

在 nor符號產品中有5篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過2萬的網紅車車 cheche 張紫櫻,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 上Facebook看直播,答問題就能贏手機 #Club你有賞 睇 Live 答問題 贏走SAMSUNG GALAXY NOTE8! 終於嚟到「2017 香港電訊電動方程式」賽事第 2 日喇⚡!知道大家未必得閒嚟到中環海濱,我哋已經 ready 準時為大家直播,等你喺屋企都感受到比賽嘅極速快感...

nor符號 在 仙弟的潮流英文 Instagram 的最佳貼文

2021-09-10 21:55:18

.⁣ 英文標點符號到底怎麼用?⁣ ⁣ 寫作文的時候⁣ 我們常常會用逗號把句子隔開⁣ 但是在英文作文裡⁣ 標點符號卻不是這樣用⁣ 有些符號有它特殊的規則⁣ 今天就來介紹一些逗號、句號、跟分號的用法⁣ 稍微複雜一點的不多說⁣ 今天來說說它們的幾個基本規則⁣ ⁣ ⁣ ➡️句號⁣ ⁣ 句號用在結束一段句子的...

  • nor符號 在 車車 cheche 張紫櫻 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2017-12-03 14:51:09
    有 21 人按讚

    #Club你有賞 睇 Live 答問題 贏走SAMSUNG GALAXY NOTE8!

    終於嚟到「2017 香港電訊電動方程式」賽事第 2 日喇⚡!知道大家未必得閒嚟到中環海濱,我哋已經 ready 準時為大家直播,等你喺屋企都感受到比賽嘅極速快感!

    喺享受賽事嘅同時,記得仲要玩埋我哋嘅小遊戲,留意住今日嘅賽事直播嘅問題!🎁你就有機會贏走 SAMSUNG GALAXY NOTE8 (64 GB) 或場內限定禮物 1 份!仲等?即刻tag 埋你嘅朋友玩啦!

    1. 「 Like 」@theclubhongkong專頁緊貼我哋個Live
    2. 「 Like 」同公開「 Share」呢個Post
    3. 答中小編在直播最後的問題及分享你最想The Club 之後直播咩賽事及原因(不多於70 個中英文字,包括標點符號及emoji)。
    4. 最後加上Hashtag #TheClub愛你所愛,以及 Tag 埋 1 位就完成喇!

    🔸 大獎(共1名)-SAMSUNG GALAXY NOTE8 (64 GB) 1 部(參考價值:港幣$6,998)
    🔸 二獎(共2名)-場內限定禮物 1 份

    留言最有創意嘅 3 位朋友,就能夠分別獲得大獎或者二獎。答得最好嘅頭 1位就會獲得大獎,2-3 位獲得二獎。

    #WeareHKTeam #2017香港電訊電動方程式 #電動方程式 #睇Live贏禮物 #記得埋玩遊戲 #NOTE8

    ❤ 即上 The Club 投入更多精彩活動 👉 https://goo.gl/oqWzPx
    ❤ 即刻下載 The Club app 及登記成為會員
    iOS 👉 https://goo.gl/MkgtKF
    Android 👉 https://goo.gl/TsQ1E7


    【#TheClubGiftYou: Play our game and win a SAMSUNG GALAXY NOTE8!】
    Today is the 2017 HKT Hong Kong E-Prix final, so join us here on Facebook Live to watch the race without having to make your way down to Central Habourfront. Our broadcast starts soon, so stay tuned!

    And don’t forget to take part in our mini-quiz by answering a question which show during the broadcast. You will have a chance to win away a SAMSUNG GALAXY NOTE8 (64GB) or a limited-availability gift. Make sure you make a note of who emerges champion and first and second runners-up.

    Game rules:
    1. “Like” the @theclubhongkong Facebook pages
    2. “Like” and “Share” this post as a public post.
    3. Answer our question correctly by the end of the live broadcast and share with us which event you want to see it live next on The Club Facebook page and why. (no more than 70 Chinese or English words including punctuation and emoji).
    4. Add #YourClubTheClub and tag a friend

    🔸 1st prize x1 – one SAMSUNG GALAXY NOTE8 (64 GB) (price reference: HK$6,998)
    🔸 2nd prize x2: one limited-availability gift

    One entrant with the most creative comments will get one SAMSUNG GALAXY NOTE8 (64GB). Two entrants with the best answer will each win one limited-availability gift.

