

在 march室內燈產品中有6篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過4萬的網紅Ken's Portable Classroom,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 📰 Cops bust biggest marijuana grow-op in Taiwan's history 🀄 警方打擊台灣史上最大宗大麻種植案 📓【Ken的文法筆記 I】 購買請至➜ https://is.gd/5Kp6M0 📘【Ken的高頻單字筆記 I】 購買請至➜ https:...

 同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過942的網紅Lola Lin 海公主蘿菈教練,也在其Youtube影片中提到,女性健康從溫柔生產開啟!謝醫師從人類圖 ➡️大腦駭客:讓妳輕鬆高效腦力。 教導妳製作高品質「超級防彈咖啡」:來自幫助家人變健康!草飼奶油、MCT中鍊脂肪酸(在椰子油與母乳中的天然抗氧化劑、維生素礦物質來源) 接著,抗老功能醫學:養生自然醫學 環境毒素:空氣污染、PM2.5、塑化劑、...

  • march室內燈 在 Ken's Portable Classroom Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-04-22 19:45:44
    有 249 人按讚

    📰 Cops bust biggest marijuana grow-op in Taiwan's history

    🀄 警方打擊台灣史上最大宗大麻種植案

    📓【Ken的文法筆記 I】
    購買請至➜ https://is.gd/5Kp6M0

    📘【Ken的高頻單字筆記 I】
    購買請至➜ https://is.gd/zdxeF0

    購買請至➜ https://reurl.cc/m95QDl

    TAIPEI (Taiwan News) — The Ministry of Justice Investigation Bureau (MJIB) announced Wednesday (April 21) that it had conducted the largest seizure of marijuana plants in Taiwan's history and that two suspects had been arrested.

    📌 台北(台灣新聞)-法務部調查局 (MJIB) 週三 (4月21日) 宣布,這是台灣有史以來最大的一次大麻植物緝獲活動,兩名犯罪嫌疑人已被捕。

    At a press conference with 500 of the plants on display, the MJIB announced it had raided the largest cannabis-growing operation in Taiwanese history in a mountainous area of Hsinchu County's Guanxi Township on March 19. Agents seized a total of 1,608 marijuana plants, worth an estimated NT$500 million (US$17 million), and arrested two suspects.

    📌 MJIB在3月19日舉行的記者會上,展示了500種植物,並宣布突擊搜查了台灣歷史上最大的大麻種植活動,該地區在新竹縣的關西鄉山區,共緝獲了1,608株大麻,價值估計價值新台幣5億元 (合1700萬美元),並逮捕了兩名嫌疑犯。

    Tightened border controls due to the pandemic have caused a shortage of illegal cannabis products and prices to soar. In mid-March, the ministry's Taipei office received a report that a drug trafficking group in Taoyuan had begun growing its own supply to meet the local demand.

    📌 由於大流行病造成更嚴格的邊境管制,導致非法大麻產品短缺,價格飆升。 3月中旬,衛生部台北辦事處收到一份報告,說桃園的一個販毒集團,已經開始增加供應,以滿足當地的需求。

    Yeh I-fa (葉益發), a prosecutor from the Taoyuan District Prosecutor's Office, led a task force of law enforcement agencies in investigating the case. They found that a drug trafficking ring led by two male suspects, surnamed Chiu (邱) and Yu (虞), was often seen driving rented trucks between a remote factory in Taoyuan City and a mountainous area of Hsinchu County's Guanxi Township.

    📌 桃園市檢察院檢察官葉益發,領導執法機構專案組調查此案。他們發現,經常看到由兩名可疑男子,邱姓和虞姓領導的販毒團伙,在桃園市的一家偏遠工廠與新竹縣的關西鄉山區之間,駕駛租用的卡車。

    There were so many marijuana plants that investigators worked from morning to night to take possession of all of them. While they were working, Chiu happened to drive to the site to fertilize the plants and was immediately arrested.

