

在 military翻譯產品中有52篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過112萬的網紅文茜的世界周報 Sisy's World News,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 《拜登結束蜜月期,他可能在歷史上留下惡名》—CNN 美國在阿富汗戰敗的慘敗和混亂的撤退對拜登來說是一場政治災難,他以錯誤的情報為基礎,未能安排緊急有序的撤離,將進一步撼動飽受危機困擾的總統職位,並從此玷污他政治聲望。 但除了拜登之外,美國和其扶植20 年的阿富汗政權的失敗、美國對阿富汗政治和文化...

 同時也有6部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過2萬的網紅賓狗單字Bingo Bilingual,也在其Youtube影片中提到,終於有逐字稿 & 例句翻譯: · 點下列連結,並看「計畫更新」,有免費公開的逐字稿喔! · 也可以直接搜尋「賓狗 嘖嘖」唷 傳送門: https://www.zeczec.com/projects/bingobilingual 賓狗的 email:weelybingoenglish@gmail...

military翻譯 在 賓狗 Instagram 的最讚貼文

2020-11-22 13:57:58

終於有逐字稿 & 例句翻譯 👇
 1【go missing 失蹤】— 動詞片語 An F-16 fighter jet went missing over...

  • military翻譯 在 文茜的世界周報 Sisy's World News Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-08-17 12:33:35
    有 3,479 人按讚



    但除了拜登之外,美國和其扶植20 年的阿富汗政權的失敗、美國對阿富汗政治和文化的誤解、戰爭的疲勞以及貪腐的政權,失敗的國家領導人陣前逃離,導致一場令人驚嘆的塔利班閃電戰,發生了。—CNN







    Video shows Afghans clinging to US military plane before it takes off from Kabul https://www.cnn.com/videos/world/2021/08/16/taliban-afghanistan-airport-npw-pkg-lead-vpx.cnn

  • military翻譯 在 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-07-20 06:00:45
    有 178 人按讚


    在我的觀念裡,力量訓練可分為「基礎力量」和「專項力量」。前者是每一種運動項目都要練的,後者跟運動項目有關,例如游泳、自行車、足球和跑步的「專項力量」都會有差別。但「基礎力量」會大同小異,這個大同中就一定有蹲舉……等動作。但除了蹲舉還有哪些?《The System》這本談論基礎力量的專書已經明確回答了這個問題,下面引用原文書第34頁分享如下:

    帕列托法則(Pareto’s Principle),是一項著名的經濟學法則,又稱為「80/20法則」,它也適用於力量訓練動作的選擇。它所要表達的意思很簡單:把80%資源花在能產出最大效益的20%關鍵事情上,而這20%的關鍵又將為你帶來80%的效益。從訓練的目的來看,我們可以把這個法則的內容改寫成:從所有的力量動作中選出最關鍵的20%,而這關鍵的20%訓練動作將為運動員的力量與爆發力帶來80%的訓練效果。

    ●下背與後側動力鏈:羅馬尼亞式硬舉 (RDL)、背挺舉、反向背挺舉、早安動作





    We ascribe to the 80/20 rule—attributed as Pareto’s Principle, an economic principle. It states that for many events, 20 percent of the work yields 80 percent of the effects. Adapted for our purposes, 20 percent of all the exercise and movement choices yield 80 percent of the gains in strength and power development.

    ●SQUAT VARIATIONS—back squat, front squat, single-leg squat
    ●EXPLOSIVE MOVEMENTS—clean, snatch, jerk, push-press
    ●PUSHING AND PULLING—bench press, military press, pulls (clean and snatch), row variants
    ●LOW BACK AND POSTERIOR CHAIN—Romanian deadlift (RDL), hyperextension and reverse hyperextension, good morning

    That very short list of fundamental lifts compromises our particular 20 percent. Although we dedicate much more than 20 percent of our programming to these basic lifts, there is no doubt that well over 80 percent of the results we have seen in our athletes can be attributed to mastering this handful of movements and lifts.

