

在 multiply價格產品中有3篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過9萬的網紅香菇愛小香,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, #選兩位🎁🎁🎁 #用力按讚留言及分享 #送你超美瑞典Babybjorn餐具 #全台首次曝光絕美粉紅色 #Joiemultiply6in1 #成長型多用途餐椅 這張超美的粉紅餐椅已經默默出現在卡蜜日常餐食分享裡ㄧ陣子了~ 有眼尖的媽咪有問俺品牌~ 咱們家使用體驗了約莫兩個月~ 終於可以跟大家分享~🤗...

  • multiply價格 在 香菇愛小香 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2020-04-17 13:07:56
    有 278 人按讚


    這張超美的粉紅餐椅已經默默出現在卡蜜日常餐食分享裡ㄧ陣子了~ 有眼尖的媽咪有問俺品牌~ 咱們家使用體驗了約莫兩個月~ 終於可以跟大家分享~🤗🤗🤗 聽廠商說卡蜜是全台灣第一位使用英國嬰幼兒精品品牌Joie multiply 6in1成長型多用途餐椅2020最新粉紅色的寶寶~😳😳😳 真的是超級無敵榮幸啊!🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

    multiply 6in1成長型多用途餐椅有6種使用模式自由切換、5段式的高度可調設計、椅背斜度也是多段式調整、所以嫩嬰開始就能使用、還有附超可愛的新生兒厚墊椅墊~ ㄧ直到長大後餐椅可以再拆成分開的兒童桌椅使用!座椅還可以單獨使用、做為增高座椅、方便外出去餐廳時攜帶使用!👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 CP值超高~ 外型這麼好看又超多功能及超長使用適齡的餐椅竟然價格才不到五千塊!😳😳😳 俺還超愛multiply 6in1成長型多用途餐椅有三個超棒的設計~ 超大的可卸式桌面、上面還有分離式的桌蓋~ 寶寶吃的亂七八糟時只要把桌蓋拿起來清拭即可~ 不怕弄髒桌面本體~ 桌蓋也可以以直接放進洗碗機清洗喔!😍😍😍 最後是防水椅墊~ 天啊!俺愛慘了!卡蜜若沒有用桌面靠在大人餐桌邊進食都還是會有食物掉落在椅墊上啊~ 但防水椅墊真的超好清理的~😱😱😱

    因為粉紅色的multiply 6in1是百貨限定款、五月才會到貨~ 從這週開始百貨公司陸續開跑母親節活動檔期先去預購~ 全省奇哥專櫃門市、及POSHUP遠百信義A13專櫃皆可選購!因為是全台首發的體驗分享~ 感到與有榮焉~ 所以俺自己買了在Poshupstore也有的瑞典超美型寶寶餐具BabyBjorn要送寶貝們當贈獎禮物喔!這套餐具真的是有夠美的啦~ 非常精緻~ 質感超好~ 尤其湯匙又圓又深~ 也是超好挖到食物、送進嘴巴前也不會掉光光~👍👍👍

    於本篇Po文按讚、公開分享及留言告訴我你家的小寶貝性別及年齡~ 並告訴我你喜歡Joie multiply 6in1成長型多用途餐椅哪個設計或特色~ 或是已是Joie multiply 6 in 1餐椅的愛用者請分享好用心得!❤️ 俺將於4/30後擇期選出兩位送出瑞典BabyBjorn超美型寶寶餐具粉藍色ㄧ套內的品項拆成兩組!(隨機寄出、恕不挑款)🎁

    禮輕情意重、每人主觀意識不同~ 送禮及參加活動獲獎純屬運氣及好玩~ 若對獲獎與否或禮物價值有著得失心者請勿參與粉絲頁活動!


  • multiply價格 在 Eric's English Lounge Facebook 的精選貼文

    2020-04-17 07:36:04
    有 1,082 人按讚

    [時事英文] 台灣總統:我的國家如何預防COVID-19大爆發

    Thank you for giving us hope.



    Taiwan is an island of resilience. Centuries of hardship have compelled our society to cope, adapt, and survive trying circumstances. We have found ways to persevere through difficult times together as a nation, and the COVID-19 pandemic is no different. Despite the virus’s highly infectious nature and our proximity to its source, we have prevented a major outbreak. As of April 14, we have had fewer than 400 confirmed cases.

    1、resilience 有彈力;復原力;適應性強
    2、compel 強迫,迫使;激發,引起
    3、cope (成功地)對付,應付,處理
    4、trying circumstances 艱難的形勢
    5、persevere 鍥而不捨,堅持不懈
    6、highly infectious nature病毒的高度傳染性
    7、proximity to 接近,鄰近;臨近
    8、as of 根據上下文可為「從…起」或「截止至」,本文為「截止至」*

    *as of



    This success is no coincidence. A combination of efforts by medical professionals, government, private sector and society at large have armored our country’s defenses. The painful lessons of the 2003 SARS outbreak, which left Taiwan scarred with the loss of dozens of lives, put our government and people on high alert early on. Last December, when indications of a contagious new respiratory illness began to appear in China, we began monitoring incoming passengers from Wuhan. In January, we established the Central Epidemic Command Center to handle prevention measures. We introduced travel restrictions, and established quarantine protocols for high-risk travelers.

