

在 nurture英文產品中有27篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過2萬的網紅思逸 SEER 荒人巫思手抄,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 【超級寒流的魔法對策】#3 迪米特女神 X 感恩熱紅酒 寒冷冬夜,沒有甚麼比芳香四溢的熱紅酒更撫慰人心! 這一年來,你我都辛苦了,讓我們一同舉杯感謝大地母神的照顧,也為自己的努力乾一杯; 期望新的一年,女神依然眷顧著我們,辛勤耕耘也都能有回報。 . . 【建議時間】秋冬均可進行,避開月空時間...

 同時也有3部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過7萬的網紅DDMTV法鼓山網路電視台,也在其Youtube影片中提到,In 2020, with the global pandemic of novel coronavirus as a challenge in our life marked by impermanence, Dharma Drum Mountain made an extra effort to...

nurture英文 在 看ig學英文 Instagram 的最佳貼文

2021-05-30 14:13:34

在上週六,一家樂器行前面,有名小男孩蹲在店門口遙望吉他。 最後趁著四下無人,忍不住推開玻璃門入快速撥了幾下吉他後迅速跑走! 超可愛的小男生,讓老闆不僅沒生氣還霸氣的說「願免費教他一堂吉他課」! 在小時候,你也有非常想嘗試的東西嗎? 有沒有到現在還放在心底,一直沒有去試試看的呢? #人人都有音樂...

nurture英文 在 辣媽英文天后 林俐 Carol Instagram 的最佳貼文

2020-08-12 06:53:34

兒童節快樂!👶🏻💜👧🏻💛🧒🏻💙 今天和女兒、兒子回顧他們及俐媽自己的童年照片, 你們猜得出來who’s who嗎? 附上俐媽兒童照兩張, 證明我小時候就有彩色照片啦~🤣🤣 —————————————————— ❤️ 俐媽英文教室—兒童篇: 👧🏻 newborn (n.) 新生兒🤱🏻 👧🏻 baby...

  • nurture英文 在 思逸 SEER 荒人巫思手抄 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2020-12-31 22:29:07
    有 187 人按讚

    【超級寒流的魔法對策】#3 迪米特女神 X 感恩熱紅酒
    1. 將紅酒倒入小煮鍋中,開小火讓紅酒漸漸沸騰。

    2. 將蘋果與柳橙切片或切塊放入鍋中,這象徵秋天的豐美與甜蜜。

    3. 將砂糖、八角與肉桂棒也放入鍋中,這代表持續燃燒的火焰能量、溫暖身心的香料。

    4. 以長湯匙稍微攪拌這熱酒,一邊念以下的祈禱文(中英文均可):
    /Great mother walking on the earth, save our soul from evil, protect our cereal.
     Hold us gently, love us deeply. Nurture us mercifully./

    5. 大約五分鐘後就可以熄火,享用祝福過的熱紅酒溫暖身體,為寒冬做準備。


    Photo by Gaby Dyson on Unsplash

  • nurture英文 在 思逸 SEER 荒人巫思手抄 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2020-12-25 22:16:55
    有 522 人按讚


    1. 將紅酒倒入小煮鍋中,開小火讓紅酒漸漸沸騰。

    2. 將蘋果與柳橙切片或切塊放入鍋中,這象徵秋天的豐美與甜蜜。

    3. 將砂糖、八角與肉桂棒也放入鍋中,這代表持續燃燒的火焰能量、溫暖身心的香料。

    4. 以長湯匙稍微攪拌這熱酒,一邊念以下的祈禱文(中英文均可):
     Great mother walking on the earth, save our soul from evil, protect our cereal.
     Hold us gently, love us deeply. Nurture us mercifully.

