

在 noon泰國產品中有10篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過2,913的網紅日央設計,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, work_ 從暹羅到泰國 The Lost Territories: Thailand’s History of National Humiliation 到底泰國是未遭殖民的獨立英雄,還是失土受辱的犧牲者? 看國家機器如何張牙舞爪地控制人民 看當權者如何操縱歷史記憶以動員民眾支持 一齣經過精...

 同時也有2部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過14萬的網紅賢賢的奇異世界,也在其Youtube影片中提到,#曼谷 #曼谷自由行 #bangkok 曼谷自由行 Day 3:正宗道地泰國餐,泳池派對和Palm 18泰國餐廳和酒吧, local thaifood restaurant, salsa Bangkok fiesta pool party and Palm 18 restaurant 曼谷自由...

noon泰國 在 ??Ms.K 凱倫泰泰?? Instagram 的最佳解答

2021-08-03 11:02:46

This oldie 'Bangwa Pork Leg Rice' started their business way before I even moved to Bangkok 30 years ago. I remember having to pass by every single mo...

noon泰國 在 凱蒂英文 Learn English with Catty Instagram 的最佳貼文

2021-08-02 13:05:06

#凱蒂旅行去 #泰國東北 世界奇湖報你知! 紅蓮花海在2014年的時候,被CNN評選為世界10大奇湖的第二名 上一篇的凱蒂旅行去,介紹泰國東北的烏冬他尼,這次來好好介紹烏冬他尼最出名的紅蓮花海吧。 紅蓮花海是從泰文ทะเลบัวแดง直翻過來的。ทะเลบัวแดง唸做Talay Bua Dae...

noon泰國 在 C.c Instagram 的最佳貼文

2020-07-04 06:36:06

.  🎖總分:🌕🌕🌕🌕🌕🌕6/10 ❤️食物心思:🌕🌕🌕🌕🌕5/10 📸打卡:🌕🌕🌕🌕🌕🌕6/10 🍽味道:🌕🌕🌕🌕🌕🌗5.5/ 10 🏡環境:🌕🌕🌕🌕🌕5/10 🤵🏻服務 : 🌕🌕🌕🌕🌕5/10 😋抵食:🌕🌕🌕🌕🌕5/10   ChaTraMue 🏡地址: 尖沙咀加拿芬道3...

  • noon泰國 在 日央設計 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2019-06-25 14:04:17
    有 13 人按讚


    The Lost Territories: Thailand’s History of National Humiliation






    Client: 聯經出版
    Graphic Design by noon office
    AD:Will Liao
    Art Team::Gholette / Will Liao

  • noon泰國 在 玩老玩具 Playtoysforever Facebook 的精選貼文

    2019-06-17 22:09:41
    有 75 人按讚

    狐狸會員 站出來!!

    2019 JOBI the Moon Fox:Stargazer
    專屬限定商品 將於6 月 21 – 23 日,開放狐狸高級會員預購。






    預購將會在 6 月 21 – 23 日舉行。


    JOBI the Moon Fox - Stargazer (觀星者)

    A. 守門者 JACK (透明藍色)
    B. 守門者 ROSE (透明粉色)
    C. JACK + ROSE + 袖珍狐狸套裝


    香港及內地的高級會員請於 6 月 21 日中午 12 時開始填寫此 GOOGLE 預購表格。


    香港區接受銀行轉帳,內地接受 PAYPAL 或支付寶匯款。


    台灣 – 玩老玩具 Playtoysforever
    泰國 – Modish Crazy Shop
    新加坡 - Ozzo Collection
    美國 – myplasticheart / Strange Cat Toys - Designer Toy Store
    英國 - Korekore

    所有商品預定 8 月下旬發貨。





    << 1st Preorder for Foxford Premium Members>>

    Dear premium members,

    We are going to launch the 1st Preorder for Foxford Premium Members.

    ***This preorder event is only for the premium members who had applied in January.***

    From this Friday to Sunday (21-23 June), all premium members can make a preorder for either 1 of the following 3 items.

    JOBI the Moon Fox - Stargazer

    A. JACK the Gatekeeper (Clear Blue)
    B. ROSE the Gatekeeper (Clear Pink)
    C. JACK + ROSE + Mini fox Combined set

    Estimated shipping date will be in late Aug.

    Premium members who has the interest on the preorder, please take your membership card and contact our dealers.

    Taiwan – 玩老玩具 Playtoysforever
    Thailand – Modish Crazy Shop
    Singapore – Ozzo Collection
    USA – myplasticheart / Strange Cat Toys - Designer Toy Store
    UK – Korekore

    For premium members in Hong Kong and Mainland, please fill in the google preordering beginning at 12:00 noon on 21 June.


