

在 makes文法產品中有33篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過1萬的網紅竹科大小事,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 好貨來了! 轉給要考試或要用到英文的人吧!- 如何短期內學好英文: 掌握文法要點用在讀到或聽到英文 筆者長期接待外賓,整理下面的文法要點,切記要多看電視的英文節目,每天看,看的時候嘴巴跟著唸,一年後就會有很顯著的效果。 英文法總整理: About Sentences 1. 一個句子只能有一個動...

 同時也有265部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過2萬的網紅賓狗單字Bingo Bilingual,也在其Youtube影片中提到,本集節目由 EZ TALK 贊助播出 賓狗推薦的工具書: 《英語字彙力:用 1400 個詞彙打造精準溝通力》 ·最受歡迎的英語字彙書 ·出版以來穩坐 Amazon 單字書榜第一 · 進階但實用的英文單字 ·《紐約時報》、《紐約客》雜誌文章中常見的用詞 ·讓你的表達能力更到位 很多平台都買得到唷...

makes文法 在 辣媽英文天后 林俐 Carol Instagram 的精選貼文

2021-03-31 12:36:51

高二三民版孩子反應, 上回俐媽post的倒裝句文法解釋, 救了他們的第一、三課。 有些孩子則請俐媽再多解釋第二課的倒裝句構, Here we go~~ ——————————————————————- 🎡 俐媽英文教室—倒裝句篇part 2: 3️⃣ 「雖然」的倒裝句: ❗️Adj./ Adv....

  • makes文法 在 竹科大小事 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-04-12 11:30:27
    有 398 人按讚

    好貨來了! 轉給要考試或要用到英文的人吧!-
    如何短期內學好英文: 掌握文法要點用在讀到或聽到英文



    About Sentences
    1. 一個句子只能有一個動詞(兩個動詞在一起會打架), 當主詞和受詞的一定是名詞(或做名詞用) , 一定要形容詞或名詞才能當補語(補充語意)
    2. 助動詞和 be 動詞的否定在後面直接加 not 即可
    3. 有疑問詞的問句,疑問詞要擺最前面, 有助動詞和 be 動詞的疑問句,要把助動詞或 be 動詞移到主詞前
    4. 用什麼助動詞問,就用什麼助動詞回答, 一般動詞的否定和疑問要用助動詞
    5. 祈使句要用動詞原形, 祈使句的否定在前面加 Don't 或 never
    6. 間接問句不是問句,如: I know what it is. what it is不是問句,是一個名詞子句,或想成一個大名詞組。
    7. 關係子句多半是形容詞子句,形容前面的先行詞,如: I see a man who lives there.
    11. 某處有某物要用“There is(are) ...”的句型
    12.整句當名詞: 名詞子句 I think he is a nice man. (he is a nice man相當於it 這件事)

    About Nouns.
    1. 一個名詞在句中當主詞或受詞或補語
    2. 普通名詞前面要有冠詞,要不然就是後面要加 -s 或 -es
    3. 有特指的名詞前面要有定冠詞 the (特定或特指)/相對a或 an 用在沒有特指的東西上
    4. 人稱代名詞的用法要熟悉,如: I my me mine 其中my 具形容詞特性。

    About Verbs.
    0. 動詞的種類包括: be (am is are, was were, been, be) has (has have had) do (does do did) 一般動詞 go, cut, walk ...
    1. 及物動詞後一定要有受詞,不及物動詞後不能接受詞
    2. 不完全的(及物和不及物)動詞後面,一定有補語
    3. 助動詞後用原形動詞 Did he come here?
    4. 連綴動詞後面要用形容詞 She looks beautiful.
    5. 主詞第三人稱單數,現在式一般動詞要加 +s 或 +es -y+ies
    6. 過去完成式要有過去式引導 He had come here since yesterday.
    7. if 句型: if 子跟主要子句是相對應的,如:
    A. if 現在式, 主要子句現在式或未來式
    B. if 過去, 主要would have +過去分詞
    C.if 過去完成 (would have pp), 主要子句 過去完成 (would have pp)
    8. 使役動詞後面用原形動詞(受詞主動去做某事時) He makes her cry. 或,
    使役動詞後面用過去分詞(受詞被....時) He makes it done.
    9. 感官動詞後面用原形動詞或現在分詞(受詞主動去做某事時) He sees her go.

