

在 minutes會議記錄產品中有10篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過53萬的網紅VoiceTube 看影片學英語,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 【多益必考!會議「記錄」的英文才不是 notes】 要考多益的看過來👉🏻https://bit.ly/2OwaNF8 考試常出現的會議情境相關英文📝 小 V 在這邊幫大家整理成懶人包啦💡 快來看看你都會了嗎🤔 - ● Call a/the meeting 召開會議 ✓ I would like t...

 同時也有7部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過8,320的網紅Campus TV, HKUSU 香港大學學生會校園電視,也在其Youtube影片中提到,二零二零年度第五次評議會常務會議| The 5th Ordinary Council Meeting, Session 2020 Date: 24th November 2020 (Tuesday) Time: 19:30 – Venue: Union Council Chamber UG201,...

  • minutes會議記錄 在 VoiceTube 看影片學英語 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-03-17 18:00:01
    有 297 人按讚

    【多益必考!會議「記錄」的英文才不是 notes】
    小 V 在這邊幫大家整理成懶人包啦💡
    ● Call a/the meeting 召開會議
    ✓ I would like to call a meeting to discuss the issue.

    ● Open a/the meeting 開始會議
    ✓ “Since everyone is here, let’s get started!” is a good phrase to open a meeting.

    ● Close/End a/the meeting 結束會議
    ✓ And on that note, we will close today’s meeting.

    ● Meeting minutes 會議記錄
    ✓ Can someone take today’s meeting minutes?

    ● Reach a consensus 達成共識
    ✓ It seems that we’ve reached a consensus.

  • minutes會議記錄 在 The News Lens 關鍵評論網 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-01-12 08:27:57
    有 6 人按讚

    【#實用英文 開會還只能用單字溝通?超實用的會議英文懶人包】

    召開會議更正式的說法是 call a meeting to order。call 是單純召開會議(可以發生會議前),而 call to order 是會議已經正式開始進行。

    另外,開會總是要留下會議紀錄,才方便日後追蹤,大家看到 Minutes 這個字應該會以為在講「分鐘」吧?其實在會議情境下,它的意思是「會議記錄」:

    #英文 #學習 #會議 VoiceTube 看影片學英語

  • minutes會議記錄 在 梅竹黑客松 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2020-09-24 20:32:44
    有 37 人按讚

    答案就是—台灣美光 🎉 🎉

    美光科技(Micron Technology, Inc.)是全球前三大記憶體製造商


    The covid-19 pandemic changes how we work today in the factory. For mitigating the pandemic, many companies are forced to let employees work from home(WFH). The WFH may become a normal working model in the factory.
    Please provide "a minimum viable product" to support WFH in order to keep
    ⚫ Productivity
    ⚫ Efficiency
    ⚫ Collaboration
    ⚫ Team work
    ⚫ And the security as well
    What functions we need for WFH?
    ⚫ Video conference
    ⚫ Instance Message (Communication tool)
    ⚫ Tasks tracking/meeting minutes
    ⚫ White board
    ⚫ Other creative functions will be plus
    Do not need to cover all functions, just cover as possible as you can.
    You can use any existing open source resources.
    Micron WFH experience during the pandemic
    ⚫ Micron employees: > 7000
    ⚫ WFH maximum employees: > 2000
    ⚫ Work hours: 8:00-17:00
    ⚫ Meeting
    • Count: 2~4/day
    • Period: 1~2 hours/meeting
    • Attendee: 2~hundreds. Global meeting: even thousands
    • Time zone: Taiwan, USA(Boise), Japan, India, Singapore...
    • Language: English, Chinese
    In Micron, we use VPN/Remote Desktop/Online meeting to support team members WFH. But team member may feel isolation and separation because lack of face to face contact. Therefore, we need creative ways to let team members have the same feeling even better when WFH comparing work on site.
    We are looking forward you can provide such kind of creative ways to Micron.
    The feedback for WFH:
    ⚫ How to resolve system issues quickly when WFH?
    ⚫ Working hour is longer due to not easy to distinguish between office and home
    ⚫ How does team member know colleague is working or not?
    ⚫ How to improve the isolation and separation feeling?

