

在 never後面動詞加s產品中有2篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過1萬的網紅竹科大小事,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 好貨來了! 轉給要考試或要用到英文的人吧!- 如何短期內學好英文: 掌握文法要點用在讀到或聽到英文 筆者長期接待外賓,整理下面的文法要點,切記要多看電視的英文節目,每天看,看的時候嘴巴跟著唸,一年後就會有很顯著的效果。 英文法總整理: About Sentences 1. 一個句子只能有一個動...

  • never後面動詞加s 在 竹科大小事 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-04-12 11:30:27
    有 398 人按讚

    好貨來了! 轉給要考試或要用到英文的人吧!-
    如何短期內學好英文: 掌握文法要點用在讀到或聽到英文



    About Sentences
    1. 一個句子只能有一個動詞(兩個動詞在一起會打架), 當主詞和受詞的一定是名詞(或做名詞用) , 一定要形容詞或名詞才能當補語(補充語意)
    2. 助動詞和 be 動詞的否定在後面直接加 not 即可
    3. 有疑問詞的問句,疑問詞要擺最前面, 有助動詞和 be 動詞的疑問句,要把助動詞或 be 動詞移到主詞前
    4. 用什麼助動詞問,就用什麼助動詞回答, 一般動詞的否定和疑問要用助動詞
    5. 祈使句要用動詞原形, 祈使句的否定在前面加 Don't 或 never
    6. 間接問句不是問句,如: I know what it is. what it is不是問句,是一個名詞子句,或想成一個大名詞組。
    7. 關係子句多半是形容詞子句,形容前面的先行詞,如: I see a man who lives there.
    11. 某處有某物要用“There is(are) ...”的句型
    12.整句當名詞: 名詞子句 I think he is a nice man. (he is a nice man相當於it 這件事)

    About Nouns.
    1. 一個名詞在句中當主詞或受詞或補語
    2. 普通名詞前面要有冠詞,要不然就是後面要加 -s 或 -es
    3. 有特指的名詞前面要有定冠詞 the (特定或特指)/相對a或 an 用在沒有特指的東西上
    4. 人稱代名詞的用法要熟悉,如: I my me mine 其中my 具形容詞特性。

    About Verbs.
    0. 動詞的種類包括: be (am is are, was were, been, be) has (has have had) do (does do did) 一般動詞 go, cut, walk ...
    1. 及物動詞後一定要有受詞,不及物動詞後不能接受詞
    2. 不完全的(及物和不及物)動詞後面,一定有補語
    3. 助動詞後用原形動詞 Did he come here?
    4. 連綴動詞後面要用形容詞 She looks beautiful.
    5. 主詞第三人稱單數,現在式一般動詞要加 +s 或 +es -y+ies
    6. 過去完成式要有過去式引導 He had come here since yesterday.
    7. if 句型: if 子跟主要子句是相對應的,如:
    A. if 現在式, 主要子句現在式或未來式
    B. if 過去, 主要would have +過去分詞
    C.if 過去完成 (would have pp), 主要子句 過去完成 (would have pp)
    8. 使役動詞後面用原形動詞(受詞主動去做某事時) He makes her cry. 或,
    使役動詞後面用過去分詞(受詞被....時) He makes it done.
    9. 感官動詞後面用原形動詞或現在分詞(受詞主動去做某事時) He sees her go.

    About Adjectives.
    1. 形容詞形容名詞
    2. 形容詞如果只有一個字,放在名詞前面,顏色大小好壞..有順序性 a red good pen
    3. 動詞的過去分詞可當形容詞用(放名詞後倒修飾名詞) He read a book written by Mr. Wang.
    4. 所有格後面要 + 名詞 所有格+名詞可以用所有格代名詞來代替 my book=mine.
    5. 現在分詞有主動和進行中的意思,過去分詞則有被動和已經完成的意思
    6. 冠詞、指示性形容詞、所有格不能同時形容一名詞
    7. a friend of mine = one of my friends
    8. 定冠詞加形容詞等於那一類名詞的複數 the public = people
    9. 形容詞的原級、比較級、最高級規律和不規律的變化要記得good//better//the best

