

在 lungo咖啡杯產品中有1篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過3萬的網紅ChauKei S. Ngai 魏秋琪,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 【 Nespresso X 星級咖啡師 ChauKei S. Ngai 魏秋琪】 身兼瑜珈導師的雙職媽媽 Chaukei(魏秋琪)對日常飲食、生活習慣都非常有要求,更特別注重自己及家人健康!今次 Chaukei 以全新「匠心之作」咖啡系列中、具濃烈而均衡烘焙香的 Scuro 咖啡粉囊,與您分...

lungo咖啡杯 在 三家姐 Instagram 的最讚貼文

2021-04-19 17:54:24

喺瑞典生活七年,瑞典人教我要適時坐低飲杯咖啡,食個包唞唞,佢哋叫呢件事Fika。 不過Fika對瑞典人嚟講,又何止一杯咖啡加個甜包咁簡單?Fika可以係個名詞,同時係動詞,更加係一種善待自己嘅生活態度。就好似我哋香港人嘅飲茶咁,從來唔止係關於杯茶或點心,而係同三五知己一齊去茶樓坐低食個點心、傾下計...

lungo咖啡杯 在 HK Foodie Ü Instagram 的最讚貼文

2020-04-21 14:01:14

Cafe小店with自家烘焙bagel☕️💛 ▫️ 🥯ʙᴀɢᴇʟ· Chicken Wasabi Mayonnaise $48 ﹟店員會幫忙烘熱, 所以個bagel外邊脆脆地, 咬落係有d煙韌既口感😎勁鐘意佢個醬!蛋黃醬巧妙地地中和左wasabi醬既果種辣勁, 食到最後先會開始feel到有d野係個鼻...

  • lungo咖啡杯 在 ChauKei S. Ngai 魏秋琪 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2019-06-04 22:36:50
    有 10 人按讚

    【 Nespresso X 星級咖啡師 ChauKei S. Ngai 魏秋琪】

    身兼瑜珈導師的雙職媽媽 Chaukei(魏秋琪)對日常飲食、生活習慣都非常有要求,更特別注重自己及家人健康!今次 Chaukei 以全新「匠心之作」咖啡系列中、具濃烈而均衡烘焙香的 Scuro 咖啡粉囊,與您分享能夠補充營養又富飽肚感的《杏仁咖啡配奇亞籽》咖啡食譜。對健康有所追求的您,早餐從此有多項選擇!

    《 杏仁咖啡配奇亞籽 》簡易食譜:
    1)將奇亞籽浸泡於水,成啫喱狀後將其倒入 Nespresso REVEAL Lungo 玻璃咖啡杯
    2)將 40 毫升杏仁奶倒入杯中
    3)調製 1 份 Barista Creations 系列的 Scuro 濃縮咖啡,並加入杯中
    4)製作幼滑奶泡層:將杏仁奶倒入 Barista 沖調器至最低標記線,然後揀選「Latte Art」模式
    6)最後撒上 Granola 燕麥片作點綴,即可享用

    立即探索全新Barista Creations「匠心之作」咖啡系列:https://bit.ly/2YWEXkL

    #NespressoHK #BaristaCreations #MilkCoffee #Whatelse

    【Nespresso X Celebrity Barista @ChauKei Ngai】

    Balancing life as a yoga coach and mom, Chaukei is always on the lookout for healthy habits for herself and her family. That’s why she has created this recipe – “Almond Coffee with Chia Seeds”, using the strong and balanced coffee capsule, Scuro, from the new Barista Creations coffee range. Designed to top up your energy and relieve your hunger, this recipe makes a great new breakfast option for any health-conscious individual.

    Create it yourself by following this simple step-by-step recipe:
    1. Soak chia seeds in water until they become jelly-like, then pour them into a Nespresso Reveal Lungo glass
    2. Add 40ml almond milk
    3. Extract 1 espresso shot of Barista Creations – Scuro directly into the glass
    4. Create a milk foam layer: Pour almond milk into the Barista Recipe Maker up to the minimum marking, and choose the “LATTE ART” function
    5. Pour the almond milk foam on top of the coffee
    6. Garnish with granola

    Explore the new Barista Creations coffee range now: https://bit.ly/2HMHoR2

