

在 messenger影片長度產品中有2篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過28萬的網紅美國在台協會 AIT,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 什麼!竟然只要三步驟就有機會獲得AIT慶祝40週年限定版的獨家禮物!沒錯!AIT強力徵求「自拍微型影片」徵稿活動,我們想聽聽在美台關係中扮演角色的你的想法與聲音!我們想知道你是怎麼看美國和台灣這段珍貴且堅定不移的關係。美台人民之間的友誼對你個人帶來什麼影響與益處?影片長度大約在15到90秒之間,影片...


  • messenger影片長度 在 美國在台協會 AIT Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2019-02-11 17:00:01
    有 195 人按讚


    1. 請以簡短一句話回答問題:「美台關係對我來說是…?」或「美台關係對您的意義是什麼?」

    2. 透過Facebook私訊影片、或上傳至YouTube、Google Drive等其他雲端,更多影片規格和上傳方式請參考AIT的官網:https://www.ait.org.tw/zhtw/ait-at-40-video-campaign-zh/

    3. 上傳完影片後,記得一定要填寫這份Google表單:https://goo.gl/7ktyZd,才算完成喔。
    拍攝、上傳、填表單!簡單三步驟就有機會獲得AIT 40週年限定版的獨家禮物喔。你還在等什麼呢?現在就向AIT投稿你的影片吧!☺ #AITat40Celebrateion #USTaiwanRelations

    Really? Just with only 3 steps you could win limited-edition AIT@40 prizes? That’s right! AIT is now soliciting short, creative, selfie-style videos that answer the question “What does the U.S.-Taiwan relationship mean to you?” We want to hear your views on the valuable and steadfast relationship between the United States and Taiwan in a 15-30 second video. Here is what you need to do:

    1. Answer the question in a video: “What does the U.S.-Taiwan relationship mean to you?” (In just one sentence would be perfect! Either English or Chinese will do.)

    2. Submit your video via Facebook messenger, YouTube, Google Drive, Dropbox, or Microsoft OneDrive. Find out how to upload your videos on AIT’s website: https://www.ait.org.tw/ait-at-40-video-campaign/

    3. Be sure to fill out the Google Form: https://goo.gl/7ktyZd to complete your submission.
    Just follow these 3 steps and you’ll have a chance of winning limited edition of gifts specially design for AIT’s 40th anniversary! What are you waiting for? Share your video with AIT RIGHT NOW! ☺️ #AIT@40 #AITat40Celebrateion

  • messenger影片長度 在 美國在台協會 AIT Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2018-12-21 15:00:01
    有 282 人按讚


    為此,我們將舉辦「自拍微型影片」徵稿活動,影片長度大約在15到90秒之間。影片中請以簡短一句話回答以下問題:「美台關係對我來說是…?」影片語言中英文皆可,你可以透過Facebook私訊影片、或上傳至YouTube、Google Drive、Dropbox或Microsoft OneDrive。更多影片規格和上傳方式請參考AIT的官網:https://www.ait.org.tw/zhtw/ait-at-40-video-campaign-zh/ (所有活動相關資訊、規格和免責聲明都張貼在AIT的官網上)

    上傳完影片後,記得填寫這份Google表單:https://goo.gl/7ktyZd,才算成功繳交影片喔。如果你的影片入選,將有機會獲得AIT 40週年限定版的獨家禮物喔!入選的影片將張貼在我們的社群媒體中,並剪輯在我們的活動中播放。我們目前已開始接受影片上傳,收件將持續一整年。你還在等什麼呢?現在就跟AIT分享你的影片吧!#USTaiwanRelations #AITat40Celebrateion

    “What does the U.S.-Taiwan relationship mean to you?” 2019 is a big year for AIT! In 2019, AIT will be celebrating our 40th anniversary and honoring the 40 years of U.S.-Taiwan friendship since the signing of the Taiwan Relations Act. We will be kicking off a yearlong campaign called AIT@40, in which we celebrate the many dimensions of U.S.-Taiwan cooperation.

    We want to know how YOU feel about the valuable and steadfast relationship between the United States and Taiwan. What benefits has our peoples’ friendship brought you personally? AIT values the role you play in the U.S.-Taiwan relationship, and we want to hear your voice!

    We are now soliciting short, selfie-style videos that run 15-90 seconds. Each video should feature one person’s answer to the question: “In One sentence, what does the U.S.-Taiwan relationship mean to you?” Your video can be in Chinese or in English, and you can submit your video using Facebook messenger, YouTube, Google Drive, Dropbox, or Microsoft OneDrive. For detailed instructions and technical specifications, please visit AIT’s website: https://www.ait.org.tw/ait-at-40-video-campaign/ (all the campaign instructions, explanation and disclaimer are posted on AIT official website)

    After uploading your video, be sure to fill out the Google Form: https://goo.gl/7ktyZd to complete your submission. If you video is selected, you will have the chance to win limited edition of gifts specially design for AIT’s 40 anniversary! The selected videos will be featured on our social media and edited for screening at events. We are already accepting submissions, and this campaign will continue throughout the year. What are you waiting for? Share your video with AIT now!

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