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雖然這篇mucous cell中文鄉民發文沒有被收入到精華區:在mucous cell中文這個話題中,我們另外找到其它相關的精選爆讚文章

在 mucous產品中有20篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過0的網紅,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 【疾病知多D】哥倫布帶來了新大陸,同時帶來了……? 〈哥倫布的手信 = ???〉 據說哥倫布帶來了新大陸,同時帶來了…… 梅毒(Syphilis)。 梅毒主要源自梅毒螺旋體(Treponema pallidum)這種螺旋體(Spirochete)。 梅毒主要是透過性接觸傳播的。 梅毒一般...

 同時也有7部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過56萬的網紅kottaso cook【kottaso Recipe】,也在其Youtube影片中提到,ご視聴ありがとうございます。 リクエストなんかも気軽にどしどしコメントして下さい。 Thank you for watcting I want to deliver delicious Japanese-food recipes to the world ●酒粕:活性ヘプチド、ビタミン、ミネラル、...

mucous 在 Daphne Iking Instagram 的最佳貼文

2021-08-18 10:52:06

@imandaniella’s name was chosen because she strengthened our faith in God’s plans for Azmi and I. @joelebosi and I were quite comfortable being marri...

mucous 在 Emma Azrina Razali Instagram 的最佳解答

2021-08-02 08:23:40

Stay protected while giving yourself the freedom to breath with 3M™ KN95 respirator . It is designed to help you live freely with ultimate respirator...

mucous 在 DR. SIMON (MD) ?? Instagram 的精選貼文

2021-06-03 11:30:14

👉 𝐕𝐢𝐭𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐧 𝐂 𝐯𝐬 𝐀𝐥𝐨𝐞 𝐕𝐞𝐫𝐚 during this Pandemic & Post-Vaccination Immune Response Vitamin C is good for body, no doubt in it. It has many physiologica...

  • mucous 在 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-02-24 10:01:35
    有 246 人按讚


    〈哥倫布的手信 = ???〉



    梅毒主要源自梅毒螺旋體(Treponema pallidum)這種螺旋體(Spirochete)。


    梅毒一般可以分為四期,分別是第1期(Primary Syphilis)、第2期(Secondary Syphilis)、潛伏期(Latent Syphilis)、第3期(Tertiary Syphilis)。


    患者往往可能會誘發皮疹(Rash)、黏膜斑(Mucous Patch)、淋巴腺病(Lymphadenopathy),雖然一般會自動消失,不過可能會復發。



    值得一提,不論是哪一期,梅毒螺旋體隨時都可能會進擊中樞神經系統,便可能會誘發神經梅毒(Neurosyphilus),從而可能會導致麻痺性痴呆(General Paresis)、脊髓癆(Tabes Dorsalis)。

    在用藥上,主要是Penicillin G、Benzathine Penicillin G兩種。

    其中Benzathine Penicillin G主要是Penicillin G搭配Benzathine Tetrahydrate組合而成的。

    至於Benzathine Penicillin G進入人體後,便會進行水解(Hydrolysis)並慢慢釋放Penicillin G出來,如同緩釋片(Sustained Release)、控釋片(Controlled Release)一樣,讓Penicillin G能夠維持一個較穩定的低水平。

    所以Benzathine Penicillin G其實只不過是Penicillin G的緩釋版、控釋版而已。

    相較而言,Benzathine Penicillin G的血藥濃度較低,時效較長,用藥次數自然較少(每星期一次 vs 每天一次),一般較適合用來KO梅毒螺旋體。


    因為梅毒螺旋體其實對Penicillin G非常敏感,只消一丁點兒的Penicillin G便能夠輕鬆KO這種螺旋體。


    所以Benzathine Penicillin G一般是較理想的選項,目的在維持一個既低且長的血藥濃度慢慢「陰乾」梅毒螺旋體。

    在劑型上,主要是針劑,一般主要是靜脈注射(Intravenous Injection)、肌肉注射(Intramuscular Injection)兩種。




  • mucous 在 家庭主婦小廚藝 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2020-10-25 18:22:14
    有 0 人按讚

