詞組) 一個 Chunk 的學習,才是最好的學習方法。例如下面幾組有關於 "cause" "lead to" 的collocations 給大家參考

    1. The advertising campaign didn't PRODUCE the RESULTS we hoped for.
    2. The Finance Minister's decision to raise income tax PROVOKED an OUTCRY.
    3. If teachers show favoritism, it BREEDS RESENTMENT.
    4. Mary didn't believe the rumors about her boss but they PLANTED DOUBTS in her mind.
    5. The film star's photo PROMPTED SPECULATION that she may be pregnant.
    6. Email has more or less RENDERED the fax machine obsolete.
    7. If you want to make an insurance claim, you can SET THE WHEELS IN MOTION by filling in this form.
    8. This wind will WREAK HAVOC with my flowers.
    9. Our new neighbors are so noisy, it's enough to DRIVE anyone CRAZY.
    10. The strike could SPELL DISASTER for the country.

  • obsolete中文 在 好男人模型工作室 Youtube 的精選貼文

    2020-10-23 21:00:14


    這次製作了一件真實風格的機甲,簡單上色後 嘗試用水性漆補色跟做舊化,跟各位分享~

    【好男人模型開箱】寫實風機甲,MODEROID 1/35 美國海軍隊
    EXOFRAME https://youtu.be/LyAqpTkA2cY


