

在 mainland中文產品中有54篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過12萬的網紅國際狗語日報 X 百靈果News,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 剛剛運動的時候邊聽BBC Podcast,突然聽到台灣公司買疫苗的關鍵字,沒想到仔細一聽報導差點沒吐血。BBC竟然報導台灣政府為了"保住顏面","不願意"購買BNT疫苗。但卻隻字不提台灣所面臨來自中國的巨大外交及軍事威脅。 BBC News 中文(繁體)這麼偏頗可以嗎? 如果要報導中台關係 與其...

 同時也有301部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過30萬的網紅吳鳳Rifat,也在其Youtube影片中提到,第一次踏上這塊土地一直到現在,許多海外的朋友問我一樣的問題!到底台灣是泰國嗎?或者台灣是一個國家嗎? 我知道這個是一個敏感的議題,我也不是政治人物,但是民主的社會就是可以自由的討論。而且身為台灣新住民的我,更有幫台灣發聲的責任。 這次的影片是我的新系列「土耳其看見台灣」第二集!我為了這集自己在家...

mainland中文 在 Takashi Murakami Instagram 的最佳解答

2021-05-11 20:42:49

中国的朋友们 中国现正处于极其艰难的状况之中,謹此献上由衷的问候之意。我们将心比心與各位共体时艰,且让我们一起用积极的心态,持续温暖守护一定会迎来的光明未来! 在此非常时期写下如此带有宣传意味的文字实在是惶恐至极。数日前我的专刊通过「知日」出版了。艺术活动表现痛苦与开放的反差,这里记录了制作过程中...

  • mainland中文 在 國際狗語日報 X 百靈果News Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-07-13 18:20:51
    有 726 人按讚

    剛剛運動的時候邊聽BBC Podcast,突然聽到台灣公司買疫苗的關鍵字,沒想到仔細一聽報導差點沒吐血。BBC竟然報導台灣政府為了"保住顏面","不願意"購買BNT疫苗。但卻隻字不提台灣所面臨來自中國的巨大外交及軍事威脅。

    BBC News 中文(繁體)這麼偏頗可以嗎?
    如果要報導中台關係 與其武斷下結論 希望這位記者有機會來台灣了解

    BBC News, Taiwan is facing serious military and diplomatic threats from the Chinese government. How can you jump to the conclusion that the government is “RELUCTANT to purchase vaccines” in order to “SAVE FACE”. Isn't your report too biased?



    Two Taiwnese firms have taken matters into their own hands to buy a large consignment of Pfizer Biontech Covid jabs after the government was reluctant to purchase the medicine because it’s being distributed by a company based in mainland China.

    Asia Pacific editor Michael: “Taiwan and China are currently locked in this bitter diplomatic dispute over the future status of Taiwan. China wants it to be part of China. Taiwan thinks it should be independent. That’s the background. So in Taiwan over recent months there’s been a surge of Covid cases, and the Taiwanese government has been desperate to get hold of vaccines. It got AZ, got Moderna. It hasn’t been able to get the Pfizer Biontech. That’s because in that region, in East Asia, it’s been distributed by a Chinese company. Taiwanese government was unwilling because of those reasons I just mentioned to deal directly with a Chinese company. So what’s happened is these two Taiwanese firms stepped in: they bought 10 million doses of Pfizer Biontech vaccines from this Chinese company and they are going to hand it over to Taiwan. They spent 350 million dollars. In effect, these companies have acted as intermediate just so that the Taiwanese government can save face not to deal directly with this Chinese company.

  • mainland中文 在 蕭叔叔英式英文學會 Uncle Siu's British English Club Facebook 的最佳解答

    2020-08-13 21:49:26
    有 5,754 人按讚



    We regret the US decision to require all products made in Hong Kong to be labelled “Made in China”.

    Such labels, while factually and geopolitically accurate (after all Hong Kong IS a part of China), are not indicative of the differences in manufacturing practices, customs, and legal requirements.

    This is not, I must stress, a matter of us distancing ourselves from mainland China - the excellent quality of Chinese products is well known across the world and is something that Hong Kong aspires to. But it is with a view to honest communication and helping our trading partners make informed decisions, that we insist Hong Kong products be labelled “Made in Hong Kong”.



  • mainland中文 在 BBC News 中文(繁體) Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2020-07-12 16:01:41
    有 624 人按讚




    Hong Kong's National Security law came into effect on June 30 Hong Kong's National Security law covers four counts of " secession, subversion of state authorities, terrorist activities and collusion with foreign or foreign powers with the maximum penalty is life imprisonment.

    This law gives Beijing to create more national security agencies and personnel directly in Hong Kong, and in some cases are not subject to Hong Kong's local laws. Some cases can be investigated, prosecuted and trial directly by people sent by Beijing in Hong Kong, and trial in the mainland. And worries.

    BBC Chinese makes the following five charts to give you a detailed interpretation of this highly controversial legislation.

    Related article: https://www.bbc.com/zhongwen/trad/chinese-news-53332916Translated