

在 lymph中文產品中有2篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過1,282的網紅淋巴水腫專科物理治療師/陳品君物理治療師 Ping- Chun Chen Physiotherapist,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, ❌不需要直接按壓淋巴結 ⭕刺激淋巴管,❌而不是刺激淋巴結 促進淋巴流動,加速淋巴循環. 其實是要傳送訊號給淋巴收集管上方的肌肉。 當平滑肌接收到訊號,就會整體加快收縮。 ✅但大部分淋巴結是沒有平滑肌 (極少部分的器官旁淋巴結上可能有,但那也是觸碰不到的深層) 👩‍⚕️個案問, 要不要壓腋下淋巴結...

 同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過8,650的網紅云子,也在其Youtube影片中提到,贊助支持:https://www.patreon.com/Swbbjj instagram shop : https://www.instagram.com/sw.idea? My Auction Secondhand : https://hk.carousell.com/swbbj/ #香...

  • lymph中文 在 淋巴水腫專科物理治療師/陳品君物理治療師 Ping- Chun Chen Physiotherapist Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-05-31 17:22:20
    有 79 人按讚


    促進淋巴流動,加速淋巴循環. 其實是要傳送訊號給淋巴收集管上方的肌肉。

    要不要壓腋下淋巴結 ?? 要不要壓腹股溝(鼠蹊)淋巴結 ??要壓幾下,多大力??


    淋巴結有沒有腫大,是治療師每次執行治療時都需要去觀察的,若有莫名腫大,我們需要判斷是否有急性感染, 是否身體免疫系統出現問題,若出現問題,我們才能加快轉診或提醒個案注意皮膚傷口或免疫狀況。

    👉上肢: 可以藉由延展stretch手臂內側皮膚或身體側邊靠近腋下的位置,給予神經訊號在這些鄰近位置來幫忙,但不需要真的壓到淋巴結

    👉下肢: 同樣可以延展大腿內側,臀部,下腹部位置的皮膚給予淋巴管道刺激, 而不需要壓鼠蹊部.

    👩‍⚕️No need to press the lymph
    nodes directly

    ✅Stimulate the lymph vessels, not the lymph nodes.

    Increase lymphatic flow and accelerate lymphatic circulation. In fact, it is to send a signal to the smooth muscles of the collector lymphatic vessel.
    When the nerves of the smooth muscle receives the signal, it will accelerate the contraction.
    But most lymph nodes have no smooth muscle.

    The cases asked,
    Do they need to press the axillary lymph nodes?? Do they want to press the groin lymph nodes??
    How much pressure, how many times?

    👉Actually, you don’t need to press directly on the lymph nodes.

    If you want to speed up the lymphatic circulation of the upper or lower limbs:
    Upper extremity: You can stretch the skin on the inside of the arm or the side of the body near the armpit. (Give nerve signals to the smooth muscles and help in these nearby locations, without actually pressing the lymph nodes directly.)

    Lower limbs: It can also stretch the inner thighs, buttocks, and lower abdomen to stimulate the lymphatic vessels.
    No need to press the groin lymph nodes directly.

    @ Taichung, Taiwan

  • lymph中文 在 吃喝玩乐Infinity.C Facebook 的最佳解答

    2018-11-15 18:12:41
    有 0 人按讚

    【这是我的父亲】 【My father is fighting oral cancer】
    图摘source:Sin Chew Daily星洲日报 15/11/2018

    My father was diagnosed with stage 4 Oral squamous cell carcinoma with spread to cervical lymph node 2 months ago. He was the sole breadwinner as a lorry driver before he quit due to this condition. My mother had benign brain tumor 5 years back and was operated twice and was unable to work since then. I have an elder sister who is working now with income just merely enough for the family expenses and a younger brother who is still studying under PTPTN loan. I am doing my BDS degree under scholarship.
    My father wishes to get treatment done in GuangZhou. As a daughter, I fully respect him and his decision and I know I need to support him, in every way I can. The medical bill costs around RM76, 000 and is a huge burden for my family. Despite of lacking of fund, due to the urgency of his condition, the only choice we are left with is to depart for treatment on 16th November(tomorrw) while continue with fundraising here in Malaysia. I am asking for help here to make my father's journey a little easier and less stressful. Whether it's prayer, spreading words around or donation. Anything helps even the smallest amount and it all adds up.
    We are thankful for any and all of the support we will receive.
    Donation enquiry please whatsapp: :0174670502
    【Fund donation】
    Account number: 4625275103
    Name: Loke Weng Kheong
    Bank: Public bank

    For non-Malaysian, please visit https://www.simplygiving.com/…/help-my-dad-fight-oral-cancer for more info and offer us some help.

    [有意捐助的善心人士请whatsapp 筹款服务热线:0174670502 ]
    Account number: 4625275103
    Name: Loke Weng Kheong
    Bank: Public bank

    #fundraising #crowdfunding #cancer #oralcancer #癌症 #筹款