    醫生勸告:早晨空腹時,千萬別碰這2種食物,會損傷胃粘膜,並加重原有的胃痛! http://www.foodhub.life/watch/29972#7
    Doctor advise: Don't touch these 2 foods when you're on empty stomach in the morning, it will damage the stomach mucous membrane and add to the original stomach pain! http://www.foodhub.life/watch/29972#7Translated

  • mucous 在 辣媽英文天后 林俐 Carol Facebook 的精選貼文

    2020-09-04 19:53:12
    有 73 人按讚


    🩸 俐媽英文教室—登革熱篇:
    🦟 Dengue Fever 登革熱
    🦟 hemorrhagic (a.) 出血的(hemo-: blood)
    🦟 acute (a.) 急性的
    🦟 infectious (a.) 傳染的
    🦟 Aedes Aegypti mosquito 埃及斑蚊
    🦟 Aedes Albopictus mosquito 白線斑紋
    🦟 mosquito-borne (a.) 蚊子傳染/播的
    🦟 transmit (v.) 傳播
    🦟 circulate (v.) 循環
    🦟 acquire (v.) 獲得
    🦟 feed on N 靠⋯為食
    🦟 incubation (n.) 潛伏期;孵化
    🦟 symptom (n.) 症狀
    🦟 myalgia (n.). 肌肉痛
    🦟 arthralgia (n.) 關節痛
    🦟 rash (n.) 紅疹
    🦟 hematuria (n.) 血尿
    🦟 mucous (a.). 黏液的
    🦟 membrane (n.) 膜
    🦟 digestive organ 消化器官
    🦟 complications (n.) 併發症
    🦟 fatality rate (n.) 致死率
    🦟 effusion (n.) 滲出
    🦟 severe (a.) 嚴重的—> severity (n.) 嚴重性
    🦟 shock (n.) 休克
    🦟 therapy (n.) 療法
    🦟 replenish (v.) 補充;重新裝滿
    🦟 onset (n.) (疾病)開始
    🦟 repellent (n.) 驅蟲劑—> repel (v.) 驅趕
    🦟 mosquito-repellent incense (n.) 蚊香
    🦟 bed-net (n.) 蚊帳
    🦟 insecticide/ pesticide (n.) 殺蟲劑
    🦟 spray (v.) 噴灑
    🦟 residence (n.) 居住地/所
    🦟 precaution (n.) 預防措施—> take precautions 採取預防措施
    🦟 hygiene (n.) 衛生
    🦟 container (n.) 容器
    🦟 vector (n.) 傳染媒介
    🦟 larva (n.) 昆蟲幼蟲
    🦟 wiggler (n.) 孑孓
    🦟 dispose of N 處理丟棄⋯
    🦟 canopy (n.) 雨遮;遮雨篷
    🦟 eliminate (v.) 滅絕
    🦟 scrub (v.) 用力擦/刷洗
    🦟 lid (n.) 蓋子
    🦟 tyre (n.) 輪胎
    🦟 upside down 上下顛倒
    🦟 cavern (n.) 洞窟
    🦟 detergent (n.) 清潔劑
    🦟 stagnant water 死水;靜止不動的水
    🦟 screen (n.) 紗窗
    🦟 grass cluster (n.) 叢生的雜草
    🦟 epidemic (n.) 傳染病
    🦟 long-sleeved (a.) 長袖的
    🦟 exposed (a.) 裸露的
    🦟 instructions (n.) 指示說明
    🦟 guideline (n.) 指南
    🦟 prevention (n.) 避免;預防
    #mosquito #denguefever #mosquitobite

  • mucous 在 kottaso cook【kottaso Recipe】 Youtube 的精選貼文

    2020-03-10 17:00:45

    Thank you for watcting
    I want to deliver delicious Japanese-food recipes to the world