    9、coincidence 偶然的機遇,運氣
    10、society at large 整體社會
    11、armor (v.) our country’s defenses 武裝了我國的防禦(此處指防疫)
    12、leave someone scarred 留下創傷
    13、put on high alert 保持高度警戒
    14、a contagious new respiratory illness 一種新型呼吸道傳染性疾病
    15、quarantine protocols 隔離處置流程



    Upon the discovery of the first infected person in Taiwan on Jan. 21, we undertook rigorous investigative efforts to track travel and contact history for every patient, helping to isolate and contain the contagion before a mass community outbreak was possible. In addition to the tireless efforts of our public-health professionals, spearheaded by Health Minister Chen Shih-chung, our informed citizens have done their part. Private businesses, franchises and apartment communities have initiated body-temperature monitoring and disinfection steps that have supplemented government efforts in public spaces.

    16、undertake (開始)做,承擔,從事(尤指耗時或困難之事)
    18、contagion 接觸傳染
    19、a mass community outbreak 大規模社區傳染
    20、spearhead (v.) 領導(攻擊、行動等);充當…的先鋒;帶頭做
    21、do one's part 盡…的責任;盡…所能
    22、franchise 特許經銷權
    23、disinfection steps 消毒措施
    24、supplement 增加,補充,增補



    To prevent mass panic buying, at an early stage the government monitored market spikes in commodities and took over the production and distribution of medical-grade masks. With the cooperation of private machine-tool and medical-supply companies, the Ministry of Economic Affairs coordinated additional production lines for surgical masks, multiplying production capacity. Supported by technology experts, pharmacies and convenience stores, we devised a system for distributing rationed masks. Here, masks are available and affordable to both hospitals and the general public. The joint efforts of government and private companies—a partnership we have deemed “Team Taiwan”—have also enabled us to donate supplies to seriously affected countries.

    25、panic buying 恐慌性採購
    26、market spikes 市場波動
    27、take over 接任;接管,接手
    28、surgical masks (外科)手術用的口罩;醫療口罩
    29、medical-grade masks醫療用口罩
    30、multiply production capacity 大幅增加產能
    31、the joint efforts of… …的共同努力
    32、spike (n.) (通常指在下跌前)非常高的數量,價格或程度*

    *spike: https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english-chinese-traditional/spike



    Taiwan has one of the world’s top health care systems, strong research capabilities and transparent information that we actively share with both the public and international bodies. Indeed, Taiwan has effectively managed the containment of the corona-virus within our borders. Yet on a global level, COVID-19 is a humanitarian disaster that requires the joint efforts of all countries. Although Taiwan has been unfairly excluded from the WHO and the U.N., we remain willing and able to utilize our strengths across manufacturing, medicine and technology to work with the world.

    33、strong research capabilities 強大的研發能力
    34、transparent information 公開透明的資訊
    35、humanitarian disaster 人道災難
    36、be unfairly excluded from 被不公的排除在…外
    37、utilize one's strengths 利用…的強項



    Global crises test the fabric of the inter-national community, stretching us at the seams and threatening to tear us apart. Now more than ever, every link in this global network must be accounted for. We must set aside our differences and work together for the benefit of humankind. The fight against COVID-19 will require the collective efforts of people around the world.

    38、the fabric of (尤指社會或建築物的)結構,構造
    39、set aside 擱置,放在一旁



    Taiwan is no stranger to hardship, and our resilience stems from our willingness to unite to surmount even the toughest obstacles. This, above all else, is what I hope Taiwan can share with the world: the human capacity to overcome challenges together is limitless. Taiwan can help.

    40、be no stranger to sth 熟悉 (特定的經歷或活動)
    41、stem from sth 由於某事而開始或發展
    42、surmount (v.) obstacles 克服障礙




    時代雜誌: https://bit.ly/2VELMr4

    中譯文出處: https://bit.ly/2Ke3XP3

    圖片出處: https://bit.ly/3ckLjB2

    時事英文講義: https://bit.ly/2XmRYXc



  • multiply價格 在 看電影學英文 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2012-04-26 08:36:48
    有 1 人按讚

    早安啊! 台北下了一整晚的雨, 涼爽多了, 趕快 Update 十句精彩對話給大家, 迎接一整天的工作!

    電影 神偷軍團!- Tower Heist, 10 句精彩對話 Part 28

    Mr. Shaw is yelling! "Where is my god damn car!"

    1. We both know I'm going to be out by the weekend. But you let that car leave this building and I promise you won't get off so easy.
    我們双方都知道週末我就可以被釋放了, 但妳卻讓車子不見了, 我不會善罷干休的 (won't get off so easy)!

    2. Move out of the way. ( or Get out of the way.)
    讓路 (The police officer is running after the thief)

    3. It's a diversion.
    中了調虎離山之計! (這句話太棒了! 背起來了!)

    4. All I did is steal a truck and try to commit suicide.
    我所做的事只是偷了輛貨車並且企圖自殺 (commit suicide)

    5. You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say, can and will be used against you in a court of law.
    你有權保持沈默, 你所說的每一句話都會成為呈堂證供(against you in a court of law)

    6. You have the right to an attorney.
    你有權找律師 (用to an attorney)

    7. My friends on the bench will take no pity on you.
    我坐在長凳上的朋友是不會對你手下留情 (take no pity on you) 的哦!

    8. Mr. Shaw: How'd you figure that? Josh: I found your ledger.
    Mr. Shaw: 你憑什麼這麼認為? Josh: 我找到你的賬簿 (ledger)了

    9. Do you think that car has value? Multiply it by 10. In cash.
    你知道那輛車的價格嗎? 乘以十倍。現金!

    10. I will be representing all the defendants in this case.
    本案由我來代表所有的被告 (defendants)

    Josh used Lester as a diversion and cheated all the FBI agents.

    To be continued...

