

在 necessarily用法產品中有3篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過4萬的網紅Alexander Wang 王梓沅英文,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, #留言得免費寫作批改 #30秒寫作練習 【英文寫作不能不會的用法: "not necessarily" (不見得、不一定)】 區分成熟寫作者 (mature writers) 和一般寫作者一個很大的關鍵就在,除了文法、結構、用詞外,mature writers 更會掌握語調、風格、和層次。 ...

necessarily用法 在 Kenneth’s Team ✎ Instagram 的最佳解答

2020-05-10 00:39:10

/ December 3, 2018 Admission Standards for JUPAS Loosened . Summary: This may be music to the ears of this year’s JUPAS applicants: multiple local uni...

  • necessarily用法 在 Alexander Wang 王梓沅英文 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2019-05-28 14:19:51
    有 102 人按讚

    #留言得免費寫作批改 #30秒寫作練習
    【英文寫作不能不會的用法: "not necessarily" (不見得、不一定)】

    區分成熟寫作者 (mature writers) 和一般寫作者一個很大的關鍵就在,除了文法、結構、用詞外,mature writers 更會掌握語調、風格、和層次。

    今天要介紹的 not necessarily 就是掌握語調和層次很好用的一種比達方式。我們先來比較下面兩句話,都嘗試想要說「擁有更多的資源,不代表成功的機會就比較大」:

    1️⃣ Having more resources does not mean having greater chances of success.

    2️⃣ Having more resources does not necessarily mean having greater chances of success.

    第一句話沒有使用 necessarily, 聽起來很武斷 (arbitrary),基本上只要找到一個真的因為有比較多資源,所以成功的反例 (counter-evidence),就可以挑戰該句的理論正確性了 (validity)。

    第二個句子,就「客氣」了一點,因為使用了 does not necessarily mean (不一定代表就...),不把話說死,但也沒有影響到論點的強度。

    大家可以試試在下面的留言區,不要害羞地將這句話翻譯成英文,試狀況而定,只要留言我可能就會提供給你一對一的 feedback 喔!)

    ⚑ 翻譯 task:
    「雖然有恆毅力不代表一定會成功,但它必然會增加成功的機會。」(從 Although...開始,)


    恆毅力 grit (n.) gritty (a.)

  • necessarily用法 在 Alexander Wang 王梓沅英文 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2019-05-27 08:00:00
    有 102 人按讚

    #留言得免費寫作批改 #30秒寫作練習
    【英文寫作不能不會的用法: "not necessarily" (不見得、不一定)】

    區分成熟寫作者 (mature writers) 和一般寫作者一個很大的關鍵就在,除了文法、結構、用詞外,mature writers 更會掌握語調、風格、和層次。

    今天要介紹的 not necessarily 就是掌握語調和層次很好用的一種比達方式。我們先來比較下面兩句話,都嘗試想要說「擁有更多的資源,不代表成功的機會就比較大」:

    1️⃣ Having more resources does not mean having greater chances of success.

    2️⃣ Having more resources does not necessarily mean having greater chances of success.

    第一句話沒有使用 necessarily, 聽起來很武斷 (arbitrary),基本上只要找到一個真的因為有比較多資源,所以成功的反例 (counter-evidence),就可以挑戰該句的理論正確性了 (validity)。

    第二個句子,就「客氣」了一點,因為使用了 does not necessarily mean (不一定代表就...),不把話說死,但也沒有影響到論點的強度。

    大家可以試試在下面的留言區,不要害羞地將這句話翻譯成英文,試狀況而定,只要留言我可能就會提供給你一對一的 feedback 喔!)

    ⚑ 翻譯 task:
    「雖然有恆毅力不代表一定會成功,但它必然會增加成功的機會。」(從 Although...開始,)


    恆毅力 grit (n.) gritty (a.)

  • necessarily用法 在 喬的英文筆記 Joe's English Learning Notes Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2015-04-12 08:00:00
    有 55 人按讚

    <寫作重要表因果關係!「所以; 因此」整理>

    consequently (adv.) 因此; 所以[as a result]
    例: I spent most of my money in the first week and consequently had very little to eat by the end of the holiday.
    例: They had children and were consequently tied to the school holidays.

    accordingly (adv.) 照著; 相應地 [in a way that is suitable or right for the situation]
    例子When we receive your instructions we shall act accordingly.我們接到你的指示就會遵命行事
    例子She's an expert in her field, and is paid accordingly.
    inevitably (adv.) 不可避免地 [in a way that cannot be avoided]
    例: Their arguments inevitably end in tears.他們的爭論不可避免地以眼淚告終

    ergo (adv.) 因此; 所以[therefore]
    例: Ergo, these facilities have been marked as the likely rail transfer points.

    wherefore (adv.) [for the cause or reason]
    例: He was angry, wherefore I was afraid to ask him.

    necessarily (adv.) (用於否定句) 不可避免地、必然地
    [used in negatives to mean ‘in every case’ or ‘therefore’]
    例: The fact that something is cheap doesn’t necessarily mean it’s of low quality.
    例: You may love someone without necessarily wanting to marry them.
    例: That’s not necessarily true.

    hence (adv.) 因此; 所以 [FORMAL]
    [that is the reason or explanation for; therefore]
    例: His mother was Italian, hence his name – Luca.
    他母親是義大利人,所以他的名字叫做- 盧卡

    therefore (adv.) 因此,因而,所以
    [for that reason]
    例: We were unable to get funding and therefore had to abandon the project.

    thus (adv.)
    (1) 如此,這樣 [in this way]
    例: Bend from the waist, thus.
    (2) 因此,從而 [with this result]
    例: They planned to reduce staff and thus to cut costs.
    (3) thus far 迄今 [as far as this or until now]
    例: We haven’t had any problems thus far.

    as a result/ as a consequence/ in consequence/ that being so/ on this account/ on that account/ for this reason/ for that reason

    (以上字典取自- dictionary.cambridge.org | google.com | dictionary.com )