    Made even simpler, placing the primary focus of your coaching on learning and refining your teaching of the fundamental lifts will yield far greater and more sustained gains in your athletes’ strength and power than many more complex and “comprehensive” programs.

    Any additional lifts or movements should be considered assistance or accessory work, which serve to address specific needs or deficits. Those exercises make up just a fraction of our time, as they fill gaps, rather than form the base of training—in other words, to provide assistance. Too many coaches try to be creative in exercise selection and end up with a collection of movements and lifts that improve nothing to any significant level.

    The fundamental movements of sport are squatting, jumping, running, bending, twisting, pushing, and pulling. By building proficiency in the quality, the stability and strength, and then the speed of those movements, we provide almost all of the sport specificity we need. This is how we put first things first, and spend the greatest amount of time and repetition on refining and strengthening movements.
    (以上原文出自《The System》第34頁)

  • military翻譯 在 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-07-16 13:11:42
    有 267 人按讚


    分享《The System: Soviet Periodization Adapted for the American Strength Coach》書中對奧林匹克式舉重的看法。該書的作者們並沒有否定專項訓練的重要性,但強調現階段(美國許多力量教練)用其他動作「取代」奧林匹克式舉重是不智的作法,主要的理由是上膊和抓舉能訓練到「大範圍動作」與「全身性」的「爆發力」與「速度」。下面附上原文、我的譯文和懸垂式上膊的訓練側拍影片:














    In recent years with the increasing emphasis on safety in strength training and what is termed “sport specific” training, the Olympic lifts have fallen out of favor with many strength coaches. The argument is that if you are not competing in Olympic lifting, there are better options for training explosive strength that translate more readily to sports performance, without the risks and strain inherent in rapidly moving heavy weights.

    Variations of medicine ball throws or more creative exercises have taken the place of cleans, snatches, and jerks in the strength programming of many teams as coaches try to reduce those risks. In our opinion, the pendulum has swung too far away from using the movements that have consistently produced the strongest and most explosive athletes in the world.
    The main goal of the Olympic lifts is to generate maximal power and explosive strength in the entire body through large ranges of motion, particularly for the lower extremities.

    The differences you will most often find between the training regimen of an Olympic weightlifter and of athletes performing more “sport specific” training are that weightlifters consistently take the lower extremities through high-speed, large range-of-motion exercises. Many of the substituted movements and exercises used by a well-intentioned strength coach do not come close to demanding and developing the flexibility, coordination, and force output demanded by the weightlifting exercises.

    It is true that subjecting an athlete to a full snatch or jerk with a substantial amount of weight without the proper instruction or progression will often result in injury. However, that holds true for any exercise. It is not the fault of the exercise, but rather the coach’s fault for failing to prepare the athlete to succeed.

    Dynamic sports like football or basketball require suppleness and strength expressed through large ranges of motion; the Olympic lifts are more effective at facilitating those qualities than a medicine ball toss. If you assess an athlete to be physically capable of performing the movements safely and if the lifts are programmed and coached effectively and progressed in both weight and complexity, many concerns diminish.

    You will discover that when implemented effectively and appropriately, the benefits of the Olympic lifts far outweigh the drawbacks.

    A significantly high volume of Olympic lifting is best left to the athletes with at least a few years of training under their belts. For developing athletes such as these, the power and explosive qualities can be addressed through jumping or plyometric training as the Olympic lifts are coached and refined over time.
    After mastering technical efficiency and form, no matter what the movement, speed should always be the priority. Although strength and muscle hypertrophy are important in the world of sports, the rapid expression of that strength is what separates athletes on the field of play.