    About Adjectives.
    1. 形容詞形容名詞
    2. 形容詞如果只有一個字,放在名詞前面,顏色大小好壞..有順序性 a red good pen
    3. 動詞的過去分詞可當形容詞用(放名詞後倒修飾名詞) He read a book written by Mr. Wang.
    4. 所有格後面要 + 名詞 所有格+名詞可以用所有格代名詞來代替 my book=mine.
    5. 現在分詞有主動和進行中的意思,過去分詞則有被動和已經完成的意思
    6. 冠詞、指示性形容詞、所有格不能同時形容一名詞
    7. a friend of mine = one of my friends
    8. 定冠詞加形容詞等於那一類名詞的複數 the public = people
    9. 形容詞的原級、比較級、最高級規律和不規律的變化要記得good//better//the best

    About Adverbs.
    1. 副詞修飾動詞、或形容詞或其他副詞
    2. 頻率副詞的位置: be 動詞後、一般動詞前、助動詞和本動詞之間

    About Prepositions.
    1. 介系詞+名詞 形成介系詞片語 當 副詞片語用 修飾動詞 或 整句
    2. 介系詞後面動詞要加 -ing,介系詞後面要加什麼樣的名詞是固定的 要背起來

    About Conjunctions.
    1. 對等連接詞連接的一定是兩個對等的東西 He and she are students.
    2. 兩個句子不能用「,」連接


  • makes文法 在 Ken's Portable Classroom Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-03-25 19:05:33
    有 153 人按讚

    🖐🏽 五分鐘,Ken帶您看懂BBC報導

    🎁 第二波抽書活動:
    底下👍點讚 + 🔗分享 + ✏留言

    🎊 第一波中獎學員: 蔡馥如

    📰 Why self-promotion doesn't have to be taboo?

    🀄 為什麼自我推銷不必忌諱?

    Many of us instinctively hate the idea of blowing our own trumpets. Yet it's important to understand how best to highlight our skills – especially now.

    📌 第一段說明,我們許多人instinctively(本能地)討厭blowing our trumpets (自我吹捧)。然而,在這時代,要了解如何顯示我們的才能是很重要的。

    The mere idea of self-promotion makes many people wince. Trumpet-blowing is something a lot of us aren’t good at and that’s no surprise, given we’re taught as children that ‘boasting’ isn’t an attractive quality. “We get hung up on self-promotion coming across as arrogant,” explains Stefanie Sword-Williams, author of F*ck Being Humble: Why Self Promotion Isn’t a Dirty Word. “But if you’re not an arrogant person, you won’t deliver it in that way.”

    📌 本段說明,自我推銷的想法使許多人wince (畏縮)。Trumpet-blowing (自我吹捧) 是我們很多人都不擅長的事,其實不奇怪。因為我們從小就被教導說 boasting (吹牛) 並不是一種吸引人的特質。 《X你的謙虛》作者威廉史瓦特就說:「為什麼 self-promotion (自我推銷) 不是一個不好的詞? 但是,如果您不是一個 arrogant (自大的)人,您不會讓人有那樣的感覺。」

    In fact, taking pride in your professional accomplishments should be considered a normal part of life, not a taboo, experts say. Highlighting your skills well can feed into workplace success, and whether you’re changing jobs, want to move up at work or show your boss what you’ve been achieving, being able to self-promote effectively is an advantage.

    📌 本段說明,專家表示,實際上,以自己的專業 accomplishments (成就) 為榮,應該被視為生活的正常部分,而不是taboo (禁忌)。出色地展示自己的技能可以促進工作場所的成功,無論您是要換工作,想升職還是向老闆展示您所取得的成就,能夠effectively (有效)自我推銷都是一個優勢。

    Right now, the need to ‘self-sell’ has arguably never been greater, as pandemic-hit businesses weigh up what they do – and don’t – need going forward. It’s particularly true for some groups; women, who traditionally struggle to promote themselves, have been particularly affected by the Covid-19 recession, for example. Home workers could also benefit; research shows that they suffer from a lack of face-to-face time with managers, which negatively impacts career progression.

