

在 lying躺產品中有4篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過4萬的網紅喬的英文筆記 Joe's English Learning Notes,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 【喬的回顧系列:英文中十個常錯的用法!】 喬今天要請各位同學來回顧這一篇,也許很多人也犯過同樣的錯,一起來溫故知新或者警戒自我吧! 喬今天幫各位整理常犯文法錯誤之中文版以及自己以前批改學生作業的經驗,在這邊跟各位同學做分享,祝各位寫作越來越好: 1. affect與effect的混淆 ...

 同時也有17部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過39萬的網紅May Fit,也在其Youtube影片中提到,居家20分鐘蜜桃臀訓練 (含伸展&暖身) Side to side banded squat 阻力深蹲螃蟹走 Banded Monster walk 怪獸行走 Banded squat pulses 深蹲跳頓 Standing banded abduction 站姿阻力開合 Rest...

lying躺 在 Barrel Leaf 桶子葉 by Nora Instagram 的最佳解答

2021-09-03 11:59:59

Have you ever felt that you've been busy all day but you don't feel quite accomplished at the end of the day?⁠ ⁠ That's me pretty much every day this ...

  • lying躺 在 喬的英文筆記 Joe's English Learning Notes Facebook 的精選貼文

    2016-03-07 21:23:01
    有 51 人按讚



    1. affect與effect的混淆
    [1] effect (n.) = a change that is a result or consequence of an action or other cause 「效應」、「影響」
    例1: The radiation leak has had a disastrous effect on/upon the environment.
    例2: I tried taking tablets for the headache but they didn’t have any effect.
    例3: I think I’m suffering from the effects of too little sleep.

    [2] effect (V.) = cause (something) to happen; bring about 「使(某事)發生:導致」切記不是「影響」的意思,許多字典上也會告知讀者不可以跟”affect”混用
    例: The new machines finally effected the transition to computerized accounting last spring.

    [3] affect (V.) = have an affect on; make a difference to 「影響」「侵襲」「感染」「打動」
    例1: Both buildings were badly affected by the fire. 「侵襲」
    例2: The divorce affected every aspect of her life.「影響」
    例3: It’s a disease which affects mainly older people.「侵擾」
    例4: I was deeply affected by the film. (= It caused strong feelings in me). 「打動」

    2. 把than寫成then
    (O) His dog is more adorable than mine.
    (X) His dog is more adorable then mine.

    3. fewer與less的用法搞混
    fewer (adj.) + 可數名詞 He keeps fewer dogs than I do.
    less (adj.) + 不可數名詞 He had less soup than I did.

    * 值得一提的是,如果是想要用”number”這個詞來表達”較少的數目”,可以說”smaller number”,為何用”smaller”呢?根據維基百科( goo.gl/f3vRxA),對於number要使用fewer還是less似乎有不少的爭議,可自行前往該網站觀覽,但是smaller number是不會錯的用法。

    4. 搞混few, a few, little, a little的用法
    few (adj.) = nearly nothing 幾乎沒有 + 可數名詞
    a few (adj.) = some but not many 很少 + 可數名詞
    little (adj.) = nearly nothing 幾乎沒有 + 不可數名詞
    a little (adj.) = some but not much 很少 + 不可數名詞

    5, 分詞構句前後主詞不一致
    例: (X) Bursting into tears, I tried to comfort Nancy.
    (O) When Nancy burst into tears, I tried to comfort her.

    6. 常常會把lie與lay搞混了,其實很多美國人也會搞混,所以多注意吧!
    lie (V.) 說謊
    lay (V.) 放置; 鋪設

    "說謊": lie-lied-lied (現在分詞:lying)
    "躺": lie-lay-lain (現在分詞:lying)
    "放置": lay-laid-laid (現在分詞:laying)

    7. 使用雙引號的時候,句號逗錯地方,逗號要逗在雙引號裡面:
    (X) “You are fabulous”.
    (O) “You are fabulous.”

    8. 否定的”也”,要用”nor”不用”not”
    例: He didn’t go to the party, nor did I.

    9. everyday與every day
    everyday是形容詞,表示每天的;every day是副詞,表示每日、每天
    (O) He wakes up at 8: 00 every day.
    (X) He wakes up at 8:00 everyday.

