
為什麼這篇mega超出容量鄉民發文收入到精華區:因為在mega超出容量這個討論話題中,有許多相關的文章在討論,這篇最有參考價值!作者skylove (鍵盤型男)看板Free_box標題[問題] mega超出容量會被刪?時間Fri...




You are using too much space. 14 days remain until deletion.
We see that your account is using 5xx.74 GB, which is over your disk space
allocation of 50 GB.
Visit https://mega.nz/#fm/account to see a breakdown of your usage. Please
note your rubbish counts toward your usage, and needs to be cleared to free
up space.
As your account is over quota, we have disabled uploads and synchronization
using MEGAsync.
To continue to use MEGA, please upgrade to one of our paid plans. You have 14
days left to take action. If the account remains over quota after 2015-08-11,
ALL your files, folders and shares will be permanently deleted.
Start the upgrade process by clicking on the red button below, or visiting

意思是說8/11後 我的資料都會被刪除?

想說之前沒限容量 用的蠻爽的

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Free_box/M.1438332208.A.DEA.html
bearland: 好像先從超量使用的大戶開始砍,如果超出一點,應該沒事 07/31 17:02
wind164: 之前有寄過一次警告信,這次直接說兩週內不清到50G以內 07/31 19:08
wind164: 或是購買擴大容量方案的話 整個帳號的資料會全數永久刪除 07/31 19:08
tinlans: 他們想搶錢很久了,新招一直出,基本上這家分享不行了。 08/01 02:38
tinlans: 自存的話,乖乖付錢 OK 08/01 02:39
tinlans: 但是他家儲存品質很爛,會不能下載跟壞檔,不值那個價 08/01 02:39
yanchenglin: Mega創辦人kim胖子最近很囧,Mega多數股權被中國投資 08/01 21:00
yanchenglin: 者惡意收購,最近紐西蘭政府扣押這些股權. Kim胖子的 08/01 21:03
yanchenglin: 推特近幾天很精彩.競業條款年底到期後,kim想再開一家 08/01 21:04
abccbaandy: 有懶人包嗎? 我以為MEGA很好說...至少下載超快 08/01 21:57

