

在 mental中文產品中有66篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過5萬的網紅讀書e誌,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 說好的活在當下呢?為什麼我內心的聲音總是重播過往或是模擬未來,折磨自己卻無法停止? (有中文版) “ What I battle hardest to do in a tennis match, is to quiet the voices in my head” —Rafael Nadal (我...

 同時也有8部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過71萬的網紅VOGUE Taiwan,也在其Youtube影片中提到,米蘭達推呼吸法改善身心健康►https://smarturl.it/2aztdl 如何克服焦慮?你如何幫助其他人做同樣的事情?在 Open-Minded 的第三集中,Kendall Jenner 與洛杉磯縣心理健康部的精神病學家兼首席醫療官 Curley Bonds 博士坐下來討論如何成為朋友、家人...

mental中文 在 Jamie醫學日記|讀書×學習×生活 Instagram 的最佳貼文

2021-08-02 13:05:01

. 【2021閱讀計畫5/50】 #受傷的醫者 by Caroline Elton . 推薦給不確定自己適不適合穿上白袍的你 這本書有中文版,雖然有點硬(甚至是我們系上大一的指定書籍)但強烈推薦給所有醫學生! . This is not a feel-good book. This book is ...

mental中文 在 賓狗 Instagram 的精選貼文

2021-05-17 10:37:48

【防疫紓壓 6 招 + 英文】 去台中的時候,還敢在拍照時,短暫拿下口罩,現在足不出戶已經連續好幾天了。 疫情之下,什麼局勢都變得好快,所有理所當然,都變得很奢侈。 我記得聽過某個 podcast 說,we’re terrified of change,人很害怕改變,而最近的改變,來得又劇烈又...

  • mental中文 在 讀書e誌 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-09-09 08:32:41
    有 367 人按讚


    “ What I battle hardest to do in a tennis match, is to quiet the voices in my head” —Rafael Nadal
    (我在網球比賽時最困難的戰役,就是如何使我頭腦裡那些聲音安靜下來— 網球名將 納達爾

    我們每個人隨時隨地都是在和自己說話。這是我們理解世界並且可以透過經驗,了解自己,活在群體當中的必要能力。作者用心理學,腦內神經學,以及對人類語言的研究,交叉分析說明在我們感到不安或是被威脅的時候,內心的聲音就會搶奪我們頭腦裡注意力的總司令位子,喋喋不休地重複那些讓我們緊張或害怕的話。作者舉出以前美國某位棒球明日之星在場上失常的例子,就好像近年來極為運動選手或是奧運明星經歷的心理狀態, 那個喋喋不休的聲音讓你過度分析,然後就造成了心理癱瘓 (Paralysis by analysis)

    我們的大腦會這樣反應還是有演化上的功能。書中舉了一些例子,是當人無法聽見自己內心的聲音時 (例如中風等腦部傷害)似乎突然不知道自己是誰,或是下一步該如何。所以要與它共存,並且在它想要搶奪總司令控制權的時候,如何讓他它可以退下呢?基本上就是用我們大腦無窮想像的能力來反制。


    “Zoom out! “ 這時候不該否定或是與那個聲音爭執,而是把心裡的距離拉開。裡面有很多小撇步,像是直呼自己的名字描述狀況,用第三人的視角和自己對話,想像事過境遷之後的自己會怎麼解讀現在的自己,把自己想像成你想幫助的朋友來對話,等等。還有,做一些儀式感的小動作 (增加可掌握性和確定性的安全感)。

    另外就是他人的力量。我還蠻贊成他說到安慰這樣的人的時候,可以同理一些情緒,但更多應該幫助它拉開不同視角。雖然我們每個人都有一定的同理請聽他人的訴苦,但訴苦超過一定限度時會開始產生令人反感的效果。如果陪伴者一直要被負面思想糾纏的人重覆那些他的內心對話,就會形成兩個人一起反芻這些負能量。所謂的”吐露心事”完之後可能感覺更糟。除了平衡之外,其實更棒的叫做隱形的支持,例如幫她處理瑣事,給他安靜的空間,或甚至什麼話都不要說輕輕的有禮貌地觸碰 (拍拍肩膀之類的,更親密者可以是擁抱),這樣才不會造成當事人殘留的一些克服問題的信心都被奪去了 (書中鮮明的舉例,父母教自己的小孩時很容易起衝突也是這個原因)

