在 nope點解產品中有2篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過0的網紅,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 記得我therapist話其中一個克服恐懼or焦慮嘅方法就係正確label/name個焦慮出黎,上個post好多good vibe comments不過淨係話「接受佢啦」、「有益的」係好難順攤gurrrr 嘅👧🏻 點解好驚lil gecko? 我嘅Herpetophobia(唔係heteroph...
nope點解 在 Alfred Hui 許廷鏗 Instagram 的最佳解答
2020-05-13 15:51:03
Nope! LOL! #全日行程都預唔到時間 #塞車塞到爆 #點解會咁架 #可唔可以由呢一刻個人生順返少少 #btw #隻手指唔係我既 #我啲指甲靚啲架...
nope點解 在 Facebook 的精選貼文
記得我therapist話其中一個克服恐懼or焦慮嘅方法就係正確label/name個焦慮出黎,上個post好多good vibe comments不過淨係話「接受佢啦」、「有益的」係好難順攤gurrrr 嘅👧🏻
點解好驚lil gecko?
我嘅Herpetophobia(唔係heterophobia but well this deserves another post) 可能來自我好唔鍾意wriggle wriggle又動作迅速嘅事物(reptiles),唔係reptile嘅衣魚都係其中一種。咁e個時候therapist就可能會問,”where does the dislike come from?” 諗一陣我可能就答 “because the fact that they are so swift means that I lose control over my household, somewhere I thought I enjoy peace and maximum protection in.” 跟住therapist 就會話「咁係咪合理?」
咁我就maybe會話「其實唔合理因為我唔可以控制所有嘢,其他動物or昆蟲or爬爬嘅free will我無法即時控制(but wouldn’t it be great),我只能夠在能力範圍內改變四周環境去curate what i want in life。
Therapist:Go on
Me:但係我嘅恐懼or焦慮應該係來自一切難以控制嘅事物,事物嘅威脅又隨其物理體積、行動力(aka權力)及其隱藏能力exponentially增加。例如一d unstable 嘅former affiliation、唔知邊度出現嘅父母親新朋友、遠房親戚etc
Me:咁簡單like唔好講sexist jokes 或尊重私人時間都唔自己get到咁我就覺得好distressed
Therapist:name the distress
Me:係因為佢地唔跟我個習慣or 價值觀?
Therapy:do they necessarily know what’s in your mind?
Me: no, and probably no one in their lives have ever expressed distress or told them it’s NOPE。我覺得ew嘅嘢都可能係因為我即時控制唔到佢地習慣or 價值觀?
Therapist: it’s ok to feel upset. Now back to the gecko…
Me: 我可能唔鍾意「the Other」、「a stealthy other」,都係因為我習慣心安來自full control,咁我可能要知道1. 無可能full control 2. 唔係full control都可能有inner peace 3. 能夠能力範圍內改變自己和周遭已經不錯 4. lost control 嘅時候最重要有support network,例如開ig live 或者post status
Therapist: there, there
Me: 我嘗試接受隻gecko,佢嘅出現提醒我更加要家居清潔,可能時不時叫多d人黎玩壯下膽too;人來說,風險管理都要做好,我就當自己always preparing for war
Therapist: we need many more sessions to work on that aggressive mindset ...
Me: ok sure~ I’m taking this cookie~ see u next time~
Also me:(打電話比mom扭計)
nope點解 在 許廷鏗 Alfred Hui Facebook 的最佳貼文
Nope! LOL!
#全日行程都預唔到時間 #塞車塞到爆 #點解會咁架 #可唔可以由呢一刻個人生順返少少 #btw #隻手指唔係我既 #我啲指甲靚啲架