常犯的寫作邏輯錯誤 (2)
🗣 記得往左滑至圖片開聲音聽講解喔👂🏻
⛔️ 時間邏輯錯誤 :
❌ In the past, students used to go to school on foot. However, more and more students take public tran...
常犯的寫作邏輯錯誤 (2)
🗣 記得往左滑至圖片開聲音聽講解喔👂🏻
⛔️ 時間邏輯錯誤 :
❌ In the past, students used to go to school on foot. However, more and more students take public transport.
⚠️ 邏輯:
句中有 "However"
可知作者想表達 "轉折" 語氣;
但記得語意轉折了, 時間也要有一致性喔~
🐨寫 "However" 的時候也要想想, 我的前後句真的是 "有意義的轉折" 嗎?
⭕ 在句尾 + "nowadays" - (簡單)
⭕ In the past, …… Since the arrival of automobiles in the industrial revolution, transportation has then shifted to private vehicles and public transportations.
⛔️ 時態用錯 :
❌ Over the past few years, more and more people have smartphones.
⚠️ 邏輯:
描述過去到現在的一段時間 + 現在完成式
用decades還是要用years : 看討論的主角
➡️ 手機, 教育都是近幾十年的議題, 故用 "decades" 較適合
⭕ Over the past few decades, smartphones have become more common and have shifted from a verbal communication tool to a multimedia one.
⛔️ 時態混亂造成語意混淆 :
❌ By switching to the online learning environment can I make use of the time which is used on other things.
⚠️ 邏輯:
可以用 "originally/initially" 等副詞
⭕ Only by switching to online learning can I make use of the time that is initially used on other activities.
💬 歡迎留言跟我聊你的收穫
⬇️ 喜歡這類分享他話記得開啟貼文通知
讓康妮的好文不漏接喔 ⬇️
#ielts #英文學習 #英語教學 #英文單字 #語言學習 #多益 #托福 #學測 #英文口說 #澳洲留學 #留學生 #留學生活 #雅思寫作 #打工度假 #學測英文 #生活英文 #康妮寫作 #英文寫作 #康妮日常英文 #英文作文
nowadays句尾 在 凌子楚 最清楚 Facebook 的精選貼文
完成式的動詞,have/has/had/will have + Ved(完成與被動的過去分詞),必考三態的不規則變化。
完成的時副,有四個條件,放句尾,記得要回頭檢查動詞要門當戶對,用完成式的動詞,have/has + Ved(完成與被動的過去分詞)。
二是,經驗次數(once一次/twice兩次/three times三次.../before曾經經驗過),動詞要用完成式。
三是,從過去到現在,到目前為止(so far/till now/until now/up to now),動詞要用完成式。
四是,從過去到現在,最近/這些日子以來(lately/recently/these days/nowadays),動詞要用完成式。
nowadays句尾 在 跟著恬恬與Fabianㄧ起刮世界地圖 Facebook 的最讚貼文
Deutsch lernen:
Ich will Erdnüsse essen, aber ich darf nicht.
ich will
du willst
er/es/sie will
wir wollen
ihr wollt
sie/Sie wollen
2.die Erdnuss=花生 複數die Erdnüsse
ich darf
du darfst
es/er/sie darf
wir dürfen
ihr dürft
sie/Sie dürfen
Do you know the main religion in Germany? It's Christianity. Every year after carnival, a time called Lent starts and lasts for 40 days until the day before Easter. The traditional purpose of Lent is the preparation of the believer through prayer, penance, repentance of sins, almsgiving, atonement and self-denial. To celebrate the regeneration of Jesus.
Nowadays ppl will still do the Lent but in a different way. They will sacrifice something they like such as playing computer games or eating chocolates. Fabian and I plan to stop eating our favorite snacks every night, BBQ peanuts and pretzel cookies for 40 days. Unfortunately we cannot stop eating pizzas, it's part of our life already heheheh.
Do you have anything you like to eat every week? For me, when I was in Taiwan, I always planed my eating schedule weekly. Every week I repeated it :P If you happen to be on a diet, then let's do Lent together:D