

在 nor意思產品中有43篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過0的網紅,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 最好的自己不在未來,就在現在。 認真回想,以前我好像在每一段關係中都是在扮演某一個角色,不由自主的在為每個對象做調整。不只有在戀愛上,有時候可能跟朋友、工作夥伴都是,尤其是在前輩面前,常常我都會本能反應似的改變自己。聲音要甜一點嗎?笑話要低級一點嗎?從穿衣服就可以看出,我今天是要跟誰吃飯。雖然是微...

 同時也有4部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過92的網紅不丹不單不簡單,也在其Youtube影片中提到,現代人的娛樂大多是使用3C產品解悶, 依賴電腦、手機,上網聊天或打電動遊戲, 看似豐富的生活, 但人與人之間,真實面對面的互動反而減少了。 不丹卻用一種特別的全民運動兼娛樂活動, 維持著整個社會的向心力。 在不丹有句諺語, 『不會射箭的人就不是不丹人』, 意思是每位不丹人都會射箭。 然而現代的...

nor意思 在 Joyce | Sommelier|侍酒師 ???? Instagram 的最讚貼文

2021-09-17 16:50:16

Bruce and I watched Korean Cold Noodle Rhapsody on @netflix over the weekend. The show features the history and evolution of Naengmyeon (Korean cold n...

nor意思 在 ☺︎スタジオアモール豊中Shayla☺︎ Instagram 的精選貼文

2021-08-18 14:56:29

#体質改善モニター 2021.8.5 一回のヨガでこんなにも変化があります。 ⭕️足の重心 ⭕️首の前傾改善 ⭕️反り腰改善 ⭕️肋が閉まり腹部きゅっ! ⭕️ズボンぶかぶかなってる! 😷時代、こんな風に、【カラダが整うこと】で 深い呼吸を楽しめる自分作り!!!! =ココロも晴れ晴れになるよ❤️ _...

  • nor意思 在 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-09-15 18:26:07
    有 393 人按讚




    我現在33歲,So What? 終於懂,「當下的自己」才是人生時間軸上最重要的!


    Your best self is not in the future, but in the Now.

    Looking back, I seem to have been playing a role in almost every relationship I was ever in. I'm not just talking about romantic relationships. Whether it was with friends or colleagues (especially seniors), I would modify myself almost instinctively. Should my voice be sweeter? My jokes dirtier? If you wanted to know who I was eating with that day, all you had to do was look at the clothes I was wearing.

    The changes were subtle, but they still reflected a truth: I didn’t feel like the real me was enough so I was worried that other people would also find her lacking. I told myself that if I just kept working at it, I would someday become a version of Lara that everyone accepted.

    Eventually I only knew how to get my cues from the external world. I would always base my next step on feedback I got from others. Most people considered me easy to get along with, but I grew more and more unhappy.

    I think I had it all wrong. My first priority should have been listening to my inner voice. Whether or not other people agree with it is not in my control nor of my concern. Take looking for a partner. Even if I found the person of my dreams, it would never last if I couldn’t be myself around them.

    I am 33 years old. So What? I finally understand that "the present self" is the most important thing on the timeline of life! It’s time to prioritize me!

    By the way, is anyone curious about the meaning of "{}" this time? Besides the more commonly known representation of parentheses as prioritization, these curly brackets are called “the empty set”. The empty what? If like me, math is not your strongest suit, think of it as an empty suitcase. "Empty" doesn’t mean nothing, but infinite possibilities! What will you fill your life with this time?


    <再也沒有你> 陳勢安 Andrew Tan

    #Lara梁心頤2021全新專輯二部曲 #來者何人{} 全球發行
    #再也沒有你 #NoMoreU #SoWhat30

  • nor意思 在 英語島雜誌 English Island Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-07-23 18:01:52
    有 61 人按讚


    中文「不三不四」其中一個意思是形容人事物「不像這個、也不像那個,定位不明」。英文對應的說法是 neither fish nor fowl(不是魚類也不是家禽)。

    This product is neither fish nor fowl. We need to rethink the design.

    立即報名 https://bit.ly/3znTZSN


  • nor意思 在 江啟臣 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-06-20 17:48:19
    有 7,593 人按讚










    由國民黨發起的「台灣需要疫苗」「Taiwan Needs Vaccines」取代民進黨所稱「台灣不需要疫苗」的錯誤印象,才讓國際社會認識台灣民意的真正走向。







    2.5 million doses of Moderna vaccine landed smoothly on Taiwan; this good news is comforting. We sincerely thank the US for lending a helping hand to Taiwan during this grim time of pandemic.