    In the sport of powerlifting, the speed of the movement is not critical. The goal is to lift the maximum weight, however long it takes. On the football field, the strongest linemen will rarely succeed if they cannot rapidly translate that strength to control an oncoming defender. A shot putter who can military press hundreds of pounds will not take home a medal without the ability to explosively accelerate the entire body to throw the shot.
    (extracted from page 101~102)

  • military翻譯 在 賓狗單字Bingo Bilingual Youtube 的最佳解答

    2020-12-03 12:00:15

    終於有逐字稿 & 例句翻譯:

    · 點下列連結,並看「計畫更新」,有免費公開的逐字稿喔!
    · 也可以直接搜尋「賓狗 嘖嘖」唷

    傳送門: https://www.zeczec.com/projects/bingobilingual

    賓狗的 email:weelybingoenglish@gmail.com

    1 【package 打包裝箱】— 動詞(目的是販賣或是寄送)
    The intention of China’s Moon mission is to package about 2kg of "soil”.

    2【phobia 恐懼症】— 名詞
    Agnes Chow said she has developed a phobia of doorbells and knocking.

    3【lame duck 快要卸任的官員】— 名詞
    Donald Trump is a lame duck president.

    4【deferral 延期】— 名詞
    Military service deferrals will be given to the biggest K-pop stars.

    5 【keep it as it is 保持原貌】— 語塊
    We want to keep it as it is forever.

    明天的節目分析 electric、electronic、electrical 的差別

    1)package 打包裝箱
    2)phobia 恐懼症
    3)lame duck 快要卸任的官員
    4)deferral 延期
    5)keep it as it is 保持原貌

  • military翻譯 在 賓狗單字Bingo Bilingual Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2020-11-19 12:00:10

    終於有逐字稿 & 例句翻譯:
    · 點下列連結,並看「計畫更新」,有免費公開的逐字稿喔!
    · 也可以直接搜尋「賓狗 嘖嘖」唷
    傳送門: https://www.zeczec.com/projects/bingobilingual

    1【go missing 失蹤】— 動詞片語
    An F-16 fighter jet went missing over waters off eastern Taiwan.

    2 【drawdown 縮小規模】— 名詞
    The drawdown in Afghanistan and Iraq worries some military leaders.

    3【withdraw 撤退】— 動詞
    The US started withdrawing troops from Afghanistan in February this year.

    4【household 同屋簷下的人】— 名詞
    Health officials encourage families to consider virtual gatherings instead of in-person events with multiple households.

    5 【eye 注視】— 動詞
    Britain is eyeing 250,000 highly skilled green jobs by 2030.

    can’t help eyeing the cake
    eye somebody with alarm

    1)go missing 失蹤
    2)drawdown 縮小規模
    3)withdraw 撤退
    4)household 同屋簷下的人
    5)eye 注視

  • military翻譯 在 夫夫之道 FuFuKnows Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2020-10-09 21:30:10






    When we look back at the last four years,
    we had gained so much, much more than what we've lost.
    We managed to know each other in the midst of this vast, vast world
    These are moments that we treasure
    These bits and pieces of memories we had with each other will never fade.
    They will always be fresh on our minds
    motivating us to move forward.

    I love you all, it's so good to have you.

    We are grateful to all the encounters we have had in the journey of creating Fufuknows, be they positive or negative.
    We are grateful to have our lovely fans, our little onions.
    We are grateful to our family members and our friends.

    Last but not least, we are grateful to Kai and Leo from Fufuknows,
    The two of them have never given up on themselves or each other
    Thank you, for pushing your way through together with everybody.
    Even if all door are closed, there will always be a way, the Fufu's way.

    本次活動特別感謝|Special thanks to

    丰居旅店忠孝館、翹共同工作空間Ciao Coworking Space
    造型師 We are髮廊沙龍 艾文
    夫夫劇場導演/後製/攝影 張維剛
    夫夫之道所有翻譯人員 小藍、Sheila、秀萍、承樺
    表演者 許鯊鯊、Tina那那大師、彩虹時代

    謝謝現場人員Activity assistants


    #夫夫之道 #替代役 #剃頭