

在 meals意思產品中有29篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過29萬的網紅CheckCheckCin,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 【春天症狀】身體有濕更易感覺飽滯 ⭐主管消化的脾討厭潮濕 ⭐適量祛濕可紓緩症狀 #星期三CheckCheckMail 春天腸胃不聽話? 養好脾胃不怕濕滯 李小姐:「我媽最近常說春天到令人好濕滯,胃口不佳跟濕與滯有關嗎?」 CheckCheckCin:廣東話「濕滯」是指有麻煩事的意思,而從中醫...

 同時也有2部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過538的網紅Vegan Expression,也在其Youtube影片中提到,First, New Year greetings to all of you, I wish you dreams come true, good luck and good health! New year starts, we need to try a "new pork" in the n...

meals意思 在 Joyce | Sommelier|侍酒師 ???? Instagram 的最佳貼文

2021-08-18 15:44:29

Dear friends and family, I’m so excited and proud to say 酒意思SIP WITH JOYCE is turning 1 year old! 🥳🎈🎉​ ​ I started 酒意思SIP WITH JOYCE, an omnichannel p...

meals意思 在 Joyce | Sommelier|侍酒師 ???? Instagram 的最讚貼文

2021-07-11 08:47:13

Hope you all had a wonderful 4th of July. ​ ​ ​ I guess most of us had some heavy meals over the weekend. (Gotta have BBQ during 4th of July, right?) ...

  • meals意思 在 CheckCheckCin Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-03-24 18:01:23
    有 269 人按讚







    ✔️CheckCheckCin 美茶推介:濕重

    留言或按讚👍🏻支持一下我們吧!❤️ 歡迎 Follow 我們獲得更多養生資訊。

    Take care of the spleen and stomach and keep dampness at bay

    “My mum recently told me that dampness and stagnation often happen during spring, and this will cause appetite loss. Is there a relationship between dampness and stagnation?”

    CheckCheckCin: In Cantonese, the two words that represent dampness and stagnation are ‘sap zai’, which also means nuisance or hassle. From the perspective of Chinese Medicine, dampness and stagnation are indeed related.

    The body relies on the spleen and stomach to circulate fluid and dampness, so when these organs fail to function optimally, stagnation can occur. Symptoms such as bloating, indigestion, appetite loss, and abdominal gassiness would then emerge.

    Individual with these symptoms should eat more meals but in a smaller quantity, and avoid consuming heavily seasoned, fried, oily, and sticky foods, as well as those with high satiety. Alternatively, you can try drinking this tea to improve your appetite and soothe the circulation of the qi.

    Calamansi and dried citrus peel tea
    Effects: promotes qi and stimulates appetite. Relieves lack of appetite and vomiting.
    Ingredients: 3 calamansi, 1 dried citrus peel, 1 drop honey
    Preparation: Rinse the ingredients. Cut the calamansi into half. Slice the dried citrus peel. Place all ingredients into thermos and add in hot water and steep for 10 minutes until aroma develops. Add honey. This tea can be re-brewed until flavour weakens.

    ✔ CheckCheckCin Recommendation: Dampness
    Ingredients: Rice bean, black eyed bean, hyacinth bean coat
    Effects: Strengthens the spleen and dispels dampness. Relieves fatigue, tired even after adequate sleep, heaviness in limbs and edema.
    Welcome to order through our website: www.checkcheckcin.com

    Comment below or like 👍🏻 this post to support us. ❤️ Follow us for more healthy living tips.

    #男 #女 #我狀態OK #我胖了 #痰濕 #胃脹

  • meals意思 在 浩爾譯世界 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2020-06-26 08:00:41
    有 55 人按讚




    🔥The pandemic prompted my editor, Wilson Rothman, to buy a $500 Breville Bambino Plus as a replacement for his wife's $5-a-day Starbucks habit. The cost of the automated espresso maker/milk frother combo—equivalent to three or four months of daily latte runs—will be effectively paid off soon, he said.
    我的編輯羅斯曼(Wilson Rothman)因為這場大流行病購買了500美元的Breville Bambino Plus咖啡機,以替代妻子每天花5美元在星巴克喝咖啡的習慣。他說,自動濃縮咖啡機和奶泡器的成本,相當於連續三到四個月每天買一杯拿鐵,這個投資很快就能回本。

    -prompt: 促使、因為某事而做出行為
    -replacement: 替代
    - milk frother:奶泡器
    -equivalent to: 相當於

    🥣During the height of the lockdowns, his wife didn’t have to risk exposure—and she might never need to hit Starbucks again. A Breville spokesman reported a steady increase in coffee and espresso machine sales during the pandemic.