    10. 搞混Borrow跟lend的用法,兩者的差別其實很好記!
    borrow (V.) take and use (something that belongs to someone else) with the intention of returning it 借入
    lend (V.) grant to (someone) the use of (something) on the understanding that it shall be returned 借出

  • lying躺 在 喬的英文筆記 Joe's English Learning Notes Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2015-10-20 10:09:12
    有 46 人按讚

    【喬的回顧系列: 10個常犯英文文法錯誤】


    1. affect與effect的混淆
    [1] effect (n.) = a change that is a result or consequence of an action or other cause 「效應」、「影響」
    例1: The radiation leak has had a disastrous effect on/upon the environment.
    例2: I tried taking tablets for the headache but they didn’t have any effect.
    例3: I think I’m suffering from the effects of too little sleep.

    [2] effect (V.) = cause (something) to happen; bring about 「使(某事)發生:導致」切記不是「影響」的意思,許多字典上也會告知讀者不可以跟”affect”混用
    例: The new machines finally effected the transition to computerized accounting last spring.

    [3] affect (V.) = have an affect on; make a difference to 「影響」「侵襲」「感染」「打動」
    例1: Both buildings were badly affected by the fire. 「侵襲」
    例2: The divorce affected every aspect of her life.「影響」
    例3: It’s a disease which affects mainly older people.「侵擾」
    例4: I was deeply affected by the film. (= It caused strong feelings in me). 「打動」

    2. 把than寫成then
    (O) His dog is more adorable than mine.
    (X) His dog is more adorable then mine.

    3. fewer與less的用法搞混
    fewer (adj.) + 可數名詞 He keeps fewer dogs than I do.
    less (adj.) + 不可數名詞 He had less soup than I did.

    * 值得一提的是,如果是想要用”number”這個詞來表達”較少的數目”,可以說”smaller number”,為何用”smaller”呢?根據維基百科( goo.gl/f3vRxA),對於number要使用fewer還是less似乎有不少的爭議,可自行前往該網站觀覽,但是smaller number是不會錯的用法。

    4. 搞混few, a few, little, a little的用法
    few (adj.) = nearly nothing 幾乎沒有 + 可數名詞
    a few (adj.) = some but not many 很少 + 可數名詞
    little (adj.) = nearly nothing 幾乎沒有 + 不可數名詞
    a little (adj.) = some but not much 很少 + 不可數名詞

    5, 分詞構句前後主詞不一致
    例: (X) Bursting into tears, I tried to comfort Nancy.
    (O) When Nancy burst into tears, I tried to comfort her.

    6. 常常會把lie與lay搞混了,其實很多美國人也會搞混,所以多注意吧!
    lie (V.) 說謊
    lay (V.) 放置; 鋪設

    "說謊": lie-lied-lied (現在分詞:lying)
    "躺": lie-lay-lain (現在分詞:lying)
    "放置": lay-laid-laid (現在分詞:laying)

    7. 使用雙引號的時候,句號逗錯地方,逗號要逗在雙引號裡面:
    (X) “You are fabulous”.
    (O) “You are fabulous.”

    8. 否定的”也”,要用”nor”不用”not”
    例: He didn’t go to the party, nor did I.

    9. everyday與every day
    everyday是形容詞,表示每天的;every day是副詞,表示每日、每天
    (O) He wakes up at 8: 00 every day.
    (X) He wakes up at 8:00 everyday.

    10. 搞混Borrow跟lend的用法,兩者的差別其實很好記!
    borrow (V.) take and use (something that belongs to someone else) with the intention of returning it 借入
    lend (V.) grant to (someone) the use of (something) on the understanding that it shall be returned 借出

  • lying躺 在 Eric's English Lounge Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2013-04-11 16:54:08
    有 48 人按讚


    Difference between lay and lie (lie 和 lay 的區別)

    Simple Explanation:

    lay (放,擱;下蛋)
    lay 的過去式,過去分詞,現在分詞分別是:laid, laid, laying

    lie (躺,位於)
    lie的過去式,過去分詞,現在分詞分別是:lay, lain, lying

    lie (說謊)
    lie的過去式,過去分詞,現在分詞分別是:lied, lied, lying

    lay做動詞原形時解為放,擱;下蛋, 此外可以表示lie的過去式!

    lay(放置;下蛋) ,lie(平躺),lie(說謊) 這幾個詞語怎麼區別記憶啊?

    原形 過去式 過去分詞 現在分詞
    lay laid laid laying - 放置,下蛋
    lie lay lain lying - 平躺,位於
    lie lied lied lying - 說謊

    Source and more sample sentences: http://www.tesoon.com/ask/htm/03/10881.htm


    Detailed Explanation:


    ① He wasn't telling the truth. He lied again/He was lying.

