

在 numerous同義產品中有1篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過4萬的網紅Ken's Portable Classroom,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 📰 今天我們來讀讀【華爾街日報】 🖐🏽 五分鐘來關心國際時事— 黎巴嫩🇱🇧 📰 Beirut Explosion Caused by Fire Kills Dozens, Injures Thousands 火災造成的貝魯特爆炸,造成數十人死亡,數千人受傷 The blast occurre...

 同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過2萬的網紅hulan,也在其Youtube影片中提到,義大利品牌Loro Piana 純淨之丘 · 臻然極境 十週年誌慶巡迴概念展。展覽繼北京、香港後抵台灣,於台北101四樓都會廣場盛大登場,13日週六下午3點起至10月22日止全面開放參觀。 佔地112平方公尺,取材自大漠純淨之丘,走進展間就彷彿踏入由無數喀什米爾紗線交織而成的一抹風景;不同主題空...

numerous同義 在 DSE 7科5** | IELTS 9分 | 線上補習 Instagram 的最讚貼文

2020-05-14 13:09:05

相信大家作文時,尤其是表述有關利弊的觀點,都有機會用到「抵銷」或者「平衡」等字眼,英文方面有哪些字詞選擇呢? ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Cancelled out e.g. Despite the numerous pros of the project, they are cancelled out b...

numerous同義 在 Lifelong Animal Protection Instagram 的最讚貼文

2020-05-09 20:28:39

*中文版在下方* LAP adoption day was once again an absolute success because of you. LAP would like to thank all of you for making this possible. Lots of fur...

  • numerous同義 在 Ken's Portable Classroom Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2020-08-05 20:00:03
    有 346 人按讚

    📰 今天我們來讀讀【華爾街日報】
    🖐🏽 五分鐘來關心國際時事— 黎巴嫩🇱🇧

    📰 Beirut Explosion Caused by Fire Kills Dozens, Injures Thousands

    The blast occurred after a warehouse with highly explosive material caught fire; Trump says U.S. military leaders cite ‘a bomb of some kind’

    📌 這篇文章是典型國際新聞報導,標題開宗明義告訴讀者在貝魯特 (Beirut) 發生的大火 (fire) 引致 (caused by) 爆炸 (explosion), 殺了數十人(dozens) 和傷了幾千人 (thousands)。blast 是explosion的同義詞。副標題引述美國總統的話:美國局方領袖 (military leader) 引述 (cite) 某種炸彈被牽涉的。

    BEIRUT—Dozens of people were confirmed dead and thousands more injured after a massive explosion caused by a warehouse fire rocked Lebanon’s capital city of Beirut.

    📌 這段改述(paraphrase) 事件的主要細節。capital city 是首都城市。

    The warehouse held highly explosive material, said an official with Lebanon’s army who added that the blast was likely caused by a fire and wasn’t an attack. President Trump, however, on Tuesday evening called it a “terrible attack” and said U.S. military leaders believe the explosion was caused by “a bomb of some kind.”

    📌 這段引述黎巴嫩軍隊官員就事件的解釋:貨倉容納非常易爆炸的物料 (highly explosive material),爆炸跟襲擊 (attack) 無關。川普總統則說這是可怕的襲擊。

    The explosive material, which Lebanese officials identified as ammonium nitrate, had been kept at the warehouse for the past six years, according to Prime Minister Hassan Diab. “All those responsible for this catastrophe will pay the price,” Mr. Diab said.
    At least 50 people were killed and 2,750 wounded because of the explosion, Lebanon’s health minister said.

    📌 這兩段繼續引述黎巴嫩軍隊官員所提供的資料。ammonium nitrate 是化學品的名稱— 硝酸銨。pay the price 則是指付出代價。

    The explosion, which produced a giant orange mushroom cloud over the city, was yet another trauma for Beirut residents who have survived wars and numerous bombings in the past. They now face the challenge of rebuilding at a time of strained resources due to the coronavirus pandemic.

    The blast is the latest blow for Lebanon, a country already reeling from multiple crises in recent months, ranging from large street protests over government corruption to an economy on the brink of collapse after years of mismanagement. Before the explosion, which shook the whole of Beirut, Lebanon’s economy was in free fall and ordinary Lebanese citizens were struggling with soaring prices of food and other goods, as well as long daily power cuts.

    📌 這兩段解釋這次爆炸對貝魯特居民來說是另一個創傷 (trauma),並延伸介紹居民所面對的困難:大型上街抗議 (large street protests)、急漲食物和其他物品的價格 (soaring prices of food and other goods) 和長時間停電 (long daily power cuts)。

    The explosion destroyed one of Lebanon’s most important international ports and severely damaged Beirut’s cosmopolitan city center, with its neighborhoods of restaurants and concrete apartment buildings, and its iconic corniche on the Mediterranean. The city’s core neighborhoods, home to countless cafes, bars, and artist studios, are at the heart of Beirut’s role as a regional cultural hub with global aspirations.