    📌 這段說到:目前,可以說“自售” 的需求從未如此強大,因為受到疫情打擊的企業weigh up (權衡)了他們要做的事情和不需要做的事情。對於某些群體來說尤其如此;例如,傳統上為提升自我而 struggle (奮鬥)的女性尤其受到 Covid-19 衰退的影響。家庭工人也可以受益;研究表明,他們缺乏與經理面對面的時間,這會對職業發展產生負面影響。

    “If we don’t invest the time in demonstrating our value, we run the risk of not being considered as ‘needed’,” explains Sword-Williams. “The content you put out about yourself is what you will be known for – so it’s essential that you control that narrative.”

    📌 Sword-Williams 解釋說:“如果我們不花時間 demonstrate(證明) 自己的價值,那麼我們就有被認為不是'需要'的 risk (風險)。” “發布給自己的內容就是您將廣為人知的內容—因此,控制該 narrative (敘述)至關重要。”

    Post-pandemic, how we promote ourselves could help determine whether we thrive in the workplace or linger, overlooked, on the side lines. That means overcoming squeamishness and learning how to explain our skillset properly. Fortunately, it’s something we can all master.

    📌 疫情發生之後,我們如何推銷自己可以幫助確定我們在工作場所 thrive (茁壯成長),或是在職場上 linger (徘徊)被忽視。這意味著要克服 squeamishness (神經質),學習如何正確地解釋我們的技能。幸運的是,這是我們所有人都能掌握的東西。

    In its simplest form, self-promotion is the act of drawing attention to your work and achievements. Whether it’s a post shared on your LinkedIn, an email check-in with your boss or a conversation with an important contact, self-promotion shines a spotlight on your successes with a view to developing a personal brand, furthering a career or asserting yourself in your field. It’s a skill that’s as important for someone trying to get on the employment ladder as it is for a CEO.

    📌 在最簡單的形式中,自我推銷是一種引起對您的工作和成就的關注的行為。無論是在LinkedIn上分享貼文,與老闆的電子郵件,還是與重要聯繫人對話,自我推銷都將 spotlight (聚焦) 於您的成功,以發展個人品牌,促進事業或在自己領域建立聲譽。對於想get on the employment (升職)的人來說,這項技能與對於首席執行官的一樣重要。

    全文: https://reurl.cc/OX61jv

    📓【Ken的文法筆記 I】
    🟠翻譯 X 詳解 已上傳資料庫🟣
    購買請至➜ https://is.gd/5Kp6M0

    📘【Ken的高頻單字筆記 I】
    購買請至➜ https://is.gd/zdxeF0

    購買請至➜ https://reurl.cc/m95QDl

  • makes文法 在 Hapa Eikaiwa Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-01-24 06:00:36
    有 102 人按讚

    1) Mistake
    一般的にMistakeを一言で使う場合、「間違える」のように動詞としてではなく、間違った行為による結果「間違い」すなわち名詞として使います。例えば、英文を訂正している先生が「I found some mistakes.(間違いをいくつか見つけました)」という具合で使われます。
    ✔Mistakeを動詞として使うこともできますが、日常会話では一般的ではありません。もし、動詞として使う場合は、「I mistook him/her for _____(〜と人間違いをする)」のような使い方があります。
    Make sure you look over your answers. Don't make careless mistakes.
    Buying this car was a mistake.
    I didn't find any mistakes. Great job!
    2) By mistake
    この表現はby accidentと似ていますが、不注意やボーッとしていることが原因で「間違えて〜をする」のニュアンスが含まれます。例えば、携帯をいじっていて間違えて違う電車に乗ってしまった時は「I got on the wrong train by mistake.」と表現します。
    ✔By mistakeは文末に加えましょう。
    I bought the wrong textbook by mistake.
    Sorry, I took your cell phone home by mistake.
    I did the wrong homework assignment by mistake.
    3) Make a mistake
    間違えた行為を表す場合はMake a mistakeが使われます。何かにミスをしたり間違えた動作をMistakeを使って表現する場合は必ず“make”の動詞を加える必要があります。「間違えました」はシンプルに「I made a mistake.」と表現します。
    Please correct me if I make a mistake.
    He makes a lot of grammatical mistakes.
    It's ok to make mistakes. That's how you grow.

  • makes文法 在 賓狗單字Bingo Bilingual Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2021-07-07 16:00:01

    本集節目由 EZ TALK 贊助播出

    《英語字彙力:用 1400 個詞彙打造精準溝通力》

    ·出版以來穩坐 Amazon 單字書榜第一
    · 進階但實用的英文單字



    1 【wanderlust 旅遊慾】 - 名詞
    Felix spent his twenties trying to satisfy his wanderlust, visiting no fewer than 50 countries on four continents.

