

在 november黃藍產品中有33篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過3萬的網紅Yuppie韓國服飾,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, #November 下擺開岔微落肩圓領針織上衣 5色 - 官網:https://yuppie.cyberbiz.co/products/202011224444 蝦皮:https://shopee.tw/product/2417228/6964671521/ - 灰色(模特色)/黑色/鵝黃色/藍色...

 同時也有7部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過6萬的網紅Pumi Journal,也在其Youtube影片中提到,舖米 Pumi IG:PumiˍJournal (https://www.instagram.com/pumi_journal/) Blog:https://pumijournal.blogspot.com/ E-mail:[email protected] 影片禁止轉載、二改、商用 使用...

november黃藍 在 ?Miss miffy Nijntje( • x • )? Instagram 的精選貼文

2020-05-03 07:17:13

🐰突然快閃Pre-Order : 今次有點急, 截數日期為 9/11 8pm前🙇🏻‍♀️, 約20/11 或之前到貨💪🏻💕 . 🐰Nano Block 共8款, Pls. Inbox 查詢💕 . 🐰生果 🐰藍色Pretty Dress 🐰黃色Pretty Dress 🐰Miffy & 小烏龜 🐰雪人...

  • november黃藍 在 Yuppie韓國服飾 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2020-11-22 18:37:39
    有 1 人按讚

    下擺開岔微落肩圓領針織上衣 5色


  • november黃藍 在 Yuppie韓國服飾 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2020-11-21 13:08:41
    有 5 人按讚

    基本款微彈性針織上衣 9色

  • november黃藍 在 蘇浩 Anthony So Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2020-05-26 22:27:20
    有 9 人按讚



    Crowdfunding for the project《Wounds of Hong Kong 港傷》https://bit.ly/2WuNqw2
    *for English please scroll down

    雄仔(化名) 護士 31歲





    除了提供情緒支援,雄仔也為子女提供零用錢,「『文具』 好貴,我常叫他們以安全為先,有事就棄裝,再買過。」「仔女都好生性。要把塞錢偷偷攝入gear(抗爭裝備),怕他們不肯要。」「文具」就是防毒面具和濾罐,每套大約1000港元,「我有工作,可以撐住,只是花了積蓄,對不起女友啦。」至今他已花了6、7萬元在子女身上,「她知道我花了1000元都肉赤到死(心疼得要死),怎敢跟她說?」

    需要接濟的少年很多來自建制家庭,因為政見而被斷糧草、甚至斷六親。 若雄仔晚生十幾年,他很可能是其中之一,「我爸是紅底。自細他就跟我說票投民建聯(親北京政黨),不然就脫離父子關係。」2016年立法會新界東補選,他仍是投民建聯的周浩鼎,2014年雨傘運動當然沒有參與,「之前的抗爭關於政制,可能我未感受到對人生自由有重大威脅。實行雙普選需要時間,香港社會始終未成熟。」直到政府強推《逃犯條例》修訂,他才感到刀刃在脖子上,「明明是一國兩制, 可以引渡逃犯,就會造成破窗。事事都要跟大陸接軌,要引入計分制(社會信用評分制度)嗎?」怕中港區隔蕩然無存。




    Hung(alias) 31 years old Nurse

    In the middle of the night of November 8th, 2019, Hung and his girlfriend passed by Wai Fung Plaza in Mongkok and stumbled upon a confrontation between citizens and the riot police. The police fired tear gas bombs when the two started to leave. Hung was hit by a bullet case on his head, leaving a three-centimeter long scar.

    “I get so mad every time I talk about this incident. It would have been worthwhile if I was injured at the frontline in a protest,” said Hung. At the time, there were riot police on the streets of Mong Kok. The public was yelling and having arguments with them. That made the police angry, so they retaliated. “Nowadays, the riot police use tear gas bombs as bullets,” said Hung. Hung’s girlfriend, a nurse, was crying from fear when he was hit. However, Hung was calm, only worrying about if he would need to cancel their trip for the day after.