    ● Sake Kasu (Sake lees): It contains rich active peptides, vitamins, minerals, dietary fiber, and contains all essential amino acids. It has the function of activating natural killer cells that fight off viruses such as cancer or influenza, and can improve immunity as well. it is said that it's an essential ingredient for preventing lifestyle-related diseases. Amazake (Sweet Sake) which is containing sake lees is called nutrition drink.
    ● Salmon: The natural pigment astaxanthin is contained the highest among antioxidants and enhances immunity.
    ● Paprika: VitaminC, which enhances resistance and immunity, is twice more than the amount of green peppers, and so it is nutritious.
    ● Ginger: It contains the component called singerolhas and it has an effect of disinfecting viruses and promotes blood circulation to warm the body.
    ● Garlic: It contains allicin, which is said to have very strong bactericidal activity.
    ● Miso: Fermented foods have antioxidant and bactericidal effects in the body, and have an intestinal function that helps digestion.
    ● Mushrooms: Improve immune function and prepare intestinal environment.
    ● Carrot: It is rich in carotene and has a strong antioxidant effect. It also keeps the mucous membranes of the mouth, throat, nose, lungs, stomach and intestines healthy and prevents the virus from entering the body.

    ●酒粕[Sake lees]:50g
    ●塩コショウ[Salt & pepper]


    #こっタソの自由気ままに #コロナ予防レシピ #新型コロナ対策 #酒粕レシピ #免疫力アップ食材 #風邪予防 #インフルエンザ予防 #武漢肺炎 #Coronavirus #COVID-19 #ご飯のおかず #ビールのつまみ #最強の男飯 #garicrice #こっタソレシピ #男飯レシピ #ずぼら飯 #男の料理 #ビールのお供 #こっタソ居酒屋 #おかず #こうちゃん特製 #居酒屋メニュー #おつまみ #晩酌 #酒の肴 #簡単レシピ #弁当 #bento #recipesfordinner #mukbang #下厨房 #男子ごはん #マツコの知らない世界 #먹방

  • mucous 在 Mama College Youtube 的最佳解答

    2016-07-05 11:30:01

    準媽媽不可不知的產兆現象 3 Signs of Pregnancy Labor
    自然生產的產程可分為三個階段 3 Stages of Labor

    3 Stages of Labor 分娩過程

    第一產程: 從子宮收縮開始
    潛伏期 - 子宮頸未開至子宮頸開 3 公分
    活動期 - 子宮頸開 3 公分至子宮頸全開 10 公分

    第二產程: 子宮頸完全打開了,就進入胎兒分娩階段. 丈夫可選擇陪太太入産房, 給她支援和力量.

    第三產程: 始於胎兒娩出,結束於胎盤排出

    3 Signs of Pregnancy Labor. Is your baby coming?

    Stage One Pregnancy
    見紅、破水、陣痛等情形, 但並沒有一定的順序.

    1.落紅 點狀出血 Bleeding


    若是初產婦,若果見紅現象先出現, 可稍作等候, 並在多一項徵兆也出現時才入院.
    第二胎見紅就可以立即入院, 因為生產過程一般會比較快.

    2.陣痛 子宮規則收縮 Contraction


    第一胎, 陣痛時間一般會較長,由開始陣痛到産出胎兒平均大約需要

    3.破水 立即送醫 "Water Breaks"


    黏液塞(Mucous plug)

    Common non-medicated ways to relieve pain during pregnancy


    Medicated ways to relieve pain during pregnancy

    無痛分娩 (epidural)
    打止痛針入肌肉 (Pethidine injections)
    吸入笑氣 (Nitrous Oxide N2O)


    透過吸入器或口罩吸入.這是溫和鎮痛劑,可令您忘記痛楚. 但並非每位女性也覺得有效. 有些產婦會作嘔和頭昏


    目前有5〜7成的使用率. 打無痛分娩不會造成長期背痛,

    Stage Two pregnancy
    第二階段, BB 要出世了!

