

在 observed意思產品中有15篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過28萬的網紅美國在台協會 AIT,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 有些人對bias(偏見)一詞已經很熟,但如果不知道這個生詞,它的意思很接近另一個生詞prejudice(成見)。Confirmation bias(確認偏誤)是指人慣於尋找與注意能夠證實自己既有信念或希望相信的證據。舉例來說,在社交媒體上閱讀到與自己觀念相符的文章時,我們會去按讚或分享,反之若是相左...

observed意思 在 Cecile 隙隙 Instagram 的最佳貼文

2021-07-11 08:51:42

20210423 #隙隙乾貨 最近有些可愛的朋朋來私訊我怎麼精讀,這裡就放我的一篇精讀思路,大家可以跟著做筆記(⁎⁍̴̛ᴗ⁍̴̛⁎) 文章來源:經濟學人官網(法律掃盲:純描述事實的新聞內容轉述或重製是不造成侵權的!) 這篇文章主要是在描述印度在歡度新年的同時,新冠肺炎的確診及死亡人數也在飆...

observed意思 在 玳瑚師父 Master Dai Hu Instagram 的最讚貼文

2020-08-12 04:37:47

(English verision below) 兒時的某個時刻,吾突然的意思到,心跳與呼吸的存在做用。因此,吾就憋住呼吸,同時也觀察,心跳若不跳時,會是什麼樣的狀況。結論是,非常難受。 若干年後,皈依學佛,也學道,赫然發現,原來佛,道都非常非常重視,人體的内在修練,由其是我們的呼與吸。當吾,玳...

observed意思 在 weishin wang Instagram 的精選貼文

2020-05-09 15:02:39

《 DL 選物選談 _ Zakka W 》 Zakka W 實體店面位於台北赤峰街,集合國內外設計品牌、服飾配件到香氛刊物,作為各類型創作的展台,由五感呈現全方位藝術,販售生活態度。 很高興這次有機會和 Zakka W 創辦人 @Weishin Wang 聊聊。 __________ DL :...

  • observed意思 在 美國在台協會 AIT Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-07-25 15:00:55
    有 1,764 人按讚

    有些人對bias(偏見)一詞已經很熟,但如果不知道這個生詞,它的意思很接近另一個生詞prejudice(成見)。Confirmation bias(確認偏誤)是指人慣於尋找與注意能夠證實自己既有信念或希望相信的證據。舉例來說,在社交媒體上閱讀到與自己觀念相符的文章時,我們會去按讚或分享,反之若是相左則跳過不看。你有觀察到confirmation bias的情況嗎?是甚麼樣的事情呢?

    Some of you are already familiar with the word "bias." If not, it is very similar in meaning to the word "prejudice." Confirmation bias describes our comfort in finding information that confirms things we know, believe in, or want to believe in. For example, a person might scroll on their social media feed, liking and sharing articles that confirm their beliefs, while skipping over ones that don't. Have you ever observed confirmation bias before? What happened? #DigitalCitizenship #AmericanEnglish

  • observed意思 在 玳瑚師父 Master Dai Hu Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2019-05-05 15:33:41
    有 151 人按讚

    (English verision below)






    There was once during my growing up years that I had a sudden thought about the purpose of our heartbeat's and our breath's existence. Thus I held my breath, and observed what it would be like if my heart stopped beating too. My conclusion: it was a terrible feeling.

    Many years later, after taking refuge in the Three Jewels and learning the Dharma and Tao, to my astonishment, I discovered that these schools of thoughts place an especially huge importance on the inner cultivation of our body, especially our breathing in and out. When I, Master Dai Hu, have the immense good fortune to attain these methods and wisdom, I am in tremendous praise of the greatness of my spiritual lineage, and the amazing compassion and wisdom imbued in the Dharma and Tao. At the same time, compassion for all the sentient beings arise in my heart. Therefore, from time to time, I urge sentient beings to seriously delve into the knowledge and practice of the Qi energy. Because it is intricately linked to our life and death, success and failure, prosperity and decline, strength and weakness, health or sickness. Even the matter of achieving Buddhahood (or demon-hood) hundred years later is related to our Qi. When the Qi is more than your mortal flesh, you will ascend to the Heavens. When the Qi is lesser than your mortal flesh, you will fall to the lower realms.