    Get ready and looking forward to your participation!

    -Fox Papa


  • noon泰國 在 每天簡單說泰語 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2019-01-12 10:22:06
    有 77 人按讚

    🇹🇭 [聽泰語歌學泰語] นอกจากชื่อฉัน 除了我的名字|ActArt


    🎉<1/18(週五晚上七點)講座> 團長Ricky帶你深度體驗「東方米蘭」國度-泰國 https://www.facebook.com/events/955446481325421/

    จำอะไรได้บ้างไหม เกี่ยวกับฉันคนเก่า
    Jum arai dai bahng mai giao gup chun kon gao
    Do you remember anything at all about me?

    Pleng derm derm tee koey bpen kaung rao
    The same old songs that were once ours

    Tur yung raung yung fung yoo mai
    Do you still sing them, still listen to them?

    (*) ไม่รู้ว่าความรู้สึก ในตอนที่มันดึกๆ
    Mai roo wah kwahm roo seuk nai dtaun tee mun deuk deuk
    I don’t know your feelings when it’s late

    เธอยังเหงา ยังเหมือนวันเก่าๆอยู่ไหม
    Tur yung ngao yung meuan wun gao gao yoo mai
    Are you still lonely? Do you still feel like the old days?

    ไม่รู้ว่าภาพแววตา ที่เธอได้เคยมองมา
    Mai roo wah pahp waew dtah tee tur dai koey maung mah
    I don’t know how much the look in your eyes that you once had looking at me

    Ja bplian bpai suk kae nai
    Has changed

    (**) นอกจากชื่อฉัน มีสิ่งอื่นอีกไหม
    Nauk jahk cheu chun mee sing eun eek mai
    Aside from my name, is there anything else

    Tee tur yung sai jai lae por jum mun dai yoo
    That you still pay attention to and remember?

    เศษจากความรัก ยังเหลือไหมก็ไม่รู้
    Set jahk kwahm ruk yung leua mai gor mai roo
    I don’t know if a fraction of our love is still left

    ในความทรงจำเธอยังจะมีฉันอยู่ บ้างไหม
    Nai kwahm song jum tur yung ja mee chun yoo bahng mai
    Do you still have me in your memories?

    ตักของฉันที่เธอคุ้น ที่เคยหนุนเมื่อก่อน
    Dtuk kaung chun tee tur koon tee koey noon meua gaun
    My lap that you were once familiar with, that once supported you before

    วันนี้ก็ไม่มีใครได้นอน ยังเก็บไว้รอเธอเสมอ
    Wun nee gor mai mee krai dai naun yung gep wai ror tur samur
    Doesn’t have anyone sleeping in it today, I’m still always saving it for you


    <講座> 團長Ricky帶你深度體驗「東方米蘭」國度-泰國 https://www.facebook.com/events/955446481325421/

    #泰國 #曼谷 #清邁 #泰語 #泰文 #學泰語 #學泰文 #歌詞 #流行歌 #泰語歌 #นอกจากชื่อฉัน

  • noon泰國 在 賢賢的奇異世界 Youtube 的最佳解答

    2016-11-29 11:56:43

    #曼谷 #曼谷自由行 #bangkok

    曼谷自由行 Day 3:正宗道地泰國餐,泳池派對和Palm 18泰國餐廳和酒吧, local thaifood restaurant, salsa Bangkok fiesta pool party and Palm 18 restaurant

    曼谷自由行來到Day3第三天,也是像前幾天一樣,睡到自然醒!曼谷自由行最幸福的事莫過於此,今天一定要去會我兩年前曾去過的一家正宗泰國餐廳,叫IM Chan,還好我還有標籤在我的fb裡面,不然不會記得它在哪裡的,從我們的酒店步行大概15分鐘就到了。看起來好像有點不一樣了~以前是在店裡面的,現在好像是在店的兩旁。我們點了桔子蒸魚(steamed fish with lime sauce),帕能咖哩雞,蠔煎和冬炎海鮮湯。最好吃還是桔子蒸魚,雖然有點辣,但是桔子香味加酸味弄得你非常的開胃,吃不停口的。第二好吃應該算是帕能咖哩雞,它的香料味非常的重,比桔子蒸更加的辣,像是乾冬炎湯一樣,也是很好吃!
    IM Chan restaurant: https://www.facebook.com/pages/IM-CHAN-%E0%B8%AD%E0%B8%B4%E0%B9%88%E0%B8%A1%E0%B8%88%E0%B8%B1%E0%B8%87-thaifood-very-good-and-cheap/159512367538197?hc_ref=SEARCH
    吃飽了要出發去泳池派對咯~參加Salsa Bangkok Fiesta絕對不可以錯過的就是它的泳池派對,很多女生就是穿着比基尼就在泳池旁跳salsa 或bachata,雖然有點小雨,但是阻止不了我們要跳舞的決心的!自己看影片吧!
    到了晚上,我們就去在我們酒店對面的叫Palm 18 的正宗泰國餐廳,這次叫了很多菜餚例如:青咖哩,泰式炒裸條,炒冬粉,美國炒飯,炸墨魚等等,當然也少不了椰子。今天是Salsa Bangkok fiesta 2016的最後一天,所以一定要跳到最後一刻關門為止!