    📌 有太多的大麻植物,調查人員從早到晚都在工作,以追查所有大麻植物。當他們工作時,邱姓嫌犯碰巧開車到現場給植物施肥,立即被捕。

    In addition to the crop haul at the farm field, agents seized a large quantity of indoor grow lights and drying and packaging equipment at the Taoyuan factory. Officials said that a number of other suspects are currently wanted in connection with the grow-op.

    📌 除了農田的農作物運輸,代理商還在桃園工廠沒收了大量的室內種植燈,乾燥和包裝設備。官員們說,與通緝犯有關的其他犯罪嫌疑人目前也被通緝。

    資料來源: https://reurl.cc/WEQWxk

  • march室內燈 在 Muse Chan Photography Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2020-01-14 19:11:02
    有 57 人按讚

    Muse Inspiration Workshop Malaysia Tour
    靈感啟動攝影工作坊2020 馬來西亞站

    Youtube HD 中文字幕:

    * Muse Live Talk *
    9 march 2020 ( Mon ) 吉隆坡 Kuala Lumpur
    Time : 9:00am - 12:00pm
    Venue : Lexis Hibiscus Port Dickson

    馬來西亞工作坊 2 Days Workshop

    * Muse Chan The Lighting Man Workshop *
    Date : 11 & 12 march 2020 ( Wed , Thu )
    Time : 10am - 6pm
    Location : KL
    Fee : RM3000 ( Workshop + Live Talk )
    Fee : RM3000 ( Workshop only )
    Fee : RM300 ( Live Talk only )

    【 Details 】
    Muse Live Talk
    9 march 2020 ( Mon ) Kuala Lumpur
    Time : 9:00am - 12:00pm

    - 光線理論 Lighting Concept & Theories
    - 心路歷程分享 Experience Sharing
    - Muse 作品導航 Real Case Study
    - 新世代攝影及佈光思維 Mindsets for the New Century
    - 問答環節 Q&A
    - 抽獎 Lucky Draw

    11 & 12 march 2020 ( Wed , Thu ) Photo Shoot Section ( Outdoor )
    Day 1 :
    集合時間 Time:9.45am
    Registration Time:待定 TBC
    時尚人像攝影思維與創作外拍 Portrait Shoot Live Demonstration ( Outdoor )
    婚紗人像攝影外拍實戰 Wedding Portrait Shoot Live Demonstration ( Outdoor )

    影樓人像及Photoshop 後期製作 Studio Portrait & Photoshop Section ( Indoor )
    Day 2 :
    集合時間 Time:9:45am
    Registration Time:待定 TBC
    影樓性感時尚燈光人像攝影創作 Studio Lighting Portrait Live Demonstration
    專業後期製作Photoshop 示範 Post Production Live Demonstration
    *Farewell Dinner Gathering (option)

    條款及細則 T&C:
    - 參加者需自費吉隆坡來回交通
    - 報名一經確認便不能退款或轉換其他課程或服務
    - 報名者必須親自完成課程,若某些日子未能上課亦不可轉讓給第二方
    - 午餐需自費
    - 吉隆坡站當天下午六時完成課程,晚上的聚餐可自行決定自費參加與否
    - 工作坊若遇上下雨,活動將會改為室內進行

    -Participants are required to travel to and from Kuala Lumpur at their own expense
    -Once the registration is confirmed, there is no refund or exchange for other courses or services
    -Applicants must complete the course in person and cannot be transferred to a second party if they fail to attend the course on certain days
    -Lunch at your own expense
    -Kuala Lumpur Station will complete the course at 6 pm on the same day. Evening meals can be decided at their own expense.
    -In case of rain in the workshop, the activity will be changed to indoor

    報名方法 Registration:
    Contact:011-31914143(whatsapp) Caspar Lee
    Please Provide your Name, Contact No and Contact Email for registration.
    並列明想參加以下那個選項 Options:

    1,Fee : RM3000 ( Workshop + Live Talk )
    2,Fee : RM3000 ( Workshop only )
    3,Fee : RM300 ( Live Talk only )