    I, Master Dai Hu, empathise the sentient beings for they are ignorant and unaware that lifetimes after lifetimes, their body and mind development have been destroyed, hence they are unable to truly enjoy eternal bliss and happiness. Without Qi energy in the brain, we will have low intelligence. Without Qi energy in our eyes, we will suffer from poor sight. Without Qi energy in our ears, we will have trouble hearing. Without Qi energy in our nose, our nose will be constantly runny. Without Qi energy in our mouth, our voice will be unpleasant and soft. Without Qi energy in our heart, it will not have stable beats. Without Qi energy in our lungs, we will not have sufficient wealth. Without Qi energy in our spleen, we are unable to have radiant skin. Without Qi energy in our stomach, our disposition will be weak. Without Qi energy in our liver, we will suffer from depression. Without Qi energy in our kidney, we will have poor fortunes in life. The Qi energy is of paramount importance.

    Choose with all sincerity to free yourself. When the conditons ripen, I will generously teach you the hidden technique to great bliss and liberty.

  • observed意思 在 WeishinW Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2019-04-18 00:17:10
    有 12 人按讚

    跟 Drilling Lab合作好久了


    謝謝 @hunyihsieh 大師拍的照片

    《 DL 選物選談 _ Zakka W 》

    Zakka W 實體店面位於台北赤峰街,集合國內外設計品牌、服飾配件到香氛刊物,作為各類型創作的展台,由五感呈現全方位藝術,販售生活態度。

    很高興這次有機會和 Zakka W 創辦人 @Weishin Wang 聊聊。

    DL :一個人身邊的物品也代表了自己本身,Zakka W 之於你是什麼?

    WW:對於我來說,這是自身對於生活的延伸,Zakka一詞,擴展到精神層面的意思,即是「從普通和世俗中看到智慧的藝術」。我十分認同這樣的理念,偉大的東西並不一定是稀奇古怪的,而是平凡中的不平凡。Zakka W 可以算是一個濃縮,擷取自這幾年來我所觀察到的世界,不管是從設計選品到藝術音樂領域都涵括的一個綜合性的小天地。

    DL :不追隨潮流、重視質感與特殊魅力的 Zakka 定義,是Zakka W選物店的選品標準,相較其他配件品牌,對於 DrillingLab 有什麼特別的想法?

    WW :因為店算是自己的,所以選物上可以任性的依據自己的喜好,我一向 鍾情於簡單低調的金屬飾品類,於是 DrillingLab 的極簡中性風格當然就非常吸引我。形象簡單卻明確的品牌精神、保有其金屬的工業風格卻不會過於粗獷,即使是女生配戴也毫無違和感。從材質挑選到包裝一個個都不馬虎,這些都是我非常欣賞的地方。

    Zakka W store located in Chifeng St, Taipei, a collection of domestic and international design brands, including apparel, accessories, fragrance, and publication. As a display of various types of feature creations, the five senses of art sells a life attitude.

    We had a little chat with the founder Weishin Wang on the other day here.

    DL: As the object to wear represents people themselves, What is Zakka W to you?

    WW: For me, the term Zakka is an extension of life, extending to the spiritual meaning, that is "seen from the ordinary but wisdom of art “. I truly agree with this concept that great thing is not necessarily strange, but an extraordinary in the ordinary. Zakka W is regarded as a concentration, retrieved from the past few years I have observed from the world, whether from design product selections to art music, covering my comprehensive small world.

    DL: Zakka’s selection criteria concentrates on artistic and fine products without sticking to the flows of trend, then, comparing to other accessories brands, what's the greatest difference in DL to you?

    WW: I basically own this shop, so I can choose the product I like. I have always loved the simple low­profile metal accessories, therefore, the neutral and simple style of DrillindLab is quiet an attraction to me. I like DL’s simple but clear image of the brand spirit, retaining its own metallic industrial style but not too rugged, even suitable for girls. Every process, from material selection to packing, is so precise and I really appreciate that.

    #interview #storefinder #drillinglab #selectshop