    During this pandemic, we have already lost over 500 compatriots. By giving Taiwan 2.5 million doses of vaccine, the US is protecting over a million of our compatriots.

    A sufficient supply of effective vaccines is the only way to overcome the pandemic. Taiwan needs at least 30 million doses of vaccine; at the moment, we have acquired only 4.85 million doses. There’s still a long way to go.

    Thus far, Taiwan has acquired more vaccines from donations than from purchasing on our own. This originates from the DPP giving the international community erroneous information that we don’t need vaccines.

    It was only because the KMT launched the slogan “Taiwan Needs Vaccines” that the international community recognized the true direction of the Taiwanese people’s will.

    Today, I must note three items of importance:

    1) If there are foreign vaccines available, the government should fight for them.

    2) Taiwan’s past efforts in the democratic world and the strength of the assistance it provided to the world won Taiwan friends. Now, “Helping Taiwan is Saving the World” should be what the DPP explains to the world.

    3) Domestically produced vaccines have not undergone phase three clinical trials and these vaccine candidates have yet to obtain international verification. Instead of using the people as lab rats, the Tsai administration should fight for acquisition of more internationally verified vaccines and thus buy some time for domestically produced vaccines to go through phase three trials in order to obtain international verification.

    Pandemic prevention affects all levels of society; our only enemy is the virus. If we lose to the virus, neither Blue nor Green is the winner. President Tsai would do well to carefully reflect on this.

  • nor意思 在 不丹不單不簡單 Youtube 的精選貼文

    2020-10-05 22:01:09







    Nowadays, our entertainment mostly comes from electronic devices.
    We rely on computers and phones for chats or playing games.
    Although our lives seem busy,
    there is less face-to-face connection between people.

    Bhutan has a special social activity, which is also their national sport, to keep people connected.

    In Bhutan, there is a saying that
    “one who cannot fire an arrow is not a Bhutanese”
    meaning each Bhutanese can play archery.

    However, today’s Bhutaneses use bows and arrows not for hunting nor battles.
    It is a continuation of the traditional culture, which became a national sport.

    It is one of the few Olympic Games that the country participates in.

    It is also an important family and social event.
    How important is archery to Bhutan?
    See this video to learn more.

    The photos and videos in this episode are
    collected from the internet.
    If there is any copyright infringement, please notify us for removal.

    #不丹 #Bhutan #射箭 #archery #archer #TsheringChoden #Karma #奧運



    If you like our videos, please like, subscribe + share 🥰

    Have something to share with us? Welcome to leave us a message or private message 😉

    Copyright © ️ Question: If there is any infringement of your copyright, please notify us to deal with it, and we will take it off. Thanks.

  • nor意思 在 BETHNI Y Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2016-03-06 17:48:22

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  • nor意思 在 noxxx710 Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2014-06-28 09:09:29

    "Protest against the Anti-Homosexuality Law: Ugandan Embassy in Tokyo"

    A protest took place on June 26th on the Embassy of Uganda in Japan against the Anti-Homosexuality Law in Uganda.

    - - - - - - - -

    ウガンダ大使館宛 抗議文
    Letter to Her Excellency Ambassador Betty Grace Akech -- Okullo,

    Your Excellency,

    We stand here today in protest against the Anti-Gay Hate Law enacted by the President Mseveni of Uganda. The protests worldwide by the citizens of global community have made clear that the law which sentences homosexual persons to life-in-prison and puts anyone who fails to report them in jail for 7 years is utterly inacceptable. It is precisely because we rejoice in having Ugandans among us in the citizenry of Tokyo that we must continue to protest this inhumane legislation.

    The recent appointment of Mr. Sam Kutesa, the foreign minister of Uganda, to the president of the United Nations's General Assembly will in no way diminish our refusal to accept violation of the basic principles of humanity, which is respect for the equal dignity of all persons regardless of gender, sexual orientations, race, physical capacities and any other characteristics that a person cannot and should not be forced to change.

    Your Excellency Ms. Ambassador, you must tell President Mseveni and Foreign Minister Sam Kutesa that the global outrage they have caused by the Anti-Gay Law is no less strong in Tokyo, and that our protest will not cease nor will we ignore the plight of gay people in Uganda until the law is repealed.

    Rainbow Protesters Japan

    - - - - - - - -

    撮影・編集:秋山理央(Video by Rio Akiyama)
    機材:SONY HDR-PJ790V