    另一個很特別的建議是親近大自然。書中提到很多的實驗與研究發現樹木綠地對於人的心裡,都像是一個精神的維他命 (Mental vitamin),可以有效抑制那個喋喋不休的聲音。當我們從各種危機景況從安靜下來時,往往會發現最需要被克服的就是自己的內心。


    全文與中文版連結在部落格中 👇👇👇

    #Chatter #EthanKross #強大內心的自我對話習慣

  • mental中文 在 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-08-02 22:48:57
    有 277 人按讚

    歡迎收聽,安納電台 <3


    edwingohmusic Nicholas Teo 張棟樑 Tempered Mental RYOTA 片山凉太 Season 周珺慈 SHIO 郭修彧 Mayabayu babychair 王藍茵 Tangerine ARVAN 阿尔梵


  • mental中文 在 傅麗玲 Cindy Po Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-07-26 08:04:52
    有 27 人按讚

    感恩所有报馆的报道 🙏
    谢谢 💓 丽玲姐姐爱你们 🥳


    谢谢南洋商报 💓 南洋商报 Nanyang Siang Pau

    谢谢中国报 💓 China Press (中國報)

    谢谢 光华报 💓 光华日报 Kwong Wah Yit Poh

    谢谢光明日报 💓 Guangming Daily-光明日报

    谢谢 💓

    谢谢 💓

    谢谢 星州日报 💓

    谢谢 💓 南洋商报 - 北马区

    谢谢 💓 The Star The Star

    Facing financial problems during the fighting periods against the pandemic

    Dr Tan Chuan Hong: Welcome to free registration for attending 711 Mandarin Personal Financial Planning Forum.

    The Chairman of the Malaysian Financial Planning Council Penang Chapter, Dr. Tan Chuan Hong urged the public to register to join the forum which will be held on July 11 (Sunday) at 2:30 pm. The forum “Knowledge, Attitude and Implementation of Personal Financial Planning during the Fighting Period against the Pandemic" is organised by Penang Chinese Town Hall Youth together with live broadcaster "Ling Listening to Your Heart".

    He said that during the fighting period of more than a year against the pandemic, many people are facing financial pressures and suffering from mental illnesses such as depression, and there is a gradual increase in them.

    Dr Tan Chuan Hong said that beside public hope that the government can give more assistance and revitalization packages to assist them, the council also hopes to provide more correct and positive financial management knowledge through this Personal Financial Planning forum. So that, the public can have a broader and long-term vision to deal with their own financial problems, whether it is to increase income and reduce expenditure, relieve debt pressure, prudent and smart investment or asset allocation and other arrangements as well as have a better understanding and wise decision-making.

    "In terms of financial management attitude, we should handle financial crisis more carefully, and at the same time avoid overconfidence and fluke mentality to seek for opportunities of rapid gaining investment.”

    Dr Tan Chuan Hong hopes that through this Personal Financial Planning forum, people can have a more rational attitude and strive to reduce emotional consumption when implementing their own money and avoid falling into investment scams with smarter financial management.

    In addition, Penang Chinese Town Hall Youth YouTalk Online Bureau Chief said that the online live broadcast sharing session planned by Penang Chinese Town Hall Youth will mainly discuss about public welfare content related to citizens' awareness.

    This is the sixth event which was also co-organized by the Penang Chapter of MFPC collaborated with famous artist Cindy Po 傅丽玲 ; and an interview will be carried out among Deputy President of Malaysian Financial Plaining Council Dr Chong Kok Fei who is also a Financial Education Manager of AKPK together with Chairman of MFPC Penang Chapter and Certified MFPC Trainer Dr Tan Chuan Hong.

    Those who are interested in participating in this online Personal Financial Planning online forum can register for free (for the public) https://1st.mfpc.org.my/PublicEventRegistration/280, and (for MFPC members) through https://1st.mfpc .org.my and will get 2 CPDs points.

