iPad Air 4 開箱先放一邊!我相信大家買完 iPad 一定都很傷腦筋要買什麼樣的保護殼,這款 JTLEGEND 的 iPad 系列保護殼已經算是各大蘋果店超熱銷的款式,現在又更加的優化磁吸設計!真的是買 iPad Air 或是 Pro 必看的一款產品了 =========================== JTLEGEND iPad Air 4 2020 Amos 10.9吋 相機快取多角度折疊布紋皮套: Apple Pencil 槽+磁扣款:https://bit.ly/2YoSmDU Apple Pencil 磁扣款:https://bit.ly/3pq605z
JTLEGEND iPad Pro 2020 Amos 12.9吋 相機快取多角度折疊布紋皮套 Apple Pencil 槽+磁扣款:https://bit.ly/3psmzxN Apple Pencil 磁扣款:https://bit.ly/2KUCGoS =========================== 贊助阿康讓頻道變得更好: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCuQ7s6G50qzqgDbQB6qKDDw/join =========================== 別忘了追蹤阿康IG & FB 搶先看開箱資訊 Instagram:https://instagram.com/goodskang Facebook :https://www.facebook.com/goodskang/ =========================== 拍攝器材:Sony a6400 + SEL18135, iPhone 12 Pro Max / iPhone 11 Pro, 智雲Smooth 4, GoPro Max 收音設備:RODE Wireless Go, 鐵三角 audio-technica AT9934, RODE VideoMicro, iPhone 12 Pro Max / iPhone 11 Pro 和 GoPro Max 內建 剪輯軟體:Final Cut Pro X 片內素材:Pexels (若有非我實拍) 背景音樂:Epidemicsound, https://www.epidemicsound.com/referral/weo8gd/ 合作邀約請寄:goodskang@gmail.com 或是到FB, IG私訊都可以囉! =========================== 影片企劃:阿康 Kang 影片攝影:阿康 Kang 後製剪輯:阿康 Kang =========================== 版權聲明:此影片若有其餘用採用素材,皆以幫助素材擁有者推廣為主,若有採用都會在影片敘述標注讓觀眾知道出處與來源,若版權擁有者對於附註或是其餘想法問題,還請讓我知道 Content / Right:All Material / Section / Pictures / in this video is 100% in order to help the source owners gain more exposure, all reference / credit is obviously attached in the description for viewers, any content that may be right-violated or unclear please feel free to let me know. =========================== #iPadAir4 #JTLEGEND #JTL #JTLEGENDiPadAir #JTLEGENDiPadAmos #iPadAir2020保護套 #iPadAir保護套 #iPad保護套 #QCAC #磁吸充電 #ApplePencil筆槽
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moshi鍵盤布 在 阿康嚼舌根GOODSKANG Youtube 的精選貼文
iPad Air 4 開箱先放一邊!我相信大家買完 iPad 一定都很傷腦筋要買什麼樣的保護殼,這款 JTLEGEND 的 iPad 系列保護殼已經算是各大蘋果店超熱銷的款式,現在又更加的優化磁吸設計!真的是買 iPad Air 或是 Pro 必看的一款產品了
JTLEGEND iPad Air 4 2020 Amos 10.9吋 相機快取多角度折疊布紋皮套:
Apple Pencil 槽+磁扣款:https://bit.ly/2YoSmDU
Apple Pencil 磁扣款:https://bit.ly/3pq605z
JTLEGEND iPad Pro 2020 Amos 11吋 相機快取多角度折疊布紋皮套
Apple Pencil 槽+磁扣款:https://bit.ly/3opMQeQ
Apple Pencil 磁扣款:https://bit.ly/2MunOhp
JTLEGEND iPad Pro 2020 Amos 12.9吋 相機快取多角度折疊布紋皮套
Apple Pencil 槽+磁扣款:https://bit.ly/3psmzxN
Apple Pencil 磁扣款:https://bit.ly/2KUCGoS
別忘了追蹤阿康IG & FB 搶先看開箱資訊
Facebook :https://www.facebook.com/goodskang/
拍攝器材:Sony a6400 + SEL18135, iPhone 12 Pro Max / iPhone 11 Pro, 智雲Smooth 4, GoPro Max
收音設備:RODE Wireless Go, 鐵三角 audio-technica AT9934, RODE VideoMicro, iPhone 12 Pro Max / iPhone 11 Pro 和 GoPro Max 內建
剪輯軟體:Final Cut Pro X
片內素材:Pexels (若有非我實拍)
背景音樂:Epidemicsound, https://www.epidemicsound.com/referral/weo8gd/
或是到FB, IG私訊都可以囉!
影片企劃:阿康 Kang
影片攝影:阿康 Kang
後製剪輯:阿康 Kang
Content / Right:All Material / Section / Pictures / in this video is 100% in order to help the source owners gain more exposure, all reference / credit is obviously attached in the description for viewers, any content that may be right-violated or unclear please feel free to let me know.
#iPadAir4 #JTLEGEND #JTL #JTLEGENDiPadAir #JTLEGENDiPadAmos #iPadAir2020保護套 #iPadAir保護套 #iPad保護套 #QCAC #磁吸充電 #ApplePencil筆槽