    About Adverbs.
    1. 副詞修飾動詞、或形容詞或其他副詞
    2. 頻率副詞的位置: be 動詞後、一般動詞前、助動詞和本動詞之間

    About Prepositions.
    1. 介系詞+名詞 形成介系詞片語 當 副詞片語用 修飾動詞 或 整句
    2. 介系詞後面動詞要加 -ing,介系詞後面要加什麼樣的名詞是固定的 要背起來

    About Conjunctions.
    1. 對等連接詞連接的一定是兩個對等的東西 He and she are students.
    2. 兩個句子不能用「,」連接


  • never後面動詞加s 在 辣媽英文天后 林俐 Carol Facebook 的最佳解答

    2015-06-17 21:56:31
    有 415 人按讚

    👍 俐媽英文教室:倒裝句
    🚧 There, it would be easy to reach, should I need it.
    ⚠️ 原句為There, it would be easy to reach, if I should need it. "可能性極低"的假設語氣中以should表示"萬一",又假設語氣中有三個字(had, should, were)可以形成倒裝--去掉連接詞if,再將had/should/were與主詞對倒。因而if I should need it變成了should I need it.
    🚧 Seldom did anyone manage to get it right, and even I stumbled over it a good portion of the time.
    ⚠️ Seldom表"不常",為否定字,置於句首時後面形成"be/aux. + S"的倒裝句形式。其它常見否定字有never, rarely, barely, scarcely, hardly, in no time, only, not until, not only...but also..., nowhere, little等等。
    🚧 I realized that under no circumstances while on my date tomorrow could I take off my pants.
    ⚠️ under no circumstances表"決不"(= never = in no way = by no means = on no condition = on no account)為否定字,故後面形成could I take off my pants的倒裝句構。
    🚧 As omnipresent as the snow was, I also sensed its waning, melting imperceptibly by the minute all around me.
    ⚠️ 原句為Although the snow was omnipresent,...,為強調形容詞omnipresent而將其置於句首,although the snow was順勢向後移,但although不能放在句中,因此改成though或as(較常見)。此句中的as即表"雖然"。omnipresent (a.) 無所不在的,字首omni- = all,而present為形容詞表"出席的;出現的"。
    🚧 Much as I wanted to open it that night on the trail, I wasn't willing to lug the empty bottle all the way to Timberline Lodge.
    ⚠️ 原句為Although I wanted to open it that night on the trail,...,表"雖然"的倒裝句只可強調adj./ adv./ N,因此要強調動詞時,要額外在句首加上副詞much。故Although I wanted to open it that night on the trail,... = Much as I wanted to open it that night on the trail, ...
    🚧 Into the box went the foldable saw and miniature binoculars and the megawatt flash for the camera I had yet to use.
    ⚠️ Here/ There/ 地方副詞/ 介副詞(i.e. into, away, off, in, out, up, down...)置於句首時,後面的主詞和動詞要對置形成倒裝句。The bus comes here. = Here comes the bus.,而The foldable saw and miniature binoculars and the megawatt flash for the camera I had yet to use went into the box. = Into the box (地方副詞) + went (動詞) + the foldable saw and miniature binoculars and the megawatt flash for the camera I had yet to use (主詞)。
    ⛽️ 注意:若主詞為代名詞時,則不倒裝,如He comes here. = Here (副詞) + he (主詞) + comes (動詞).
    🚧 As soon as I got my pack off, I lay on the tree as if it were a couch--a sweet respite from the ground.
    ⚠️ as soon as為連接詞表"一...就..."。本句亦可以寫成No sooner had I got my pack off than I lay on the tree as if... = Hardly/Scarcely had I got my pack off when/before I lay on the tree as if...
    ⛽️ "No sooner + had S Vpp + than + S + Ved"及"Hardly/Scarcely + had S Vpp + when/before + S + Ved"均為表"一...就..."的倒裝句構。
    👀 打完這些重點,俐媽的兩隻眼睛也倒裝啦~

