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🔸Communication skills 溝通能力
* speak effectively
* list...
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🔸Communication skills 溝通能力
* speak effectively
* listen attentively
* openly express ideas
* negotiate/resolve differences
* provide constructive advice/feedback
* confidently speak in public
🔸Organizational skills 組織能力
* handle details
* coordinate tasks (協調職務)
* plan and arrange activities
* manage projects effectively
* time management (prioritizing) 時間管理
* set reasonable goal
* keep control over budget
* multi-tasking (n.) 同時多工的
🔸Interpersonal Skills 人際關係
* work well with others/in groups
* supportive
* motivate others
* share credits (不邀功)
* counsel (建議;勸告)
* delegate effectively (委託)
* understand others’ feelings
* share empathy to others (同理心)
* accept and recognize responsibility
🙋🏻♀️Q: 公司正尋求”創新管道”, 創新管道英文可以怎麼說?
⬇️ 也可以留言給我你還想知道其他的”能力表達方法”
#ielts #英文學習 #英語教學 #英文單字 #語言學習 #多益 #托福 #學測 #英文口說 #澳洲留學 #留學生 #留學生活 #雅思寫作 #打工度假 #學測英文 #生活英文 #康妮寫作 #英文寫作 #康妮日常英文
negotiate例句 在 美國在台協會 AIT Facebook 的最佳解答
若說棒球是美國的「國民休閒」一點也不為過,本月 #AmericanEnglish 將介紹棒球相關用語。我們就從 play hardball開始吧!Play hardball是指:為達目的採取強硬手段或態度。你曾經 played hardball嗎?#Baseball
- The lawyer would not negotiate at all. She was playing hardball to get her client a good deal.(律師完全不給協商餘地,強勢為客戶爭取利益。)
- The politician played hardball against his opponent during the election campaign.(政治人物在選舉造勢活動中猛烈抨擊對手。)
Baseball is often called America’s “National Pastime.” This month, #AmericanEnglish will explore baseball-related idioms. Let’s start with the phrase “play hardball,” which means to act aggressively or ruthlessly to get what you want. Have you ever played hardball?
- The lawyer would not negotiate at all. She was playing hardball to get her client a good deal.
- The politician played hardball against his opponent during the election campaign.