    每當子宮收縮時, 兩膝分開,
    緊閉嘴巴, 深呼吸, 然後閉住氣,
    頭向前彎, 使下巴貼著胸前,


    Stage Three Pregnancy
    第三階段:當BB前肩産生時, 醫生會替産婦注射收縮子宮的藥物,
    幫助胎盤剝離, 産婦可于子宮收縮時間向下迸氣, 把胎盤推出體外。

    Thank you for watching Mama College. If you find this video useful, please subscribe and follow me on facebook at http://www.facebook.com/mamacollege

    Kayi Cheung

    Mama College

  • mucous 在 KAWAII PATEEN Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2014-12-04 11:22:03

    Watch all the videos with Kimura U : Watch all the videos with Kimura U : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QwEGUzhRZdM&list=PL7k_Q9ypWTRIECJz91QdUIwHYc9lArKze

    Kimura U's new challenge : NARUTO COSPLAY MAKEUP

    [BGM] Music in the video can be found here :

    Kimura U's BOY-LIKE(男装) cosplay makeup tutorial!

    Check how fashion model Kimura U gradually transforms into NARUTO UZUMAKI !

    Japanese fashion magazine model Kimura U (木村優)teaches how to makeup Kawaii style !

    Fans of Japanese fashion and cosplay will love Kimura U tutorials !

    Pictures available on Facebook :
    Official site : http://waoryu.jp/kawaii-pateen/

    My challenge today is Natruto's Uzumaki Naruto type cosplay makeup.
    I'm setting the wig myself but I'm not sure it would work, but everybody let's challenge until the end!
    Let's try.Using this powder type foundation.
    This is a foundation for studio use so it will become quite mat.
    Like this.
    Covering up the eyebrows with this concealer.
    After covering the eyebrows with the concealer, using this foundation again to add powder
    Putting powder on will make it easier to draw the eyebrows later on.There.
    Using this yellow color for Naruto's eyebrows, but putting a little brown and shaping of the eyebrows.
    Using a little thinner brush.
    Naruto has a little determined eyebrows facing upwards so pulling the brows pointing upwards.
    Using this retractable pencil eyeliner, drawing the eyes of Naruto.
    As if filing in the eyelashes, applying the eyeliner as usual.
    Once done, Naruto's eye is turned up so pulling it up from here.
    Once pulled up, bringing it just a little downward.
    The mucous part should not be filled in, but left open.
    When applying to the upper eyelid, I'm keeping my eyes wide open.
    Bringing it even more upward.
    Keeping my eyes open here as well when applying.
    It will look like this, so balancing with opening and closing the eye.
    When good amount has been applied, starting the bottom part.Ah wait.
    Wait a second.
    The key is applying it a little far away from here.
    This will make it look like a manga eye.
    That's how it is .
    Using the black and gray eye shadow, I'm blending in the part drawn with the pencil.
    Adding shadow over the pencil will lessen the color inbalance and make it look beautiful.
    Using this white to draw the white of the eye.
    Adding white color to the mucous.
    Adding some white to this mucous will make the white of the eyes look larger.
    Adding white to the outer part will knock off the little smudge put on by the black liner of the pencilUsing this brown face powder will give some shade to the face.
    By giving this shade, it will make a masuculine face, but the Naruto this time is the young Natruto soI'm addind some shade.
    Not putting here, but adding to the top part, giving it a juvenile look.
    Giving just around the eye will change the impression, so not putting here and leaving the plumpy childlike look.
    Filling in the lips with this concealer.
    By filling in the lips, the look will become more Anime like.
    Adding just a little powder.
    Using this brown pencil,drawing the unique 3 lines on the cheek of Naruto.
    Maybe the right and left is wrong.
    Super lip cream for time like this.
    Putting some of this will make the makeup come off.
    Using this concealer…
    Here, maybe?
    The point here and this point here.
    Last point.
    Using this non lethal to skin tape to pull up the face and making it look closer to the pointing eyes of Naruto.
    Maybe aroud here?
    When doing the Naruto Cosplay makeup, based on the advice from the viewers, I'm putting this spray. to the root of the hair.
    Spraying ito the tip of the hair will make it too heavy was the advice I got, so spraying to the root.
    The advice was to spray it 15cm away so….here!
    Oh, heavy.
    Waiting until it dries. Still wet.
    Taking it off.