    ②She lied to us about her job. 她就她的工作對我們撒了謊

    [注意]表示這一意思時,lie可用作名詞。我們一般說tell a lie或tell lies,而不說say/talk/speak a lie(或lies)。再如:Lies cannot cover up facts.(謊言掩蓋不了事實。)如要說“我痛恨說謊話”,可以說I hate lying或I

    hate telling lies,一般不說I hate lie或I hate to lie。hate to lie儘管句法正確,但似乎含有“雖然不願,但仍不得不說謊”之意。


    ①He's still lying in bed. 他還躺在床上。

    ②He felt tired, so he lay down for a rest. 他感到疲勞,所以去躺下休息了。

    ③His books lay open on the desk when I went in. 我進去時,發現他的書平攤在書桌上。

    ④Snow lay thick on the fields. 田野裡覆蓋著厚厚的一層雪。

    ⑤Don't leave your things lying about. 別把東西四處亂丟。

    ⑥The city lies in the north of China. 那座城市位於中國的北部。

    ⑦His success lay in hard work. 他的成功在於努力。


    ①He laid his hand on my shoulder. 他把手放在我的肩上。

    ② The mother laid the baby gently on the bed. 母親把嬰兒輕輕放在床上。

    ③ John laid out the silverware. / John set the table. 約翰擺好餐具。

    ④ The hen is laying an egg. 母雞在下蛋。

    注意】我們可以這樣理解,lay強調動作,而lie強調狀態。比如我們要描述一個躺在床上的嬰兒,如果要強調媽媽把孩子放在床上的動作,就可以說:Mother laid the baby gently on the bed.如果要強調“孩子是躺在床上的”這種狀態,就要說:The baby lying on the bed was my little sister.



    Source: http://gmat.baoming.com/13/118830/

    Q: Why is English so difficult?
    A: Because English teachers need a job (and enjoy torturing students).

  • lying躺 在 May Fit Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2021-09-11 21:00:09

    居家20分鐘蜜桃臀訓練 (含伸展&暖身)
    Side to side banded squat 阻力深蹲螃蟹走
    Banded Monster walk 怪獸行走
    Banded squat pulses 深蹲跳頓
    Standing banded abduction 站姿阻力開合
    Rest 休息一下
    1 & 1/2lunge(right) 1又1/2跨步蹲(右)
    1 & 1/2lunge (left) 1又1/2跨步蹲(左)
    Side lunge pulses (right) 側跨步蹲停頓(右)
    Side lunge pulses (left) 側跨步蹲停頓(左)
    Banded Rainbow lunge (right ) 阻力彩虹跨步蹲(右)
    Banded Rainbow lunge (left) 阻力彩虹跨步蹲(左)
    Rest 休息一下
    Banded Frog pump 阻力青蛙臀橋
    Single thrust + hold(right) 單腳臀橋 + 停留(右)
    Single thrust + hold (left)單腳臀橋 + 停留(左)
    Banded side lying hip abduction+ hold(right) 側躺阻力開腳 + 停留(右)
    Banded side lying hip abduction+ hold (left)側躺阻力開腳 + 停留(左)
    Fire hydrant into leg lift (right) 小狗抬腳變化型(右)
    Donkey pulses(right) 驢子抬腳停頓(左)
    Fire hydrant into leg lift(left) 小狗抬腳變化型(右)
    Donkey pulses (left) 驢子抬腳停頓(左)
    粉嫩運動服 來自 @flesactive

    我推薦給小資女孩的女力健身app (加入享十四天免費試用) ▶http://join.nuli.app/may_youtube
    追蹤May Fit instagram ▶ https://www.instagram.com/may8572fit/
    品牌Line官方帳號專屬ID: @mayufit ▶ https://lin.ee/tiQ1zgb
    更多May Fit居家徒手/啞鈴訓練 ▶ https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLol39BuP8rM-6l2PNZqXFETC6oCkjnXoi
    健身初學女孩必看!人氣觀念影片▶ https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLol39BuP8rM_llhEej42eRX9SnogqW8yz
    Music by Jumper Keellu, Someone Else & TH3 DARP - Above (feat. Coal Blaak) - https://thmatc.co/?l=97A9A957
    Music by Tiana Kocher - FWU - https://thmatc.co/?l=06E10B2B
    Music by Neovaii - Runaway - https://thmatc.co/?l=E54B69E3
    Music by KINGDM - Edge - https://thmatc.co/?l=83D1208B
    Music by Animus Volt - I Can Feel It - https://thmatc.co/?l=7C4658AA
    Music by Jennifer Zhang - Talking Loud - https://thmatc.co/?l=8BEA2A3C
    Music by Tiana Kocher - Por Tiempo - https://thmatc.co/?l=AEDB6AE5
    Music by Casey Cook - Around You - https://thmatc.co/?l=AB08A5EB