    曼谷自由行 Day 3:正宗道地泰国餐,泳池派对和Palm 18泰国餐厅和酒吧, local thaifood restaurant, salsa Bangkok fiesta pool party and Palm 18 restaurant
    曼谷自由行来到Day3第三天,也是像前几天一样,睡到自然醒!曼谷自由行最幸福的事莫过于此,今天一定要去会我两年前曾去过的一家正宗泰国餐厅,叫IM Chan,还好我还有标籤在我的fb裡面,不然不会记得它在哪裡的,从我们的酒店步行大概15分钟就到了。看起来好像有点不一样了~以前是在店裡面的,现在好像是在店的两旁。我们点了桔子蒸鱼(steamed fish with lime sauce),帕能咖哩鸡,蚝煎和冬炎海鲜汤。最好吃还是桔子蒸鱼,虽然有点辣,但是桔子香味加酸味弄得你非常的开胃,吃不停口的。第二好吃应该算是帕能咖哩鸡,它的香料味非常的重,比桔子蒸更加的辣,像是乾冬炎汤一样,也是很好吃!
    IM Chan restaurant: https://www.facebook.com/pages/IM-CHAN-%E0%B8%AD%E0%B8%B4%E0%B9%88%E0%B8%A1%E0%B8%88%E0%B8%B1%E0%B8%87-thaifood-very-good-and-cheap/159512367538197?hc_ref=SEARCH
    吃饱了要出发去泳池派对咯~参加Salsa Bangkok Fiesta绝对不可以错过的就是它的泳池派对,很多女生就是穿着比基尼就在泳池旁跳salsa 或bachata,虽然有点小雨,但是阻止不了我们要跳舞的决心的!自己看影片吧!
    到了晚上,我们就去在我们酒店对面的叫Palm 18 的正宗泰国餐厅,这次叫了很多菜餚例如:青咖哩,泰式炒裸条,炒冬粉,美国炒饭,炸墨鱼等等,当然也少不了椰子。今天是Salsa Bangkok fiesta 2016的最后一天,所以一定要跳到最后一刻关门为止!

    Bangkok free & easy trip 2016 Day 3: Local thaifood restaurant, the Pool party that you can’t missed in Salsa Bangkok Fiesta 2016, and palm 18 restaurant at sukhumvit 18.
    Bangkok trip Day 3,same as usual, we woke up quite late in the noon and we going to find the restaurant that I have been there before 2 years ago, so luckily I tagged the restaurant in my previous post, otherwise, I won’t remember what is the name of the restaurant, thanks facebook.
    It is called IM CHAN restaurant which is located at Sukhumvit 39 which is just 15mins away from our hotel by walking. We ordered the best Lime sauces steam fish, Panang chicken(which is we randomly chose), fried oyster and tomyum soup, the lime fish is the best among all the dishes, the sourness of the lime sauces and spiciness are just nice, the fish is very fresh. 2nd best I will say is Panang chicken, it tastes like dried tomyum, but the chicken meat is a bit dry, maybe because they using chicken breast meat to cook.
    If you come to attend Salsa Bangkok fiesta, one thing you can’t missed is the pool party on the 3rd day noon, girls are wearing bikini and salsa/bachata with you near the pool, sometime even inside the pool itself. You will like it.
    At night after the pool party, we just went to the nearest restaurant which is just located opposite our hotel, called Palm 18 restaurant. We ordered a lot of food like green curry, Pad Thai, fried squid, fried glass noodle, American fried rice and of course coconuts.
    Tonight is the last day of the social party so we danced until it closed at 2.30am.
    This Bangkok free & easy trip not just participate in salsa Bangkok fiesta 2016 but also taste the local food, street food and thai food, really thanks to all of my friends, you all make my trip so memorable, video can keep the happy moment of the trip, we will still can remember the happy moment when we re-watch again this video in the future, and you will still smile like previous.
    Bangkok free and easy trip! End
    Next trip Japan trip in January , Tokyo, Osaka, Kyoto, Nagano and etc! stay Tunned!

