[爆卦]new york city歌詞是什麼?優點缺點精華區懶人包

為什麼這篇new york city歌詞鄉民發文收入到精華區:因為在new york city歌詞這個討論話題中,有許多相關的文章在討論,這篇最有參考價值!作者Fucx426 (庫必了)看板Eng-Class標題[求譯] Norah Jones 歌詞(NE...

new york city歌詞 在 WHOSMiNG Instagram 的最佳貼文

2020-05-10 05:54:09

Australian Coffee Culture in New York. 澳式咖啡,隨著第三波精品咖啡浪潮也跟著改變全世界的咖啡文化。除了大家熟悉的flat white,提供別於麵包甜點外的精緻輕食,也是澳式咖啡的特色。雖然這幾年澳式咖啡在全球已經是隨處可見的風格,但2016年開幕的black...


I can't remember what I planned tomorrow
I can't remember when it's time to go

When I look in the mirror
Tracing lines with a pencil
I remember what came before


I wanted to think there was endless love

Q:這裡"think" 表示 "相信"嗎?

Until I saw the light dim in your eyes

(請問"dim" 還有更好的翻譯嗎?)

In the dead of the night I found out
Sometimes there's love that won't survive

New York City
Such a beautiful disease
New York City
Such a beautiful,
Such a beautiful disease

Laura kept all her disappointments
Locked up in a box behind her closet door
She pulled the blinds and listened to the thunder

With no way out from the family store

We all told her things could get better
When you just say goodbye

I'll lay awake one more night
Caught in a vision I want to deny

(這裡 "caught in" 翻為"陷入" 適合嗎?)

And did I mention the note that I found
Taped to my locked front door
It talked about no regrets
As it slipped from my hand to the scuffed tile floor

I rode the train for hours on end
And watched the people pass me by

It could be that it has no end
Just an action junkie's lullaby


New York City

We were full of the stuff that every dream rested
As if floating on a lumpy pillow sky
Caught up in the whole illusion
That dreams never pass us by

Q:這整段單字都懂 都是怎麼翻都不順

Came to a tattoed conclusion

Q:"tattoed concusion"是翻為既成事實嗎?

That the big one was knocking on the door
What started as a mass delusion


Would take me far from the place I adore

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
※ 編輯: Fucx426 來自: (12/07 23:59)
Soulchild:直到我看見你眼裡的光芒黯淡了下來 12/08 01:14
Soulchild:走不出那間店 12/08 01:16
dunchee:之前是"明亮"的。情人眼裡出西施,看到喜歡的人眼睛會"亮" 12/08 05:56
dunchee:起來。現在情況是失去興趣,看到情人就像看到普通朋友那樣 12/08 05:56
dunchee:--> I saw the light dim in your eyes (她看到這過程,從 12/08 05:56
dunchee:之前"亮"起來到說這話時的"dim",她有注意到) 12/08 05:56
valenci:acttion junkie指的是「行動派」 12/08 07:26