    第一節 (50mins)




    第三節 (20mins)

    〔合作企業〕 LINE、羅技電子、台灣美光、意法半導體、Girls in Tech
    〔贊助企業〕 AWS、曉數碼、國泰金控、Google、中華電信、原相科技、PChome、104資訊科技、Nokia

  • minutes會議記錄 在 Campus TV, HKUSU 香港大學學生會校園電視 Youtube 的最佳解答

    2020-11-25 02:10:27

    二零二零年度第五次評議會常務會議| The 5th Ordinary Council Meeting, Session 2020

    Date: 24th November 2020 (Tuesday)
    Time: 19:30 –
    Venue: Union Council Chamber UG201, Union Building

    0. Meeting call to order and sing the Union Song

    Section A
    1. To read out the correspondences
    2. To receive maiden speeches of new Council member
    3. To elect the Chairperson of Union Council
    4. To elect the Honorary Secretary of Union Council
    5. To receive and adopt the agenda
    6. To receive and adopt the minutes of previous Meetings

    Section B
    1. To review the affiliation status of sub-organizations
    2. To appoint delegate of international conference
    3. Questions put to the Union Executives, other Councillors, other Official Observers,
    Council Committees, or Union sub-organizations
    4. To receive the half-yearly report of Union Executives, Session 2020
    a. President of Sports Association
    5. To endorse statements issued by Council Committees
    6. Any Other Business

    Follow Us for Latest Update
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/hkucampustv
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/campustv_hkusu
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  • minutes會議記錄 在 Campus TV, HKUSU 香港大學學生會校園電視 Youtube 的最佳解答

    2020-09-24 04:46:49

    The 3rd Ordinary Council Meeting | 二零二零年度第三次評議會常務會議

    Date: 23rd September 2020 (Wednesday)
    Time: 19:30 –
    Venue: Union Council Chamber UG201, Union Building

    0. Meeting call to order and sing the Union Song

    Section A
    1. To read out the correspondences
    2. To receive maiden speeches of new Council member
    3. To elect the Chairperson of Union Council
    4. To elect the Honorary Secretary of Union Council
    5. To receive and adopt the agenda
    6. To report motions carried by circulation
    7. To receive and adopt the minutes of previous Meetings

    Section B
    1. To receive resignation of Council Committee members
    2. To appoint members of Council Committees, HKUSU Council, Session 2020
    a. Current Affairs Committee
    b. Union Finance Committee
    c. Council Business Committee
    3. Questions put to the Union Executives, other Councillors, other Official Observers, Council Committees, or Union sub-organisations
    4. To consider resignations of Undergrad, HKUSU
    5. To consider recommendations from Working Group on Union Restructuring 2019
    6. To review affiliation status of sub-organizations
    7. To hear appeals on Orientation Affairs, if any
    8. To receive report of Orientation Affairs Arbitration Committee, HKUSU Council, Session 2020
    9. To receive the half-yearly Report of Union Executives, Session 2020
    a. President
    b. Vice-President (Internal)
    c. Vice-President (External)
    d. Financial Secretary
    e. University Affairs Secretary I
    f. Student Welfare Secretary
    g. Administrative Secretary
    10. To receive the half-yearly report of Campus Media, Session 2020
    a. Undergrad, HKUSU
    b. Campus TV, HKUSU
    11. To receive the half-yearly report of Popularly Elected Union Councillor
    12. To receive the half-yearly report of Standing Committees, Session 2020
    a. Current Affairs Committee
    b. Union Finance Committee
    c. Constitution Review Committee
    d. Council Business Committee
    13. Any Other Business

    Follow Us for Lastest Update
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/hkucampustv
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/campustv_hkusu
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/campustv_hkusu

    Our Website

  • minutes會議記錄 在 Campus TV, HKUSU 香港大學學生會校園電視 Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2020-08-25 23:53:40

    The 8th Emergency Council Meeting, Session 2020 | 二零二零年度第八次評議會緊急會議

    Date: 25th August 2020 (Tuesday)
    Time: 21:30 –
    Venue: Online via Microsoft Teams

    0. Meeting call to order and sing the Union Song

    Section A
    1. To read out the correspondences
    2. To receive maiden speeches of new Council members
    3. To elect the Chairperson of Union Council
    4. To elect the Honorary Secretary of Union Council
    5. To receive and adopt the agenda
    6. To receive and adopt the minutes of previous Meetings

    Section B
    1. To hear appeals on Orientation Affairs, if any
    2. To discuss matters relating to possible infringement of Standing Orders
    3. To discuss the arrangement for Annual Election 2021
    4. To review transfers to Union Funds
    5. To receive the audited financial report of Union sub-organization
    6. To endorse statements issued by Council Committees

    Follow Us for Lastest Update
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/hkucampustv
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/campustv_hkusu
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/campustv_hkusu

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