    5. 大約五分鐘後就可以熄火,享用祝福過的熱紅酒溫暖身體,為寒冬做準備。




  • nurture英文 在 思逸 SEER 荒人巫思手抄 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2020-09-27 20:56:36
    有 571 人按讚




    1. 將紅酒倒入小煮鍋中,開小火讓紅酒漸漸沸騰。
    2. 將蘋果與柳橙切片或切塊放入鍋中,這象徵秋天的豐美與甜蜜。
    3. 將砂糖、八角與肉桂棒也放入鍋中,這代表持續燃燒的火焰能量、溫暖身心的香料。
    4. 以長湯匙稍微攪拌這熱酒,一邊念以下的祈禱文(中英文均可):
     Great mother walking on the earth, save our soul from evil, protect our cereal.
     Hold us gently, love us deeply. Nurture us mercifully.
    5. 大約五分鐘後就可以熄火,享用祝福過的熱紅酒溫暖身體,為寒冬做準備。

    Photo by Hannah Pemberton on Unsplash

  • nurture英文 在 DDMTV法鼓山網路電視台 Youtube 的最佳解答

    2021-01-20 16:35:15

    In 2020, with the global pandemic of novel coronavirus as a challenge in our life marked by impermanence, Dharma Drum Mountain made an extra effort to calm people’s mind through the power of religion. To be in line with the disease prevention measures, it organized a series of online Dharma assemblies to pray for the world, and offered various online group practice activities, streamed in real time at its branch practice centers at home and abroad, for practitioners to continue with their practice during the pandemic. In addition, its social care work, including visits and emergency relief efforts, as well as academic exchange activities were never compromised despite the pandemic. Its lay and monastic practitioners continued to uphold Master Sheng Yen’s compassionate vow, consistently dedicated to promoting the purification of human minds and enhancing world peace and harmony.

    A revised version, the Memorial Edition of Complete Works of Master Sheng Yen 2020 comprising altogether 108 books was published. Dharma Drum Mountain expects to give the collection to interested centers for Chinese studies and major libraries around the world, for Master Sheng Yen’s insight to be shared with global readers.

    To welcome the year 2021, let’s pray that we can all use the calming power of Buddhist practice to help transform distress and suffering in the world, enabling everyone to truly enjoy peace and ease.


  • nurture英文 在 DDMTV法鼓山網路電視台 Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2020-01-17 13:31:52

    For the year 2020, Dharma Drum Mountain has chosen “Nurture blessings, and you will be blessed” as its annual theme, inviting people to explore their inner treasure mountains and cultivate their merit-fields.

    DDM abbot president Ven. Guo Huei urges the public to develop a grateful mind that knows to be content, thereby bringing peace to self and others, as a way to nurture blessings for ourselves. At the same time we should make good wishes and happily practice the action of giving, to cultivate good relations with others, for the benefit of all.

    For the new year, let us all vow to change ourselves by starting with the mind, counting our blessings while acting for the benefit of others, thereby creating happiness and well-being for all people in the world. That way, we will truly be blessed.


  • nurture英文 在 DDMTV法鼓山網路電視台 Youtube 的精選貼文

    2020-01-13 14:38:43

    The year 2019 marks the 10th anniversary for Master Sheng Yen’s passing, the 30th anniversary for Dharma Drum Mountain, the 40th anniversary for Chan Meditation Center, and the 70th anniversary for Humanity Magazine. To remember Master Sheng Yen, DDM organized a series of events surrounding the theme of “Thus I Do.”

    From DDM’s Family Day for Protecting the Spiritual Environment, designed to engage and inspire the public to practice Chan in daily life, to the International Conference on Buddhism and Social Science, as well as the Conference of Spiritual Environmentalism on the Regeneration of Agriculture in the Era of Climate Change, which aimed to combine Buddhist teachings and other specialized studies, Dharma Drum Mountain has shown its effort in promoting diversity and infusing new energy in Buddhist practice. The newly opened Yunlai Monastery Branch Center, the new venue of DDM Buddhist Centre Malaysia, and the inauguration of Chan Retreat Center in Croatia, established by Žarko Andričević, one of Master Sheng Yen’s Dharma heirs, also testified the devotion of the Master’s monastic and lay disciples in continuing his vows to advocate DDM’s Threefold Education and Protection of Spiritual Environment endeavors universally throughout the world.

    Master Sheng Yen had completed his task of establishing Dharma Drum Mountain, while we are still striving to further its development. For 2020, let us all aspire to contribute to DDM's annual theme of the year—Nurture blessings, and you will be blessed—as an effort to realize a pure land on earth.