  • mental中文 在 VOGUE Taiwan Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2021-06-09 22:00:28

    如何克服焦慮?你如何幫助其他人做同樣的事情?在 Open-Minded 的第三集中,Kendall Jenner 與洛杉磯縣心理健康部的精神病學家兼首席醫療官 Curley Bonds 博士坐下來討論如何成為朋友、家人和親人的更好盟友。在他們的談話中,坎達兒公開了她驚恐發作的經歷。 Bonds 博士向 Kendall 提供瞭如何利用她的經驗幫助他人的建議,提供呼吸練習的技巧,並討論是否以及何時適合服用藥物來幫助治療焦慮症。

    #焦慮症 #心理醫師 #KendallJenner

    Directed by: Posy Dixon
    DP: Kevin Hayden
    Camera Operators: Yuya Kudo, Zachary Rockwood and Sonja Tsypin
    Key Grip/Gaffer: Kurtis Myers
    Sound: Chris Omae
    Edited by: Victoria Mortati and Daniel Poler
    Color: Carlos Flores, Forager
    Sound: Paul Vitolins and Nick Cipriano, Bang
    Post Production: Marco Glinbizzi
    Series Title Montage: Chris Beckman
    Title Design: Jason Duzansky
    Music: Robert Martland
    Art Director, Set Design: Alexis Johnson
    Decorator: Christine DiStefano
    Styling: Danielle Levi
    Hair: Amanda Capomaccio
    Makeup: Mary Phillips
    Tailor: Bebe Aguirre
    Executive Producer: Marina Cukeric
    Producers: Naomi Nishi, NY and Jace Davis, LA
    Line Producers: Jen Santos and Jessica Schier
    Production Manager: Trina DeMattei
    Location Manager: Joe Burk
    Production Coordinators: Peter Brunette and Andressa Pelachi
    Associate Producers: Rachel Cantor, Stephanie D’agostini and Arielle Neblett
    Production Assistant: Josh Crowe
    Covid Supervisor: Carla Nora
    Vogue: Robert Semmer, VP Digital Video Programming and Development; Mark Guiducci, Creative Editorial Director; Sergio Kletnoy, Entertainment Director.
    Special Thanks To
    Derek Blasberg, YouTube Fashion & Beauty
    Maya Amolis, YouTube Health
    Dr. Curley Bonds, Chief Medical Officer at the Los Angeles County Department of Mental Health
    Ashleah Gonzales
    Christy Welder
    Jessica Edwards, NAMI
    Barb Solish, NAMI
    Elizabeth Stafford, NAMI
    Katrina Gay, NAMI
    Dr. Ken Duckworth, NAMI

    【 其他熱門主題】
    讓喜歡的事變生活!Good Job! ► http://smarturl.it/r7si6s
    芭蕾舞者們的血淚史 ► http://smarturl.it/uhot5l
    唐綺陽12星座深入剖析 ► http://smarturl.it/in8eqp
    美容編輯正芳隨你問 ► http://smarturl.it/zf5840
    口音、服裝專家拆解經典電影 ► http://smarturl.it/zcbgmf
    ★訂閱VOGUE TAIWAN Youtube:http://smarturl.it/xbtuuy
    ★VOGUE TAIWAN 官網:http://www.vogue.com.tw/live/
    ★VOGUE TAIWAN Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/VogueTW/
    ★VOGUE TAIWAN Instagram:https://www.instagram.com/voguetaiwan/
    ★VOGUE TAIWAN LINE:https://reurl.cc/V66qNn
    ★美人會不會 FB社團:http://hyperurl.co/rgfitl

    ▷ Make sure you subscribe to my channel and hit the notification bell, so you don’t miss any of my new videos → http://smarturl.it/xbtuuy
    ※關於時尚,VOGUE說了算!自從1892年第一本VOGUE在美國出版以來,至今已有122年的歷史,始終被時尚專業人士所推崇,因此榮譽為Fashion Bible時尚聖經。
    ※台灣VOGUE隸屬Condé Nast Interculture Group,相關國外影片皆由國外授權提供給台灣使用,台灣VOGUE秉持服務網友,讓更多中文語系觀眾可以看到國際影片跟中文字幕,所以在此頻道分享給大家,如果喜歡我們的頻道,請訂閱我們,我們將會持續努力帶來更多優質內容。

  • mental中文 在 Just Minnie Youtube 的最佳解答

    2020-09-30 22:17:21

    Hello there my love! I know you guys are spending a lot more time at home and mental health is downgrading! It is super important for us to take self-care seriously. Here are a few things that I love to do at home these days, when I feel a little low and sad.

