

在 luxury中文產品中有72篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過7,478的網紅尹俐 Julia,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 身為一個球鞋重度愛好者! 你一定擁有至少一雙以上的Nike~ 那麼, 有空拿起鞋盒研究一下~你看懂了什麼? 尺寸篇: M(Men):成人男生尺寸。 WMNS(Woman):成人女生尺寸。 GS(Grade School):大童尺寸。大童有時也會特別分成男童(BG,Boy's Grade)、女童(...

 同時也有139部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過71萬的網紅VOGUE Taiwan,也在其Youtube影片中提到,一名25歲的行銷經理兼線上私廚Courtnee Futch住在收入49000台幣的閣樓公寓中,向我們展示了她生活中的一切。 除了朝九晚五的行銷工作外,Courtnee還在她自己的公寓內經營著一家線上糕點店以及一家私廚服務以及晚餐派對服務。 Courtnee分享了自己DIY的傢俱,讓她的公寓保持時尚和...

luxury中文 在 陳柏頤 創玩家|山行者|旅行咖|生活顧問 Instagram 的精選貼文

2021-08-02 15:10:27

退伍後​ 一個因緣際會之下​ 認識了一群擁有共同愛好的人​ 也一起踏上了楓葉王國的舞台​ 展開了一趟永生難忘的旅程​ 我的夢境也就此展開​ --------------------​ ​ 【沒有家人的旅行】​ 第一次與家人以外的朋友​ 踏上不同的國度​ 享受沒有任何拘束的旅程​ -​ 【高空中的飛機...

luxury中文 在 Foodie Taiwan | 台北美食 | 台灣美食 Instagram 的最讚貼文

2021-07-11 07:38:51

#EatatHome #在家吃美食 ❤️ 真真庵 壽司 割烹 👉🏻 @sushi_shin_shin_an ⠀ 🇹🇼(中文) 真真庵壽司割烹疫情期間限定外帶便當 在家也可以吃到浮誇的壽司🍣 訂餐方式去 @4foodie 或是 @sushi_shin_shin_an 個人簡介點擊網址填表單🍣 💲菜單...

  • luxury中文 在 尹俐 Julia Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-09-09 20:56:59
    有 15 人按讚

    身為一個球鞋重度愛好者! 你一定擁有至少一雙以上的Nike~
    那麼, 有空拿起鞋盒研究一下~你看懂了什麼?

    GS(Grade School):大童尺寸。大童有時也會特別分成男童(BG,Boy's Grade)、女童(GG,Girl's Grade) 兩種。

    SE(Special Edition): 特別版本
    OG (Original Generaion):原版
    SC(Sports Classic):經典運動鞋
    QS(Quick strike) :指的就是無預警發售的球鞋
    EP(Engineered Performance):中文翻譯就是性能加強版的意思

    PE(Play Exclusive):通常指的是球員專屬版本,一般來說也是品牌專門為球員量身打造的鞋款,不管是性能還是鞋身設計都與一般球鞋有很大的區別。此外,另一個球員相關的球鞋 ASG/AS (All Star Game)
    NU(New):以 OG 為藍本所復刻的 AJ 球鞋,其實意思有點類似 Retro 只不過 NU 泛指的是 AJ 的球鞋。

    suede (n.) 麂皮
    daim or (n.) 黃鹿
    voile (n.) 薄紗
    SL(Smooth Leather):指的就是光滑人造皮革的材質(如阿甘鞋)
    PL(Patent Leather):一般大多都是漆皮或是具有光澤、亮面的材質
    WR(Water Resistant): 防水材質

    CL(Classic):代表 Classic 基本的款式,也就是我們一般最常見的基本款球鞋。
    PRM(Premium):CL 的進階版就是 PRM。



  • luxury中文 在 吳文遠 Avery Ng Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-05-24 15:23:35
    有 753 人按讚

    【吳文遠十一遊行案法庭陳詞 — 中文譯本】



    當我在國外生活了多年後回到香港定居時,我為這個我自豪地稱之為家的城市,存在如此嚴重的社會不平等而感到困惑和擔憂。 令我震驚的是,社會如何漠視對窮人和少數族裔的歧視。既有的社會結構,有時甚至會鼓勵這種歧視繼續發生。同時,我們也無法一如其它地方,享有基本的民主權利和自由。











    Avery Ng Man Yuen’s Statement

    Your Honour,

    I was brought up by my parents to value the importance of empathy, to care and to feel for others in our community less fortunate. Although I enjoyed great success early in my career, I never had a desire to pursue personal wealth in the more traditional sense.

