

在 lymphoma中文產品中有4篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過34萬的網紅PTT Gossiping 批踢踢八卦板,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 『為了這件事攻擊陳佩琪我覺得有失公允 陳本身就是出現靜脈血栓的高危險群 靜脈血栓的高危險群包含女性、40歲以上、癌症病史 尤其癌症和靜脈血栓的關聯性連在學校的醫學生都知道 Pubmed上就一大堆文章 找一篇簡單的中文資料給大家看 http://www.tsim.org.tw/journal/jou...

 同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過78的網紅Forrest Ackerman,也在其Youtube影片中提到,I Am My Father's Son is a film about love, family, and cancer. It explores what it means to be a husband and father through the lens of a son—all set ...

  • lymphoma中文 在 PTT Gossiping 批踢踢八卦板 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-05-22 12:30:10
    有 908 人按讚



    (如淋巴瘤lymphoma、白血病leukemia或非何杰金氏淋巴瘤non-Hodgkins' lymphoma)




    Re: [新聞] 陳佩琪低頭接種AZ疫苗 梁文傑:知錯能改 善莫大焉! https://disp.cc/b/163-dzHm |新聞原文【新頭殼報導。僅供參考】 https://disp.cc/b/163-dzzI

  • lymphoma中文 在 Vegan Kitty Cat Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2020-10-02 11:51:09
    有 124 人按讚

    💚 Veggie World Expo 💚



    1) 有五位我的好朋友來支持我,雖然其中三位聽不懂中文,根本不知道我在講什麼。❤️
    2) 有些觀眾告訴我,這是他們第一次發現自己的飲食有多麼不健康,接下來也想要做出改變。💪
    3) 許多人跟我說他們很喜歡這樣互動性的分享模式,而不是講者在台上單方面講話。事實上,我自己以前是經營個人成長學校、主持工作坊出身的,非常在意互動性這件事情,個人也完全受不了那種ppt充滿文字、台上滔滔不絕、台下是誰在聽都無所謂的活動。所以放心,不管我主持什麼分享會或活動,都會是高互動性的。😉
    4) 最後這個反饋實在讓我哭笑不得......有個女生很驚訝也很感動跟我說「哇,你的中文好好呀!」 🤨😓😂



    Last Friday I had the honor of presenting on behalf of NutritionFacts.org at Veggie World Shanghai, sharing about the health benefits of a whole food plant-based diet. During check-in, participants were invited to find a partner they didn’t already know, introduce themselves, and share why the topic of health is important for them. Then I shared my personal reason for caring about the topic - I’ve lost too many family members to chronic diseases. Breast cancer, pancreatic cancer, lung cancer, lymphoma, stroke, heart disease, kidney disease...you name it. Growing up, I couldn’t really help my grandma, uncles and aunts while they suffered. But now I can help others and their loved ones to not go through what I’ve been through. Later, I introduced our organization, played two of Dr. Greger's videos, and invited everyone to practice using his Daily Dozen checklist to incorporate more healthy foods into their diet.

    There were a few highlights for me: 1) Five friends of mine came to support me, even though three of them wouldn’t really understand what I was talking about. ❤️ 2) Some participants told me that it was the first time they realized how unhealthy their diet has been, and they’d like to change that. 💪 3) Many people told me they appreciated the interactive process, that it was more than just a presentation where the audience sits and listens. Well, I’m a host/facilitator who personally can’t stand presentations with busy ppt slides...so whatever I host is always going to be participatory! 😉 4) And here comes the best comment...”Wow, your Chinese is sooo good!” Not sure how to respond to that. Thanks...? 🤨😓😂

    I’m very grateful for the opportunity to do meaningful work, contribute to the well-being of others and myself, and enjoy human connection, especially during a global pandemic where so many are still isolated at home. Sometimes I do lose hope in humanity and the state of the world. But it’s moments like this that touch my heart and remind me to keep going. 🌱
    Love you Andrea, Dawn, Lily, Mariana and Narayan ❤️

  • lymphoma中文 在 CiCi Li Facebook 的最佳解答

    2019-09-06 03:27:37
    有 27 人按讚

    Check out this amazing Chinese movie! The " Origin Bound " premiere in New York will be held in Manhattan on September 14. The main actors will meet the audience and a press conference will be held!


    Origin Bound is an inspirational film, full of positive information, bringing warmth, brightness and hope. The story is about a famous movie star, facing the last 100 days life of countdown, how to face, how to reverse life, how to create miracles. Finally the hope and miracles are created in desperation!

    Anthology Film Archives
    放映厅: Courthouse Theater

    時間/Date and Time
    9月14日下午2点 (1:30入场) 随后召開新聞發佈會 /Sept. 14th 2:00pm. following press conference
    9月15日上午10:45(10:30入场)/ Sept. 15th 10:45am

    地點/Address :
    32 Second Avenue (at 2nd St.)
    New York, NY 10003 USA


    This Friday, there will be on-site ticket sales in the big group Fa study in Manhattan and Middletown.

    电话售票/ Phone ticketing:

    賣票中英粵語熱線(Chinese/ English/Cantonese): +1(718)2869575

    賣票中文熱線(Chinese): +1(201)4567562


    2019 NYCA Best Feature Film 2019紐約電影攝影獎“月度最佳故事長片”

    2019 WOW Official Selection 2019突尼斯WOW電影節官方入圍

    Accolade Global Film Competition Award 2019:

    Award of Merit: Actor: Leading (Guangyu Jiang as Howard Wang)美阿克萊德電影節"男主角“最佳成就獎”

    Award of Merit: Direction 美阿克萊德電影節2019導演“最佳成就獎”

    Award of Merit: Film Feature 美阿克萊德電影節2019劇情長片“最佳成就獎”

    OFFICIALSELECTION-UK Wales International Film Festival 2019英國威爾士國際電影節最佳長片類別入圍

    2019 Top Indie Film Awards Nominee of best editing 2019日本最佳獨立電影節"最佳剪輯提名"

    2019 Top Indie Film Awards Nominee of best original idea 2019日本最佳獨立電影節"最佳原創提名"

    2019 Top Indie Film Awards Nominee of best writing 2019日本最佳獨立電影節"最佳編劇提名"

    2019 Top Indie Film Awards Nominee of no budget spirit 2019日本最佳獨立電影節"無預算勵志獎提名"

    World Premiere Win Origin Bound actor 世界首映電影獎2019春季評選“最佳男主角獎”

    World Premiere Win Origin Bound actress 世界首映電影獎2019春季評選“最佳女主角獎”


  • lymphoma中文 在 Forrest Ackerman Youtube 的最佳解答

    2020-10-18 00:46:04

    I Am My Father's Son is a film about love, family, and cancer. It explores what it means to be a husband and father through the lens of a son—all set during a year of unknown regarding health and the future. Features two original songs by my dad's high school band with my dad as guitarist.

    Shot on an iPhone with an add-on anamorphic lens by Moment.

    Filming, Recording and Editing - Forrest Ackerman
    拍攝、錄製與編輯 - 陳霍越

    Music Credit (In Order):

    Dad Playing Guitar

    Hiraeth: Scott Buckley

    Someone I Once Knew: Dad’s High School Band

    Take Time to Live: Dad’s High School Band

    Update: Dad's high school band mate passed away from Lymphoma this past week. (October 2020)