    -during/ at the height of: 在…的高峰、巔峰期
    -exposure: 暴露,此處指「被感染」
    -steady: 穩定的、穩健的

    🥫Preparing three meals a day can be stressful, particularly with children at home full-time, unable to attend school or camps. Smart ovens, which offer convenience and precision, have become gadget go-tos. One, the Tovala smart steam oven, combines preprogrammed cooking options with a $12-a-meal delivery program.

    -precision: 精準
    -gadget: 裝置、小物件
    -go-to: 尋求協助的;有專業知識或高超技術的,此處有「首選」的意思。
    ✍常見句:When it comes to photography, he is the go-to person. 一談到攝影,他可是行家。

    🍝After a quick scan using the device’s onboard scanner, the appliance can quickly cook the company’s fresh prepared meals, or hundreds of frozen foods from brands like Trader Joe’s and Amy’s. “Demand for meals, oven usage, usage of frozen grocery products, all of it is up,” said Tovala CEO David Rabie.
    使用該設備的內置掃描儀進行快速掃描後,該設備可以快速烹飪公司事先準備好的新鮮食物,或是數百種來自Trader Joe's和Amy's等各大品牌的冷凍食品。「餐品需求、烤箱使用和超市冷凍食品需求都在增加,」Tovala首席執行長拉比(David Rabie)說。

    -appliance: 設備
    -Demand is up. 需求上升



    People aren’t just ___ to smarter coffee equipment—smart ovens are having their ___, too.

    A. upgrading/ moment
    B. lifting/ time
    C. elevating/ second
    華爾街日報訂閱超值方案 📰
    專屬 #臉書社團,浩爾 #每日語音導讀
    「留言+1」,就送你 #優惠碼 及 #導讀試聽!

  • meals意思 在 Vegan Expression Facebook 的最佳解答

    2020-01-23 19:00:01
    有 19 人按讚

    懶人學料理│新年新豬肉。豬肉三味 (eng below)
    旅孩要來和大家拜年囉,祝大家心想事成、萬事如意、身體健康!新年當然要吃「新豬肉」,雖然今年我在國外,但新豬肉已經在加拿大有賣了 (大統華亞州超市),所以我還是可以吃到!YEAH!「新豬肉」不論在外相、觸感,還是味道,都可以媲美手打豬肉的嫩滑多汁,但「新豬肉」的熱量和飽和脂肪更低,是很好的代替品呢!

    我用「新豬肉」做了三道基本的家常菜 - 豬肉三味,是很懶很簡單的菜式,簡單到我都不好意思分享了 😆 不過,如果你想開始學料理,這會是很好的開始喔!我們一起來學學吧 😎

    另外,新一年,「新豬肉」也出了新系列 - 「速鮮即食系列」,很期待回香港試新產品 😋

    ** 文字版食譜在文末

    Lazy Cooking│Omnipork。3 pork dishes
    First, New Year greetings to all of you, I wish you dreams come true, good luck and good health! New year starts, we need to try a "new pork" in the new year - Omnipork. Although I am abroad this year, Omnipork is already sold in Canada (T&T Supermarket), so I can still have it! YEAH! "Omnipork" is succulent, tender and juicy in terms of texture and taste. It's just like pork, BUT, it has lower calories and saturated fat, so it is a good substitute!

    I used "Omnipork" to make three basic home-cooked dishes, which is very lazy and easy. It's too easy that I feel so embarrassed to share it 😆 But if you want to start cooking, this will be a great start. Let's learn together 😎

    Besides, in the new year, "Omnipork" has also launched a new series, Ready Meals Series - Omnieat, I am looking forward to try the new series when I back to Hong Kong 😋

    **Text version recipe is as follows

    新豬肉 半包/一包
    豆腐卜 (豆泡) 適量
    蔥花 (非必要) 隨意
    糖,醬油,粟粉 適量

    調味:加入糖、醬油、粟粉、蔥花 (非必要),攪拌後,放進鍋裡煎,煎到新豬肉顏色稍變即可
    3.新豬肉釀豆腐卜 (豆泡)
    把新豬肉丸塞進豆腐卜 (豆泡)裡,隔水蒸15分鐘

    omnipork half/one pack
    bean curd puffs some
    diced green onions (optional) some
    sugar, soy sauce, corn starch some

    1.Omnipork Meatloaf
    Seasoning the Omnipork: add sugar, soy sauce, corn starch, diced spring onions (optional), stir well, put it in a pan and fry, until the color of it slightly changed
    2.Omnipork Balls
    Squeeze the seasoned Omnipork into ball shape, and steam for 15 minutes
    3.Stuffed Bean Curd Puffs
    Stuff the Omnipork Balls into bean curd puffs and steam for 15 minutes