    When I settled back in Hong Kong after years of living abroad, I was baffled and disturbed by how severe the social inequality existed in a city I am proud to call my home. I was struck at how discrimination against the poor and the minorities far too often goes ignored or can even at times is encouraged by the established social structure; and how we cannot have the basic democratic rights and freedoms that other places enjoy.

    These were my motivations to join social activism and enter into politics. I chose to spend my energy to speak for the underprivileged, the disenchanted and often ignored segments of society. To offer a voice for those who could not speak for themselves.

    Compared to many, I am privileged to have a great education and a certain level of financial freedom and social standing. We are fortunate enough to be able to lead comfortable lives and have the freedom to choose the path that we take. I chose to fight for social equality. Many of those in this court are not that much different. We all love Hong Kong, the place we call home. We chose our different roles in life but with the same aim: to serve others.

    Sadly, I fear that many of us are increasingly the exception to the rule. Today far too many Hong Kong people do not have that chance, whether that is our elderly who live in poverty, marginalized youth with few opportunities for social mobility, or workers who give up all their time slaving away to provide the bare minimum for their families. These people all struggle to make ends meet with very limited options in life. “Choice” for them is a luxury that they cannot afford. Let alone having the gratification of being able to dictate their own destiny.

    I recognise, with the pressures of life, it is often difficult for people to see beyond their own social bubble. It is harder still to acquire empathy for strangers. Polarized political division increasingly has driven a wedge between people, making it sometimes impossible for people to understand and empathise with one another, to disagree agreeably, and attempt to find some level of compromise.

    It has always been my hope that a more democratic system could be the bridge that heals this social divide or at the very least allow us to choose how we can live together in our home.

    I’m certain that none of us in this court wanted to see the turmoil in 2019, which has seen our whole society suffer regardless of political preference. Distrust, hatred, and fear has engulfed Hong Kong. Today is certainly not the right forum for this immense topic. However, I hope the court can understand that the Judiciary alone cannot resolve the deep-rooted socio-political divide which exist.

    It will take our collective strength, courage, honesty, and empathy to mend our home. Looking at my fellow defendants with their extraordinary history in serving this society, I believe they can do far greater good among us in society than being locked in prison.

    In pursuit of the rights of all Hong Kong people, I have broken the law. I am prepared to face the court’s judgement. I am proud to be in the company of my esteemed fellows who have spent their lives championing the rule of law, fighting for the democracy and voicing for the voiceless.

    I believe the storm-clouds that currently reside over our home will one day lift, and make way for a bright and clear day. I believe love and empathy will eventually prevail.
    文遠交低話大家記住一定要撐 #文遠Patreon 呀!


  • luxury中文 在 國立故宮博物院 National Palace Museum Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-05-09 00:00:00
    有 650 人按讚

    晝夜無間 詠時辰
    請您來觀賞本院典藏,繪有小天使圖案的宮廷珍寶--懷錶佩飾。 💘

    長4.66公分 厚1.07公分 徑3.32公分


    錶面採白色琺瑯地,羅馬字雙套三針式,錶殼內鑄刻皇冠形圈飾,內有中文「播喴」二字,係瑞士製錶家族Bovet 的中譯廠牌名稱。




    Pair of "Bovet" pocket watches with pearls and painted enamel, 19th century

    Ever since they were brought to China during the Ming and Qing eras, western clocks and watches were held in high esteem and much beloved by the imperial court, government officials, and merchant class, and they eventually became an important medium for cultural interaction between China and the west during the modern era. Pocket watches, with their intricate design and wearable nature, became not only a convenient instrument for telling the time, but also a status symbol and precious collectable.

    The watch face is made of white enamel, with two sets of Roman numerals and three hands. On the inner side of the watch case, a circular crown marking can be found, within which the Chinese characters “Bo Wei” spell out the Chinese translation for “Bovet”, the Swiss family of luxury watchmakers.