    📌 這段說這次爆炸毀壞港口(port) 和破壞市中心 (city center)。corniche是個很少用的字,但是精準地描繪地中海的濱海道路。

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    Nazih Osseiran and Jared Malsin

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    🎁 領獎期限: 08/07 20:00

  • numerous同義 在 hulan Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2018-10-14 22:13:43

    義大利品牌Loro Piana 純淨之丘 · 臻然極境 十週年誌慶巡迴概念展。展覽繼北京、香港後抵台灣,於台北101四樓都會廣場盛大登場,13日週六下午3點起至10月22日止全面開放參觀。

    佔地112平方公尺,取材自大漠純淨之丘,走進展間就彷彿踏入由無數喀什米爾紗線交織而成的一抹風景;不同主題空間裡分別展示著限量「小山羊喀什米爾十週年誌慶系列」,旖旎的大地色彩盡顯柔白色單品純淨優雅的迷人魅力。伴隨著層層堆疊的視覺和質地,Loro Piana「純淨之丘 · 臻然極境」概念展將引領來訪者身臨其境體驗一場從素淨到奢華的獨特感官旅程。

    本次概念展藉由圖像與布料交織,使純淨臻然的小山羊喀什米爾好似激起一帷如描繪沙丘輪廓的波浪圖畫,餘波蕩漾,蜿蜒曲折。旅程始於一個柔軟純淨的空間,爾後邂逅在紅色沙丘上漫遊的Capra hircus山羊,並經歷令人驚嘆的工序製作。這趟旅程為「小山羊喀什米爾十週年誌慶系列」揭開神秘面紗 ── 小山羊喀什米爾輕柔綿延的觸感貼合著肌膚,伴隨著衣者的動作翩翩起舞。
    Capra hircus山羊生活在內蒙古阿拉善山區沙漠的惡劣環境,純白色羊毛是牠們唯一的保護。隨著嚴冬降臨,山羊長出可有效抵禦寒冷的雙層羊毛:粗疏的披毛保護層下,有一層柔軟纖細的絨毛,正是稀世珍貴的小山羊喀什米爾。氣候溫和的六月,山羊羊毛自然脫落,牧民便在此時溫柔地收集喀什米爾絨毛。每隻小山羊的一生中,只能在屆滿一歲之前採集一次,且因僅限六月期間採集,可用纖維不超過三十克,不僅採集期短且產量極少。
    小山羊喀什米爾的創作靈感源自1990年代中期。掠過指尖軟柔觸感猶如浮光掠影般的靈感,小山羊喀什米爾極為柔軟細緻的衣料纖維來自品牌長達十年的精心研發,精煉而成那些對大自然情有獨鍾之人心中最獨特的禮讚。歷經時間考驗,秉承著對極緻品質的追求與堅持,一路前行,在2000年代中期經過全世界最為敏銳挑剔鑑賞家們檢驗,首次矚目亮相。十年後的今天,品牌慶祝其成功並舉行「純淨之丘 · 臻然極境」十週年誌慶概念展,揭開世上最高貴且稀有布料纖維的秘密。
    場地陳列布置 常溫品牌製造坊

    义大利品牌Loro Piana 纯净之丘 · 臻然极境 十周年志庆巡回概念展。展览继北京、香港后抵台湾,于台北101四楼都会广场盛大登场,13日周六下午3点起至10月22日止全面开放参观。

    占地112平方公尺,取材自大漠纯净之丘,走进展间就仿佛踏入由无数喀什米尔纱线交织而成的一抹风景;不同主题空间里分别展示着限量「小山羊喀什米尔十周年志庆系列」,旖旎的大地色彩尽显柔白色单品纯净优雅的迷人魅力。伴随着层层堆叠的视觉和质地,Loro Piana「纯净之丘 · 臻然极境」概念展将引领来访者身临其境体验一场从素净到奢华的独特感官旅程。