    Connect with me:
    Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/veganexpression
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/vegan_expression/

    Green Common OmniPork 新豬肉 T&T Supermarket 大統華超級市場
    #omnipork #新豬肉 #新年新豬肉 #懶人料理 #lazycookong #lazygirl #easyrecipe David Yeung 楊大偉

  • meals意思 在 Vegan Expression Youtube 的精選貼文

    2020-01-23 19:00:01

    First, New Year greetings to all of you, I wish you dreams come true, good luck and good health! New year starts, we need to try a "new pork" in the new year - Omnipork. Although I am abroad this year, Omnipork is already sold in Canada (T&T Supermarket), so I can still have it! YEAH! "Omnipork" is succulent, tender and juicy in terms of texture and taste. It's just like pork, BUT, it has lower calories and saturated fat, so it is a good substitute!

    I used "Omnipork" to make three basic home-cooked dishes, which is very lazy and easy. It's too easy that I feel so embarrassed to share it ? But if you want to start cooking, this will be a great start. Let's learn together ?

    Besides, in the new year, "Omnipork" has also launched a new series, Ready Meals Series - Omnieat, I am looking forward to try the new series when I back to Hong Kong ?

    **Text version recipe is as follows

    旅孩要來和大家拜年囉,祝大家心想事成、萬事如意、身體健康!新年當然要吃「新豬肉」,雖然今年我在國外,但新豬肉已經在加拿大有賣了 (大統華亞州超市),所以我還是可以吃到!YEAH!「新豬肉」不論在外相、觸感,還是味道,都可以媲美手打豬肉的嫩滑多汁,但「新豬肉」的熱量和飽和脂肪更低,是很好的代替品呢!

    我用「新豬肉」做了三道基本的家常菜 - 豬肉三味,是很懶很簡單的菜式,簡單到我都不好意思分享了 ? 不過,如果你想開始學料理,這會是很好的開始喔!我們一起來學學吧 ?

    另外,新一年,「新豬肉」也出了新系列 - 「速鮮即食系列」,很期待回香港試新產品 ?

    ** 以下是文字版食譜

    omnipork half/one pack
    bean curd puffs some
    diced green onions (optional) some
    sugar, soy sauce, corn starch some

    1.Omnipork Meatloaf
    Seasoning the Omnipork: add sugar, soy sauce, corn starch, diced spring onions (optional), stir well, put it in a pan and fry, until the color of it slightly changed
    2.Omnipork Balls
    Squeeze the seasoned Omnipork into ball shape, and steam for 15 minutes
    3.Stuffed Bean Curd Puffs
    Stuff the Omnipork Balls into bean curd puffs and steam for 15 minutes

    新豬肉 半包/一包
    豆腐卜 (豆泡) 適量
    蔥花 (非必要) 隨意
    糖,醬油,粟粉 適量

    調味:加入糖、醬油、粟粉、蔥花 (非必要),攪拌後,放進鍋裡煎,煎到新豬肉顏色稍變即可
    3.新豬肉釀豆腐卜 (豆泡)
    把新豬肉丸塞進豆腐卜 (豆泡)裡,隔水蒸15分鐘

    Connect with me
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/veganexpressionhk
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/vegan_expression/
    Track: Hawaiian Weekend — Igor Khainskyi [Audio Library Release]
    Music provided by Audio Library Plus
    Watch: https://youtu.be/7O0WVaaB_x8
    Free Download / Stream: https://alplus.io/hawaiian-weekend

  • meals意思 在 壹特EATER Youtube 的精選貼文

    2018-07-05 16:46:41


    👉壹特 EATER試吃報告:
    #抹茶黑糖麻糬乳酪蛋糕:新推出的三眼怪造型超療癒,抹茶的苦味 x 黑糖香氣實在很對味!

    此外,還有充滿少女情懷的蛋糕塔,藉著玫瑰的外型表達那些說不出口的話、逝去的回憶,人們說「初戀 = 70%的酸 + 30%的甜」,再嚐過 #初戀檸檬塔 後心中是否想起了誰?想起了當時那句「我愛你」的眼神和擁抱?抑或是想起他轉身離去的背影。那麼暗戀呢?#暗戀生巧克塔 採用70%生巧克力 + 酸甜覆盆莓果泥製作而成,微苦微酸微甜,就是暗戀的滋味吧~

    「呼,我好像有勇氣回去對老闆了。」中午的客人望著咖哩豬排飯中的 Blue mountain ,喃喃自語。

    📍 初米咖啡 Choose Me Cafe&Meals
    營業時間:平日 10:00-21:30 假日 9:00-21:30
    IG: nexttv.eater