    💘The enamel imagery of this pair of pocket watches centers on three adorable cupids, one of which holds aloft in both hands a floral basket overflowing with fruit, while a sash weaves around his body and drapes from the sky, while the other two sit nestled against each other. The cupids are surrounded by red and white roses in full bloom, as well as other vividly depicted flowers of many forms and hues. Wash techniques are employed to give an air of soft beauty to the clouds and sky in the background, and the rich light and dark contrasts lend a three-dimensional effect to the hair and skin of the cupids, as well as the surrounding flowers and leaves.👨‍💻

    More information:

    #故宮典藏精選 #NPM_Selections

  • luxury中文 在 VOGUE Taiwan Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2021-05-07 22:00:07

    一名25歲的行銷經理兼線上私廚Courtnee Futch住在收入49000台幣的閣樓公寓中,向我們展示了她生活中的一切。 除了朝九晚五的行銷工作外,Courtnee還在她自己的公寓內經營著一家線上糕點店以及一家私廚服務以及晚餐派對服務。 Courtnee分享了自己DIY的傢俱,讓她的公寓保持時尚和舒適感。 她還解釋了將更多的錢投資於廚具和家用傢俱的重要性。
    年薪220萬24歲女孩的紐約生活 ►► https://smarturl.it/6n1858
    #私廚 #女人 #生活好薪情

    【 其他熱門主題】
    讓喜歡的事變生活!Good Job! ► http://smarturl.it/r7si6s
    芭蕾舞者們的血淚史 ► http://smarturl.it/uhot5l
    唐綺陽12星座深入剖析 ► http://smarturl.it/in8eqp
    美容編輯正芳隨你問 ► http://smarturl.it/zf5840
    口音、服裝專家拆解經典電影 ► http://smarturl.it/zcbgmf
    ★訂閱VOGUE TAIWAN Youtube:http://smarturl.it/xbtuuy
    ★VOGUE TAIWAN 官網:http://www.vogue.com.tw/live/
    ★VOGUE TAIWAN Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/VogueTW/
    ★VOGUE TAIWAN Instagram:https://www.instagram.com/voguetaiwan/
    ★VOGUE TAIWAN LINE:https://reurl.cc/V66qNn
    ★美人會不會 FB社團:http://hyperurl.co/rgfitl

    ▷ Make sure you subscribe to my channel and hit the notification bell, so you don’t miss any of my new videos → http://smarturl.it/xbtuuy
    ※關於時尚,VOGUE說了算!自從1892年第一本VOGUE在美國出版以來,至今已有122年的歷史,始終被時尚專業人士所推崇,因此榮譽為Fashion Bible時尚聖經。
    ※台灣VOGUE隸屬Condé Nast Interculture Group,相關國外影片皆由國外授權提供給台灣使用,台灣VOGUE秉持服務網友,讓更多中文語系觀眾可以看到國際影片跟中文字幕,所以在此頻道分享給大家,如果喜歡我們的頻道,請訂閱我們,我們將會持續努力帶來更多優質內容。

  • luxury中文 在 VOGUE Taiwan Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2021-04-30 22:00:33

    女演員的巴黎公寓充滿旅行足跡 ►► https://smarturl.it/aayjl1
    #紐約 #女人 #生活好薪情

    【 其他熱門主題】
    讓喜歡的事變生活!Good Job! ► http://smarturl.it/r7si6s
    芭蕾舞者們的血淚史 ► http://smarturl.it/uhot5l
    唐綺陽12星座深入剖析 ► http://smarturl.it/in8eqp
    美容編輯正芳隨你問 ► http://smarturl.it/zf5840
    口音、服裝專家拆解經典電影 ► http://smarturl.it/zcbgmf
    ★訂閱VOGUE TAIWAN Youtube:http://smarturl.it/xbtuuy
    ★VOGUE TAIWAN 官網:http://www.vogue.com.tw/live/
    ★VOGUE TAIWAN Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/VogueTW/
    ★VOGUE TAIWAN Instagram:https://www.instagram.com/voguetaiwan/
    ★VOGUE TAIWAN LINE:https://reurl.cc/V66qNn
    ★美人會不會 FB社團:http://hyperurl.co/rgfitl
    ★訂閱GQ TAIWAN Youtube:http://bit.ly/2fBjdcD
    ★GQ TAIWAN官網:http://www.gq.com.tw/
    ★GQ TAIWAN粉絲專頁:http://smarturl.it/r9gauv
    ★GQ TAIWAN Instagram:https://pse.is/JVNES
    ★GQ TAIWAN LINE:https://pse.is/FX7T4

