
為什麼這篇nightmares中文鄉民發文收入到精華區:因為在nightmares中文這個討論話題中,有許多相關的文章在討論,這篇最有參考價值!作者maxsaxli (anDrew安德魯)看板RockMetal標題[翻譯] Avenged Se...

Avenged Sevenfold - Nightmare (中文字幕 Chinese subtitles)

喜歡就轉貼吧! 我翻譯的目的為推廣, 也歡迎在下面留言討論!


Nightmare! (Now your nightmare comes to life)
這是一場夢魘! 現在你的噩夢活生生地實現
Dragged ya down below, down to the devils show,
把你一腳拖下 跌至惡魔之秀
To be his guest forever (Peace of mind is less than never)!
成為他永遠的訪客 和平之心已被榨乾
Hate to twist your mind, but God ain't on your side,
痛恨曲解你的理智 但上帝並不站在你那邊
An old acquaintance severed (burn the world your last endeavor)!
一位熟悉的相識之人分離世界 用你最大的努力燒毀一切

Flesh is burning, you can smell it in the air,
生肉正燃燒著 你可以在空氣中嗅出
Cause men like you have such an easy soul to steal (steal)
因為像你一樣的人 有著輕易偷竊的靈魂
So stand in line while they ink numbers in your head,
就站在等待線上 等他們在你頭上寫下奴隸的編號吧
you're now a slave until the end of time here,
你現在只是個奴隸 直到此地時間結束
Nothing stops the madness turning, haunting, yearning, pull the trigger!
無法阻止腦中的瘋狂轉向 縈繞心頭 渴望著扣下板機

You should have known the price of evil,
And it hurts to know that you belong here, yeah
它讓你疼痛 使你知道你身陷噩夢中
Oooooh, it's your fuckin' nightmare!
噢! 這是你他媽的夢魘!
(While your nightmare comes to life)

Can't wake up in sweat, cause it ain't over yet,
焦急不安 無法從噩夢中醒來 因為這還沒結束
still dancin' with your demons (Victim of your own creation)
仍與你心中的惡魔共舞 自我產物的犧牲者
Beyond the will to fight, where all that's wrong is right
在意志之外奮鬥 在是非顛倒之處
Where hate don't need a reason (loathing self-assassination)
在憎恨不需理由之處 嫌惡的自我暗殺

You've been lied to
just to rape you of your site,
這沒什麼 只是強姦你自己的抱負而已
and now they have the nerve to tell you how to feel (feel)
So sedated as they medicate your brain

and while you slowly go insane they tell ya:
而當你緩慢地接近發狂邊緣時 他們告訴你:
Given with the best intentions, help you with your complications!
付出最好的鬥志 將會幫助你跨越障礙

You should have known the price of evil,
And it hurts to know that you belong here, yeah.
No one to call, everybody to fear,
沒人將呼喊 每個人跌入恐懼之中
Your tragic fate is looking so clear, yeah.
Oooooh, it's your fuckin' nightmare, ha-ha-ha-ha!
噢! 這是你他媽的夢魘!

Fight (fight), not to fail (fail), not to fall (fall)
戰鬥吧 別失敗 別落下
Or you'll end up like the others.
Die (die), die again (die), drenched in sin (sin)
死去吧 再次死去吧 充滿罪孽地死去
With no respect for another.

Down (down), feel the fire (fire), feel the hate (hate)
倒下吧 感受火焰 感受憎恨
Your pain is what we desire.
你的痛苦 是我們的渴望
Lost (lost), hit the wall (wall), watch you crawl (crawl)
迷失吧 撞上牆 看著你爬行
Such a replaceable liar.

And I know you hear their voices (calling from above),
然而我知道你聽見他們的聲音 從上面呼喊著
And I know they may seem real (these signals of love),
然而我知道他們可能感覺像真的 這些愛的信號
But our life's made up from choices (some without appeal),
但我們的人生是由自我的選擇堆疊出來 有些則是毫無選擇的餘地
They took for granted your soul,
他們帶走了 假定你的靈魂
and it's ours now to steal
(As your nightmare comes to life)!

You should have known the price of evil,
And it hurts to know that you belong here, yeah.
No one to call, everybody to fear,
Your tragic fate is looking so clear, yeah
Oooooh, it's your fucking nightmare!

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
hssssbs:!! 02/28 18:32
leon0713:推推~ 02/29 05:47
linpowei:And it hurts to know that you belong here 不太對吧@@ 02/29 16:48

