

在 novelty中文產品中有3篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過47萬的網紅Kizuna AI(official),也在其Facebook貼文中提到, / 🎀Kizuna AI 2nd Live “hello, world 2020” Merchandise🎀 We are now taking orders for our overseas customers! Watch the Special Video From the Link Bel...

 同時也有3部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過19萬的網紅RinRin Doll,也在其Youtube影片中提到,チャンネル登録 SUBSCRIBE → http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=rinrindolly ENGLISH CHANNEL 英語チャンネル → https://www.youtube.com/rinrindolljapan ...

novelty中文 在 DSE英文|港大英文系+翻譯系 Instagram 的最佳貼文

2021-03-30 12:02:31

我地中文成日講xx感,例如幽默感,歸屬感等等。但係轉做英文你又識唔識點講呢? [#日常英語🌋] [#每日生字🌋] BB班👶 幽默感 a sense of humour 歸屬感 a sense of belonging (身分)認同感 a sense of identity 難少少🤏 平衡感...

novelty中文 在 Yiu Fai Chow Instagram 的最讚貼文

2020-04-28 18:59:50

Repost from @hkbucisl using @RepostRegramApp - 《趁香港還有你們》 2018年,第八屆周耀輝歌詞創作班的同學郭咏冰(冰冰)遇上了高級註冊護士黃淑嫻。經過了三次訪談後,冰冰寫下了《安然淺笑》,送給黃姑娘,也希望向一眾在高壓環境下工作的醫護人員致敬。 今...

novelty中文 在 途中青年旅舍 / On My Way Hostel Instagram 的最佳貼文

2020-05-11 05:24:25

從日本來的Okuya爺爺,已經80幾歲了,完全看不出年紀的他獨自一人前來台灣旅遊,不懂中文,又沒有手機的爺爺,真的可以說是夢想不設限阿!!!! 台灣的一切對爺爺來說都好新奇,吃著台灣的蘋果就會告訴我們日本的蘋果又大又甜,上完廁所還會告訴我們日本的廁所都是免治馬桶(笑) 爺爺身上的行李不多,但是他卻...

  • novelty中文 在 Kizuna AI(official) Facebook 的最佳解答

    2020-11-24 12:21:18
    有 912 人按讚

    🎀Kizuna AI 2nd Live “hello, world 2020” Merchandise🎀
    We are now taking orders for our overseas customers!
    Watch the Special Video From the Link Below!!🎉

    I made a special video so please check it out here!

    Taking orders through 11/24(Tue) ~12/13(Fri) 11:59 PM (JST)
    Delivery schedule: After February 2021
    Distributed by:
    Kizuna AI Official STORE (English Store)

    *Please note that there are some products that we do not carry.

    ◆ Exclusive Novelty
    If you purchase over 6,300 Yen (JPY) Tax Included you will receive a !
    If you purchase over 20,200 Yen (JPY) Tax Included you will receive a !
    *It will be the same design that will be distributed in Japan first.

  • novelty中文 在 Yim Mau-Kun Studio 冉茂芹畫室 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2018-02-14 22:41:38
    有 161 人按讚

    Happy Valentine's Day! (中文在後)

    This is a painting inspired by a scene in Kowloon, Hong Kong many moons ago (1985). Kowloon's Mong Kok was not far away from my studio. Many first-run movies were usually shown there and most of the audience was made up of young people. In front of the movie theater were many hawkers selling snacks for the audience. The most common snacks were boiled corncob and pop corn. As I was fresh off the boat from Mainland China (Hong Kong at the time was a British colony and Mainland China in contrast was still recovering from the Cultural Revolution and just opened its door to the world), this was of novelty to me. I had never seen anyone sell snacks at the movies in China. People did not take snacks into the theater either because it was a bad habit of the "Old Society"! In Hong Kong, however, it was a natural cultural phenomenon. There was nothing strange about it and being "new" or "old" didn't matter at all.

    I often saw young men and women flirting with each other at the entrance to the movie theater. It all felt very natural, warm, and touching. A boy and a girl eating a corn cob together naturally became the main image in my painting. So I made a sketch then asked a student to bring his girlfriend along as a model. The finished image was transplanted to a space near the ticket booth of the movie theater and the movie poster just happened to be of Saturday Night Fever.




  • novelty中文 在 PrideLab Facebook 的精選貼文

    2016-11-11 01:09:31
    有 0 人按讚

    還好係候選內閣 不過選舉都未必選賢能家陣
    最新睇候選內閣 fb 又話重新考慮搞返個性/別文化週


    [學生會選舉特輯] 堪稱全民皆庄嘅嶺南,一年一度庄壇盛事又嚟啦,編委有幸邀請本年度各候選內閣拍攝選舉特輯,想了解多啲今年嘅候選庄就睇下我地條片啦!

    1) 候選幹事會 - 霽曉 Aurora:

    2) 候選編輯委員會 - 別幟 Novelty:

    [* 候選內閣別幟已宣布退選,惟嶺南大學學生會選舉不設退選機制]

    3) 候選代表會普選代表:

    4) 候選工商管理課程聯會 - 商聚 Benevolence:

    5) 候選中文系系會 - 曜璿:

    6) 候選哲學系系會 - 雅哲 Phigorous:

    7) 候選翻譯系系會 - 翊峯 Transcendent :

    8) 候選文化研究系系會 - 聚研 Culturdium: