#1用"mostly"造句 - 綫上翻譯
They are mostly visiting scientists . 他們大多數是參觀的科學家。 These are mostly drawn as dendrograms . 其中大多數繪成樹枝狀圖。 Nowadays , ...
#2mostly 造句/ 例句 - 趣词词典
mostly 造句 / 例句 ; 1. Cars are mostly metal. 汽车大多是金属制成的。 ; 2. She's nearly 90 and mostly keeps to her room. 她快90岁了,大部分时间都待在房间里。
6 天前 — mostly的例句. mostly. But models belonged mostly to the theoretical realm. 來自Cambridge English Corpus. Moreover, in each specification the ...
#4mostly - 英语_读音_用法_例句 - 海词词典
mostly 造句 / 例句. 1. They mostly live on the outskirts of a town. 他们大多住在近郊。 www.kfyes.com. 2. This newspaper circulates mostly in the commercial ...
#6用mostly造句,mostly例句 - 乐学英语
Nowadays , houses are mostly lit by electricity . 现在房屋大多用电照明。 It's difficult to find mostly in a sentence. 用mostly造句挺难的 ...
#7mostly (【副詞】) 意思、用法及發音| Engoo Words
"mostly" 意思. mostly. /ˈmoʊstliː/. 副詞. "mostly" 例句. Unfortunately, the sky is mostly cloudy today. The earth is covered mostly by water.
#8mostly造句_用mostly造句子三年级|二年级|一年级简单的 - 字典
mostly造句. 1. The audience consisted mostly of women. 观众多数是妇女。 2. Lizards live mostly in warm climates. 蜥蜴主要生长在气候温暖的地方。
#9mostly造句 - 搜狗搜索
[例句]. They nest mostly in Alaska and to a lesser extent in Siberia. 它们大多栖居在阿拉斯加,有少部分栖居在西伯利亚。 搜狗翻译 查看更多翻译 ...
#10關於Mostly的意思和用法的提問 - HiNative
包含"Mostly"的句子的意思. Q: mostly是什麼意思. A: Mostly means more of something than something else. Example "there are mostly purple pens in the middle of ...
#11mostly是什么意思? mostly翻译(中文英文) - 抓鸟
mostly 的解释是:主要地, 大部分, 通常… 同时,该页为英语学习者提供:mostly的中文翻译、英英详解、单词音标、在线发音、例句等。
#12mostly造句简单_mostly的例句_location造句简单 - 小雹百科网
mostly造句 简单最新消息,还有mostly的例句,location造句简单,memory造句简单等内容,简单句.句子主干为This seems mostly effectively done, by supporting…
mostly 的中文意思:大部分,多半;主要地,点击查看详细解释:mostly的中文翻译、mostly的发音、音标、用法和双语例句等,让你有效掌握mostly这个单词。
#14mostly造句并翻译- 河智科学网
mostly造句 并翻译. by gpt在医学上是什么意思 at 2022-01-02 10:32:23. 快来看看有你看过的没~ “ 1 《Eye on Design》 点击播放GIF 0.0M 由美国历史最悠久, ...
#15mostly造句并翻译 - 百度一下
mostly造句 并翻译- 百度翻译 ... We're mostly out on Sundays. 我们星期天一般不在家。 3. Somalia is mostly desert. ... mostly造句- mostly例句- 趣词词典.
#16mostly中文意思 - 看影片不用背單字
mostly 的中文意思是什麼呢?2022年最常見的用法,有1716影片中用到這個單字,並且可一鍵全部播放,快速聆聽各種外國人(真人),講述這個單字,不再是死死的機器發音。
#17收藏「大多時候、通常」- Most Of The Time - 希平方
大多時候,如果你見到一個撇號熱心地徘徊在某個字附近,它是在試圖標出所有格或縮寫。 觀賞完整影片 分享至FB. 造句練習 ...
#18用mostly造句- 脱壳百科网
《致命系列三部曲》分别是《致命弱点》、《致命武器》、《致命追杀》。主角叫杨文峰,大学毕业后分配在国安部工作,后来下海到广东,他遇到一系列不寻常的事; ...
#19usually 造句-六车网 - 词语造句
常常; 总是,老是; 永远,始终; 不断地例句: 1.Whenever I get into a relationship, I always fall madly in love. 我每次谈恋爱都深陷其中,无法自拔。
#20A heart of gold 一顆金子般的心- BBC UK China - 潮流英語
It dives to the sea floor to look for food. It eats mostly shellfish and some kinds of fish. 海獺是一種生活在東、北太平洋海岸的海洋哺乳動物( ...
#21mostly - Yahoo奇摩字典搜尋結果
大多數地,大部分地;主要地;一般地,通常. Dr.eye 譯典通 · mostly · 查看更多. IPA[ˈməʊstli]. 美式. 英式. adv. 主要地;通常. 牛津中文字典.
#22擺脫讓全場尷尬的四句中式英文 - Curious - 英語島
What kind of pen is the most popular? ... It's a pattern with which most full-time professionals are familiar–you're ... 既然現在是夏天,就請大家照樣造句。
英語島English Island是一本【中文裡包含英文;英文裡包含中文】的雙語月刊;它讓人在閱讀知識的過程中,不知不覺地學會英文。不背單字、不記文法,英文變成一種趣味。
英语造句用often、usually造句(包括肯定句和否定句). guolinabjtu 1年前 已收到8个回答 举报. 赞. 福州灯火 幼苗. 共回答了21个问题采纳率:95.2% 举报.
#25巨匠美語大里分校on Instagram: “ 豬年94要學豬英文
【#多益文法來造句】 no與not都表達「否定」. 【#一次三個英文單字】 講到生理反應,腦中立即. 【#多益文法來造句】 most vs. the most vs. mostly.
用usually造句. 限时免费领取内部精选学习资料. 作业帮APP 海量题库免费学. 搜索答疑. 多种解答. 视频讲解. 打开APP. 答案解析. 视频讲解. 专业解析,一看就会.
#27mainly造句 - 天天知识网
mainly 造句 / 例句1. Police work ismainlyroutine. 警察的工作主要都是按常规的。 《牛津词典》 2. They eatmainlyfruit and nuts. 他们主要吃水果和坚果。
#28most anticipated - Linguee | 中英词典(更多其他语言)
大量翻译例句关于"most anticipated" – 英中词典以及8百万条中文译文例句搜索。
#29用always ,neven, usually造句,每个单词一句话。 - 作业九九网
usually 是经常的意思造句:I usually go to school by bus. 有这词写一篇文章是?全文都要有这个词,还是只要有一个啊? 近义词是:always 反义词是:seldom ...
#30超級英文俚語全集!100組超實用英文俚語 - FluentU
意思指地球上的一切,通常用來形容世界之最,最頂級的事情或東西:. “Gili Trawangan must be one of the most beautiful islands under the sun.” 67. Once in a blue ...
#31but mostly-翻译为中文-例句英语
使用Reverso Context: It was a PlayStation game, but mostly for Japan.,在英语-中文情境中翻译"but mostly"
副詞在句子裡,甘居副手,不搶風頭,如果工作裡有這樣一個夥伴,誰不喜歡? 中文囉囉唆唆說不清的事情,英語用一個小小的副詞就可以解决,各種微小細膩的意思不經意便流露 ...
六年级英语书用usually造句. 发布时间:2019-09-24 15:26:36. 导读. 第一时间为你提供正确答案:Iusuallygetupatseveninthemorning.我通常早上七点起床。
#35mostly例句 - 望花路东里
mostly 造句 / 例句1. Theymostlylive on the outskirts of a town. 他们大多住在近郊。 www.kfyes.com 2. This newspaper circulatesmostlyin the ...
#36mostly造句_老师办公室英语读法 - 小触知识网
mostly造句 最新消息,还有老师办公室英语读法,老师办公室英语怎么说,教师办公室翻译成英语等内容,(殷老师不知道肖先成住办公室所以肖先成不能给殷 ...
#37【意思大不同】習慣的英文是?教你聰明分辨used to
used to 不能和「具體的次數(e.g., four times)」或「一段時間(e.g., two years, six months)」一起使用,但可以和頻率副詞(e.g., always, usually, ...
#38mostly是什么意思 - 英语词典
#39mostly的意思在线翻译,解释mostly中文英文含义,短语词组,音标 ...
共找到1项关于mostly意思的翻译解释和用法说明. 同义词• chiefly • mainly • nearly 相关词• mostly 单词意思查询Top5 • outlet的意思 • logo的意思 • menu的意思
【2018最新】mostly造句-精选word文档(20页). 4.2分(超过78%的文档) 119阅读 0下载 2019-04-03上传 20页. 免责声明:非本网注明原创的信息,皆为 ...
In much of the world, there are places that are eager to welcome tourists.Based on the most recent data by the United Nations World Tourism ...
#42頻率副詞的用法always usually often sometimes seldom never
頻率副詞為always(100%) 總是usually(90%) 通常often/frequently 時常,常常(70%) som.
#43英文形容詞的「比較級」與「最高級」用法整理! - 英文庫
beautiful / more beautiful / most beautiful ... famous / more famous / most famous ... 很多學生在造句時,常常講了A 就忘了B ,所以在用這個句型時,必須要 ...
740. Ducks know how to swim when they are born. 鴨子天生會游泳。 741. He spent most of his life gathering money. 他一生大部分時間用來積聚錢財。 742. He usually ...
#45usually造句,用asusually造句? - 我要软文网
Asusually通常1.Asusually,wetalkedaftertakingbath.通常,浴后,我们会聊天usually造句。2.Intheafternoonofasunnyday ...
#46usually造句带翻译短句,sometimes造句带翻译 - 男霸网
usually造句 带翻译短句,sometimes造句带翻译 ... He is usually the earliest to come to school.他一般都是最早到学校的. ... Im usually like cry and smile ...
#47Summer 2021【英】寫作技巧培養:句子的構成與變化 ...
... 中文翻譯成英文造句,若非對研究內容熟稔的讀者幾乎無法閱讀,也難以辨認句子結構。 ... The lecture will be instructed mostly in English, but grammar will be ...
#48usually中文,usually是什麼意思,usually發音和翻譯 | usually音標
音標:[ju:ʒʊəli] 發音:[1]用"usually"造句[2]"usually"怎麼讀[3]"usually"的同義詞[4]"usually"meaning[5]中文翻譯手機版[6]通常,大抵通常,大抵通常,一般通常地通常 ...
#49usually中文,usually是什麼意思,usually發音和翻譯 | 健康跟著走
usuall...usually中文:通常…,點擊查查權威綫上辭典詳細解釋usually的中文翻譯,usually的發音,音標,用法和例句等。 英文字典中文字典-often 英文字典,中文字典, ...
#50usually造句 - 想考试作业网
usually造句 · 1.I'm not usually so late. · 2.We usually meet at six o'clock in the afternoon. · 3.The mark-up on food in a restaurant is usually at ...
#51mainly造句并翻译 - 罗辞问答网
mainly 造句 / 例句1. Police work is mainly routine. 警察的工作主要都是按常规的。 《牛津词典》 2. They eat mainly fruit and nuts.
#52usually造句_usuaiiy造句五年级 - 宝辉网
31、"Treatment with antibiotics requires one to three weeks. Scar tissue forms, But kidney function is usually not impaired.".
#54high-rise是什么成分,什么意思?  - 柯帕斯英语网
It was about a newly wealthy black family that moved into a New York City high-rise with mostly white neighbors.
#55usually造句 - 搜搜辅导作业
usually造句 · 1.I'm not usually so late. · 2.We usually meet at six o'clock in the afternoon. · 3.The mark-up on food in a restaurant is usually at ...
#56用he usually造句 - 欧宝知识网
用he usually造句. by 用hardly造句 at 2022-02-05 05:50:19. 1 He usually Unit 14 翻译练习1He usually___ ___ his grandfather after supper.
#57形容詞與副詞同型 - 台灣測驗中心
然而high, near, hard, late, most 這些字既是形容詞又是副詞;但是後面加了-ly 雖然也是副詞,意義卻大不相同。下表最後兩行多都是副詞,用法特殊,請特別注意: ...