    · the strong and constant desire to travel
    · he desire for wandering
    · lust 很強烈的性慾
    · 英國雜誌 Wanderlust Travel Magazine

    2 【tantalize 撩撥;吊人胃口】- 動詞
    The photos of white sand beaches he hung in his office merely tantalized Robert; he never could find time fo a vacation.

    · To torment someone with something they want without ever giving it to them
    · Tantalus 神話人物

    3【restive 躁動不安的】 - 形容詞
    The citizens became restive in the wake of the earthquake, their supplies dwindling and little relief on the horizon.

    · restless, agitated
    · restful: that makes you feel relaxed and peaceful
    · This music is very restful.
    · 人覺得 restive:人躁動不安
    · 事物 restful:事物讓人放鬆

    單字書, 工具書, 背單字, 英文單字, 字彙量, 不死背, Vocabulary Builder Workbook, 亞馬遜, 排行榜, Amazon



    你英文想變更好嗎?快來 PressPlay 訂閱賓狗:

    · 免費試用 3 天
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    · 一次掌握頂尖學習資源:文法、發音、口說及更多


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    賓狗的 FB

    陪賓狗錄 podcast:

    【Podcast的廣告效益 - 學生問卷】
    5-10 分鐘,幫學生一個忙,還可以抽獎喔!

    學術單位:國立臺北商業大學 企業管理系 研究所與大學部學生
    抽獎資格:只要有在 Podcast 節目中聽過廣告內容的經驗,填寫問卷並留下Email,都有機會參加抽獎!

    你想要高品質中英對照新聞嗎?訂閱《風傳媒》,就能隨意暢讀華爾街日報的新聞,中英對照喔!原價一年一萬四,立刻降到三千九,趕快透過賓狗的專屬連結訂閱吧: https://events.storm.mg/member/BGWSJ/

    跟賓狗 Line 聊天:

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  • makes文法 在 Youji Youtube 的最佳解答

    2020-08-11 05:05:30

    Please subscribe and give me a like!

    The title of this stream is just testing which Japanese will realize it's wrong grammar.

    ~~~ アドバタイズ / Advertisement ~~~

    ?...チャンネルメンバー登録 / Resister as a Channel Member

    このチャンネルがお気に召しましたら / If you like my channel

    ~~~ 日本語 / Japanese ~~~








    * 初参加の方にはチャットで質問をしますのでお答え下さい。
    * 人数が多い場合は交代制にします。チャンネルメンバーシップを持ってる方は交代されにくくなります!
    * ゲーム内の名前の後ろに「†DRYH」を付けている方は、ぼくが観戦している時にカメラに映します。そのため、インスタントリプレイに採用されやすくなります。


    * チャットには書かないで下さいな。
    * フレンド申請を送ったら”必ず”Switchで使っているお名前を教えて下さい!
    * すみませんが、名前が変わってて誰か分からない方と、人数合わせが必要なプラベを事前報告(最低1試合分前)無しで抜ける方は即解除です。次やる時にまた送って下さい。


    * チャットには書かないで下さいな。


    * 暴言・煽りはそっちの自由。だが、裁くのはこっちの自由だ。
    * リグマやプラベを抜けたい時は事前報告(最低1試合分前)をお願いします。
    * 現在遊んでいるのと別のモードをやりたいorやらないのかと聞くのはお辞めなさい。こちらで進行します。
    * 回線落ちなどで他人に迷惑を掛けたら謝りましょう!幼稚園で習いましたよね。
    * 試合中の回線落ちが複数回発生した方は、次回の枠までの参加を却下する可能性があります。
    * 英語圏リスナーさんのチャットの翻訳は受け付けておりません。
    * 不良ではないのでタイマンはしません。大人なのでかくれんぼもしません。



    * 放置や意図的な回線切断
    * 裏部屋の作成・やり取り
    * 他プレイヤーに対する指示・文句
    * 自分や他人の個人情報の開示
    * 個人的なネガティブな話
    * リスナー同士の他人が混ざれない会話
    * 似た・同じ内容の発言の繰り返し
    * 宣伝・売名行為
    * その他公序良俗に反する発言



    例:「eng こんにちは」→「Hello」




    ~~~ English / 英語 ~~~


    Hello my name is Youji. I'm a Japanese American that lives in the U.S. I can speak Japanese and English. Nice to meet you.