  • noon泰國 在 賢賢的奇異世界 Youtube 的最佳解答

    2016-11-23 15:02:22

    #曼谷 #曼谷自由行 #bangkok
    曼谷自由行 Day 2 Part A chatuchak市場,更多泰國美食,四面佛
    Bangkok Free & Easy Day 2 Part A

    曼谷自由行來到Day 2第二天,由於我們昨晚跳舞跳到很晚,非常的累,我們大概12.30中午才起床,曼谷自由行就有這樣的好處,你可以自由自在的安排自己的時間,不需要根據旅行團的行程安排,今天我們就會去Chatuchak或叫JJ Market,因為在泰文譯音是Jatujak,所以也叫JJ Market,我們乘坐BTS到了Mo Chit(接近Don Mueang機場的那一個站)也是最後一個站,下車後出來後下了天橋就是Chatuchak的入口,我們決定在這邊吃午餐,叫了冬炎豬肉麵,木瓜沙拉,炸冬粉春捲,泰式雞肉飯和豬肉飯等等。我還是覺得最好吃還是木瓜沙拉和冬炎豬肉麵。吃飽了~就進去chatuchak走走咯·~
    過後我們就去了Chit Lom站,下來六號出口過後就看到Intercontinental Hotel,對面就是非常有名的四面佛。
    過後我們就去了Platinum繼續購物和吃街邊小吃!由於要趕在8.30前回到酒店參加曼谷salsa Bangkok fiesta 2016,吃完烤魷魚就回去了
    Part B:世界級的表演和曼谷騷莎嘉年華2016的精彩片段,敬請期待~
    曼谷自由行 Day 2 Part A chatuchak市场,更多泰国美食,四面佛 Bangkok Free & Easy Day 2 Part A
    曼谷自由行来到Day 2第二天,由于我们昨晚跳舞跳到很晚,非常的累,我们大概12.30中午才起床,曼谷自由行就有这样的好处,你可以自由自在的安排自己的时间,不需要根据旅行团的行程安排,今天我们就会去Chatuchak或叫JJ Market,因为在泰文译音是Jatujak,所以也叫JJ Market,我们乘坐BTS到了Mo Chit(接近Don Mueang机场的那一个站)也是最后一个站,下车后出来后下了天桥就是Chatuchak的入口,我们决定在这边吃午餐,叫了冬炎猪肉麵,木瓜沙拉,炸冬粉春捲,泰式鸡肉饭和猪肉饭等等。我还是觉得最好吃还是木瓜沙拉和冬炎猪肉麵。吃饱了~就进去chatuchak走走咯·~
    过后我们就去了Chit Lom站,下来六号出口过后就看到Intercontinental Hotel,对面就是非常有名的四面佛。
    过后我们就去了Platinum继续购物和吃街边小吃!由于要赶在8.30前回到酒店参加曼谷salsa Bangkok fiesta 2016,吃完烤鱿鱼就回去了
    Part B:世界级的表演和曼谷骚莎嘉年华2016的精彩片段,敬请期待~

    Bangkok Free & Easy Trip Day 2 Part A: Chatuchak Market, Phra Phrom Shrine four faced God, more Street food hunt & Salsa Bangkok Fiesta 2016
    Bangkok Free and Easy Trip Day 2 Part A, due to we danced until 2.30am last night and slept at 4am, we woke up at 12.30pm in the noon. This is advantage of free & Easy trip, you don’t have to follow the time has been settled but follow your own pace. We took BTS to the Mo Chit Station, the last station of the green line, (close to Don mueang airport), after exit from the Mo Chit Station and come down from the bridge, you will see chatuchak market on your right. We plan to eat our lunch here because we are starving, so we ordered tomyum pork noodle, papaya salad, fried spring roll, pork rice and chicken rice with 3 coconuts. I’ll say the tomyum pork noodle and papaya salad are the best among of them.
    We went to chatuchak main entrance, you all should try the coconut ice cream, which is located the first stall of the main entrance, it’s tastes so good, you can add peanut, raisin and some chocolate chips but I will say the ice cream is delicious even without adding anything.
    We went to chit lom station which is near the intercontinental hotel, opposite of intercontinental hotel is the Phra Phrom Shrine(four faced god)
    Due to we need to rush back to attend the salsa Bangkok fiesta 2016 which is start from 8.30pm, we back to hotel after we ate the grilled squid
    Next: Part B, a lot of performances and social party until 2.30am, stay tunned.

