
為什麼這篇muffin歌詞鄉民發文收入到精華區:因為在muffin歌詞這個討論話題中,有許多相關的文章在討論,這篇最有參考價值!作者CjWmC (韡)站內Eason標題[歌詞] 12. Muffin Man(英)時間Wed No...

12. Muffin Man(英)

詞:Adrian Fu (符致逸)
曲:Adrian Fu (符致逸)
監製:Jim Lee (李振權)

Paging all my people who are hurt
In the desert of their lies
We won't take this from them anymore
We're not astray
We're not ashamed

Come on down my friend from here
There's a chance, I know, of rain

Wash those tears you have inside
It's a fear, it will subside
You should try, you should try
Change it any way you can
Rhyme it like the Muffin Man
You should try, you should try

You don't need to hide it anymore
It's OK, you can feel
I don't have to tell you who you are
You're a star, you're a star

Come on down my friend, I know
This is life, and we've got to go

Wash those tears you have inside
It's a fear, it will subside
You should try, you should try
Change it any way you can
Rhyme it like the Muffin Man
You should try, you should try


Every time I see your face
You look at me with foolish eyes
Everybody hold your horses
Don't believe in what they say
Everyone is here tonight
So you should try

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
CjWmC:我喜歡這首的合音處理 英文發音好棒! 11/09 12:03
CjWmC:Rhyme~~~~~~~~! 11/09 12:04
tarbaby:good 11/09 13:33
xavier0802:這首超好聽 11/09 18:45
※ 編輯: CjWmC 來自: (11/10 22:12)
WinonaBecks:我好愛eason的英文歌!>.< 11/10 22:23
CjWmC:來張英文專輯吧!哇哈哈 11/10 22:45
WinonaBecks:推英文專輯~而且要有唸口白的~我超愛stranger under 11/10 23:29
WinonaBecks:my skin的口白~太銷魂了!!>/////< 11/10 23:30
greatgatsby:喜歡英文版!!總覺得聽完英文版後,耳朵放不進中文版.. 11/10 23:42
CjWmC:我相反 不太喜歡口白 雖然很性感(羞) 但有點做作 恩... 11/11 00:38
CjWmC:(Eason受訪有說其實當初他對於加口白有點抗拒 因為覺得刻意 11/11 00:39
CjWmC:但反正後來他就答應加了~) 11/11 00:39
hiyakao:我也覺得SUMS的口白太刻意了.. 11/11 20:18
hiyakao:有點干擾聽音樂 11/11 20:18