  • lying躺 在 May Fit Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2021-07-28 21:01:07


    0:00 Intro
    0:23 弓箭步蹲(Lunge)
    1:18 弓步蹲進階變化 (Lunge variation)
    1:59 保加利亞分腿蹲 (Split squat )
    2:49 羅馬尼亞硬舉 (Romanian deadlift )
    4:16 單腳硬舉 (Single-leg deadlift)
    4:56 單腳硬舉進階變化 (Single-leg deadlift variation)
    5:08 保加利亞硬舉 (Bulgarian deadlift)
    5:43 單腳臀橋 (Single leg thrust )
    6:16 單腳臀橋進階變化 (Single leg thrust variation)
    7:03 側躺蛤蠣開腳 (Side lying abduction)
    8:33 側躺跪姿開腳 (Side lying hip raise)
    9:27 介紹暖身動作
    11:00 動作節奏
    11:53 訓練頻率建議
    12:48 飲食建議
    the Glute Lab: The Art and Science of Strength and Physique Training by Bret Contreras

    獨家聯名豹紋翹臀圈(附贈居家美臀電子書) 連結:
    追蹤May Fit instagram ▶ https://www.instagram.com/may8572fit/
    追蹤品牌Line官方帳號專屬ID: @mayufit ▶ https://lin.ee/tiQ1zgb
    更多May Fit居家徒手/啞鈴訓練 ▶ https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLol39BuP8rM-6l2PNZqXFETC6oCkjnXoi
    健身初學女孩必看!人氣觀念影片▶ https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLol39BuP8rM_llhEej42eRX9SnogqW8yz

    Music by Eric Reprid - Basement - https://thmatc.co/?l=ABBC3D83
    Music by Fiji Blue - Space Makes Me Sad - https://thmatc.co/?l=A3C7F391
    Music by VALNTN - CSWIA (feat. Austin Armstrong) - https://thmatc.co/?l=228A3987
    Music by Lia Farrington - I Am the One - https://thmatc.co/?l=FE0E0905
    Music by DJ GONZ - Stumble and Get Up - https://thmatc.co/?l=9D260F14

  • lying躺 在 Gina music Youtube 的精選貼文

    2021-06-13 18:30:00

    Don't forget to turn on the bell icon for future uploads 🔔✔️

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    ▶ Download / Stream link : https://fanlink.to/lalonely

    👑Fly By Midnight



    I, I can’t pay my rent right now
    我 雖然我現在付不起房租
    But I can buy you a drink
    Let’s not talk how we think
    Cause you
    因為 你呀
    You don’t need that stress right now
    You’re so calm and it kills me
    It’s not your fault that I’m empty yeah

    Sweep it under the sheets yeah
    Put your hands all on me yeah
    I should feel it but I don’t
    I'm lying with you in NoHo
    It don’t really feel like home so
    I should call you but I won’t

    Cause I’m so LA
    I’m so LA lonely oh now
    I’m so LA
    I’m so LA lonely
    And I’d ask you to stay
    But even when you hold me
    I know I’m so LA
    I’m so LA lonely

    All, all my friends are out right now
    At a dive in New York
    Have you been there before?
    No you
    You stay up you don’t go downtown
    你喜歡熬夜 卻不想進城
    And that's okay 'cause I like you
    沒關係 因為我喜歡你
    But no I’m not really like you so

    Sweep it under the sheets yeah
    Put your hands all on me yeah
    I should feel it but I don’t
    我本該有所感受 但並沒有
    I’m lying to you that’s so sad
    我對你說謊 感覺很糟
    Acting like I don’t know that
    I should call you and I won’t
    我應該去找你 但並不會
    And that’s wrong

    Cause I’m so LA
    因為 我心在洛杉磯
    I'm so LA lonely, oh, now
    I’m so LA
    I’m so LA lonely
    And I’d ask you to stay
    But even when you hold me
    I know I’m so LA
    我知道 我心在洛杉磯
    I’m so LA lonely

    歌詞翻譯: 本尼托先生

    #FlyByMidnight #LAlonely #Lyrics #西洋歌曲推薦