    Muse Chan 攝影學會 MIWI​ / Muse Chan Photography​ / Muse Chan​ / Muse Chan MW​ /

    Organiser : Caspar Lee

  • march室內燈 在 Muse Chan Photography Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2020-01-14 19:09:01
    有 57 人按讚

    Muse Inspiration Workshop Malaysia Tour
    靈感啟動攝影工作坊2020 馬來西亞站

    Youtube HD 中文字幕:

    * Muse Live Talk *
    9 march 2020 ( Mon ) 吉隆坡 Kuala Lumpur
    Time : 9:00am - 12:00pm
    Venue : Lexis Hibiscus Port Dickson

    馬來西亞工作坊 2 Days Workshop

    * Muse Chan The Lighting Man Workshop *
    Date : 11 & 12 march 2020 ( Wed , Thu )
    Time : 10am - 6pm
    Location : KL
    Fee : RM3000 ( Workshop + Live Talk )
    Fee : RM3000 ( Workshop only )
    Fee : RM300 ( Live Talk only )

    【 Details 】
    Muse Live Talk
    9 march 2020 ( Mon ) Kuala Lumpur
    Time : 9:00am - 12:00pm

    - 光線理論 Lighting Concept & Theories
    - 心路歷程分享 Experience Sharing
    - Muse 作品導航 Real Case Study
    - 新世代攝影及佈光思維 Mindsets for the New Century
    - 問答環節 Q&A
    - 抽獎 Lucky Draw

    11 & 12 march 2020 ( Wed , Thu ) Photo Shoot Section ( Outdoor )
    Day 1 :
    集合時間 Time:9.45am
    Registration Time:待定 TBC
    時尚人像攝影思維與創作外拍 Portrait Shoot Live Demonstration ( Outdoor )
    婚紗人像攝影外拍實戰 Wedding Portrait Shoot Live Demonstration ( Outdoor )

    影樓人像及Photoshop 後期製作 Studio Portrait & Photoshop Section ( Indoor )
    Day 2 :
    集合時間 Time:9:45am
    Registration Time:待定 TBC
    影樓性感時尚燈光人像攝影創作 Studio Lighting Portrait Live Demonstration
    專業後期製作Photoshop 示範 Post Production Live Demonstration
    *Farewell Dinner Gathering (option)

    條款及細則 T&C:
    - 參加者需自費吉隆坡來回交通
    - 報名一經確認便不能退款或轉換其他課程或服務
    - 報名者必須親自完成課程,若某些日子未能上課亦不可轉讓給第二方
    - 午餐需自費
    - 吉隆坡站當天下午六時完成課程,晚上的聚餐可自行決定自費參加與否
    - 工作坊若遇上下雨,活動將會改為室內進行

    -Participants are required to travel to and from Kuala Lumpur at their own expense
    -Once the registration is confirmed, there is no refund or exchange for other courses or services
    -Applicants must complete the course in person and cannot be transferred to a second party if they fail to attend the course on certain days
    -Lunch at your own expense
    -Kuala Lumpur Station will complete the course at 6 pm on the same day. Evening meals can be decided at their own expense.
    -In case of rain in the workshop, the activity will be changed to indoor

    報名方法 Registration:
    Contact:011-31914143(whatsapp) Caspar Lee
    Please Provide your Name, Contact No and Contact Email for registration.
    並列明想參加以下那個選項 Options:

    1,Fee : RM3000 ( Workshop + Live Talk )
    2,Fee : RM3000 ( Workshop only )
    3,Fee : RM300 ( Live Talk only )