#58[图文]人教版一年级上册数学长方体、正方体、圆柱和球 - 美摄网
英文并列连词及所属连词 · 语言学音节结构 · 并列连词又细分为哪几种 · 语言学从属关系 · mostly造句 · 用从属连词造句 · 英语并列连词和从属连词的 ...
#59The best 414 mostly sentence examples
How to use mostly in a sentence. Example sentences with the word mostly. The most voted sentence example for mostly is She kept mostly to her room....
#61Coterie synonym. Get your annual subscription for
Information and translations of coterie in the most comprehensive dictionary ... used in a sentence and examples? coterie造句, coterie造句, 用coterie造句, ...
#63typically造句的推薦與評價,PTT、DCARD - 連鎖量販網紅推薦 ...
... 提議和支持論點;句子重組、簡短造句、簡訊回覆、敘述文撰寫、長訊息回覆。 ... your country usually begin to work, and at what age do they typically retire?
#64用my grandpa 和usually 造句
用my grandpa 和usually 造句. 外语. 最佳答案. My grandpa usually watches TV in morning. 查看全文. 2008-08-21. 0. 更多回答(3). 其他回答. 3条回答. 工藤小新々 ...
#65Dog 释义| 柯林斯英语词典 - Collins Dictionary
Dog 释义: A dog is a very common four-legged animal that is often kept by people as a pet or to... | 意思、发音、翻译及示例.
#66用mainly造句- 百度云网盘资源合集- 卡子哥
用那么造句.zip 用那么造句.zip 用稍后造句.zip 用多么造句.zip 用镐头造句.zip 用 ... 小学生造句大全手机版下载【官方安卓版】 溃退造句.zip 声造句.zip 里屋造句.zip.
#67Chinese through Song, Second Edition - 第 95 頁 - Google 圖書結果
... however, this usage mostly occurs in writing; e.g.,虽然我们不能结婚, ... 造句: a.心情 b.人生 c.付出 d.在意 e.围绕 2.用中文解释词语并造句: a.幸福 b.
mostly什么意思,mostly后面加什么的详细内容,集优教育网有更多关于mostly什么意思,mostly后面加什么的文章. ... mostly和usually的区别 ... 用mostly造句简单 ...
#69用usually造句造五个句 - 一家家教育网
often usually always的区别. 用usually造句造五个句. 短语有:as often as 每当;more often 经常;more often than not 通常how often 多长时间一次;so often ...
#70bring home the bacon 意思難道不是「帶培根回家」嗎?
bring home the bacon、spice something up... 這些和吃東西有關的片語,是否讓你聽了食指大動呢?可別會錯意了,它的意思和你想的不一樣。
#71怎末用USUALLY造句呀?快-英语作业 - 百度学习帮
来源:学生作业帮编辑:百度学习帮作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2022/02/04 19:59:01. 怎末用USUALLY造句呀?快. I usually went to school by bus.
#72made from / of / up of / into ? 4個常混淆的片語 - FUNDAY英語 ...
如果說A be made from B,意思是指A由B所做成、組成的意思。 例句: This sauce is made from fresh tomatoes. 這個醬汁是用新鮮的番茄做的。 be ...
#73The more common pronunciation for the oo spelling is the oo ...
I usually teach vowel digraphs unit 2 after teaching long vowel digraphs unit ... a sentence and examples? oo造句, oo造句, 用oo造句, oo meaning, definition, ...
#74Totemic synonym. A totem (from Ojibwe: ᑑᑌᒼ or ᑑᑌᒻ ...
Some people say that Shakespeare coined over 1600 words, but most of them ... used in a sentence and examples? totemic造句, totemic造句, 用totemic造句, ...
#75Genotype and phenotype of COVID-19: Their roles in ... - NCBI
The genetic and phenotypic structure of COVID-19 in pathogenesis is important. This article highlights the most important of these features ...
Hands-on 意思是「實際的」(但是on-hand的意思是「可取得」)。 例句:Hands-on experience is not needed for the job.(這份工作不需要實際經驗。).
#77Weather in Taipei - When is the Best Time to Visit ... - Hotels.com
Taipei is generally safe as most of the city has been developed to be typhoon resistant, but the high winds and heavy rainfall may impact your travel plans.