    ?...About Stream

    I’ll play regular, league, salmon run but I mostly play private battles. What game mode I do mainly depends on time or how many people are able to play.

    Please follow my instructions when we play league or salmon run. Please read below about the Private Battle rating system.

    ?...About Private Battle Rating

    It’s special private battles that make no rank gaps between the both teams as much as possible.

    * I'll ask you a question on the chat if this is the first time you are playing this.
    * If there are many players, We’ll taking turns to spectate or leave.
    * If you put “†DRYH” after your in-game name, I’ll put you into my camera when I spectate. This makes you have a high chance to be on instant replays.

    ?...My Friend Code

    * Do not type this friend code on the chat.
    * If you sent a friend request, you MUST tell me your in game name!
    * I’ll delete you if I don’t recognze you because you changed your in game name or if you leave my league or private battle without telling me in advance (at least 1 game). Please send it again next time.


    * Do not type this password on the chat.


    *You will be punished if you choose to disrespect others or squidbag.
    * I want you to tell me in advance (at least 1 game ahead) when you want to leave from my league or private battle.
    * Do not ask to play the other modes.
    * If you annoy others (eg. disconnect on purpose), you should have the decency to apologize. I assume that is a basic manner you already learned in kindergarten.
    * If you disconnect often, then I might ask you not to play again until the next stream.

    ?... Warnings

    Please be mindful of your actions. Even if it’s not listed on here I warned you.

    * Don't go AFK or disconnect on purpose
    * Boss people around or tell others what to do
    * Reveal you or someone else's personal information
    * Talk about your personal negative stories
    * Talk to other viewers about personal topics that no one else can understand or relate to
    * Posting the same or similar messages over and over
    * Advertising
    * Any other inappropriate talking


    You may use these commands inside “” to have Nightbot to react you. The same command can be used only once in 5 seconds.

    It gonna translate English sentence to Japanese
    e.g.: “jpn Hello” → “こんにちは”

    It tells you the local time in Japan.

    Try it then you'll know.

    “:hmm::eng:” (Stamps only for channel members)
    It tells you what you are thinking.

    Have a good time and best of luck❗️


    Support the stream: https://streamlabs.com/youjiman

  • makes文法 在 さわけん Youtube 的精選貼文

    2020-01-07 21:32:05

    JAPANESE SUSHI 101 簡単なお寿司講座
    0:10 から 2:05 まで

    Japanese people are usually very surprised and pleased to learn that foreigners actually can eat sushi.
    It seems that in Japan most people still don't know how wildly insanely popular sushi is overseas. However, in the Western world there's still a lot of misunderstanding and misinformation about what sushi actually is.
    For example, I'm sure that many of you have had this conversation before.

    Hey, do you wanna go have some sushi?
    Sushi? What's that?
    Umm. You know, it's like raw fish?

    This is actually not true. It's a common misconception that sushi equals raw fish. But actually sushi refers to the way that the rice is prepared. The rice is vinegared and that's what makes it such a perfect match with raw fish. Don't be mistaken. Not all sushi is raw fish and not all raw fish is sushi.
    So today I bought all kinds of Japanese sushi and even some things that are not sushi, and I'd like to explain the difference to you today.
    First, usually in Japan when we talk about eating sushi or getting sushi, we don't mean the rolls. It's actually much more common to eat nigiri sushi which is the vinegared rice on the bottom and the "neta" the fish on the top.
    We've got shrimp. We've got egg. We've got anago. We've got salmon. We've got everything.
    That isn't to say that rolls don't exist at all in Japan, but there definitely isn't quite the variety that you will find overseas.
    This is called a salad roll. It has egg, imitation crab, some tuna and a cucumber. It's no Philadelphia or caterpillar roll, but in terms of complicated rolled sushi, this is about as good as it's gonna get.
    My favorite type of Japanese rolled sushi is Tekka Maki which is just tuna. I love how this side is super clean and then on this side you can see all the fish coming out.
    However, this is sashimi. Sashimi is not sushi. Sashimi is usually raw slices of fish placed on top of daikon, meaning there's no rice involved and therefore it is not sushi.



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