

在 noisy用法產品中有2篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過1萬的網紅EZ Talk,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, #EZTALK #你不知道的美國大小事 #豬年回顧 #這絕對不是豬身攻擊 🐽Food Idioms 美國生活用語:Pork 豬肉 豬年即將結束,我們就趁這個專欄,介紹一些與 pork 豬肉有關的美國生活用語吧~🐖 1⃣eat like a pig; pig out 2⃣fat as a pig ...

 同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過26萬的網紅片付けトントン,也在其Youtube影片中提到,リビングの床を徹底的に攻め、床の清掃を完了させます。 ▶︎ときどき営業日誌|清掃業者の利用法、楽しみ方 https://kataduke-tonton.com/blog/cleanupblog/23698/ ▶︎Twitterやってます↓ https://twitter.com/kataduke...

  • noisy用法 在 EZ Talk Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2020-01-10 18:30:31
    有 21 人按讚

    #EZTALK #你不知道的美國大小事 #豬年回顧 #這絕對不是豬身攻擊
    🐽Food Idioms 美國生活用語:Pork 豬肉

    豬年即將結束,我們就趁這個專欄,介紹一些與 pork 豬肉有關的美國生活用語吧~🐖

    1⃣eat like a pig; pig out
    2⃣fat as a pig
    3⃣sweat like a pig
    5⃣put lipstick on a pig

    Pigs are known for being noisy, greedy eaters, 1⃣so if someone says you “eat like a pig,” well, you know what they mean. Ex: I don’t like eating out with Sean because he eats like a pig. In fact, pigs are so famous for their eating habits that they’ve even become verbs: “pig out” means “to eat greedily or gorge.” Ex: If you pig out on junk food, you’re going to get a stomachache.
    豬吃東西一向又吵又急,所以如果有人說你 eat like a pig,嗯…我想你應該知道他是什麼意思。如:I don’t like eating out with Sean because he eats like a pig.(我不愛跟尚恩吃飯,因為他吃相像頭豬。)事實上,豬也因為吃相太出名,pig 一字也變成動詞了:pig out 指「狼吞虎嚥;大吃大喝」,如:If you pig out on junk food, you’re going to get a stomachache. (如果你猛塞垃圾食物,你會肚子痛。)

    What happens if you eat like a pig? You get fat! 2⃣So if you say someone is fat as a pig, the meaning is obvious. Ex: Josh used to be thin, but now he’s fat as a pig. 3⃣The fat tend to sweat a lot, and “sweat like a pig” means “to sweat profusely.” Which seems strange, because pigs don’t actually sweat. As it turns out, this expression comes from pig iron, which “sweats” as it cools. Ex: I sweat like a pig whenever it gets hot.
    那如果你吃得像一頭豬,會有什麼後果?對,你會變胖!所以如果你說,某人 fat as a pig,這意思應該也很清楚。如:Josh used to be thin, but now he’s fat as a pig.(賈許過去很瘦,可是現在肥得像頭豬。)人一胖,也很容易流汗,所以 sweat like a pig 就是指「汗流浹背」。這個說法其實沒道理,因為豬事實上是不流汗的。其實這個用語是出自生鐵(pig iron),一旦生鐵冷卻下來,就會一直『出汗』。如:I sweat like a pig whenever it gets hot.(天氣熱的時候,我總是汗流浹背。)

    We all know how pigs love rolling around in the mud, so a 4⃣ “pigsty” can mean a place that’s really dirty or messy. Ex: Why is your room such a pigsty? 5⃣ Pigs are so dirty that putting lipstick on them wouldn’t make them look much better, so “put lipstick on a pig” means to make superficial changes in an attempt to makes something (or someone) seem better than it really is. Ex: The government’s PR campaign is just putting lipstick on a pig.
    我們都知道豬喜歡在泥巴裡滾來滾去,所以 pigsty「豬圈」可以延伸形容又髒又亂的地方,如:Why is your room such a pigsty?(你房間怎麼可以亂得像豬窩?)因為豬太髒了,即使幫牠們塗口紅也沒用,所以這個譬喻用法 put lipstick on a pig 可以指「再怎麼粉飾美化也沒用」。如:The government’s PR campaign is just putting lipstick on a pig.(政府的公關活動只是給豬上口紅。)

    1. gorge「狼吞虎嚥」:當動詞。
    2. pig iron「生鐵」:未經鍛造、品質不純的生鐵。
    3. profusely「充沛地、大量地」

    🔔 按下「搶先看」,每週五【美國大小事】,由 Judd 編審分享最即時美國新鮮事!想知道更多美國文化,請看 👉 http://bit.ly/EZTalk嚴選

  • noisy用法 在 Alexander Wang 王梓沅英文 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2013-07-29 08:50:41
    有 195 人按讚

    無論是在改變一生文法班、還是在托福口說班,我都一再強調熟悉和不斷學習英文collocations 的重要性 (這一塊嚴重被台灣英文教育忽視)。要寫好TOEFL/GMAT/GRE 寫作? 想要talk in English 而非 in Chinglish? 最大的關鍵就在Collocations.
    舉例而言,今天在口說班上分享 "inclement" 一個字,意思是殘酷無情的。因為台灣學生習慣從中文至英文轉換的學習方法,所以不意外的會造出 inclement teachers / inclement approaches 這種文法正確但確非常滷肉飯的英文。對於美國人來說,因為長期在abundant English input 的情況下,用直覺就會知道跟 inclement 最常連用的就是weather (inclement weather) (美國每當下大雪商店要提早關門的告示都是這樣寫 並不是什麼高深用法)。

    有時為了考試不得已要一個字一個字背誦單字 (不管是用什麼方法背),但最終要將英文看成一輩子的資產時,一個Chunk (詞組) 一個 Chunk 的學習,才是最好的學習方法。例如下面幾組有關於 "cause" "lead to" 的collocations 給大家參考

    1. The advertising campaign didn't PRODUCE the RESULTS we hoped for.
    2. The Finance Minister's decision to raise income tax PROVOKED an OUTCRY.
    3. If teachers show favoritism, it BREEDS RESENTMENT.
    4. Mary didn't believe the rumors about her boss but they PLANTED DOUBTS in her mind.
    5. The film star's photo PROMPTED SPECULATION that she may be pregnant.
    6. Email has more or less RENDERED the fax machine obsolete.
    7. If you want to make an insurance claim, you can SET THE WHEELS IN MOTION by filling in this form.
    8. This wind will WREAK HAVOC with my flowers.
    9. Our new neighbors are so noisy, it's enough to DRIVE anyone CRAZY.
    10. The strike could SPELL DISASTER for the country.

  • noisy用法 在 片付けトントン Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2019-11-08 17:15:13






    ・Smoky Coffin
    ・Noisy Grave
    ・Rodeo Show
    ・Get Outside!
    ・Blaze a Trail

