

在 lugging中文產品中有1篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過3萬的網紅Travel with Winny 一起跟昀去旅行,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 【心情隨筆】今天看到 文茜的世界周報 Sisy's World News 分享在TED上的一位花一年的時間閱讀來自世界各地每個國家的一本書的女孩😊 我覺得很有意思,特地分享給大家看🙂 自從手機的出現,大家閱讀的時間也越來越少,但我對「書中自有黃金屋」這句話深信不疑📚 尤其是自傳,更能讓人從中學到成...

  • lugging中文 在 Travel with Winny 一起跟昀去旅行 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2017-11-03 19:58:10
    有 128 人按讚

    【心情隨筆】今天看到 文茜的世界周報 Sisy's World News 分享在TED上的一位花一年的時間閱讀來自世界各地每個國家的一本書的女孩😊 我覺得很有意思,特地分享給大家看🙂 自從手機的出現,大家閱讀的時間也越來越少,但我對「書中自有黃金屋」這句話深信不疑📚 尤其是自傳,更能讓人從中學到成功與失敗,了解不同的文化及背景 📖

    在這年的旅遊觀察後,我發先亞洲人帶最重的東西是相機📷 而外國人帶最重的則是書,並且都當地有關🌎 書讀完後便會留在青年旅舍,給下一位有緣旅者繼續閱讀📘 剛開始我很不解,當個背包客帶那麼多書做什麼?給自己添麻煩😂 😂😂

    後來去尼泊爾爬聖母峰基地營時,在山中小屋隨手翻了一本關於登山的自傳,開啟了了我想要在旅行之前閱讀該地方的故事的慾望🤔 這想法就像潘朵拉的盒子一樣,一發不可收拾!可惜旅行的時間有限,又要整理照片,整理部落格,能夠好好在旅途中看書感的願望覺好遙遠😫 最近我們開始了睡前至少看幾頁書,希望可以回到小時候沉於書本世界的習慣📚 希望下次旅行前我可以對該國更有深會的體驗,並把手機中毒變成書中毒😊 Ps. YouTube 影片可以選擇中文翻譯唷~

    Today this video on TED caught my eyes, about this girl who aimed to read a book from every country in the world😊 I was quite inspired by what she did, as since the birth of cell phones, the amount of time people spend on reading has dramatically decreased 📚 I think book reading is a habit that we shouldn't give up, you learn so much from works of literature📖

    Often I see travellers have multiple books in their backpacks, even though they look heavy, but they look very enjoyable while they have the book in hand📘 In contrast to Asian travellers, who most probably lugging around a huge camera instead📷

    I think my desire to read books on destinations I travelled to began when I started flipping through the book on conquering Everest while I was on EBC🤔 From then on, I wish I have the luxury to enjoy a book while travelling instead of tidying photos, typing blogs😫 As of a few weeks ago, York and I started reading before bedtime, hopefully reading will become a new addiction that we can't live without 😊