    Because of his participation in protests and long working hours, Hung hadn’t spent much time with his girlfriend since June. “She is also a pro-democracy supporter so she understands and never complains, but I knew she was upset about me not spending enough time with her. The get-away trip we had planned was considered to be ‘compensation’ for her. We were also taking my future mother-in-law with us. As a girl, I understand she wants company, care, and time from her boyfriend,” said Hung. After getting stitches at the hospital for his wound, Hung went on the trip.

    Hung’s girlfriend and his family know that he participates in protests, but they don’t know he is also a “parent” who helps “raise” 9 teenagers. On the protest on August 18th, he was at Harcourt Road after the end of the protest. He heard someone calling for a social worker. A kid was crying and saying he wanted to commit suicide because his parents are pro-establishment supporters. Hung thought he could do something to help. That’s how he became a “parent” and ended up helping more kids.

    In addition to providing emotional support, Hung also helps them financially by giving them money. “ ‘Stationery’ is expensive. I always remind them that safety is the first priority. They should leave their gear behind if they need to run. They can always repurchase their gear. These are good kids, and they don’t always accept my offers, so I need to secretly hide money into their gear for them,” said Hung. The ‘stationery’ is actually protective gear like gas masks and filter canisters. Each set costs approximately HK$1,000. “I have a job, so I can afford them. I spent my savings, so it made me feel bad for my girlfriend, as I didn’t tell her exactly how much I had spent on the kids,” said Hung. Until now, Hung had already spent over HK$60,000 to HK$70,000.

    Most of the kids Hung helps are from pro-establishment families. Having different political views, these kids don’t get support from their families and are left with no money and no place to stay. Hung thinks if he were born ten years later, he could have been one of these kids. “My father is an extreme Beijing-backed establishment supporter. He has told me to vote for Democratic Alliance for the Betterment (DAB), a pro-Beijing party since I was a kid. Otherwise, he would disown me,” said Hung. Up until the 2016 New Territories East by-election in the Legislative Council, he still voted for DAB’s Chow Ho-ding, Holden. Of course, he didn’t participate in the Umbrella Movement in 2014. He said the previous protests were about the political system, so he might not have felt a major threat to his freedom then. “It took time to implement universal suffrage, and Hong Kong wasn’t ready.” It wasn’t until the government forced the revision of the “Fugitive Offenders Ordinance” that he finally realized, “If the one country two systems could extradite the fugitives, this change would become a breaking point, with everything in line with the mainland China.”

    In the November 2019 District Council election, it was Hung’s first time he didn’t vote for the DAB, “Voters voted based on their political stance. I don’t believe the pan-democrats but I don’t want the pro-establishment parties to win either. Although I still feel that in terms of local affairs, the pro-establishment parties had done more,” said Hung, since the bureaucrats are willing to give favors to the pro-establishment parties. For example, a relative of Hung was caught buying illegal cigarettes, he was suspected of reselling them. The Housing Department wanted to take back his public housing unit on the grounds of engaging in illegal activities. Later, it was the district councilor of the pro-establishment party that helped resolve the issue.

    Hung and his family live in a tiny public housing unit, which doesn’t allow him to keep all the ‘stationery’ there, so he moved in with his friend. But he never thought about moving in with his girlfriend. “Rent is expensive. If we could afford to move out, we would get married. She is very dependent and needs to be taken care of. We will wait and talk about marriage later until the civil rights protests are over,” said Hung.