    本次概念展藉由图像与布料交织,使纯净臻然的小山羊喀什米尔好似激起一帷如描绘沙丘轮廓的波浪图画,余波荡漾,蜿蜒曲折。旅程始于一个柔软纯净的空间,尔后邂逅在红色沙丘上漫游的Capra hircus山羊,并经历令人惊叹的工序制作。这趟旅程为「小山羊喀什米尔十周年志庆系列」揭开神秘面纱 ── 小山羊喀什米尔轻柔绵延的触感贴合着肌肤,伴随着衣者的动作翩翩起舞。
    Capra hircus山羊生活在内蒙古阿拉善山区沙漠的恶劣环境,纯白色羊毛是它们唯一的保护。随着严冬降临,山羊长出可有效抵御寒冷的双层羊毛:粗疏的披毛保护层下,有一层柔软纤细的绒毛,正是稀世珍贵的小山羊喀什米尔。气候温和的六月,山羊羊毛自然脱落,牧民便在此时温柔地收集喀什米尔绒毛。每只小山羊的一生中,只能在届满一岁之前采集一次,且因仅限六月期间采集,可用纤维不超过三十克,不仅采集期短且产量极少。
    小山羊喀什米尔的创作灵感源自1990年代中期。掠过指尖软柔触感犹如浮光掠影般的灵感,小山羊喀什米尔极为柔软细致的衣料纤维来自品牌长达十年的精心研发,精炼而成那些对大自然情有独钟之人心中最独特的礼赞。历经时间考验,秉承着对极致品质的追求与坚持,一路前行,在2000年代中期经过全世界最为敏锐挑剔鉴赏家们检验,首次瞩目亮相。十年后的今天,品牌庆祝其成功并举行「纯净之丘 · 臻然极境」十周年志庆概念展,揭开世上最高贵且稀有布料纤维的秘密。
    イタリアのブランドLoro Piana Pure Hill・臻然极境10周年記念ツアーのコンセプト展示。北京の展示会に続いて、訪問者に完全に開いた10月22日まで、壮大な広場、わずか13土曜日15:00デビューする台北101の4階に、香港、台湾に到着しました。

    「少しヤギカシミールカイ10周年を披露異なるテーマスペースが限られている。これは、景観のタッチから数多く織り込まれた糸によってカシミールの進捗状況かのように部屋に歩いて、純粋な砂漠の丘から撮影した112平方メートルの面積をカバーお祝いシリーズ、エナメルの素朴な色は、柔らかい白い部分の純粋でエレガントな魅力を示しています。 、視覚的なテクスチャロロ・ピアーナの積層では、「ヒル・純粋ジェンが走った非常に環境」のコンセプト展示は没入体験贅沢に地味から独特の感覚の旅訪問者をリードします。
    Italian brand Loro Piana Pure Hill · 臻然极境 10th anniversary celebration tour concept exhibition. After the exhibition, Beijing and Hong Kong arrived in Taiwan, and the grand opening of the Metropolis Plaza on the fourth floor of Taipei 101. On the 13th, from 3 pm to October 22, the exhibition was fully opened.

    Covering an area of ​​112 square meters, it is taken from the pure hills of the desert. As it progresses, it seems to step into a landscape that is intertwined with numerous Kashmir yarns. In different themed spaces, the limited edition of the 10th Anniversary of the Little Goat Kashmir The celebration series, the earthy colors of the enamel show the pure and elegant charm of the soft white pieces. With the visual and texture of the layers stacked, Loro Piana's concept of “Pure Hill · Amazing Surroundings” will lead visitors to experience a unique sensory journey from plain to luxurious.

    이탈리아의 브랜드 Loro Piana Pure Hill · 臻 然 极境 10 주년 기념 컨셉 투어 컨셉 전시. 전시회가 끝난 후 베이징과 홍콩이 타이완에 도착하여 타이페이 101의 4 층 메트로폴리스 플라자 그랜드 오프닝이 열렸습니다. 13 일 오후 3 시부 터 10 월 22 일까지 전시회가 완전히 열렸습니다.

    이 방에 걸어, 순수한 사막 언덕에서 촬영 112m2의 영역을 커버 풍경의 터치에서 수많은 짜여진 실에 의해 카슈미르에 진전이있는 경우로서 다른 테마 공간은 "작은 염소 카슈미르 치 10 주년 제한 쇼케이스 있습니다 축하 시리즈, 에나멜의 소박한 색상은 부드러운 흰색 조각의 순수하고 우아한 매력을 보여줍니다. Loro Piana의 "Pure Hill · Amazing Surroundings"컨셉은 겹겹이 겹쳐진 시각적 인 느낌과 질감으로 일반인부터 고급 스러움에 이르기까지 독특한 감각의 여행을 경험하게합니다.
    Il marchio italiano Loro Piana Pure Hill · concept 然 极 境 Mostra del 10 ° anniversario della celebrazione del tour. Dopo la mostra, Pechino e Hong Kong arrivarono a Taiwan e la grande apertura della Metropolis Plaza al quarto piano di Taipei 101. Il 13, dalle 15:00 al 22 ottobre, la mostra fu completamente aperta.

    Copre una superficie di 112 metri quadrati, preso dalla collina del deserto puro, entrando nella stanza, come se i progressi sul Kashmir dalle numerose filo intessuto da un tocco di scenario; diversi spazi tematici sono vetrina limitato il decimo anniversario della "piccola capra Chi Kashmir Le serie di celebrazioni, i colori terrosi dello smalto mostrano il fascino puro ed elegante dei morbidi pezzi bianchi. Con la grafica e la trama degli strati impilati, il concetto Loro Piana di "Pure Hill · Amazing Surroundings" condurrà i visitatori a sperimentare un viaggio sensoriale unico dal semplice al lussuoso.