    #2017HKTHongKongePrix #2017FormulaE #eRacing #Note8GiftGiveaway #PlayNOW
    Visit The Club for the town’s hottest events: https://goo.gl/aNuLif
    Download The Club’s app NOW and become a member:
    iOS: https://goo.gl/1BsohZ
    Android: https://goo.gl/peUxZ1

    1. 此遊戲(「遊戲」)於 2017 年 12 月 4 日 23 時 59 分完結 (以GMT+8香港時間為準) 。
    2. 參賽者必須已讚好The Club Facebook專頁(https://www.facebook.com/TheClubHongKong/)。
    3. 參賽者須於The Club Facebook專頁的相關帖子下留言參賽。
    4. 參賽者若不依照遊戲規則參賽將被取消參賽資格。
    5. 留言時間以Facebook系統時間作準。
    6. Club HKT Limited (「The Club」)會選出3位留言最有創意的留言者(「得獎者」)獲獎。答得最有創意的頭 1 位可獲得大獎,每位得獎者可獲得SAMSUNG GALAXY NOTE8 (64 GB) 1 部(參考價值:港幣$6,889)。答得最有創意的第2-3 位可獲得二獎,每位得獎者可獲得場內限定禮物 1 份。(「獎品」)。
    7. 即使參賽者上載多於一個留言及/或使用多於一個Facebook帳戶留言,參賽者只可獲獎一次及獲得獎品一份。
    8. 得獎者名單將於2017年12月7日在The Club Facebook專頁上公佈。得獎者將收到The Club透過Facebook發出的私人訊息確認得獎消息。
    9. 得獎者須於2017年12月11日至2017年12月15日到指定地點領取獎品,否則得獎資格將被自動取消而不作另行通知。
    10. 獎品不可轉讓、不可兌換現金及不可轉售。
    11. 任何參賽者參加了此遊戲,即表示該參賽者已經同意並接受此遊戲之條款及細則約束。The Club保留其詮釋此遊戲條款及細則之獨有權利。
    12. The Club、其附屬公司及代理及其分別聘用的服務供應商的員工均不得參加此遊戲。
    13. The Club保留對此活動的最終決定權。
    14. 本條款及細則的中英文版如有任何差異,一概以英文版為準。
    Terms and conditions:
    1. This game (“Game”) ends at 23:59 4 December 2017 (GMT +8 Hong Kong time).
    2. Entrants must have liked The Club’s Facebook Page(https://www.facebook.com/TheClubHongKong/)to enter this Game.
    3. Entrants must have uploaded a comment under the corresponding post on The Club’s Facebook Page to enter this Game.
    4. Entrants who fail to follow any of the Game Rules will be disqualified.
    5. Submission time of comments will be counted based on Facebook’s server.
    6. The first 2 entrants (“Winners”) submitting the correct comments, as determined by The Club HKT Limited (“The Club”) can each get one event limited gift (“Prize”). 6. The Club HKT Limited (“The Club”) would determine 3 entrants (“Winners”) who are submitted the most creative comments. One Winners with the best answer will win the 1st prize that get a SAMSUNG GALAXY NOTE8 (64GB) (price reference: HK$6, 889). Two Winners with the 2nd to 3rd best answer each receive one limited-availability gift. (“Prize”).
    7. Each entrant can only be eligible to win once and receive one Prize only, even if he/she uploaded more than one comment and/or used more than one Facebook account to comment.
    8. Winners will be announced on The Club’s Facebook Page on 7 December 2017 and notified by receiving an inbox message sent by The Club via Facebook.
    9. Winners must collect the Prize during 11-15 December 2017 at the designated venue, or the Prize will be forfeited without further notice.
    10. The Prize cannot be transferred, used in exchange for cash nor resold.
    11. The Club holds the sole right of interpretation in respect of these terms and conditions. By participating in this Game, you agree to be bound by these terms and conditions.
    12. Employees of The Club, its affiliates and agents and their respective retained service providers, are not eligible to participate in this Game.
    13. In the event of any dispute, decisions made by The Club shall be final and binding.
    14. In the event of any inconsistency between the English and Chinese versions of these terms and conditions, the English version will prevail.