    ▷ Make sure you subscribe to my channel and hit the notification bell, so you don’t miss any of my new videos → http://smarturl.it/xbtuuy
    ※關於時尚,VOGUE說了算!自從1892年第一本VOGUE在美國出版以來,至今已有122年的歷史,始終被時尚專業人士所推崇,因此榮譽為Fashion Bible時尚聖經。
    ※台灣VOGUE隸屬Condé Nast Interculture Group,相關國外影片皆由國外授權提供給台灣使用,台灣VOGUE秉持服務網友,讓更多中文語系觀眾可以看到國際影片跟中文字幕,所以在此頻道分享給大家,如果喜歡我們的頻道,請訂閱我們,我們將會持續努力帶來更多優質內容。

  • luxury中文 在 VOGUE Taiwan Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2021-04-19 22:00:16

    娜歐蜜·坎貝兒出門吃飯都要「盛裝打扮」►► https://smarturl.it/5h99wd
    今天AD雜誌帶你到肯亞的印度洋海岸,參觀超模「黑珍珠」娜歐蜜·坎貝兒的豪華別墅。多年來,作為時尚開拓者和Fashion icon,因此娜歐蜜必須有一個休閒放鬆的地方,而寧靜的海濱小鎮馬林迪(Malindi)被超模認證是理想地點。娜歐蜜說:“這是一個非常平靜的地方。” 你也不會想使用電話、不會要看電視,你只想閱讀並擁有自己的時刻。

    ★VOGUE TAIWAN尊重網路言論自由,同時更重視多元以及平等的生活權利,任何歧視、不當的謾罵和不理智的言論實已觸法,並非我們樂見,VOGUE TAIWAN有權將任何帶有歧視字眼、辱罵等言論,隱藏處理。
    #娜歐蜜坎貝兒 #豪華別墅 #打開名人豪宅

    【 其他熱門主題】
    讓喜歡的事變生活!Good Job! ► http://smarturl.it/r7si6s
    芭蕾舞者們的血淚史 ► http://smarturl.it/uhot5l
    唐綺陽12星座深入剖析 ► http://smarturl.it/in8eqp
    美容編輯正芳隨你問 ► http://smarturl.it/zf5840
    口音、服裝專家拆解經典電影 ► http://smarturl.it/zcbgmf
    ★訂閱VOGUE TAIWAN Youtube:http://smarturl.it/xbtuuy
    ★VOGUE TAIWAN 官網:http://www.vogue.com.tw/live/
    ★VOGUE TAIWAN Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/VogueTW/
    ★VOGUE TAIWAN Instagram:https://www.instagram.com/voguetaiwan/
    ★VOGUE TAIWAN LINE:https://reurl.cc/V66qNn
    ★美人會不會 FB社團:http://hyperurl.co/rgfitl
    ★訂閱GQ TAIWAN Youtube:http://bit.ly/2fBjdcD
    ★GQ TAIWAN官網:http://www.gq.com.tw/
    ★GQ TAIWAN粉絲專頁:http://smarturl.it/r9gauv
    ★GQ TAIWAN Instagram:https://pse.is/JVNES
    ★GQ TAIWAN LINE:https://pse.is/FX7T4

    ▷ Make sure you subscribe to my channel and hit the notification bell, so you don’t miss any of my new videos → http://smarturl.it/xbtuuy
    ※關於時尚,VOGUE說了算!自從1892年第一本VOGUE在美國出版以來,至今已有122年的歷史,始終被時尚專業人士所推崇,因此榮譽為Fashion Bible時尚聖經。
    ※台灣VOGUE隸屬Condé Nast Interculture Group,相關國外影片皆由國外授權提供給台灣使用,台灣VOGUE秉持服務網友,讓更多中文語系觀眾可以看到國際影片跟中文字幕,所以在此頻道分享給大家,如果喜歡我們的頻道,請訂閱我們,我們將會持續努力帶來更多優質內容。

