

在 noted中文產品中有22篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過4萬的網紅翁靜晶,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, [首航運送]各方善長請注意: 有鑒於這次由駐港尼泊爾領事館監督的籌款,尼泊爾政府已授權尼泊爾非居民協會(“NRNA”)處理我們提供的醫療援助物資,以確保物資送抵之後,不會被徵收關稅。 在此之前,不少慈善團體(尤其是宗教團體)送到尼泊爾的物資,都遇到不少困難,當中一項就是關稅。沒有官方的認證,...

noted中文 在 Jacky Yang, PT Instagram 的最佳貼文

2021-07-11 10:21:52

上半身暖身訓練🔥 -Scapula Pull up 不論在練上半身推或拉的訓練菜單 肩胛骨在過程中的控制 會大大影響到訓練效果 可以做Scapula up來活化控制肩胛的肌群 因為目標不是在練拉單槓 注意過程中手肘跟肩膀不要過多活動 (中文解說都在影片裡) Upper Body Warm Up🔥...

noted中文 在 James Au, PT, CSCS Instagram 的最佳解答

2021-04-04 13:58:58

💥 Medial elbow pain(附中文) “Golfer’s elbow” - 📌 Ever experienced inner elbow pain while gripping the bar hard in bench press? OR long hours on your comp...

noted中文 在 ATH? Instagram 的最讚貼文

2020-05-31 03:07:20

#puertoprincesa #palawan #Philippines 從愛妮島回到巴拉望真的快多了,真的錯信背包客棧資訊,搭van還是最快跟舒適的! 早就在kkdays報名地底河的行程,所以今天格外期待,但前一天眼睛出事,當天只好非常g的戴眼鏡玩! 一開始就先去玩大家推薦的 #zipline ...

  • noted中文 在 翁靜晶 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-06-01 11:22:13
    有 386 人按讚





    有關 NRNA 的更多信息,請瀏覽 www.nrna.org.np 網站。

    我們很高興地宣布,由 Mr. Yem Gurung 和何猷彪先生捐贈的第一批 450 40 L 氧氣瓶將於下週通過 Kodari Tatopani 海關運往加德滿都。陸運貨物預計從製造工廠到尼泊爾邊境需要5-6天。此批貨運亦包括依據尼泊爾政府旳要求而 製造的氧氣瓶規格,同時亦包括詳細說明書 解釋閥門轉換方法。

    上述貨物將交給 NRNA 接收和盡快安排分配,資料會保存在 NRNA 的資產管理系統內。

    何猷彪和 Mr. Y Gurung 在尼泊爾駐港領事館的協助下執行此次試運。如果一切順利,日後「香港退伍軍人聯會」和他們的合作團隊將會安排其他物資遵循第一批貨物開闢的路徑運送。

    該項目保證會處理妥當,不會發生濫用職權或貪污賄賂。NRNA主席 Mr. Kumar Panta Ji 已親自回覆保證妥善處理和分發物資,並誠意感謝何猷彪先生、「香港香港退伍軍人聯會」、Mr. Y Gurung、香港尼泊爾駐港領事館和香港市民的鼎力支援。


    Please be advised that The Government of Nepal has authorised Non-Resident Nepali Association ("NRNA") to handle the medical aid supplied by the foreign companies/organisations. Please visit the website: www.nrna.org.np for more information of NRNA.

    We are pleased to announce the 1st shipment of 450 40 L Oxygen Cylinders, sponsored by Mr Yem Gurung and Mr Sean Hotung will travel via Tatopani Customs (Kodari) to Kathmandu next week. The land cargo estimated time will be 5-6 days from the factory to the Nepal border. The specification of Oxygen Cylinders and valve conversion method to match requirements in Nepal are part of the shipment.

    The handover of the above mentioned consignment will be made to the NRNA for receiving and arranging the swift and efficient distribution of these cylinders and kept under the Asset Management System of NRNA.

    Mr Hotung and Mr Y Gurung, with the help of the HK Nepali Consulate, are executing this trial run. If all proceeds accordingly, HKESA, together with their partners will follow the trail opened by the first shipment.

    It is noted it has been made abundantly clear that there is to be no mishandling, no misuse and no corruption associated with this project. In reply, President Kumar Panta Ji of the NRNA, has given his personal assurance of the proper handling and distribution in conjunction with extending his deep thanks to Mr Ho, the HKESA, Mr Y. Gurung, the Nepali Consulate of Hong Kong, and the people of Hong Kong.

    Fundraising link:

    English donation link:




  • noted中文 在 國立故宮博物院 National Palace Museum Facebook 的精選貼文

    2020-09-28 18:11:24
    有 964 人按讚

    Revelatory Brushwork: A Guided Journey Through the NPM's Collection of Chinese Calligraphy
    【明 文徵明 書蘭亭敘(卷)】Preface to the Orchid Pavilion, Wen Zhengming (1470-1559), Ming dynasty
    Wen Zhengming (1470-1559) was a native of Changzhou in Jiangsu province. His given name was Bi, and he had the sobriquets He Who Stops the Clouds (Tingyunsheng) and the Recluse of Mount Heng (Hengshan Jushi), but he typically went by his style name, Zhengming. In addition to being an accomplished poet, prosaist, calligrapher, and painter, Wen was also an erudite connoisseur of the arts.
    Wen Zhengming was fond of making copies of the "Preface to the Orchid Pavilion." In his inscription on the tail end of this scroll, he noted that he was eighty-nine years of age at the time of writing. Wen's brushwork, the structures of the characters, and the overall composition markedly differ from the received version of the "Preface to the Orchard Pavilion" in Wang Xizhi's (303-361) hand, indicating that Wen was making a study of the spirit of Wang's writing, rather than its technical particulars. Here the brushwork is understated and reserved, allowing for finely-structured characters. The many places where brush strokes flow one into the other give the scroll an outstanding sense of natural movement.
    🌐English: https://theme.npm.edu.tw/exh109/calligraphy10909/en/page-1.html

  • noted中文 在 陳冠廷 Kuan-Ting Chen Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2020-09-24 07:24:11
    有 867 人按讚








    My day is off to a great start as I’m at the inaugural EU Investment Forum happening right now in Taipei. My friends and colleagues are well aware that I’m very passionate about internationalizing Taiwan, and so I’m extremely grateful to the European External Action Service’s EETO Taipei for putting on this event. Taiwan, it’s time to #GoEurope!

    As President Tsai Ing-wen noted in her keynote speech, Taiwan didn’t use the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic as an excuse for isolationism. Instead, we’ve seen it as an opportunity to buttress our standing in the international system. And that’s the way to go!

    My presence here will also facilitate the work of our research program on Taiwan’s soft power at Taiwan NextGen Foundation. The interplay of soft power and international investment ought not to be underestimated.