    【#Club你有賞 睇 Live 答問題 贏走SAMSUNG GALAXY NOTE8!】
    終於嚟到「2017 香港電訊電動方程式」賽事第 2 日喇⚡!知道大家未必得閒嚟到中環海濱,我哋已經 ready 準時為大家直播,等你喺屋企都感受到比賽嘅極速快感!
    喺享受賽事嘅同時,記得仲要玩埋我哋嘅小遊戲,留意住今日嘅賽事直播嘅問題!🎁你就有機會贏走 SAMSUNG GALAXY NOTE8 (64 GB) 或場內限定禮物 1 份!仲等?即刻tag 埋你嘅朋友玩啦!
    1. 「 Like 」@theclubhongkong專頁緊貼我哋個Live
    2. 「 Like 」同公開「 Share」呢個Post
    3. 答中小編在直播最後的問題及分享你最想The Club 之後直播咩賽事及原因(不多於70 個中英文字,包括標點符號及emoji)。
    4. 最後加上Hashtag #TheClub愛你所愛,以及 Tag 埋 1 位就完成喇!
    🔸 大獎(共1名)-SAMSUNG GALAXY NOTE8 (64 GB) 1 部(參考價值:港幣$6,998)
    🔸 二獎(共2名)-場內限定禮物 1 份
    留言最有創意嘅 3 位朋友,就能夠分別獲得大獎或者二獎。答得最好嘅頭 1位就會獲得大獎,2-3 位獲得二獎。
    #WeareHKTeam #2017香港電訊電動方程式 #電動方程式 #睇Live贏禮物 #記得埋玩遊戲 #NOTE8
    ❤ 即上 The Club 投入更多精彩活動 👉 https://goo.gl/oqWzPx
    ❤ 即刻下載 The Club app 及登記成為會員
    iOS 👉 https://goo.gl/MkgtKF
    Android 👉 https://goo.gl/TsQ1E7
    【#TheClubGiftYou: Play our game and win a SAMSUNG GALAXY NOTE8!】
    Today is the 2017 HKT Hong Kong E-Prix final, so join us here on Facebook Live to watch the race without having to make your way down to Central Habourfront. Our broadcast starts soon, so stay tuned!
    And don’t forget to take part in our mini-quiz by answering a question which show during the broadcast. You will have a chance to win away a SAMSUNG GALAXY NOTE8 (64GB) or a limited-availability gift. Make sure you make a note of who emerges champion and first and second runners-up.
    Game rules:
    1. “Like” the @theclubhongkong Facebook pages
    2. “Like” and “Share” this post as a public post.
    3. Answer our question correctly by the end of the live broadcast and share with us which event you want to see it live next on The Club Facebook page and why. (no more than 70 Chinese or English words including punctuation and emoji).
    4. Add #YourClubTheClub and tag a friend
    🔸 1st prize x1 – one SAMSUNG GALAXY NOTE8 (64 GB) (price reference: HK$6,998)
    🔸 2nd prize x2: one limited-availability gift
    One entrant with the most creative comments will get one SAMSUNG GALAXY NOTE8 (64GB). Two entrants with the best answer will each win one limited-availability gift.
    #2017HKTHongKongePrix #2017FormulaE #eRacing #Note8GiftGiveaway #PlayNOW
    Visit The Club for the town’s hottest events: https://goo.gl/aNuLif
    Download The Club’s app NOW and become a member:
    iOS: https://goo.gl/1BsohZ
    Android: https://goo.gl/peUxZ1
    受活動條款及細則約束 / Terms and Conditions apply: facebook.com/notes/the-club/2004090796503287/

  • nor符號 在 英語島雜誌 English Island Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2017-08-23 12:45:00
    有 29 人按讚

    【Semicolon (;) 用對了嗎?】

    事實上,正是分號那一半一半 (half-half) 的身分使它十分有用處。它比逗號強而有有力,但比起句號又沒那麼強烈地結尾。它滿足了這之間的空間,因為那樣,分號有一些特殊且重要的任務:
    儘管用分號好處多多,但也不是到哪都合適。除非它們是被用在列表內,不然分號應該只能連接在某些方面有關聯的子句。還有,你幾乎永遠不會找到一個分號被擺在對等連接詞前:and、but、for、nor、or、so、yet 這些字。因為事實上,那是逗號的位置。不過分號可以取代連接詞來縮短句子或給它一點變化。

  • nor符號 在 辣媽英文天后 林俐 Carol Facebook 的最佳解答

    2015-05-29 22:17:27
    有 341 人按讚

    ❤️ 俐媽英文教室:Wild(那時候我只剩下勇敢)文法句型篇Part 1
    ✏️ The only thing I could think to do was turn my back to the van and squat...
    ➡️ 句型"All that/What... + S + do/does/did + is/was + (to) Vr"表「⋯所做的事就是⋯」,其中to均被省略,造成be動詞與原型動詞併放,且注意要使用單數動詞is/was。
    ✏️ The sight of the square concrete pool lifted my spirits enormously not only because at the springs there was water, but also because humans had so clearly constructed it.
    ➡️ 對等連接詞not only...but also...要連接詞性、結構相同的字/片語/子句,故文中兩個because為對稱。
    ✏️ I wanted neither to get back together with Paul nor to get divorced.
    ➡️ 同樣地,對等連接詞neither...nor...用法同not only...but also...,文中的to get back及to get divorced即為symmetry(對稱)。
    ✏️ ...use DEET or any other such brain-destroying, earth-polluting, or future-progeny-harming chemical.
    ➡️ 文中使用compound adjective(複合形容詞),用法為:N/adj./adv.-Ving/Vpp,其中使用現在分詞Ving 表「主動」或過去分詞Vpp表「被動」由後面所修飾的名詞決定。文中化學物質chemical主動破壞腦部、汙染地球、傷害後代子孫,故均使用Ving形式。其中的連字符號"-"叫hyphen哦!
    ✏️ It turned out I wasn't able to keep my family together.
    ➡️ It turned out that + S + V表「結果是⋯」。
    ✏️ The heat was so intense that my memory of it is not so much a sensation...
    ➡️ so + adj./adv. + that + S + V表「如此⋯以致於⋯」,亦可強調intense而寫成倒裝句:So intense was the heat that my memory...。注意heat和intense可為collocation哦!
    ✏️ ...no matter how kindly his eyes twinkled when he smiled.
    ➡️ no matter + wh- = wh-ever表「不論⋯」,後面接副詞子句。文中的no matter how = however表「不論多麼⋯」,並不翻「然而」。
    ✏️ It was then that I spotted what I'd searched for days: mountain lion tracks.
    ➡️ It is/was + 強調部份(人、物、地、時) + that + S + V,此為強調句用法。別忘了俐媽的精典例句哦😝


