

在 month複數產品中有3篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過1萬的網紅EZ Talk,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, #EZTALK #你不知道的美國大小事 #coronavirus America starts to open up—but is it ready? 🇺🇸美國開始解除封城,但,真的準備好了嗎?👀 許多國家的肺炎疫情已逐漸趨緩,因此美國日前陸續宣布解禁,但是這樣子解禁是否言之過早? 進入文章之...

 同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過2萬的網紅曾鈺成,也在其Youtube影片中提到,這一集和大家談幾個表示希望的字。最常用、人們最熟識悉的是hope,作為解作希望的名詞,用法可以是單數,也可以加s作為複數。 一、Our hope is the money will be ready by next month.(我們的希望是款項下月前可準備好。) 二、The situation ....

month複數 在 懶豹西文? Instagram 的精選貼文

2021-08-18 21:23:42

【懶豹西文61】 最近速懶每天都宅在家裡乖乖當防疫小尖兵,不過實在關到都不知道時間了唉:( 每次要和嗨豹約視訊聊天,都還要先確認一下今天到底幾月幾號星期幾🥲🥲 用西文詢問日期的時候,可以說「¿Cuál es la fecha de hoy?」。 la fecha (n.) 就是日期、日子的意思,...

month複數 在 平底鍋夫妻Pan Couple •世界食旅 Instagram 的最佳解答

2020-08-22 17:18:40

(中文/En) 📍🇹🇼Re:Poke & Pot 夏威夷沙拉I海鮮丼飯, Taipei 台北, Taiwan 台灣   🥗Hawaii Salad & Korean Cuisine Restaurant/蔬食X韓式料理 🇹🇼 位在捷運公館站一號出口走路兩分鐘處的【Re:Poke & Pot】...

month複數 在 Kenneth Lau Instagram 的最讚貼文

2020-05-11 21:43:59

/ 冬天服裝 . 香港天文台表示,近日氣溫驟降,提醒市民添衣保暖 (bundle up against the cold)。 . e.g. Remember to bundle up against the cold. Temperature will plummet next week. e.g...

  • month複數 在 EZ Talk Facebook 的精選貼文

    2020-05-22 18:00:32
    有 24 人按讚

    #EZTALK #你不知道的美國大小事

    America starts to open up—but is it ready?


    1. toll「傷亡;損失」:death toll「死亡人數」,而economic toll就是「經濟損失」。
    2. staggering「令人咋舌的,驚人的」
    3. criterion「標準,準則」:複數型比較特別,是criteria。
    4. downward「朝下地」:字尾 -ward有「朝向~、往~」的意思。
    5. trajectory「軌跡」:指將物體拋出去之後的軌跡。
    6. legally binding「有法律約束力的」:bind當動詞,指「綑綁」,所以binding的意思延伸為「有約束力的」。
    7. peak「達到高峰」:peak在這裡當動詞,也可當名詞,指「最高點,高峰」。
    8. plateaue「穩定,停滯」:一樣在這裡當動詞。
    9. (Only) time will tell.「唯有時間能證明。」:指某件事情的真相只能等真正發生之後才能知道。

    In the United States, the coronavirus pandemic has resulted in a huge death toll. Over 76,000 deaths have been recorded as of May 8, and the total is expected to reach 100,000 by the end of the month. But the virus has taken a huge economic toll as well. The unemployment rate has risen to a staggering 14.7 percent, the highest since the Great Depression of the 1930s. And then there’s the emotional toll. After months of social distancing, people are lonely, depressed and desperate to see their friends and loved ones.

    Worried that mass unemployment may eventually cause more loss of life than the coronavirus, the federal government has made the decision to begin reopen the economy and let people return to work. The White House hopes that states will only reopen their economies if they meet the following criteria: (A) a “downward trajectory” in new coronavirus cases over a 14-day period; (B) an upward trend in testing and contact tracing. These criteria aren’t legally binding, however, and in many of the states that are opening up, case numbers are still rising.

    In Missouri, for example, where the number of new positive cases is still growing, businesses will be allowed to open again this week, and people will be allowed to attend concerts—as long as people stay at least six feet apart. But is this a wise decision? Although the outbreak has either peaked or plateaued in most of the country, the vast majority of the population hasn’t been infected yet, and has no immunity. Some experts worry that opening up too quickly could lead to a second wave of infections in the fall. The decision of when to open up is a difficult one to make for each state, and only time will tell if their decision was correct.

  • month複數 在 英語島雜誌 English Island Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2015-09-04 12:00:00
    有 45 人按讚

    【台式英文大點名】單複數、人稱、冠詞, 越簡單越容易錯


    (X)1. There are many evidences.有很多證據。

    (X)2. He flew to the headquarter last week.他上周飛到總公司一趟。

    (X)3. He will go to the America next month.他下個月會去美國一趟。


    (O)1. There is a lot of evidence.
    evidence是不可數名詞,所以many也要跟著改為a lot of。Much 雖然也可以形容不可數名詞,但是比較常用「so much」或「not much」,例如:There is not much evidence.

    (O)2. He flew to the headquarters last week.

    (O)3. He will go to America next month.

    完整全文請看 http://goo.gl/zxgGC5

  • month複數 在 跟著恬恬與Fabianㄧ起刮世界地圖 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2015-02-23 20:30:00
    有 211 人按讚



    恬恬在跟寶貝17個月時收到他做的兌換卷,四月我們要和朋友一起去漢堡看獅子王,這傢伙竟然要幫恬恬付那貴桑桑的票啦 QQ 還把我們跟兒子Duffy的照片變成獅子王裡頭的場境,這傢伙真的太可愛了♥

    Die Leute bekommen oft Gutscheine.

    1.Die Leute=people  複數
    2.bekommen=to get/receive 得到
    4.der Gutschein=coupon 兌換卷,複數在字尾加e

    What is a very common gift people in Germany give each other as present? They give lots of coupons!

    Maybe some might think it's not too sincere, but Germans like to give coupons, for example for a spa, a massage or to a restaurant instead of cash. And ppl like to receive those, of course.

    At our 17 month anniversary, I received a coupon from Fabian. It's a coupon for the Lion King musical show in Hamburg. He was so nice to pay for my ticket. He even made our pics with our son Duffy like the scene in the film. This coupon was super special.

    If it's you, do you like to receive coupons? Or do you prefer cards and gifts?

  • month複數 在 曾鈺成 Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2019-01-25 19:33:59

    這一集和大家談幾個表示希望的字。最常用、人們最熟識悉的是hope,作為解作希望的名詞,用法可以是單數,也可以加s作為複數。 一、Our hope is the money will be ready by next month.(我們的希望是款項下月前可準備好。) 二、The situation ...