    If you wish to check our the FOREO Sweden UFO I mentioned:

    Here's the link to my favourite at home workout videos on Youtube:
    Super fun & Easy

    Sometimes, a little time alone at home is just what you need! Take care of how you feel and all your emotions! We got each others back my loves x Thank you FOREO Sweden for supporting and making this video happening. I had so much fun putting this together for you x

  • mental中文 在 志祺七七 X 圖文不符 Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2020-09-26 19:00:08

    這支影片是黃標嗎? 對這支影片是黃標
    如果你覺得它不應該被黃標,歡迎留言 #ItDeservesGreenMark #這應該綠標
    和我們一起協助 YouTube 建立一個更完善、更精準的AI判別系統,謝謝大家!

    ✔︎ 成為七七會員(幫助我們繼續日更,並享有會員專屬福利):https://bit.ly/3eYdLKp
    ✔︎ 訂閱志祺七七頻道: http://bit.ly/shasha77_subscribe
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    #復仇式色情 #非合意色情

    00:00 開頭
    00:23 前情提要
    00:53 什麼是「非合意 / 復仇式色情」?
    02:11 防不勝防的「非合意 / 復仇式色情」
    03:21 「非合意 / 復仇式色情」對於女性的傷害
    04:53 目前法律如何處理?
    05:31 難以杜絕的關鍵原因
    07:06 社群影音平台的責任
    08:08 我們的觀點:要怎麼保護自己和受害者?
    10:01 提問
    10:15 結尾

    【 製作團隊 】



    【 本集參考資料 】

    → :具荷拉自杀与韩国偷拍视频阴影下的受害者 - BBC News 中文:https://bbc.in/308Cerr
    → :網友瘋傳激似熊熊不雅片會GG? 律師:最重判2年 | 蘋果新聞網 | 蘋果日報:https://bit.ly/3mPHdHl
    → :小心!復仇式色情,不要讓自己成為下一個受害者|數位時代:https://bit.ly/3cGadwJ
    → :有錢就能散布別人裸照,誰讓加害者有恃無恐? - 報導者 The Reporter:https://bit.ly/307ZLc7
    → :數位女力聯盟widi:https://bit.ly/2FY1hGW
    → :臉書社群守則:https://bit.ly/3i1o81o
    → :K-pop suicide sparks a reckoning on revenge porn, sexual assault - People - The Jakarta Post:https://bit.ly/3mQvKHt
    → :什麼是復仇式色情 | twrf-antirevengeporn:https://bit.ly/3hYXbv3
    → :又有受害者!男星自慰影片再流出 網瘋傳:還有更多│TVBS新聞網:https://bit.ly/3mOYbpe
    → :Lulu 呼籲 性私密影像外流 不是妳/你的錯:https://bit.ly/3mQmXW5
    → :‘I was raped at 14, and the video ended up on a porn site’:https://bbc.in/2FP4OYb

    【 延伸閱讀 】

    → :律師:看過「色情報復」被害人的痛苦,就再也無法看熱鬧了 - 報導者 The Reporter:https://bit.ly/332yrO8
    → :你的情慾不是你的情慾:當「未經同意散布私密影像」成為一種龐大產業 | V太太 | 鳴人堂:https://bit.ly/2RU49Ha
    → :Rose Kalemba – Faith/Feminism/Activism/Mental Illness/Recovery/ & much more:https://bit.ly/3kFHafg
    → :致力移除性虐影片、自己也罹患創傷症候群......南韓NGO團體如何助「N號房」受害者重建生活-風傳媒:https://bit.ly/3028E75
    → :without my consent:https://bit.ly/3mSRWRt
    → :獨立特派員 第503集 (你在看我嗎):https://bit.ly/2Gb3i21
    → :復仇式色情嚴重嗎?:https://bit.ly/3kP9rQu
    → :復仇式色情受害者為何不敢求助?:https://bit.ly/3j5u5M6




