

在 natural造句產品中有3篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過830的網紅Cassie の 極簡生活,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, In love with the new mineral glow skin cushion SPF32 PA+++, from the Japanese natural cosmetics brand ETVOS🤍 The new mineral cushion contains human c...

natural造句 在 cassie ♡ Instagram 的最佳解答

2021-03-03 05:13:35

| ♥︎ In love with the new mineral glow skin cushion SPF32 PA+++, from the Japanese natural cosmetics brand ETVOS🤍 The new mineral cushion contains hu...

natural造句 在 均匀 Instagram 的最佳解答

2021-02-03 16:57:53

有些人就是喜歡一種模糊的感覺,就像是曖昧。曖昧就是像是超薄的保險套一樣,若有若無的感覺。有些人跟我說,曖昧就是愛情裡最美好的階段。我想說屁勒!那種似乎存在又不存在的東西真的很讓人沒有安全感。 · 我就是這麼矛盾的存在,可是又什麼可以保障我的安全感,告訴我什麼是真正實質存在,讓你輕鬆愛的東西呢? · ...

  • natural造句 在 Cassie の 極簡生活 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-03-03 12:28:22
    有 59 人按讚

    In love with the new mineral glow skin cushion SPF32 PA+++, from the Japanese natural cosmetics brand ETVOS🤍

    The new mineral cushion contains human ceramides and moisturizing ingredients, which can effectively moisturize my skin and reduce wrinkles.

    Also, the foundation is specially added with non-sticky lightweight beauty oil and reflective pearlescent ingredients, the texture is smooth and refreshing, which can easily create a translucent skin for me🧏🏻‍♀️
    #ETVOS #ETVOSHK @etvos.hk @oinkoinkpr #oinkoinkpr
    【ETVOS 品牌故事】
    誕生於2007年的ETVOS是由社長尾川女士與一群志同道合的日本皮膚科醫生共同創辦,尾川女士在年輕時曾有敏感肌及成人暗瘡困擾,當時在網絡上搜尋解答的她面對繁雜且似是而非的資訊而興起創辦肌膚問題情報網站的念頭,並進而發現許多消費者的肌膚問題都來自最根本的傷害,也就是反覆的上妝 – 卸妝 – 保養流程,此發現而促成了純礦物彩妝品牌ETVOS的誕生。

    ETVOS是德文加上拉丁文的造句,為「連接人與人的美」之意,不僅是外表的美麗,還讓你從內實現自我及體會真正的感動。秉持著這個信念,ETVOS以「經洗鍊後的內斂之美」為宗旨,2007年成為日本第一家all made in Japan的礦物彩妝品牌。努力創造真正好的產品,簡單而且真誠地交到每一位客戶手上,希望大家持續地愛下去。
    IG @cassieblog

  • natural造句 在 以破產為人生目標的藝術家 - 梁踢球 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2018-05-11 23:56:03
    有 28 人按讚

    🌵跟著踢球逛台灣 🇲🇦
    📍信義區香堤大道 - 泰國文化節 5/11-13

    🏺HUG HOM Design - Natural product





    📝 題目:①歲了 ②多 ③八十 ④奶奶


    我覺得這回答也太可愛了吧❤️都已經是奶奶了還多八十歲XDDD 但不得不說這題目實在是很難耶 (對外國人來說) 那個「多」其實解釋起來也可以有很多意思、我覺得就文法上來說他寫的也沒錯XD 只是就現實而言是不太可能、出題者應該要改成「最適合的造句」才對XD


    #跟著踢球逛台灣 #台北信義區 #香堤大道 #泰國文化節 #手作商品

  • natural造句 在 喬的英文筆記 Joe's English Learning Notes Facebook 的最佳解答

    2015-06-22 11:45:00
    有 62 人按讚

    <寫作必備八種句型- (5)>

    ☛ make a career of 在…方面有所建樹; 以…為生涯
    e.g. Caroline is trying to make a career of her cupcake business, which she found promising in the future.

    ☛ bring…under control 對…加以控制; 使…得到控制
    e.g. At present, many governments are going out of their ways to protect the natural environments from being severe contamination, but it seems rather late to bring the situation under effective control.

    ☛ bracket ….with 把…與…相提並論
    e.g. It is not appropriate to bracket your pains in the project with the mistakes you have done.

    ☛ make no bones about 對…毫不猶豫; 毫不掩飾
    e.g. Caroline made no bones about the intimate relationship with the manager and even seemed to take pride in it sometimes.

    ☛ put a blot on …使…留下污點; 損害…的名譽
    e.g. The producer ‘s love affair with the star put a blot on his copybook and thus, he had no only degraded himself, but also done great harm to the company’s image.

    ☛ bend one’s efforts for ..致力於…; 為…全力以赴
    e.g. Naruto bent his efforts for making up with his best friend, whom he thought had the same fate as him.

    ☛ cherish/nurse the belief that… 懷有…的信念; 確信…
    e.g. Ray’s business landed on the rocks for some reasons but he still seemed o cherish the believe that he could nurse it back to life.

    ☛ bear a resemblance 與…相似; 與…類似
    e.g. Genetically, Caroline and Max are twins; nevertheless, much to their parents’ astonishment, they bear no resemblance with each other in fact.

