

在 observation遊戲產品中有19篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過5,826的網紅海馬仔成長日記,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, #夜遊盛夏摩天輪 🎡 這個一直都係暑假bookmark項目之一,但之前唔係落雨就太熱,所以一直都冇去到。上星期剛剛喺灣仔staycation,夜晚食完自助餐,我哋坐的士過去,#原來夜晚去都好正😍 天氣好舒服,唔熱,而且着左燈好靚,仲可以睇埋夜景🌃👍🏻👍🏻 ✨#必定要做嘅嘢 🎡#喺摩天輪下面打卡 ...

 同時也有15部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過6萬的網紅Jordan到處走,也在其Youtube影片中提到,上一集我們去走拉拉山的巴陵古道生態園區、舊巴陵橋及新巴陵橋,這一集我要再帶大家去拉拉山以及拉拉山週邊的其他景點,最後再帶大家去走清涼消暑的拉拉山巨木群步道,可將上一集合併來個兩天一夜遊喔。影片的最後還有交通小叮嚀,所以你一定要看到最後喔 【拉拉山二日遊 ep1】到拉拉山跨日玩,第一天行程怎麼安排?...

observation遊戲 在 TeenyMunchies - Kids Meals 兒童餐 Instagram 的最佳貼文

2021-07-16 05:22:38

It’s been a while since I reorganized A’s play area. So I decided to change it up a bit. He’s getting a bit older now, so I thought about leaving his ...

observation遊戲 在 金寶湯與羅宋湯 - 小喵奴是怎樣煉成的 Instagram 的最讚貼文

2020-05-14 04:02:52

【🏖暑假好去處 - 天際100「玩到未來🚀」】  🇭🇰香港呢個地方真係好令人讚嘆,咁細嘅地方竟然容納到748萬人,呢個被譽為「全球最美麗夜景🌃」嘅地方,你哋又有冇仔細欣賞過呢?想俯瞰整個香港,一定要嚟香港最高嘅大廈:ICC嘅天際100香港觀景台(天際100)慢慢欣賞啦😍。  呢個暑假,除咗可...

  • observation遊戲 在 海馬仔成長日記 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-08-26 19:10:14
    有 60 人按讚

    #夜遊盛夏摩天輪 🎡

    這個一直都係暑假bookmark項目之一,但之前唔係落雨就太熱,所以一直都冇去到。上星期剛剛喺灣仔staycation,夜晚食完自助餐,我哋坐的士過去,#原來夜晚去都好正😍 天氣好舒服,唔熱,而且着左燈好靚,仲可以睇埋夜景🌃👍🏻👍🏻

    🎠#玩攤位遊戲,我哋都係抱住睇吓嘅心態,所以只係買咗一張標準門券連10個代幣,另外加兩張入場券($20 x 2)

    除咗攤位遊戲,仲有好多個 #巨型打卡位可以俾大家影相📸️🥰 我哋都玩得好開心


    每日早上11點 - 晚上11點

    星期一至四 早上12點 - 晚上10點;
    星期五至日 早上11點 - 晚上11點

    #盛夏摩天輪 #摩天輪
    Hong Kong Observation Wheel & AIA Vitality Park
    #aia #aiavitalityhk #海馬仔嘅暑假2021
    #育兒生活 #hkmom #親子好去處

  • observation遊戲 在 Apple Daily - English Edition Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-03-26 01:00:29
    有 6 人按讚

    #Editorial AppleDailyTW|"The antagonism between the U.S. and China is difficult to resolve in the short term, and it is not yet at its worst. Taiwan is one of the elements in the opposition between the U.S. and China, and the confrontation between the two powers is both a risk and an opportunity for Taiwan. However, unlike the previous Cold War between the U.S. and the Soviet Union, which was a combination of capitalist and communist ideologies, in the current confrontation between the U.S. and China, both sides are at the height of patriotism and nationalism. The issue of Taiwan covers all the most sensitive areas, and there are many subtle details that are not understood or cared about by the international community. Therefore, if Taiwan is to ensure its own safety and interests, it must strengthen its own power and role. The principles must be firm, our mind must be clear, and our strategies and gestures must stay flexible. It is not easy to have any of the above four qualities, but Taiwan must manage to joggle them all. Following instructions, Chiu Tai-san proposed “constructive ambiguity.” Although the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council commented coldly and said it’s “wordplay without sincerity,” it is still an indicator worthy of follow-up observation."

    Read more: https://bit.ly/3rkC9vM

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  • observation遊戲 在 經濟部中小企業處 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-01-11 15:00:00
    有 32 人按讚

    【創業大冒險】👉社會創新大解密 part2 🙌

    #社會創新組織 藉著「眾人之事,眾人助之 」的力量,以順暢網路交流彼此想法,達到突破困境、改善生活、解決問題的目的🔥

    👀從回報動物路殺的路殺社線上系統 、創造循環包裝服務的PackAge Plus ,再到結合文史與實境解謎遊戲的芒果遊戲🎏,還有將歪七扭八水果製成果茶醬的格外農品 ,每個人都有機會參與其中、改變社會!

    如果你也有想要解決的社會問題,不妨追蹤社會創新平台掌握最新消息👉 https://si.taiwan.gov.tw/

    【#Social Innovation Lab Sharing What is social innovation part 2 】

    Social innovation Organization used Internet to connect each other and find out the solution for solving the problem in society.

    In order to reduce animals that are killed on roads by cars or other vehicles and set up eco-friendly paths for animals. “Taiwan Roadkill Observation Network” create a group on Facebook to collect these animals end up as road kill information to identify roadkill hot spots, high seasons of roadkill occurrence, and the effects on threatened species.

    In order to reduce the online shopping packaging issue, “Package+”design a reusable packing bag and create a
    industrial ecosystem mechanism of recycle packaging to solve the packing waste problem with online shopping.

    “Mango Game Studio” apply AR technology to let the game players to immerse in the local culture and exploration experience. Gamers can know more local history when they play the game. The game is not only a game, it's also a historical guide.

    “Good Will Foods” use NG farm goods to make jam or beer to solve food wasting problem.

    Social innovation has no specific form or rules, no matter who you are, you can always be an important part to promote social innovation!
    Follow the newest information here: https://si.taiwan.gov.tw/

