

在 non-trivial產品中有4篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過5,547的網紅Sam Tsang 曾思瀚,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, A letter from HK Bar Association. Statement of the Hong Kong Bar Association (HKBA) on Police action in relation to public protests 1. The fundamen...


  • non-trivial 在 Sam Tsang 曾思瀚 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2019-09-04 04:07:17
    有 79 人按讚

    A letter from HK Bar Association.

    Statement of the Hong Kong Bar Association (HKBA) on
    Police action in relation to public protests

    1. The fundamental duties of the Police Force are to protect the life, safety and well-being of residents, to safeguard public order, and to bring offenders before the courts for them to be dealt
    with in accordance with due process. It is an important part of our system which defends and upholds the Rule of Law.

    2. There is, however, evidence that some elements in the Police Force have fallen below their usual high standards of conduct. In the past few months there has been a great deal of television and video footage showing police officers using excessive force to disperse protesters and in making arrests. Excessive crowd dispersal techniques have included the indiscriminate use of tear gas (including inside an MTR station) and the shooting of crowd control projectiles at shoulder height level or above at close range. Beatings upon arrests are apparent and have been

    3. Video footage from the Prince Edward MTR station last Saturday night show riot police launching indiscriminate attacks without any apparent lawful excuse and using pepper spray on passengers inside a train compartment or hitting them with batons, especially since the officers in
    question left the train carriage afterwards without making any arrests.

    4. Members of HKBA who have assisted arrested persons have experienced obstruction at police stations where arrested persons were denied timely access to legal assistance and representation.
    Arrested persons have also complained of abuses suffered during detention, many of whom required hospitalization or other non-trivial medical treatments.

    5. There have been other violations of the Police General Orders such as the failure of police officers to display any form of identification which fosters a sense of impunity and lack of accountability. The various explanations that have been proffered to justify this - such as there
    being “no room” on the uniform of the Special Tactical Squad to display proper identification – are unconvincing to say the least.

    6. It is paramount that whatever difficult or provocative circumstances that the Police Force may have to face, they must respect the constraints that are placed on them by the Police General
    Orders, and the law generally, which ensure professionalism, especially with respect to the use of force that is no more than proportionate in the circumstances.

    7. The HKBA condemns any abuse of power by the Police Force. As disciplined professionals equipped with public authority and lethal and non-lethal weaponry, any unwarranted or excessive use of force against members of the public, be they protesters or ordinary passers-by or residents in housing estates, cannot be condoned. The incidents described above have greatly reduced public confidence in the Police Force. An independent inquiry will offer the truth that the public
    and the police deserve and may restore public confidence in our Police Force.

    Hong Kong Bar Association 3rd September 2019


    1. 警隊基本的職責是保護市民的生命,安全及福祉,維護治安及把罪犯繩之於法,使其得到 公平的司法程序處理。上述是法治精神的重要一環。

    2. 可是,近日有證據顯示部分警員執法時已偏離警隊一貫高質素執法的標準。在過去數月,大量媒體拍攝到的視像及影片顯示警務人員在執行驅散及拘捕示威者行動時使用過份武力,包括不合理地施放催淚彈(包括在港鐵站內)及近距離向人群肩膊以上位置開槍。警方於拘捕時毆打被捕者已被廣泛拍攝 。

    3. 於上星期六晚在港鐵太子站內拍攝到的視像,顯示防暴警察在無合理的情況下以暴力對待市民,包括向月台上及在車廂內的乘客以無差別的方式施放胡椒噴劑及以警棍毆打,而其後警員離開港鐵車廂時並沒有作出任何拘捕。

    4. 香港大律師公會的會員在向被捕人士提供法律支援時曾在警署遭受多番無理阻撓,令被捕人士未能適時接觸律師及得到法律代表的協助。被捕人士亦投訴在拘留期間受到虐待,導致身體受傷需要送院或接受治療。

    5. 除上述外,警方亦作出其他 違反警察通例規定的行為,如執勤的警員沒有在制服上展示任何可以辨識其身份的記認, 從而制造一種警方˹不用問責˺ 及˹能逃過監察˺的意識。 警方其後所作出的解釋,例如指特別戰術小組的制服上沒有空位作上述展
    示, 亦實屬牽強, 不能服眾 。

    6. 無論面對任何困難及挑釁,警察仍應保持克制及以符合警察通例的要求行事。以上的要求至為重要。法律要求警隊以專業的操守執勤,只可以使用與當時情況合適的最低武力執法。

    7. 大律師公會譴責任何警隊或警務人員濫用權力的情況。警務人員作為被賦予公權及擁有各種各樣殺傷力不等的武器的紀律部隊,無論在面對市民大眾或示威者時,都不能使用過份及不必要的武力。以上所述的情況已經削弱公眾對警隊的信心。至


    2019 年 9 月 3 日

  • non-trivial 在 Findit平台 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2018-08-21 11:00:02
    有 0 人按讚

    【2018國際天使與創業投資峰會】新創展示會 參展企業搶先看~
    📢絕不能錯過 HIGH 5

    8⃣《 HIGH 5 》is developing a customer engagement platform that helps enterprises build a lifetime relationship with their customers across different communication channels using machine learning and some non-trivial techniques.

    HIGH 5是一家可以幫助企業透過多個渠道和設備來提供更好的互動體驗。
    在互動的過程. 我們透過AI技術、簡單的方式收集使用者重要的輪廓及資料,如個人身份、個人興趣、電子設備、使用的時段、行為意圖等。

    #HIGH5 #聊天機器人 #AI #行銷 #2018國際天使與創業投資峰會 #展示會

  • non-trivial 在 AppWorks Facebook 的精選貼文

    2017-10-27 20:17:59
    有 44 人按讚

    【Open House for AI Startups 精彩實況】
    Umbo Computer Vision CTO 張秉霖 (Ping-Lin),分享 Umbo 過去的經驗,希望能幫助也在做 AI 創業題目的你,少走一些冤枉路:
    - Don’t Guess, measure. 測驗你 model 的第一步,一定要測試在你真實的 data 上,這些 measurment 才會有意義。線上既有的 data 資料,可能不是你真正遇到客戶時的場景。你最好去蒐集到你客戶真實會出現的場景,才能真正讓這個 model 有意義。不要依賴既有的資料庫。
    - BD is highly bound with data. 建議賣產品的同時要蒐集到 data,讓 data 去改善你的產品,形成正向循環。
    - Data collection is non-trivial. 要選擇哪些資料送進 model?光是解決資料收集上的題目,就會是一個很好的題目。
    - 最後一哩路是什麼:如果你今天得到一個沒有準確度的 model,你該怎麼把這最後一哩路補起來?不要太執著在 ML 上,他只是一個 tool,不要太過仰賴 ML 的技術。不如想想看有什麼其他的工程方式可以解決?不要執著一個單一的邏輯。
    - Data 的差異度在哪裡?為什麼不做一個更全面性的 model?
    當你在 train 一個 model 時,他的 capacity 是有上限的。因此當然可以因應每間公寓的場域,更全面性的做出一個 model ,服務更多的場合。但 model capaticy 是有上限的,這是一個 工程上必須做出的 trade off 。

    想與更多的 AI startups 一起交流切磋,AppWorks Accelerator #16 第二階段仍在開放申請 >> https://goo.gl/rGCRtt

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