

在 moderator翻譯產品中有1篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過4,471的網紅黃心健 Hsin-Chien Huang,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 11/18(六)北美館見! 報名已額滿【免費講座】📌VR展覽《沙中房間》:安德森對話黃心健,開幕座談即將開放報名!!📌 #僅此一場小編都想搶 即將於11月18號開幕的VR展覽《沙中房間》,特別邀請藝術家黃心健與Laurie Anderson,以及技術總監Jason Stern,與觀眾第一...

  • moderator翻譯 在 黃心健 Hsin-Chien Huang Facebook 的精選貼文

    2017-11-13 17:09:52
    有 66 人按讚




    即將於11月18號開幕的VR展覽《沙中房間》,特別邀請藝術家黃心健與Laurie Anderson,以及技術總監Jason Stern,與觀眾第一線面對面,聊聊創作過程。

    ➡報名網址(11月13號上午10點正式開放): https://goo.gl/zHt86X

    與談人 Speakers:
    蘿瑞‧安德森 Laurie Anderson │ 藝術家Artist
    黃心健 Hsin-chien Huang │ 藝術家 Artist
    傑森‧史登 Jason Stern │ 技術總監 Technical Director

    主持人 Moderator:
    褚瑞基 Ray S.C. Chu │ 銘傳大學建築系助理教授、《台灣建築》總編輯 Assistant Professor, Department of Architecture, Ming Chuan University; Chief Editor of Taiwan Architecture

    時間 Event Hour:2017.11.18, 17:00-18:00 (活動開始前半小時開放入場及翻譯機借用 Doors open at 16:30)
    地點 Venue:臺北市立美術館視聽室 Taipei Fine Arts Museum, Auditorium
    名額 Seats:210

    2017年11月13日 上午10時起 開放北美館網路預約報名,額滿為止。無現場候補。
    The online registration starts from 10am, 2017. 11. 13.

    This event is the opening forum of La Camera Insabbiata.
    Preregistration is required. Free admission.


    This is a trip leading to a world, that is obscure but not dark. In the trip that provides new experience devoid of our current perception and makes all the contemporary wisdom obsolete. Anyone embarked for the trip will lose feasibility of judgement and the connection between body and mind collapses. The trip starts from a room, and a key will launch the trip. The key is an piece of object, weighted in 1800 grams and measured in 30 centimeters in width. Going on into the trip, one will immediately lose orientation; but what is becoming enlightened is a piece of wall where he/she find the answer to a deepest secret – how am I? “A Journey Into Sub-Landscape” opens up a view toward a “world”, full of beautiful conglomeration of pieces of writings, graphics, images and icons. Experiencing the “world” will gives a revelation that extracts all the secret about “you”.