
為什麼這篇nanometer發音鄉民發文收入到精華區:因為在nanometer發音這個討論話題中,有許多相關的文章在討論,這篇最有參考價值!作者pringBirdie (懷念的勇氣..)看板TFG02Winner標題to matelda.....



Chapter 38

Sec 38-6

9E. A meter stick in frame S' makes an angle of 30 度 with the x' axis.
If that frame moves parallel to the x axis of ftame S with speed 0.90c
relative to frame S, what is the length of the stick as measured from S?

Sec 38-8

19P. A clock moves along the x axis at a speed of 0.600c and reads zero as it
passes the origin. (a) Calculate the clock's Lorentz factor. (b) What
time does the clock read as it passes x=180 m?

Sec 38-10

29E. Certain wavelengths in the light from a galaxy in the constellation Virgo
are ovserved to ve 0.4% longer than the corresponding light from Earth
sources. What is the radial speed of this galaxy with respect to Earth?
Is it approaching or receding?

Sec 38-12

39P. A certain particle of mass m has momentum of magnitude mc. What are (a)
its speed, (b) its Lorentz factor, and (c) its kinetic energy?

49P. A 2.50 MeV electron moves perpendivular to a magnetic field in a path
whose radius of curvature is 3.0 cm. What is the magnitude B of the
magnetic field? (See Problem 46.)

Chapter 39

Sec 39-2

9E. The meter was once defined as 1650763.73 wavelengths of the orange light
emitted by a source containing krypton-86 atoms. What is the photon
energy of that light?

Sec 39-3

19E. (待補^^")

29P. Suppose the fractional efficiency of a cesium surface (with work function
1.80 eV) is 1.0 * 10^-16; that is, on average one electron is ejected for
every 10^16 photons that reach the surface. What would be the current of
electrons ejected from such a surface if it were illuminated with 600 nm
light from a 2.00 mW laser and all the ejected electrons took part in the
charge flow?

Sec 39-4

39P. What percentage increase in wavelength leads to a 75% loss of photon
energy in a photon-free electron collision?

Sec 39-6

49E. Using the classical equations for momentum and kinetic energy, show that
an electron's de Broglie wavelength in nanometers can be written as
(lambda) = 1.226/(K^0.5), in which K is the electron's kinetic energy in

59P. Singly charged sodium ions are accelerated through a potential difference
of 300 V. (a) What is the momentum acquired by such an ion? (b) What is
its de Broglie wavelength?

Sec 39-7

69P. Show that the angular wave number k for a nonrelativistic free particle
of mass m can be written as

2 (pi) (2mK)^0.5

Sec 39-9

79P. A proton and a deuteron (the latter has the same charge as a proton but
twice the mass) strike a potential energy barrier that is 10 fm thick
and 10 MeV high. Each particle has a kinetic energy of 3.0 MeV before it
strikes the barrier. (a) What is the transmission coefficient for each?
(b) What are their respective kinetic energies after they pass through
the barrier (assuming that they do so)? (c) What are their respective
kinetic energies if they are reflected from the barrier?


一些怪怪的希臘字母果然打不出來^^" 所以就用 (發音) 這種方式表達..



she always seems happy in the crowd
whose eyes indee so quieter and so proud
no one is allowed to see them
when they cry

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.csie.ntu.edu.tw)
◆ From:
matelda:喔喔~雅澤大好人!*^^* 推 06/05

