

在 normally用法產品中有2篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過29萬的網紅CheckCheckCin,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 【舌尖上的旅行】法國菜頭盤不能少的蝸牛 ⭐配杯白酒幻想自己置身巴黎街頭 ⭐紅酒燉牛肉油封鴨可麗露要等我啊 #星期四食材 田螺清熱祛水腫 人生第一次聽到法國菜會吃蝸牛感到很震驚,因為小時候認知的蝸牛就是下雨天在地上緩緩爬行的那種,但如果叫它做田螺呢?辣炒田螺嘛,大家都不感到陌生,其實蝸牛就是螺的一...

normally用法 在 Agnes Chee謝嫣薇 Instagram 的最佳貼文

2020-05-09 14:37:16

I guess everyone knows chef @carydocherty is @chezcalvert mentor for his tarte tatin. Ok, let’s talk about the “guru” ‘s version here: The pastry was ...

  • normally用法 在 CheckCheckCin Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2020-12-10 17:44:12
    有 145 人按讚




    田螺 — 性寒,有清熱解暑、明目、利水止渴的作用,適合水腫、小便不通、痔瘡便血、風熱目赤腫痛者食用。由於性寒,脾虛便溏、胃寒疼痛、風寒感冒、月經期間、寒性痛經者不宜食用。

    1. 將無鹽牛油、巴馬臣芝士碎、蒜蓉、番茜碎搓勻成香草牛油。
    2. 將適量香草牛油釀入田螺殼內,如沒有田螺殼,香草牛油鋪在田螺肉上。
    3. 放入已預熱至攝氏180度的焗爐,焗約15分鐘即可。

    留言或按讚👍🏻支持一下我們吧!❤️ 歡迎 Follow 我們獲得更多養生資訊。

    River snail can clear heat and relieve water retention

    When we first learned snails (escargot) are served in French cuisine, we must have been a bit shocked. Since we were young, the snails we knew are the ones crawling on the ground on rainy days. So why are they called river snails?

    We should be quite familiar with river snail stir-fried with chili. Actually, the typical snail is a type of shelled gastropod, whereas the escargot is specifically cultivated for French cuisine. Please note that it is unsafe to consume snails from the wild. From the perspective of Chinese Medicine, river snail is cold in nature, can clear heat, brighten one’s vision, quench one’s thirst and has diuretic properties.

    In Chinese cooking, river snails are often cooked with ingredients that are warm in nature, such as ginger, onion, garlic and chili, to balance out its coldness. As for French cuisine, chefs would normally prepare escargot with simple vanilla butter. Once baked at a high temperature, the fragrance of the butter would seep into the flesh. Try to close your eyes and enjoy the taste, imagine yourself travelling in France!

    River snail – cold in nature, can clear heart, brighten one’s vision, quench one’s thirst and has diuretic properties, is suitable for individuals with symptoms such as water retention, urination, bleeding hemorrhoids, and swelling and pain of the eyes. Since it is cold in nature, it is not suitable for individuals with a weak spleen and loose stools, a cold stomach and those experiencing frequent stomachache; also not suitable for those who with a cold flu, going through period as well as cold-related menstrual pain.

    Escargot Bourguignonne
    Ingredients: 200g fresh escargots or 1 canned escargot, 60g butter, 60 parmesan cheese, 4 cloves of pounded garlic, parsley
    1. Preheat oven to 180 Celsius degree
    2. Mix butter, parmesan cheese, garlic and parsley into herb butter.
    3. Put the herb butter in the escargot shells, or just directly on escagots.
    4. Bake for 15 minutes.

    Comment below or like 👍🏻 this post to support us. ❤️ Follow us for more healthy living tips.

    #男 #女 #我煩躁 #濕熱 #水腫 #感冒 #經期

  • normally用法 在 Eric's English Lounge Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2013-06-11 10:34:00
    有 45 人按讚


    Q: as, when, while 之間有何差別?

    Answer in English: http://www.perfectyourenglish.com/usage/as-when-while.htm

    Answer in Chinese:


    (1) 若主句表示的是一個短暫性動作,從句表示的是一個持續性動作,三者都可用:He fell asleep when [while, as] he was reading. 他看書時睡著了。

    【注1】as 用於引出一個持續性動詞表示“在……期間”時,其謂語通常只能是那些含有動作(action)和發展(development) 意味的動詞,一般不能是那些不用於進行時態的動詞(如 be, seem, love, want, agree, see, know, have 等),所以下面一句中的 while 不能換為 as:

    A:I’m going to the post office. 我要去郵局。
    B:While you’re there, can you get me some stamps? 當你在郵局時,能幫我買幾張郵票嗎?

    【注2】as 常用於接「較不重要的訊息」,且其所接的子句,也較常放在「句首」的位置。但何謂「較不重要的訊息」,並未有公認的標準,例:

    -As I was writing my homework in the classroom, George was eating his breakfast. 當我在教室裡寫功課的時候,George 正在吃他的早餐。
    (2) 若主、從句表示兩個同時進行的持續性動作,且強調主句表示的動作延續到從句所指的整個時間,通常要用 while:

    -Don’t talk while you’re eating. 吃飯時不要說話。
    -I kept silent while he was writing. 在他寫的時候,我默不作聲。

    【注1】但是,若主從句表示的兩個同時進行的動作含有“一邊…一邊”之意思,通常用 as:She sang as she went along. 她邊走邊唱。


    (3) 若從句是一個短暫性動作,主句是一個持續性動作,可用 as / when 但不用 while:

    -It was raining hard when [as] we arrived. 我們到達時正下著大雨。


    (4) 若主從句表示的是兩個同時(或幾乎同時)發生的短暫性動作,用 as / when:

    -I thought of it just when [as] you opened your mouth. 就在你要說的時候,我也想到了。

    To talk about two short actions or situations that happen/happened at the same time, we usually use as. When is also possible.


    (5) 若要表示兩個正在發展變化的情況,相當於漢語的“隨著”,一般用 as:

    -Things are getting better and better as time goes on. 隨著時間的推移,情況越來越好。

    -As it grew darker, it became colder. 天色越晚,天氣越冷。

    As is used to refer to two situations which develop or change together. We normally use simple tenses.


    (6) 表示“每當…的時候”(暗示一種規律性),一般要用 when:

    -It’s cold when it snows. 下雪時天冷。
    -He smiles when you praise him. 你誇獎他時他總是笑笑。


    (7) 若主從句所表示的動作不是同時發生,而是有先後順序時,一般要用 when:

    -I will go home when he comes back. 他回來時,我就回家去。


    (8) when 可用作並列連詞,表示“這時(突然)”;while 也可以用作並列連詞,表示“而”、“卻”(表示對比);但 as 則沒有類似用法:

    -We were about to start when it began to rain. 我們正要出發,這時天開始下雨了。

    -He likes coffee, while she likes tea. 他喜歡咖啡,而她卻喜歡茶。