    攝 photo:高仲明 Ko Chung Ming
    文 text:蔡慧敏 Choi Wai Man
    譯 translate:Joanna Ng

  • november黃藍 在 Pumi Journal Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2021-03-06 18:00:13

    舖米 Pumi
    IG:PumiˍJournal (https://www.instagram.com/pumi_journal/)


    COPIC代針筆0.3 (黑)
    筆之助 雙頭黑灰軟頭筆

    👉流口水😋速食店主題子彈筆記,一起來畫漢堡包!February Bullet Journal Set Up|Hamburg|French fries|McDonald's|舖米Pumi
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    👉2020子彈筆記設計 Bullet Journal Set Up 2020|Plan with me|2020Journal|舖米Pumi
    👉2020手帳安排配置|子彈筆記|月曆日曆|寄思手帳|Journal 2020|舖米Pumi
    👉2019子彈筆記總回顧 2019 Bullet Journal Flip Through|Bullet Journal|舖米Pumi
    👉十二月子彈筆記手帳設計 December Plan With Me 2019 Bullet Journal|Christmas Tree 聖誕樹|舖米Pumi
    👉十一月子彈筆記手帳設計 November Plan With Me 2019 Bullet Journal|銀杏|舖米Pumi

    樂曲提供:Production Music by http://www.epidemicsound.com
    #BulletJournal #子彈筆記 #2021子彈筆記

  • november黃藍 在 Pumi Journal Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2019-10-30 18:00:06

    舖米 Pumi
    IG:PumiˍJournal (https://www.instagram.com/pumi_journal/)


    雄獅 彩艷筆 20黃土 08棕色
    大創 勾線的那支咖啡色


    手帳分享 ▎九月子彈筆記手帳設計 September Plan With Me 2019 Bullet Journal|拍立得相機|舖米Pumi
    手帳分享 ▎八月子彈筆記手帳設計 August Plan With Me 2019 Bullet Journal|日式刨冰|舖米Pumi
    手帳分享 ▎2019年手帳安排配置|子彈筆記|桌曆日曆|Journal 2019|舖米Pumi
    手帳分享 ▎2018子彈筆記翻翻看 2018 Bullet Journal Flip Through|Bullet Journal|舖米Pumi
    手帳分享 ▎三月子彈筆記手帳設計 March Plan With Me 2019 Bullet Journal|舖米Pumi
    手帳分享 ▎十月子彈筆記手帳設計 October Plan With Me 2019 Bullet Journal|Halloween|Vampire|舖米Pumi

    #子彈筆記 #BulletJournal #November #Bujo2019

  • november黃藍 在 小肥Siufay Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2018-01-20 13:00:03

    Siu Fay's Bedtime Stories
    小肥 睡前服音樂現場
    Episode #9
    30th November 2017

    iTunes: https://goo.gl/6yMczR
    Apple Music: https://goo.gl/ov8X6T
    hmvPLAY: https://goo.gl/9MkFch
    JOOX: https://goo.gl/w1XXp8
    KKBOX: https://kkbox.fm/oSKOsf
    MOOV: https://s.moov.hk/r?s=ZVO8tY
    MusicOne: https://goo.gl/EJHrwJ
    Spotify: https://goo.gl/VLVrcn

    編:俊@Blaster, 李偉@RubberBand

    世界太過快 裝不了愉快
    多少歌出街 都要論成敗
    或我 不太愛造作 本性略嫌壞
    你又有沒 像我踩界

    說到我也怪 我本身較乖
    須知正面去面對著各界 都識要派牌
    可惜 衝刺到迷惘 就難免倦態
    人極熾熱 亦要帽戴

    不須理由 一起抵受
    是對手 又能當密友
    十萬單位 各自街口 戰鬥

    有哪個似我 不知我地帶
    擠身於中間 手貨為誰賣
    但我 不配叫落魄 都有著城寨
    企在較後 未算光怪

    世態再變態 結他都跣呔
    總之結合每段憤怒痛快 孭好那吊帶
    假使 七國變六國 尚餘八十派
    難道信賴 亦看邊界

    不須理由 一起抵受
    是對手 又能當密友
    十萬傷口 拍著心口
    不須理由 一起享受
    用對手 在遙距合奏
    十萬單位 各自街口 戰鬥

    不須理由 一起享受
    是對手 又能當密友
    十萬傷口 拍著心口
    不須理由 多久之後
    未退休 做人看未透
    亦讓三位 夾成一位 怪獸

