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在 news.com.au產品中有43篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過14萬的網紅王婉諭,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 「中共是中共、台灣是台灣」美國眾議院通過法案,拒絕中國地圖中包含台灣! 跟大家分享一個昨日發生在美國的好消息! 美國聯邦眾議院昨天通過了「2022 財政年度國務院、對外行動和相關計畫撥款法案」,不僅納入了許多友台議員的修正案,更明確禁止美國花錢製作、採購、或是展示「任何將台灣化成中國一部分的...

 同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過15萬的網紅pennyccw,也在其Youtube影片中提到,BEN Simmons had a triple double on Saturday against the Indiana Pacers despite missing more mid-range jump shots during his warm-up than you’re likely...

news.com.au 在 好新事 Instagram 的精選貼文

2021-07-28 03:03:25

內有小女孩開箱的驚喜反應影片唷😍 👉Emrie是一名位於美國肯薩斯州的7歲女孩, 不同於一般小孩的童年, 她跟弟弟天生就看不到, 於是她從4歲就開始學習點字。 👉她的爸爸長期在睡前為她讀哈利波特系列, Emrie從不會忘記任何細節。 但是最近這個活動停止了, 因為Emrie希望可以自己讀書理解! ...

news.com.au 在 國際內世鏡|Insight Into Issues Instagram 的最讚貼文

2021-04-04 17:33:23

由於澳洲政府多次呼籲國際獨立調查COVID-19病毒起源,導致中國不滿,雙方外交關係惡化。有消息指出,中國將對澳洲進行報復行動,擬對澳洲的大麥加徵進口關稅。 - 根據澳洲廣播公司(ABC)報導,澳洲多個穀物協會團體,包括「榖物產業市場開放論壇」(Grains Industry Market Acce...

news.com.au 在 Joey Leong 梁 祖 仪 Instagram 的最佳貼文

2020-05-13 05:27:07

I literally cried so badly seeing this. The screams remind me so much of the pain from burn. HUMAN. Why are we still doing these to our planet? If re...

  • news.com.au 在 王婉諭 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-07-30 11:57:39
    有 2,933 人按讚

    美國聯邦眾議院昨天通過了「2022 財政年度國務院、對外行動和相關計畫撥款法案」,不僅納入了許多友台議員的修正案,更明確禁止美國花錢製作、採購、或是展示「任何將台灣化成中國一部分的地圖」。
    其中一位議員帝芬尼(Tom Tiffany)更表示,台灣從來不是中國一部分,是眾所皆知的事,台灣人民選出自己領袖,擁有自己軍隊,執行自己的外交政策,也依循自己的國際貿易協議,不論用哪種標準來看,台灣都是一個主權、民主及獨立國家,「中共是中共,台灣是台灣」。
    其實,在這次的東京奧運舞台上,我國選手的優異表現不僅讓世界各國印象深刻,甚至許多國際媒體也主動解釋,究竟何謂「Chinese Taipei」?
    澳洲的新聞網站 News.com.au 形容,「Chinese Taipei 是在奧運接連奪牌,但地圖上找不到的神秘隊伍,但他們並非中華人民共和國的一部分,而是各界熟悉的台灣」;
    英國BBC說,「Chinese Taipei 是不能用自己國家名字參賽的隊伍,但這並不影響台灣選手們在奧運會上的表現,許多國際媒體在被 Chinese Taipei 搞得一頭霧水之後,也乾脆直接稱呼為台灣隊」;
    而在東奧開幕式時,日本 NHK、韓國 MBC、美國 NBC等,也都強調「Chinese Taipei 是台灣在奧運使用的名稱」,甚至也都直接以台灣來稱呼我們。

  • news.com.au 在 大紀元時報(香港) Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-07-29 19:25:51
    有 187 人按讚

    中華民國(台灣)以中華台北名稱征戰奧運40多年,然而Chinese Taipei讓許多外國人困惑不已,澳洲媒體形容台灣是在奧運接連奪牌,但地圖上找不到的神秘隊伍。

    【 堅守真相重傳統 】


  • news.com.au 在 風傳媒 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-07-28 16:00:02
    有 23 人按讚


    台灣以中華台北名稱征戰奧運40多年,然而Chinese Taipei卻讓許多外國人困惑不已,澳媒更形容台灣是在地圖上找不到的神秘隊伍...





    #奧運 #台灣 #運動員 #中華民國 #中華台北 #東奧正名

  • news.com.au 在 pennyccw Youtube 的最佳解答

    2017-11-04 22:24:31

    BEN Simmons had a triple double on Saturday against the Indiana Pacers despite missing more mid-range jump shots during his warm-up than you’re likely to ever see by a professional basketballer.
    He had 14 points, 11 assists and 11 rebounds in a wildly-entertaining 121-110 win despite going missing for long periods in the game.
    He became just the second player in NBA history to post two triple doubles in his first nine games despite turning the ball over five times, getting called for two charges and missing eight of his 13 field goal attempts.
    If ever anyone has played the game Ice Cube raps about in It Was A Good Day it was Simmons against the Pacers. He truly “f***ed around and got a triple double.”
    Milwaukee Bucks coach Jason Kidd recently described his own burgeoning superstar Giannis Antetokounmpo as a plane that was ascending but had only reached 10,000 feet.
    Well, Simmons can still see the runway in his rear-view mirror and he’s already reaching heights only Oscar Robertson has climbed.
    “It’s just amazing to me, there’s nothing else I can really say about it,” Simmons said, when notified of his latest feat.
    “It’s an honour to be there.”

    It’s performances like Saturday’s that have seen Simmons capture the attention of NBA royalty, including Kobe Bryant who told news.com.au Australian fans should be buzzing about the talent they have on their hands.
    “He’s a phenomenal player,” Bryant said in New York this week. “He’s just getting started too.”
    Simmons has been forced to get use to such lofty praise in the past few weeks as everyone from Dominique Wilkins to LeBron James have heralded his game.
    But getting the tick of approval from Bryant meant a lot to the 20-year-old from Melbourne, when news.com.au passed on the message in the locker room before he took on Indiana.
    “From Kobe, that’s awesome to hear,” Simmons said. “From one of the greatest to ever play the game, that means a lot. But I got a long way to go so I’ll stay in the gym.”
    The Simmons camp is starting to get word of the groundswell of support building for him Down Under too. It’s not quite at the same level as Jarryd Hayne experienced during his time with the San Francisco 49ers yet, but Simmons has only just begun and this journey will likely last 10-15 years.
    “Now he’s getting triple doubles it’s buzzing here so I can only imagine what it’s like there,” his father, former NBL player Dave Simmons, told news.com.au after the siren.
    “I definitely know I get a lot of support from Australia,” added Ben. “When I’m playing I’m really playing for me, my family, my team and Australia. So that means a lot. And I’ve always really played that way.”
    Simmons confirmed he was targeting the 2020 Olympics in Tokyo, a tantalising prospect for a Boomers program which finished fourth in Rio last year.
    But first he’s determined to reignite basketball in Philly — and the City of Brotherly Love is falling fast.