    Muse Chan 攝影學會 MIWI​ / Muse Chan Photography​ / Muse Chan​ / Muse Chan MW​ /

    Organiser : Caspar Lee

  • march室內燈 在 Lola Lin 海公主蘿菈教練 Youtube 的最佳解答

    2020-03-03 05:07:15

    女性健康從溫柔生產開啟!謝醫師從人類圖 ➡️大腦駭客:讓妳輕鬆高效腦力。



    環境毒素:空氣污染、PM2.5、塑化劑、室內燈光、黴菌毒素、汞中毒(海鮮、汞鹵素燈泡、牙醫補銀粉)、美容保養化妝品➡️干擾生理週期與荷爾蒙 ; 毒性元素清除分析、檢驗重金屬殘留、荷爾蒙分析
    標靶能量共振 ➡️點滴與口服用

    🚨最新消息 - 現在開放𝟸𝟶𝟸𝟶女超人自願者 🙋🏻‍♀️⁣⁣

    超級無敵興奮發表「𝐆𝐔𝐓𝟗𝟎天療癒腸胃道|平衡荷爾蒙」華人女性必修課2.0。在我正式發佈前,我只開放10位華人女性 ➡️ 加入高效工作生活表現支持圈(妳會享有本次最大折扣)⁣⁣

    ⁣☑️ GUT90天 會讓妳在90天中得到「所有妳需要的『減脂減重增肌、療癒身心靈、反轉發炎過敏腸道』終極高效習慣養成解方」。去除小腹婆、掰掰情緒壓力、健康自信由內而外閃耀!⁣⁣

    我的女客戶用這全方位療癒系統:成功減脂增肌,達成她們的夢想目標 ➡️ 是因為我把多年來的經驗完整成療癒身心靈終極解方。女超人客戶們也分享擁有更棒的消化道、感受身體輕盈自在、心理上更活力自信、工作生活更加高效、習慣養成不再是痛點,更是精通心態致勝/潛意識,體驗生命蛻變在呼吸之間。

    我自己更是透過GUT90天成功反轉自體免疫疾病乾燥症與紅斑性狼瘡(蝴蝶病),30的我比20還美麗由內而外 🦋⁣⁣

    🙋🏻‍♀️ 這一輪是採先報名,先入選的方式。一旦額滿就不再接受報名。因此,如果妳想要,請立刻私訊我!⚡️⁣⁣


    1️. 心態致勝/潛意識 - 戒斷所有壞習慣、設定簡單環境:深入檢視妳目前運動營養睡眠、愛自己模式,放入新的習慣,去除阻礙因素⁣⁣⁣⁣
    2️. 願景與目標/預演未來 - 健康、高效工作、生活、家庭目標全得意:妳要知道方向,才能有效率地抵達⁣⁣⁣⁣
    3️. 療癒金字塔 - 睡美容覺、釋放壓力、荷爾蒙平衡飲食、聰明功能性訓練:訂定妳的優先順序,享受美食,快樂運動/動起來。妳「為什麼」要做、什麼在妳身上是最佳永續策略、不再忙碌接收網路上各種錯誤訊息⁣⁣⁣⁣
    4️. 習慣養成、行為改變科學:每天進步𝟏%、慶祝每一個小勝利,妳學會傾聽身體聲音、連結身心 ; 妳學會最大化時間分配(也就是能量分配)妳會擁有夢寐以求的每日致勝習慣⁣⁣
    5️. 女超人支持圈:人類生物本能不喜歡改變,這次,妳不需要孤獨面對。在這裡,我給予妳𝟗𝟎天𝟏𝟐週3個月的支持、每週視訊追蹤進度、共度妳的成長痛😛⁣⁣讓蛻變在90天後持續發酵⁣⁣

    ⁣^^ 以上只是冰山的一小角….⁣⁣

    我很自信地宣布 - GUT90天必修課2.0是妳遇過唯一全方位的女性健康線上課程,從根源「高效」解決妳長久困擾!⁣⁣
    如果妳想要加入, 👇🏻留言「𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟎」,我會告訴妳如何開始✨⁣

    超能力夢想學校 Gift x Super Power School
    Episode 65
    March 2, 2020

    ★ Episode details: https://share.transistor.fm/s/5cc1aae2
    ★ Additional episodes: https://lolalinocean.com

